Pray for the freedom from tyranny in Iran so the people can flourish and women can live!

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gosh, I'm grateful to learn of this astoundin'ly brave young lady Ahou Daryaei--I pray she's okay--it'd be one thing to do this in Canada or UK (brave too given social objections from within their faith) but in Iran? OMG... I hope there is some force (legal?) to defend her, to help her--it seems women have no options there at all--the injuries sound scary too--will she get medical help?.... The poem is lovely--I hope Ahou can one day hear it--an' live in freedom as she deserves, as do all the women in that regime.

Cardi B was a HO! (sounds like old habits die hard with her too!) Like Countess Cackula who put out fer Willie (ha!) Brown, Cardi B was not just a stripper but my understandin' was she was a hooker an' bragged about druggin' an' then robbin' her "clients." I cannot stomick her kinda moo-sick or performance... I don't call it talent... But perhaps she was hired to groom the young'uns...a purdy sick idear but as ya say, these "influencers" wield quite a lotta power... I guess Countess Cackula kin be "pround" ta be promoted by her intellectual equal! ;-)

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It just gets wackier and wackier.

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A really fantastic piece of writing. Thank you!

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Thank you

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Not to forget the Cardi B "interview" with "Joey B" four years ago:


To earn the coveted interview, Joe had to recite the lyrics to WAP.

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What a charming, bright, intelligent, democrat voter cardi b is! What does the B stand for?

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I don't want to know lol

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Her real name is Belcalis Marlenis Cephus (née Almánzar) so I assume the B is for Belcalis.

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Don't forget Cardi B's hit from a couple years back, Wet @$$ Pv$$v.


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Ugh, I didn't want to make my essay X rated. lol

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Cardi B rented a house, illegal Air BnB rental, near mine in the Hollywood Hills a few years back. It was only for a couple of days but her entourage was most unsavory and threatened a neighbor. That someone so crass can garner such attention and commercial success, while school teachers struggle to survive, is another example of the decline of western civilization. Perversion is acceptable. This will not age well. As for the brave soul in Iran, I saw that the moment it aired and prayed for her. Hopefully the reign of the Islamic despotic dictators in Iran will be collapsing soon.

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Oh my goodness what a nightmare! Thank goodness she wasn't your neighbor for long. I cannot believe how far our country has fallen that she was on that stage.

We all need to pray for Ahou and so many others. Thank you.

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The difference could not be more stark.

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One trash. The other treasure. So heartbreaking.

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Palestine is occupied by UK, USA, Rothschild Zionists who torture rape, bomb, starve, kill babies, children adults daily and since Israeli False Flag of Oct 7th, thousands a day. All while playing victim to the world using complcit MSM, Social Media. Most of the world detests Israel - which occupation would fail immediately without US UK billions a year. A growing cancer on the face of the earth destroying every country around it by lying that those countries are full of 'terorrists' in order to loot and genocide those countries to create 'Greater Israel' .

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I’m interested to know more about Ahou but I don’t understand what she has to do with CardiB. I’m not a fan of Cardi B but what the connection?

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The connection and disconnection to each other is the reason I wrote the essay.

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So it’s not about equating Kamala Harris to Cardi B? no thoughts on Beyoncé, Lady Gaga or Katie Perry?

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Ahou Daryaei....my new hero!! I have three daughters and I can assure you that they would look up to this young lady!! Islam is evil point blank and if you can't see that your willfully blind. Praying now for this precious Ahou! Maranatha!!

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So we are applauding the Iranian woman who stripped her clothes off in a mad moment of profound situational unawareness that could very well have resulted in her death?

We're calling that stunning and brave?? Have we lost our minds?

The trashy and stupid behaviours of some western women is not worthy of being emulated by any standard. Cover up! We live in a real world, like it or not, where real consequences exist for stupid behaviour.

I'm telling it like it is. I am not going to back down on this, nor do I allow gullible women following a western herd mentality tell me what to think here

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I don't think she was emulating trashy or stupid behavior. I can't presume to know what was in her mind but it was a reaction to being violated. In both cultures, the emphasis is always on sex and women's bodies. In one place to cover up so women don't seduce men and in the other to uncover in order to seduce men. Women's bodies are used by men and thrn women are punished for it. She is protesting the sexualization that you are accusing her of. She wants it to stop. Whether or not it was foolish or self destructive, she has become a symbol of how women are treated as sex objects.

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Calling the freedom to undress in a siciety owned by woman hating men, 'trashy' is trashy.

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