CS Lewis was my favourite magical childhood author. I dissolved into his books and ponds and waters drifting towards the edge of the world with merpeople shaking their tritons up at me..
I discovered The Narnia Chronicles when I was 10, and my family was staying with friends in a thatched farmhouse in the English countryside. It was a rainy day and my sister and I wanderer into the sitting room filled with books and they were. I pulled The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe off the shelf, sat in a big cozy chair by the fire and started to read. Just as you described, those books took me and my sister away. That's when I fell in love with the magic of books and CS Lewis.
We went on from England to France and many of the places we stayed had old wardrobes, so you can imagine, we hoped and prayed each one was the magical wardrobe that would take us to Narnia. We are still looking!
Thank you for taking the time to message me as well, you are most insightful. I’m very glad you explained to me months ago how everyday Americans were feeling about Trump. It really made me stop and look at what was happening a different way.
The day he issued the statement to release the hostages before 20th Jan felt like Christmas had come, I felt joyous! As you said let’s see what happens, but that alone feels almost enough already
I'm writing them. Or trying to in-between all this other writing! I have quite a bit of those stories woven into some of my essays. I just have to put it all together.
Thank-you again. We have so much in common although I am less-travelled than you. Thanks for reading the letter. I think that many of us would love to sit and chat with you, especially those of us to whom you sound more like a relative than another 'show to catch-up on.' Maybe some of us should meet each other! I am ordering The Great Divorce as well as I read his other works.
So glad I got some of you to order The Great Divorce. Let me know your thoughts. Yes, it would be amazing if we could organize a get-together. Maybe one day that can happen, I want to start a podcast, I've been wanting to do this for a while so that is next on my list. I have two amazing sons who are helping me.
Strong post. You are correct about absolute Truth. There may be "little truths", but when examined are revealed as fragments of Absolute Truth. Those fragments typically are twisted into serving self, and the Truth-Giver is conveniently dismissed. As Someone once said, "When the eye is dark, how great the darkness within".
You are correct: "But if everyone has their own truth, then they are entitled to their own morals, or no morals at all, and there is no basis upon which he or anyone else can decide what is moral and what isn’t". Then we end up where Israel did during the time of the Judges, "There was no king in Israel in those days, and everyone did what was right in their own eyes".
Hey sister great job as usual really yes in Islam it's a command to kill Jews but it's also a command to kill infidels and being a gentile that makes me an infidel so yeah it's not a peaceful religion and we can go back to Genesis chapter 3 where Satan twists the word of God just a little bit which is just enough to cause the first sin(by deception) and thus the fall of man and creation..... thank you for your writing it's very clear and I always find myself thanking God that I came to Jesus 33 years ago and in John chapter 14 He says "I am the truth, the way and the life nobody goes to the father except through me".... thank you Lord for that .....Maranatha!!
I know. But I'm thankful I've lived long enough that I can look back with perspective and understand what was going on and have no more bitterness or anger. I think when Mosab tells this part of his story, it really helps people to understand more the courage he had to go against everything he was taught, such a powerful world into which he was born. But he never lost that love for his father. I don't know about his father loving him back, he may want to believe he does, but they both have a higher calling than their love for one another. To have your own father condemn you to death but to say he is the only one who can kill you, and that is how he saves your life, that's pretty deep. What happened with my father is different but, in some ways, very much the same and I should really address it at some point. My dad has done incredible good in the world, unlike Mosab's father, and I am very proud to be his daughter, that is a huge difference right there.
True. We are all fallible. It's very hard to live up to the perfection that others think we should be or that others try to put on us. I've always been very imperfect and not afraid to admit it. LOL.
As you are a strong supporter of Israel, I have just one question - why did the UN create a religious state in the middle east as a result of the holocaust? Those living in the region were not responsible for the holocaust. Furthermore why would Jews knowing according to your article they are hated by Muslims even want to move there? One can give a number of historical reasons but the same argument could be applied to the indigenous people throughout the world. Ironically it would seem Hitler got exactly what he wanted.
I realize nothing will change your mind. The Jews didn't create a 'religious state' many were secular Jews. But that's a small point. I've written essays on the history so I won't say more here. This is a talk by my father. You can listen to it if you really want to know https://youtu.be/6EYYUgmh218?si=ArUSra9akd1swdJI
fwiw, take this as ye will--other places were indeed considered like Siberia! Africa even--but chews said no.... however Israel has ALWAYS been the chewish homeland--many never left but it's in every prayer an' even secular zionists knew this an' held up jooish scripture to support the choice... YES they knew they were surrounded by those that hated 'em but joos have always lived that way...an' anyway, had other nations WANTED 'em ("us" bein' one myself) it might have gone differently...even before WWII.. But talk is cheap--when 32 (yup 32!) nations met at Evian with FDR leadin' the conference an' each nation was asked if they wanted ta take in jooish refugees "in numbers" b/c of the holocaust goin' on (they all KNEW joos were bein' rounded up an' murdered) EVERY ONE OF THE 32 said NO... Even Israel under British Mandate refused boatloads of Refugees an' THAT is why the King David Hotel was blown up as the war was ending an' THAT is why the yes-violent Irgun was defyin' British orders to SNEAK IN Jooish refugees inta then-Palestine... imagine that. Nowhere wants da joos--they want the Musims, sure, but NOT US. So where would we go? Folks say go back home ta where ye came from--my fam came from Lithuania (Vilna) which had 95% of its joos wiped out..
But yer right--it was a hornets nest in the middle east--but a meanin'ful one an those who entered had nowhere else to go... an' many were willin' to fight for this "somewhere" which was NOT a remotely ideal situation... surrounded as they were...
Exactly correct. My dad goes into this, how there was a Holocaust after the Holocaust and no one wanted to take the Jews. Where were they supposed to go? They were given a small bit wasteland that no one had been interested in until because a Jewish state was created suddenly, how dare the Jews do that! Instead of living in the past, insisting they be allowed to return and get compensated, they built an incredible, strong, beautiful nation. How dare they!
Just some info... The term semitic applies ta two peoples (correctly), the inaccurate term "anti-semitic" was created by a man to describe anti-jooish acts or statements (so specific to joos) and it stuck... This fella, Marr, created the term or at least made it popular: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilhelm_Marr
Many say "anti-semitism" means both Arabs & Jews b/c Arabs are semites too! An' that perhaps "should be" the daffynition but it ain't... b/c of Marr (take that as ye will).
NOW as fer what yer suggestin'--that the UN "favored the joos" because of the Holocaust, there's truth to this but it's a bit twisted.... (tho' since that time the UN has been horrible to Israel). Let's look at the land division:
"The Arab state was to have a territory of 11,592 square kilometres, or 42.88 percent of the Mandate's territory, and the Jewish state a territory of 15,264 square kilometres, or 56.47 percent; the remaining 0.65 percent or 176 square kilometres—comprising Jerusalem, Bethlehem and the adjoining area—would become an international zone."
So technically, the joos got 6.47% "more" than the Arabs... But let's look at a few other things... How many Arab states are there? How much territory do Arabs "hold" in the Middle East? How are Palestinian Arabs genetically different from all other Arabs? (hint: not at all). Joos do have diff. genetics and are...wull... not Arabs. The Mufti (Arab guy) collaborated with Hitler (like those two or not) in the plan to kill all da joos--wuther ye quibble with 6 million don't matter--Hitler was gonna send lots of 'em to the Middle East an' the Mufti convinced Hitler to kill 'em all on European soil so he / Mufti didn't have the Jooish Problem to deal with on top of the Jooish Problem he was already dealin' with. SO...
The UN knew they were killin' a lotta joos and that NOBUDDY wanted 'em... (Evian meetin' had 32 nations say nope, we will NOT take in refugees). So the 6-ish % of crappy land (desert... don't take my word fer it) was the "bonus" given to da joos. Just remember, ain't no "native Palestinians" -- that land changed hands more 'n a village square dance on a Saturday nite! So ye might say the joos were "favored" in the exchange BUT the day after UN declared Israel a nation the Arabs attacked 'em. AND when that happened--treaty broken by doin' so--the UN did squat to help Israel (or anyone fer that matter).
ALSO the original mandate fer the joos was much bigger. If ya believe that it should'a been 50-50 split I won't quibble--really his'ry's 20-20 in hindsite so I wasn't there to ask ?'s... But like I said, the maps on the Arab side make it out like Israel got these beautiful green fertile plots of land when in fact MOST of the land they got (extree included) was dry desert with nothin' on it growin' at all... jus' sayin'.
As fer "the chosen"--we chews are told a different daffynition of "chosen" than the one we all larned... It's not BETTER or SUPERIOR--it's just picked b/c they were already there--God/G_d had this experiement to make humans behave better an' stop killin' each other an' sinnin' etc. -- he picked (designated) joos b/c of proximity--they were already sinners & killin' each other an' messin' up good so "He" (wuther ya take God as fiction or real, story or allegory don't matter)....indicated / picked the closest sinners an' tried out laws on 'em including the 10 Commandments. THAT is what we joos learned--we were selected to try to honor God's laws not b/c better but b/c guinea pigs. God promised not to abandon joos even if they messed up... but that's an'nuther story an' I won't go off the rails here.
Anywhoo--chosen meant ONLY to set a good example not outta smugness or nah nah nah nah nah - ess but b/c they were tasked with tryin' to pull it together!
"Chosen" did not mean to convert others or proselytize either (not sure if ye know many choos but we don't try to convert others or preach to others...we are "supposed to" set a good example--an' of course many fall very short of that mark!)
hope this clears up a thing 'r two...
ps re the land split--Karen here has shared MANY Arab voices statin' clearly that it's NOT about the land--it's not about givin' Palestine TERRITORY--it's about the fact that there are joos on the territory the Arabs claim to be theirs ALONE. Israel stands in defiance of their prophecy that once they git land they keep it--"Palestinians" do not own Israel so it does not exist for them. The issue is joos--the Muslims wanna kill ALL of 'em as they exist as infidels... So it's not EVEN about land. (ps the land--"THIS LAND" cue the song-- means sumthin' major to joos but that's a long tale fer an'nother time)
Mossab seems like ya said to be doin' his best--sounds like he's indeed mighty "wrong" 'bout women under Islam (arrgh!)--couldn't see the one locked viddeo (I don't sign inta YT cuz they'll track it)... but I did see his interview...an' the "Memri" montage (that was skerry of course, all these dudes mean bizness)...
But yer right, folks that won't hear yer truth, Karen, are cheerin' on a Hell I don't wanna embrace...
The "future" fer them is Islam... this one is 'specially hard ta bear... My CITY, NYC, now in mid-takeover-- I had no clue that 10% of NYC "skool kids" are Muslim now--wow--I know full takeovers are doable an' happen... Dearborn, MI is like an'nuther nation--5 prayers a day y'all--an' AmeriCONS an' our proper pals over the pond are cheerin' it on--
It's funny but I didn't know that Muslims always stand with their Brothers-(in Islam)--loyalty to what Islamic leaders do first-- Ironically somthin' they accuse all joos of! yup, they got the world convinced! A chew writes the song "God Bless America" yet everyone's tellin' us that we cannot be American or even good citizens because our "tribe" comes first an' THAT is "contrary" to all that's American. So our nation welcomes in young men whose values are...whaaat? So much MORE American an' they fit in so much better? I dunno but I don't know a single joo that wants to destroy America or churches--it's all made up. YET, I DO find it ironic that the "dual loyalty" outsiders INSIST we chews all have that prevents us from bein' "Americans," actually applies more ta Islam--I really didn't know this...noo info but they always say that the worst con artists convince suckers they are victims an' that the victims are the perps... (sigh)
This one's quite strong...seems ta be on the money tho'--
"Thus, as Koran 9:29 commands Muslims to fight the “People of the Book” (namely, Christians and Jews) until they either convert or “pay the jizya with willing submission and feel themselves subdued,” the Conditions of Omar lays out in precise detail how they are to feel themselves subdued. "
Or this-all just pertainin' to Christianity:
"consider sharia’s position on churches: following the seventh century Muslim conquest of Christian MENA, those nations that resisted had their churches systematically destroyed, while those that capitulated were allowed to retain their preexisting churches—on the condition that they build no more, nor repair the currently existing ones. The Muslim logic was simple: in time, all churches would eventually crumble away"
WOW... I find this harsh ta read too....
Also didn't know 'bout COPTS (Christians converted to Islam) SO like the jooish Conversos who on pain of death had ta become Christians...
"according to reliable statistics, approximately 84% of the absolute worst persecution Christians experience around the globe takes place in the name of Islam; or that 37 of the 50 worst nations in which one can be a Christian are Muslim" (ps afaik Israel is NOT even one of those nations on the list tho' they are standin' accused of bein' #1 on that list...)
I have just ordered the great divorce online.
CS Lewis was my favourite magical childhood author. I dissolved into his books and ponds and waters drifting towards the edge of the world with merpeople shaking their tritons up at me..
I think you are a strong and gifted woman
I discovered The Narnia Chronicles when I was 10, and my family was staying with friends in a thatched farmhouse in the English countryside. It was a rainy day and my sister and I wanderer into the sitting room filled with books and they were. I pulled The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe off the shelf, sat in a big cozy chair by the fire and started to read. Just as you described, those books took me and my sister away. That's when I fell in love with the magic of books and CS Lewis.
I can’t imagine a more perfect way to discover them. I bet you searched every cupboard in the house!!
We went on from England to France and many of the places we stayed had old wardrobes, so you can imagine, we hoped and prayed each one was the magical wardrobe that would take us to Narnia. We are still looking!
I can’t wait.
Thank you for taking the time to message me as well, you are most insightful. I’m very glad you explained to me months ago how everyday Americans were feeling about Trump. It really made me stop and look at what was happening a different way.
The day he issued the statement to release the hostages before 20th Jan felt like Christmas had come, I felt joyous! As you said let’s see what happens, but that alone feels almost enough already
I remain wary, but on the other hand, Jan 20th can't come soon enough.
What a lovely story. You could have illustrated those books, I still remember the drawings.
Aslan weeping and the girls wiping his tears
You will have to write your memoirs one day Karen
I'm writing them. Or trying to in-between all this other writing! I have quite a bit of those stories woven into some of my essays. I just have to put it all together.
Great Interview Karen, I put him up there with Ayaan Hirsi Ali and there is no greater praise than that. Stand for Israel 🇮🇱.
Thank-you again. We have so much in common although I am less-travelled than you. Thanks for reading the letter. I think that many of us would love to sit and chat with you, especially those of us to whom you sound more like a relative than another 'show to catch-up on.' Maybe some of us should meet each other! I am ordering The Great Divorce as well as I read his other works.
So glad I got some of you to order The Great Divorce. Let me know your thoughts. Yes, it would be amazing if we could organize a get-together. Maybe one day that can happen, I want to start a podcast, I've been wanting to do this for a while so that is next on my list. I have two amazing sons who are helping me.
Huge gift, wonderful sons. Keep us posted about a podcast.
I will.
Strong post. You are correct about absolute Truth. There may be "little truths", but when examined are revealed as fragments of Absolute Truth. Those fragments typically are twisted into serving self, and the Truth-Giver is conveniently dismissed. As Someone once said, "When the eye is dark, how great the darkness within".
You are correct: "But if everyone has their own truth, then they are entitled to their own morals, or no morals at all, and there is no basis upon which he or anyone else can decide what is moral and what isn’t". Then we end up where Israel did during the time of the Judges, "There was no king in Israel in those days, and everyone did what was right in their own eyes".
Things didn't end well.
Good connection to the time of the Judges. Well said.
Yes, Karen, praying that more and more people will seek THE TRUTH…our precious LORD JESUS…HE IS THE WAY…✝️🙏🙌
John 14:6: Jesus Himself declares, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
Hey sister great job as usual really yes in Islam it's a command to kill Jews but it's also a command to kill infidels and being a gentile that makes me an infidel so yeah it's not a peaceful religion and we can go back to Genesis chapter 3 where Satan twists the word of God just a little bit which is just enough to cause the first sin(by deception) and thus the fall of man and creation..... thank you for your writing it's very clear and I always find myself thanking God that I came to Jesus 33 years ago and in John chapter 14 He says "I am the truth, the way and the life nobody goes to the father except through me".... thank you Lord for that .....Maranatha!!
Amen! Yes, we are all infidels. I would be killed if i ever returned to Luxor, Egypt.
"...and I loved him so much and for a long time, he turned his back on me, and it was terribly painful..."
This is the part of your story that I hate for so many reasons, and that I wish would never be.
I know. But I'm thankful I've lived long enough that I can look back with perspective and understand what was going on and have no more bitterness or anger. I think when Mosab tells this part of his story, it really helps people to understand more the courage he had to go against everything he was taught, such a powerful world into which he was born. But he never lost that love for his father. I don't know about his father loving him back, he may want to believe he does, but they both have a higher calling than their love for one another. To have your own father condemn you to death but to say he is the only one who can kill you, and that is how he saves your life, that's pretty deep. What happened with my father is different but, in some ways, very much the same and I should really address it at some point. My dad has done incredible good in the world, unlike Mosab's father, and I am very proud to be his daughter, that is a huge difference right there.
"My dad has done incredible good in the world, unlike Mosab's father, and I am very proud to be his daughter, that is a huge difference right there."
That's why it's so hard to accept, when good men hurt us so.
True. We are all fallible. It's very hard to live up to the perfection that others think we should be or that others try to put on us. I've always been very imperfect and not afraid to admit it. LOL.
So much great information. Thank you.
You're welcome
As you are a strong supporter of Israel, I have just one question - why did the UN create a religious state in the middle east as a result of the holocaust? Those living in the region were not responsible for the holocaust. Furthermore why would Jews knowing according to your article they are hated by Muslims even want to move there? One can give a number of historical reasons but the same argument could be applied to the indigenous people throughout the world. Ironically it would seem Hitler got exactly what he wanted.
You can also read my essay The Myth of Palestine
I realize nothing will change your mind. The Jews didn't create a 'religious state' many were secular Jews. But that's a small point. I've written essays on the history so I won't say more here. This is a talk by my father. You can listen to it if you really want to know https://youtu.be/6EYYUgmh218?si=ArUSra9akd1swdJI
fwiw, take this as ye will--other places were indeed considered like Siberia! Africa even--but chews said no.... however Israel has ALWAYS been the chewish homeland--many never left but it's in every prayer an' even secular zionists knew this an' held up jooish scripture to support the choice... YES they knew they were surrounded by those that hated 'em but joos have always lived that way...an' anyway, had other nations WANTED 'em ("us" bein' one myself) it might have gone differently...even before WWII.. But talk is cheap--when 32 (yup 32!) nations met at Evian with FDR leadin' the conference an' each nation was asked if they wanted ta take in jooish refugees "in numbers" b/c of the holocaust goin' on (they all KNEW joos were bein' rounded up an' murdered) EVERY ONE OF THE 32 said NO... Even Israel under British Mandate refused boatloads of Refugees an' THAT is why the King David Hotel was blown up as the war was ending an' THAT is why the yes-violent Irgun was defyin' British orders to SNEAK IN Jooish refugees inta then-Palestine... imagine that. Nowhere wants da joos--they want the Musims, sure, but NOT US. So where would we go? Folks say go back home ta where ye came from--my fam came from Lithuania (Vilna) which had 95% of its joos wiped out..
But yer right--it was a hornets nest in the middle east--but a meanin'ful one an those who entered had nowhere else to go... an' many were willin' to fight for this "somewhere" which was NOT a remotely ideal situation... surrounded as they were...
just my 2 cents plain!
Exactly correct. My dad goes into this, how there was a Holocaust after the Holocaust and no one wanted to take the Jews. Where were they supposed to go? They were given a small bit wasteland that no one had been interested in until because a Jewish state was created suddenly, how dare the Jews do that! Instead of living in the past, insisting they be allowed to return and get compensated, they built an incredible, strong, beautiful nation. How dare they!
Just some info... The term semitic applies ta two peoples (correctly), the inaccurate term "anti-semitic" was created by a man to describe anti-jooish acts or statements (so specific to joos) and it stuck... This fella, Marr, created the term or at least made it popular: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilhelm_Marr
Many say "anti-semitism" means both Arabs & Jews b/c Arabs are semites too! An' that perhaps "should be" the daffynition but it ain't... b/c of Marr (take that as ye will).
NOW as fer what yer suggestin'--that the UN "favored the joos" because of the Holocaust, there's truth to this but it's a bit twisted.... (tho' since that time the UN has been horrible to Israel). Let's look at the land division:
"The Arab state was to have a territory of 11,592 square kilometres, or 42.88 percent of the Mandate's territory, and the Jewish state a territory of 15,264 square kilometres, or 56.47 percent; the remaining 0.65 percent or 176 square kilometres—comprising Jerusalem, Bethlehem and the adjoining area—would become an international zone."
So technically, the joos got 6.47% "more" than the Arabs... But let's look at a few other things... How many Arab states are there? How much territory do Arabs "hold" in the Middle East? How are Palestinian Arabs genetically different from all other Arabs? (hint: not at all). Joos do have diff. genetics and are...wull... not Arabs. The Mufti (Arab guy) collaborated with Hitler (like those two or not) in the plan to kill all da joos--wuther ye quibble with 6 million don't matter--Hitler was gonna send lots of 'em to the Middle East an' the Mufti convinced Hitler to kill 'em all on European soil so he / Mufti didn't have the Jooish Problem to deal with on top of the Jooish Problem he was already dealin' with. SO...
The UN knew they were killin' a lotta joos and that NOBUDDY wanted 'em... (Evian meetin' had 32 nations say nope, we will NOT take in refugees). So the 6-ish % of crappy land (desert... don't take my word fer it) was the "bonus" given to da joos. Just remember, ain't no "native Palestinians" -- that land changed hands more 'n a village square dance on a Saturday nite! So ye might say the joos were "favored" in the exchange BUT the day after UN declared Israel a nation the Arabs attacked 'em. AND when that happened--treaty broken by doin' so--the UN did squat to help Israel (or anyone fer that matter).
ALSO the original mandate fer the joos was much bigger. If ya believe that it should'a been 50-50 split I won't quibble--really his'ry's 20-20 in hindsite so I wasn't there to ask ?'s... But like I said, the maps on the Arab side make it out like Israel got these beautiful green fertile plots of land when in fact MOST of the land they got (extree included) was dry desert with nothin' on it growin' at all... jus' sayin'.
As fer "the chosen"--we chews are told a different daffynition of "chosen" than the one we all larned... It's not BETTER or SUPERIOR--it's just picked b/c they were already there--God/G_d had this experiement to make humans behave better an' stop killin' each other an' sinnin' etc. -- he picked (designated) joos b/c of proximity--they were already sinners & killin' each other an' messin' up good so "He" (wuther ya take God as fiction or real, story or allegory don't matter)....indicated / picked the closest sinners an' tried out laws on 'em including the 10 Commandments. THAT is what we joos learned--we were selected to try to honor God's laws not b/c better but b/c guinea pigs. God promised not to abandon joos even if they messed up... but that's an'nuther story an' I won't go off the rails here.
Anywhoo--chosen meant ONLY to set a good example not outta smugness or nah nah nah nah nah - ess but b/c they were tasked with tryin' to pull it together!
"Chosen" did not mean to convert others or proselytize either (not sure if ye know many choos but we don't try to convert others or preach to others...we are "supposed to" set a good example--an' of course many fall very short of that mark!)
hope this clears up a thing 'r two...
ps re the land split--Karen here has shared MANY Arab voices statin' clearly that it's NOT about the land--it's not about givin' Palestine TERRITORY--it's about the fact that there are joos on the territory the Arabs claim to be theirs ALONE. Israel stands in defiance of their prophecy that once they git land they keep it--"Palestinians" do not own Israel so it does not exist for them. The issue is joos--the Muslims wanna kill ALL of 'em as they exist as infidels... So it's not EVEN about land. (ps the land--"THIS LAND" cue the song-- means sumthin' major to joos but that's a long tale fer an'nother time)
Mossab seems like ya said to be doin' his best--sounds like he's indeed mighty "wrong" 'bout women under Islam (arrgh!)--couldn't see the one locked viddeo (I don't sign inta YT cuz they'll track it)... but I did see his interview...an' the "Memri" montage (that was skerry of course, all these dudes mean bizness)...
But yer right, folks that won't hear yer truth, Karen, are cheerin' on a Hell I don't wanna embrace...
The "future" fer them is Islam... this one is 'specially hard ta bear... My CITY, NYC, now in mid-takeover-- I had no clue that 10% of NYC "skool kids" are Muslim now--wow--I know full takeovers are doable an' happen... Dearborn, MI is like an'nuther nation--5 prayers a day y'all--an' AmeriCONS an' our proper pals over the pond are cheerin' it on--
This fella tells it well (a Christian former Muslim):
It's funny but I didn't know that Muslims always stand with their Brothers-(in Islam)--loyalty to what Islamic leaders do first-- Ironically somthin' they accuse all joos of! yup, they got the world convinced! A chew writes the song "God Bless America" yet everyone's tellin' us that we cannot be American or even good citizens because our "tribe" comes first an' THAT is "contrary" to all that's American. So our nation welcomes in young men whose values are...whaaat? So much MORE American an' they fit in so much better? I dunno but I don't know a single joo that wants to destroy America or churches--it's all made up. YET, I DO find it ironic that the "dual loyalty" outsiders INSIST we chews all have that prevents us from bein' "Americans," actually applies more ta Islam--I really didn't know this...noo info but they always say that the worst con artists convince suckers they are victims an' that the victims are the perps... (sigh)
This one's quite strong...seems ta be on the money tho'--
"Thus, as Koran 9:29 commands Muslims to fight the “People of the Book” (namely, Christians and Jews) until they either convert or “pay the jizya with willing submission and feel themselves subdued,” the Conditions of Omar lays out in precise detail how they are to feel themselves subdued. "
Or this-all just pertainin' to Christianity:
"consider sharia’s position on churches: following the seventh century Muslim conquest of Christian MENA, those nations that resisted had their churches systematically destroyed, while those that capitulated were allowed to retain their preexisting churches—on the condition that they build no more, nor repair the currently existing ones. The Muslim logic was simple: in time, all churches would eventually crumble away"
WOW... I find this harsh ta read too....
Also didn't know 'bout COPTS (Christians converted to Islam) SO like the jooish Conversos who on pain of death had ta become Christians...
"according to reliable statistics, approximately 84% of the absolute worst persecution Christians experience around the globe takes place in the name of Islam; or that 37 of the 50 worst nations in which one can be a Christian are Muslim" (ps afaik Israel is NOT even one of those nations on the list tho' they are standin' accused of bein' #1 on that list...)
I'm just hopin' it's not too late ta save the USA... seems ta be gettin' there tho'...