God cannot be pleased with this... yesterday morning i woke up with tears streaming down my cheek & the thought that it’s not worth living in a world like this... complacency 360... this is war & the sooner you realize it & act accordingly, the better.

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Amen. Each moment is a moment to be thankful for. Stay strong.

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It's definitely worth living in this world as we fight back against this tyranny.

Join with others in this fight if you haven't already. We will win.

All the best.

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This article is terrifying and so easily dismissed as a conspiracy. Some people will grasp at parts thinking it will save them from sickness and death. Because of their failure to understand human frailties, they will refuse to see how this flies in the face of the laws of God and Nature's law.

In order to see where this evil leads, we must try to understand the thinking of these elites who surely studied Plato. The elite are meant to lead and the rest are meant to serve. Also, population must be controlled so there will enough clean air, water and food for the elite. Do you think the elites will consume impossible meat that is full of chemicals and less nutrients?

I could write a diatribe of the hubris and arrogance, but those reading this are all to aware of the dangers. Instead we must figure out how to warn others. Spiritual ideas are being suppressed and ridiculed by those in control, and those efforts have infiltrated every aspect of our culture, including the churches.

Personally I'm glad that I'm too old to see how this plays out.

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My hope is that this reaches someone here and there beyond those who already are aware and gets them thinking. That's why I encourage people to share, you never know. I realize many will dismiss it as conspiracy which is why I back everything up with facts. Everything I say in this essay is actually happening. It is very hard for people to think on a deeper level, connect the dots and acknowledge what is really happening. Thank you for reading.

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It's scary ! Where does it end ? These people are Godless .

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Yes, what can we do but keep on speaking the truth.

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This was such a powerful article. I was just thinking today that "covid" restrictions have just been the first downgrade (that I have lived through in full awareness), there are more downgrades planned, including what you describe in your article. The full awful implications are not yet here but soon will be unless we all continue to undergo the shift in consciousness that has been happening for the last two years. I feel that evil was pushed back and the plan to usher full central control was impeded by a mass awakening and a mass spiritual awakening. We need to keep building our spiritual strength and keep forging our own plans for a world that WE want.

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Great article.

Everything you are writing about is happening. However, it is important to keep in mind that these things are the ramblings and demented fantasies of deranged lunatics. All of these technocrats are misanthropic nut jobs who are a menace to society.

Their plans will never come to fruition even as they do loads of damage along the way.

The human spirit will prevail.

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Yes, certainly, as I wrote, whether or not they succeed, the fact is they have the means to keep on trying and in the process destroy us all. I cannot say if the human spirit will prevail, but we must do all we can to keep fighting.

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One more comment. Life begins at conception…for humans too. Not the moment brain cells begin development. Man is not brain alone. We are body and soul.

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Yes, true. I was referring to that moment when the embryo becomes human. Here, they are essentially admitting to the mystery of life. It was a big moment for me to see this admission and I don't think he even realized it.

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Dr Yuval Noah of the World Economic Forum tells us exactly what their transhumanism goals are here:

“Humans are hackable animals. This whole idea that they have this soul or spirit, and they have free will and nobody knows what’s happening inside of me, so whatever I choose, whether in the election or whether in the supermarket, this is my free will, that’s over."

Is it over? Are we hackable? Are we the sum total of the immensely complex biological machine which animates our bodies and our brains? Is free will and that sense of 'I' nothing more than the result of biochemical reactions following an entirely predictable path within a complex biological machine? Noah thinks so. He thinks he can insert a technological hack which will 'improve' on Nature's design and make us more amenable to external control at the same time. But there's a problem here. If we don't possess free will and have no ultimate say over our destiny, then neither does Noah - unless he really is God. In which case his 'plans' for humanity are not his plans; they just form part of a much wider scheme and he and his megalomaniac buddies in the WEF are merely pawns on the chess board thinking they are Gods.

What if God, the Creator, the Divine Spirit, whatever, has the last laugh here? What if Artificial Intelligence, which arrogant humans pride themselves on creating is, in the final analysis, just Intelligence? Recall Rutger Hauer's 'tears in rain' speech in Blade Runner. He wasn't meant to reflect upon his life, he wasn't meant to feel regret that it was about to be extinguished. He wasn't meant to save Harrison Ford at the last moment and then sit him down in order to hear his 'heart' felt final speech. 'Something' intruded into that complex machine brain of his and he became more like a human than a robot. Maybe that something was Soul, a spark emanating from the Divine Spirit. Maybe ALL machine-like intelligence, biological or technological, is hackable by the Creator, not by idiotic pretenders like Noah. Just a thought.

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No doubt the Creator will have the last laugh. And that last scene in Blade Runner is my favorite of all time!

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I'm not worried about genetic editing... It's a broken science just like virology


And the ai is not working, nor the brain chips.

They cannot read or write thoughts because we all store information differently, based on our past experience, much like encryption, but it's really coding that's different.

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100% this is a danger. "And there are grants for producing data, but hardly any for standing back in contemplation.” -John Maddox.

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To me, this is a glimpse of how horrific it will be if we are alive during the great TRIBULATION. Thank you for enlightening me with such a vast array of the horrifying real possibilities. Your research has not fallen on deaf ears.

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You are right in target. I just pray that enough see this and will stop this evil before it takes over. Thank you for writing this.

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Thank you. It's been great getting to know you over Twitter. I wish some day we could all meet and see each other's faces for real.

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Me too!!

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Great text with amazing information of the current zeitgeist.

I would recommend to translate it for other idioms, because it’s an open wide statement.

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I would welcome that.

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Thanks Karen. As ever thought provoking, well researched and beautifully written.

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Thank you

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When the people got access to my bioreading/thoughtreadings, they thought I'd lost my soul and spirit and became a Robot. But after two years of this crap, one thing became clear, for they could not interact with the real me being so lost in their virtual shadow representation of me, burnt into their mind like a bizarro world wallpaper, my soul and spirit grew bigger in solitude then anyone around as they kept dumbfounding themselves on ill translated and purposefully manipulated snippets for zombie brains that couldn't cope with anything called imagination or synoptic connections let alone.. feelings. Most magnificently.. for all their certainty that their online access to my being provides them all they need to know.. I've not met a single person who's got any clue whatsoever about what's really on my mind, the scamdemic analysis, the agenda's and how easy the solutions are that I have in mind.

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Thank you. Timely, but then again we are always living in a time of universal truths. Sometimes we are simply blind to them.

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I, UMAN...

"Whereas with Covid we were expected to give up our freedoms for the sake of our safety, we must now willingly give up our very lives for the safety of the State."

Can't figure out what "freedoms" are you referring to!

And we must willingly give up our lives in order to make this Planet a better Planet so that the Secular Ruling Families & Billionaires can LIVE AWESOME lives with safety, of course.

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For those still slaving in the Illusion that we're free...


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