Oct 4·edited Oct 4Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

If you have a Biblical Worldview you can't help but stand with Israel. Those of us who have read the Quran know that when they are done with the Jewish people they will finish with the Christians (because they have already started).

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Yes, I've read the Bible and the Quran. I prefer the Bible.

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Oct 4Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

I prefer the Bible too.

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Oct 4Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Earlier this year I posted two images on IG. One was the video of the Iranian girl being beaten by the IRGC and later killed. Juxtaposing that was a photo of Johanna Slutzky - the Columbian student who was crying outside one of the occupied buildings on their campus claiming the college was denying them basic human rights like food and water to be sent into them (remember that? By the way she's back teaching a course there now, but I digress). A friend messaged me to say how dare I criticize the college encampments and protestors. She called them heroes. Not the women in Iran defying an authoritarian regime, but cushy kids crying over not being able to access tampons due to a self imposed illegal takeover of a campus building. After a few exchanges she said I was showing anti-Palestinian racism and said we should end the conversation. This week she messaged me after. posted a photo of Jimmy Carter on his 100th birthday and what a lot of positive things he has done for the US since his term ended. Her message was to say, yes and also he is a big supported of Palestinians. Which had absolutely nothing to do with my post and was never implied. The extent to which this movement has just taken over people's minds is just unfathomable.

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It's unbelievable. It's irrational, you cannot make a logical argument with these people. It's madness. I think people are literally going mad. And like I said in If AI Is Slowly Killing Itself, So Are We https://khmezek.substack.com/p/if-ai-is-slowly-killing-itself-so

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Oct 4Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Recently I have had to "cull" some of the sites I was subscribed to including Glenn Greenwald's.

With free speech we can pick and choose writers based on our experiences and logic. You are an important writer and I am glad I have found your substack.

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Thank you. I have to read it all, for my research, unfortunately. The worst is X (Twitter). I have to prepare myself spiritually every time I go on there.

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Oct 4Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Wow, did not know Max Blumenthal before that clip of his speech…. He’s a vile man. Thanks for posting that!!

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Oct 5Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Thank you, Karen. I so appreciate your honest, fearless writing.

I’m glad you had the strength to get away from your abuser. ♥️

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Thank you. It took a few years but I did it. ❤️

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18 hrs agoLiked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

It took me 12 years to leave my marriage! 😆

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18 hrs agoLiked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

It wasn’t funny at the time.

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Good for you. Many women never have the strength.

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GG's stance confuses the fuck out of me. Like you're a gay, Jewish, journalist... and suicidal?

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So true so true, ALL these "influencers" who are hell-bent on seein' Israel destroyed (both chews an' non-) have notta second fer the voices you share--why not? No coverage of those I've yet ta hear myself (but know of) -- of the women so happy that Nasrallah is no more they cheered in the streets (sadly he will be replaced).

While these fools preach to their "converted" in the truth-tellin' "grift" there are REAL sleeper cells of "Resistance Fighters" (the new term for jihadist Hamas, Houthis, Hezbollians...) are waitin'--right here in the USA!--they'll git us jews first but they'll come of the other "infidels" later on.

I don't think Glenn & Max'll be spared--they've been useful idiots but their time could come (godferbid but I'm just sayin'....) See the link I shared below-- the DNA of who's a joo, who ain't, is now on the open market...

I have a "theory" bout Greenwald, Blumenthal, an' others that claim higher moral ground by shoutin' the MOST loudly fer the destruction of the jooish state an' gettin' their many followerz ta join in their insane self-destructive efforts--and I'll add that they do such harm ta not only Israel but all chews as well-- They dismiss the rapes of jewish women, they dismiss the pogrom of 10/7, an' they deny anti-semitism as a "myth" (Greenwald's in Brazil, what does he see?) an' basically call all harmed joos "crybabies who deserve all they git!"-- So wherefrom comes this? It comes from savin' yer own skin--if you hate more than those that would hate you an' show 'em yer "street cred"--yer tellin' 'em that you should be spared. It's a twisted form of self preservation--not unlike kapo Soros (Mister Tsuris--means "trouble" in yiddish!) who ratted out where joos lived to the SS so they could steal the homes of da jews. Nice.

There are many (sad ta say) an' some have written books (even worse). Much of what they printed got debunked but just like nooze retractions (the hoss-spit-all bombin' that Israel didn't do...) No One Sees the Retractions (or the de-bunkin's). Does it feel THAT good ta have all them back pats from the SJWs an' the punditz--big & small? I dunno...

But when they "come for us" joos next time--they will not need IBM like Hitler did--they have all the DNA--take a look-see what a hacker did:


Ashkenazi DNA an' personal info doxxed / on sale (sold ta the highest bidder or just leaked)--so even those that are, what, 1/4 jooish cain't run nor hide. They'll find all've 'em (the million) an' eventually all of us at the click of a mouse.

While they pontificate--these "reporters of just-ICE"--there are gobs of "good patriots" gatherin' to solve "The Jooish Problem " (TJP--git yer tix!) an' workin' together to "Name The Joo" (That'd be NTJ, another big effort.)

Recently I jotted down a loooong list of "trooothers" an' "voices of reason" I used ta like / listen to (some I still do--even tho' they hate da joos now!)-- some with millions of followers, some with just tens-of-thousands--an' about 85% had turned against BOTH joos & Israel--that's 85%! Dang. Even the folks in the comments I used ta joke with--not all but a passle of 'em... all gone (many unsubscribed from mah own stack when they "realized" I wuz of the hated race... sigh...)

So yup, silly me thought I'd made some new pals but now when they joke about k*kes an' say we're all terrorists & pedos an' stuff--I consider them no longer my "buds" -- ta say the least!

Your clarion voice, Karen, may end up bein' one of the only ones 'cept fer a handfulla jooish voices that more-r-less have mostly if not all jooish follwers an' few...too few.

BTW I'd read previously the Quoran 'bout treatin' women (horribly too!) but that link ya posted--OMG that was so frightenin' ta me-- don't folks see this is now how they treat women in Israel? No... I'll say one thing--as I read the haters--I need to see how they're gainin' steam--they wanna do ta us chews what ya saw that man doin' to his wife-- I have seen things written that would stop any heart--detailed comments about dismemberin' joos, wantin' ta shoot us all in the head (front not back so we see), far worse--the kindest ones just wanna "nuke Israel an' all the joos"... This is where we've come...

(I know it's gruesome ta share this--but I don't have ta dig far ta find it now--it must'a been hidden fer some time an' now it's a-ok ta just put it out there... some use clothed speech so as not ta git postin's pulled... but it's clear who they mean)

Bless ya Karen fer givin' voice to all those who suffer fer their courage--ya put many ta shame, many who should know better! May God keep & protect us all!

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We could argue all day pointing out instances of violent abuses on either side. Each of us reviling journalists who don’t support our viewpoint. Each Saying how deranged and what horrible people they are. What I do know is that war is hell on Earth! The division that is continually sewn by this type of position only gives fuel to the war machine. You may approve that our country forments and contributes to continual wars around the globe to make money on that misery but I abhor that policy and the misery of all it causes whether it be in Israel or any other country. Call me naive I don’t care, call me any name you wish. I do not claim to have the answers, but I will not thump the Bible or Quran to claim I am right. I was married to an Oldest Jewish son and know how privileged and right they also claim to be. The powers that be have long sought and encouraged war as a means of wealth gathering.

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Oct 4·edited Oct 4Author

I have no time to argue all day about pointless things. I write highly researched essays.

Absolutely I have strong opinions about journalists who lie, more than that, I back up what I say with facts. I have never nor would I ever approve of our country fomenting and contributing to continual wars. I realize quite well what is going on. It's all very well to theorize about war and the theories might be correct. But when war comes to your neighborhood, the theories go out the window and you fight.

I mean, come on, there would be no United States if we hadn't fought. And so on down through history. The Palestinians need to free themselves from Hamas. Israel is not their enemy. Hamas is. Israel is not Lebanon's enemy. Hezbollah is. The whole point of what I wrote here was that people should free themselves from abuse. If you don't agree or even understand what I am saying by this point, we will probably never agree.

So you were married to the oldest Jewish son. I was married to the oldest Christian son and it wasn't much different, I can tell you. My first marriage was to a Slovenian and I lived between London and Yugoslavia under communism. That is the abusive husband I was talking about. You cannot write off all Jews because you married someone you didn't like or even if he was an evil person. I still love Slovenia, and it is a second home to me and I love the rest of his family and they love me.

If you want to know what I think about war and the United States' culpability, I have an entire section on WAR & PEACE at the top of Break Free. But here are a few selections:

WAR: https://khmezek.substack.com/p/war

WAR FEVER: https://khmezek.substack.com/p/war-fever

ARCTIC WARS: https://khmezek.substack.com/p/arctic-wars

How Anthrax & the War on Terror Brought Us to the Brink of WWIII: https://khmezek.substack.com/p/the-big-picture-how-anthrax-and-the

I am not a warmonger. I am a follower of Jesus and do my best to practice what I preach. I have never promoted a religion; in fact, I criticize them all. I'm not interested in "claiming I'm right". I spend literally at least 8 hours almost every day researching and writing these essays, and I can tell you, it's been an incredible journey for me, and I appreciate every single person who has joined me on that journey.

Before I started Break Free and much of the reason why I started it (hence the name) was because I believe so strongly in giving a voice to the voiceless and I spent much of my life doing that.

I co-founded a creative writing program for incarcerated youth in Los Angeles, giving a voice to the most forgotten and despised youth, those facing life sentences for serious crimes. That program is still going today and has helped thousands of young people. You can read about my work in this Los Angeles Times article: https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2002-jul-13-me-jvwrite13-story.html

I founded My World Project to connect youth in hard-to-reach areas of the world through art and writing. For example, I spent one month in the Sahara Desert in a village with the children in their school. It was wonderful. I loved those kids, and I learned so much from them. You can find out more here: https://www.facebook.com/myworldproject

I lived in Luxor, Egypt for three years and really wanted to embrace Islam. I found out the truth and it was not pleasant. Still, I loved it there. I started the first and only boxing club for girls. I wanted to do My World Project but when I stood up for a woman who was going to be attacked by a mob of violent men, the woman who was going to help me set it up with a nonprofit there cut off all contact with me, saying, "You know why, Karen". I did know why. It had become too dangerous for her to associate with me because I had made enemies of the men there.

All of the things I have listed above, plus teaching countless women and girls to fight, I have done on my own. No funding or affiliation from any organization, I just decided to do it. I live a very simple life, I do not have a lot of money, and I have few possessions. As I said, I do my best to live by the example Jesus set.

I take the time to write all of this because I get so frustrated with the complete lack of understanding about what is really going on in the Middle East. The complete arrogance really, of trying to tell a tiny country that is fighting for their very existence what they should do. And that advice, to stop fighting means their extermination. You would not expect the same thing of your government. No matter how much you believed your government was corrupt or was taking advantage of war for money, you would still want them to defend you and you would be very glad at that moment to be living in such a powerful country. It's horrible. It shouldn't be this way. But it is.

When I left my abusive husband, I started training as a fighter. I think I said it in my last essay o somewhere else, that a hundred abuser could rise up to replace my abusive husband, just as a million angry Muslims could rise up to replace these ones. But I am not responsible for any of them. I am responsible for myself. And even as a follower of Jesus, I know what it means to fight, and I know that there are times that require it. I will die for my faith; I will be tortured and not give up my faith. But I will not let someone attack me or my children. I am quite sure God is okay with that.

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Oct 5Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Thank you for your response.

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Oct 5Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Am appreciating your perspective, Karen. The news so shapes the talking points. I will listen to a person who has lived in the complexity of these cultures.

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Submitted Souls Vanish

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I don't know what that means.

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