"The LORD bless thee, and keep thee; the LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee; the LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace." Numbers 6: 24-26
Happy New Year Karen what a ride we've all had so happy always to see photos of the family (and of your wonderful artistry) I knew so long ago and may God bless you and Keep you as well as we carry on and fight on in this adventure called life !!
Thank you for your dedication to writing and sharing your truth. People like you keep me focused on the blessings of Jesus Christ and God's awesome creation.
I love the illustrations an' what a GIFT that you an' yer dad got to collaborate on such a sweet project!... I often heard from my own fam, "money doesn't grow on trees!" an' true it was!
ps growin' up, our temple cantor (who was trained as an opera singer too! had to literally decide 'tween The MET & bein' a cantor...)--btw he was a "survivor came to the US from Berlin at 15"-- would sing this verse from Numbers (he started it out with "May" as in "May the Lord bless thee...") an' it's one of my strongest memories--I always waxed "heterodox" worship wise but certain verses, songs, rituals just made a big an' comfortin' impression on me an' this verse was one of 'em... I didn't think some fella with a long beard & sandals sat onna sky throne defyin' gravity but I loved the idea that we are divinely blessed (no throne 'er sandals needed!), "kept" (held in love) an' that there was a smilin' countenance lookin' favorably up on us... Much more of a bigger presence that might fit in a gold-painted chair I thought!
I know we are in TURRIBLE times now so havin' the blessin's an' "divinely gracious countenance" upon us is both needed an' something in which we must trust, instinctively... I feel this is keepin' us goin' in the face of some powerful-dark forces... (amen ;-)
Those wonderful childhood memories are so important. And there is much good to be said for traditions. I've never been to a temple, at least not that I can remember. I would like to go one day.
yes yes they are (an' some things that I didn't really think were important--I now value as an adult--one of 'em was Sunday school lol).
I went ta church a few times with friends as a teen--I was curious!Even went to midnight mass with one. I also (in mah travels) would sometimes check out church services in Europe--even unusual ones like a Greek Orthodox service in Paris--all "greek to me" (lol) but it was just beautiful...
I think it'd be nice ta go to a temple service--a good cantor makes a big diff (the music is important an' demands a great set'a pipes!) The temple of my childhood sadly got "sold" when the neib. got dicey, but I kin recommend with a few caveats our NYC one if yer ever there. Temple Emanu-el, which is beautiful an' where the folks in charge are gracious an' kind, has two purdy good cantors an' always there are beautiful songs, sermons, lectures, concerts, even Broadway revues (nearly all free, open to the public--a few events require tickets). Regrettably they are WAY too much on the left which I never even saw before. (They have a lecture center... schedule here: https://streicker.nyc/ )
They've had people like Killary speak there and various neocons an' I just saw--omg--they've invited Alvin Bragg. Kin I just hide under a rock?! All I think of is OUCH. Durin' "covid con" they also imposed maskin' an' checked for Empire "green" passes an' banned anyone who didn't "check." So I'd recommend a visit with a caveat about the lectures... I know many good people attend and sadly the politics has "gotten to their heads." (yup TDS) but go, if yer in the city, like I sad, services are free... hopefully no masks any more!
I've wandered into many churches on my travels. In Sucre, Bolivia there's a church on every corner. When I lived in York, England there was a church on every corner and a pub facing it, do you could go from one to the other 😂.
But temples/synagogues aren't so common. There are quite a few in Los Angeles where I grew up by I would never think to wander into one.
yup, true--some the English churches are so beautiful too! (Never been to Bolivia bet they're interestin'...) True re temples. I dunno the ones in LA at all, but NY has some older temples--beautiful! We also enjoyed kids' activities at the restored Eldridge St. Synagogue--they have tours an' stuff there, events. Since 911 in many houses of worship in NYC (St Peters I know...St. Johns) no longer just let'cha wander in. BUT many temples an' likely churches too DO welcome anyone at service times--in many synagogues it's for the regular Friday nt. services. Some now offer them too online so you can check out the voices an' gitta sense of the "vibe"--they all rock differently. One (fergettin' the name) uptown that has a Rabbi (not the cantor but the rabbi!) with a fantastic voice...like an opera singer herself.
Yeah, it used ta be you would wander but in the name of "security" that stopped that... which makes the concept of safe haven...near impossible, no? (thinkin' of all the literature where folks safely hide in houses of worship but now they are locked down an' perhaps no longer sanctuaries... an upsettin' thought!)
(fwiw in the post I'm workin' on I larned a lot of the glass art work in older restored churches in the UK, some damaged by "the blitz," was done by jooish holocaust survivors who had that skill--the art is Christian art of course! interestin'!?!)...
I’ve been looking into maybe trying a grounding device for my bed as I sleep, for various health and well-being reasons.
As I read your paean to life and joy and faith just now, I was struck by how You, dear lady, are a grounding source in this crazy world. Thank you for being a positive and energizing force Karen. God bless you, and may He guide us all in the days ahead to reconnecting to Him and to one another.
It’s very dark, written before my epiphany but it is still very much inspired by my faith and I really want to get around to writing the sequel because there is much more that needs to be said.
Dear Karen, this is a delightful new year message. You are so inspiring.
I wish I had known you much earlier in my life, I did not have good roll models in my formative years.
My husband is that person. You are too. I am grateful to have you in my life.
Your enthusiasm, my goodness, your stories, your father, your family!! your artistry.
Happy Blessed hopeful and eager vision for the New Year to you and your readers!!!
Thank you, this is such a nice message! You are fortunate to have a good husband. God bless you both in the come year! ❤️
Love the illustrations! The battle is what most fear, yet desire, as the fear is what makes us feel.
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year Karen what a ride we've all had so happy always to see photos of the family (and of your wonderful artistry) I knew so long ago and may God bless you and Keep you as well as we carry on and fight on in this adventure called life !!
All these years, Melanie! God bless you. Much ❤️
Thank you for your dedication to writing and sharing your truth. People like you keep me focused on the blessings of Jesus Christ and God's awesome creation.
Thank-you for this. Wishing you a blessed New Year.
God bless ❤️
Happy Happy New Year Karen!
I love the illustrations an' what a GIFT that you an' yer dad got to collaborate on such a sweet project!... I often heard from my own fam, "money doesn't grow on trees!" an' true it was!
ps growin' up, our temple cantor (who was trained as an opera singer too! had to literally decide 'tween The MET & bein' a cantor...)--btw he was a "survivor came to the US from Berlin at 15"-- would sing this verse from Numbers (he started it out with "May" as in "May the Lord bless thee...") an' it's one of my strongest memories--I always waxed "heterodox" worship wise but certain verses, songs, rituals just made a big an' comfortin' impression on me an' this verse was one of 'em... I didn't think some fella with a long beard & sandals sat onna sky throne defyin' gravity but I loved the idea that we are divinely blessed (no throne 'er sandals needed!), "kept" (held in love) an' that there was a smilin' countenance lookin' favorably up on us... Much more of a bigger presence that might fit in a gold-painted chair I thought!
I know we are in TURRIBLE times now so havin' the blessin's an' "divinely gracious countenance" upon us is both needed an' something in which we must trust, instinctively... I feel this is keepin' us goin' in the face of some powerful-dark forces... (amen ;-)
Those wonderful childhood memories are so important. And there is much good to be said for traditions. I've never been to a temple, at least not that I can remember. I would like to go one day.
yes yes they are (an' some things that I didn't really think were important--I now value as an adult--one of 'em was Sunday school lol).
I went ta church a few times with friends as a teen--I was curious!Even went to midnight mass with one. I also (in mah travels) would sometimes check out church services in Europe--even unusual ones like a Greek Orthodox service in Paris--all "greek to me" (lol) but it was just beautiful...
I think it'd be nice ta go to a temple service--a good cantor makes a big diff (the music is important an' demands a great set'a pipes!) The temple of my childhood sadly got "sold" when the neib. got dicey, but I kin recommend with a few caveats our NYC one if yer ever there. Temple Emanu-el, which is beautiful an' where the folks in charge are gracious an' kind, has two purdy good cantors an' always there are beautiful songs, sermons, lectures, concerts, even Broadway revues (nearly all free, open to the public--a few events require tickets). Regrettably they are WAY too much on the left which I never even saw before. (They have a lecture center... schedule here: https://streicker.nyc/ )
They've had people like Killary speak there and various neocons an' I just saw--omg--they've invited Alvin Bragg. Kin I just hide under a rock?! All I think of is OUCH. Durin' "covid con" they also imposed maskin' an' checked for Empire "green" passes an' banned anyone who didn't "check." So I'd recommend a visit with a caveat about the lectures... I know many good people attend and sadly the politics has "gotten to their heads." (yup TDS) but go, if yer in the city, like I sad, services are free... hopefully no masks any more!
I've wandered into many churches on my travels. In Sucre, Bolivia there's a church on every corner. When I lived in York, England there was a church on every corner and a pub facing it, do you could go from one to the other 😂.
But temples/synagogues aren't so common. There are quite a few in Los Angeles where I grew up by I would never think to wander into one.
yup, true--some the English churches are so beautiful too! (Never been to Bolivia bet they're interestin'...) True re temples. I dunno the ones in LA at all, but NY has some older temples--beautiful! We also enjoyed kids' activities at the restored Eldridge St. Synagogue--they have tours an' stuff there, events. Since 911 in many houses of worship in NYC (St Peters I know...St. Johns) no longer just let'cha wander in. BUT many temples an' likely churches too DO welcome anyone at service times--in many synagogues it's for the regular Friday nt. services. Some now offer them too online so you can check out the voices an' gitta sense of the "vibe"--they all rock differently. One (fergettin' the name) uptown that has a Rabbi (not the cantor but the rabbi!) with a fantastic voice...like an opera singer herself.
Yeah, it used ta be you would wander but in the name of "security" that stopped that... which makes the concept of safe haven...near impossible, no? (thinkin' of all the literature where folks safely hide in houses of worship but now they are locked down an' perhaps no longer sanctuaries... an upsettin' thought!)
(fwiw in the post I'm workin' on I larned a lot of the glass art work in older restored churches in the UK, some damaged by "the blitz," was done by jooish holocaust survivors who had that skill--the art is Christian art of course! interestin'!?!)...
I’ve been looking into maybe trying a grounding device for my bed as I sleep, for various health and well-being reasons.
As I read your paean to life and joy and faith just now, I was struck by how You, dear lady, are a grounding source in this crazy world. Thank you for being a positive and energizing force Karen. God bless you, and may He guide us all in the days ahead to reconnecting to Him and to one another.
Oh, thank you so much! That is such a great message to receive with the new year. God bless you!
Luminaria what a great name idea! Thank you KHM Unlimited your a great inspiration and teacher with “talent on loan from God”🥂🐸
It’s very dark, written before my epiphany but it is still very much inspired by my faith and I really want to get around to writing the sequel because there is much more that needs to be said.
Happy New Year Karen. It has been a nice discovery at the end of the year.
Happy New Year. It's great to have you here.
Happy New Year Karen thank you for your writing it's beautiful, colorful and truly meaningful... Thank you for being salt and light! Maranatha!!
A happy and peaceful new year Karen.
Thank you, and to you.
Happy New Year, yes we've made it until now. What a blessing to be alive in these stormy times. Much gratitude. Love Uta
Wishes for a Healthy, Happy and Safe New Year. Be optimistic. Always be a brave warrior for freedom. Bring in the Light and shut out Darkness.
All the best to you and those you love and hold dear. 🙏
I really enjoyed the optimism AND the artwork. Thank you for both!