Happy New Year!
"The LORD bless thee, and keep thee; the LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee; the LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace." Numbers 6: 24-26
We made it to 2025!
Life is incredible. Who knows what will happen next.
I thought to myself, if I am going to look back, and forward, what pictures come to mind, and this was the first one. My family in 1966, at the Brandenburg Gate, on the East Berlin side, looking towards the West. Nothing speaks more to the contrast between two opposing sides, the battle that is raging, and how clear it can be, than that line between East and West.
The line is blurred now. But just because it’s harder to see doesn’t mean it isn’t there. We have to keep our minds clear, seek knowledge over information, maintain healthy habits and pray!
Then, I thought of my artwork from The Money Tree, a book written by my dad, Dave Hunt, which I illustrated and what a wonderful experience it was. The book is a little lesson in economics for children. A story with a moral if ever there was one.
Benjie, is a curious lad. This was in the days before every kid was living inside a fake world that he held in his hands, telling him how to think, feel and behave. Look at Benjie’s room. It’s filled with so much fabulous stuff, so much imagination, wonder, creativity. He’s busy, he’s looking out the window at the stars. He’s inspired. Not zombified by a screen. Such an idea hadn’t even entered anyone’s head yet.
How much longer before we can’t see the stars for all the satellites, connecting our minds to the Vast Machine.
Benjie invents a money tree and starts selling them to everyone.
Hundreds of buyers with flushed, eager faces
Came by train, boat and plane from faraway places.
Benjamin's house was the place they'd all stop
To buy his strange tree with its wonderful crop.
"More money will solve every problem you've had,"
Said Benjie. His buyers said, "What a wise lad!"
This world will be Heaven. Now that's a fine deal.
It's the end of crime---
for the wealthy don't steal."
The perfect ironic line for our times..."for the wealthy don't steal!"
Of course, money isn’t the answer to the world’s problems as Benjie finds out.
The thing is that before long, no child will even know what this book is talking about. Money? What’s that.
It’s so important to keep our connection to the physical world. Keep fighting.
And sharing our knowledge with others.
Don’t fear the battle.
Add a little mystery.
And have a plan. This is the map I created for the planet Oran from LUMINARIA. Because you can’t create an entire planet without knowing what’s on it.
Don’ forget to relax. Here I am (my shoes) looking across the beautiful city of Sucre, Bolivia to the Andes Mountains. I would huff and puff up the steep cobbled streets (high altitude) and have the best tasting grilled cheese sandwich you could imagine and a glass of the best Sangria, too.
Always get back to nature.
And thank God for all his blessings. I became obsessed with the magnificent churches in Sucre. Here is the door of one of them, looking out to the bright white buildings and blue sky above.
God bless you all, my dear readers and listeners! We’ve got quite a year ahead of us!
Dear Karen, this is a delightful new year message. You are so inspiring.
I wish I had known you much earlier in my life, I did not have good roll models in my formative years.
My husband is that person. You are too. I am grateful to have you in my life.
Your enthusiasm, my goodness, your stories, your father, your family!! your artistry.
Happy Blessed hopeful and eager vision for the New Year to you and your readers!!!
Love the illustrations! The battle is what most fear, yet desire, as the fear is what makes us feel.