You just have to pick the right ones. And okay, he ended up dead, but I don’t think it was these ladies’ fault.
Actually, at 6 feet tall, I could have done it. (Check out Way of the Warrior)
Accepting the Child Welfare League of America’s Award for Excellence in Service to Children, Youth and Families for founding InsideOUT Writers, the creative writing program for incarcerated youth in Los Angeles.
Further on the topic of protecting the president, look at this photo.
Do you see the white roof in the upper left corner? That's where Thomas Crooks climbed, in full view, with a clear shot of the president. Folks, I’ve tried to convince myself that it was only negligence. But the more I think about it, the more convinced I am that it was an inside job.
What do you think? Can women protect the president? Was the assassination attempt an inside job?
This is a light-hearted post, but seriously, what dark times we live in! Will we ever know the truth of what really happened?
I didn't see anyone fat around him. Not sure why everyone keeps calling the woman fat. While the suits they wear restrict full visual evaluation, all looked to be at fairly healthy weights.
As far as height, check again: EVERYONE in the photo appears shorter than Trump, including the men-save for the guy on the right who appears about Trump's height. Since they are all bent forward to some degree (again, the suits make it impossible to tell exactly how much) AND the photo is taken from below at an angle, it's pretty much impossible to accurately determine how tall anybody is with any accuracy.
That being said: according to Rep Comer's request for the director of the Secret Service to testify, they have faced understaffing and recruitment challenges. Not difficult to believe considering pretty much every law enforcement agency in the country is currently running with significant % vacant positions and hiring difficulties. The military is also struggling to recruit. So, I guess the whole idea of "lowering standards" strikes me as a bit of a wash unless there are actually better-qualified individuals who are being turned down for positions so that the less-qualified woman or person of color can have one.
If there is a major shortage of qualified people, then I suppose we are left with the choice of having nobody in front of Trump vs having that woman. Who, regardless of her height and weight, is THERE and doing the job. I'm not clear on why everyone seems to think it would be preferable to raise standards so that there would be even more of a shortage. We can talk about who the ideal agent would be, but if there aren't any of those types signing up, then we have to make due with whomever is willing to risk their life to protect a stranger whose politics they may like, or detest. Or am i missing something?
The US military is 1) Constitutionally disallowed from operating domestically and 2) having a serious staffing problem: the Marines, the smallest of the armed services, are the only one that even met their recruiting goals last year. Barely. The Army, Navy, and Air Force came up quite short. Hence the sudden renewed push the strengthen Selective Service registration enforcement and expand the requirement to women.
I would be shocked if they couldn’t guard a President. And the National Guard is used locally. In addition, you can’t be right re military not allowed to deploy on US soil. What if there were an invasion?
Here's something from West Point describing the limitations on military ops domestically. This part seems most relevant, but I'll put the link at the bottom if you're interested:
"In DSCLE, the armed forces provide law enforcement support in accordance with law and DoD policy and when requested by a civilian law enforcement entity. When supporting law enforcement, DoD actions are generally limited to:
conducting investigations;
protecting DoD personnel and equipment;
securing classified material;
actions that further the DoD or foreign affairs interests of the United States;
operation and maintenance of equipment under specific circumstances;
For a specific, special event, and most importantly, not in a capacity that allows them to take enforcement action-arrest or violence-against Americans. So, as i said, they do assist on AF1, in the "transport" capacity. And I suppose they could be used as extra eyes in the audience. However, they could not be authorized to use lethal force on an ongoing basis. For a single event, it seems like that may be possible. But not on as a regular, indefinite arrangement.
So, I guess they could be the watchdogs, but they can't be the armed guards on a regular security detail. (I think it's worth pointing out that even short fat people could do just fine as lookouts; all the comments here including yours seem to be concerned with the ability of the agents to fight and do other physical tasks. Which the military wouldn't be allowed to do.)
Lol. The rules are different in wartime. But during peace time, no, they aren't allowed to deploy on US soil for armed enforcement, which I assume is what you're suggesting. This is to prevent the military from being used as an enforcement arm of the executive. So, placing them in positions where they could be firing on and arresting Americans, would be problematic.
There are Marines who staff Air Force One, carry the nuclear codes (the "ball carrier") and so on. But those are support roles rather than enforcement.
The military exists for a specific purpose. And it's not to investigate and use force against Americans. That's what we have police for. While I don't doubt that there are many Marines, sailors, soldiers, and airmen who would jump at the chance to protect a former President or a candidate, that isn't the job they signed up for. And our military is stretched pretty thin as is. They really don't need any more hats to wear.
The RNC is a larger event and is in WI. This was a campaign stop, one of many, in PA. You do know that agents are stationed all over the country, staff events near their home, and have rules about how often and how long they can work. I'm sure you also know that local LEOs are often used to supplement security at large events, as was the case at the rally.
So, then, you are assuming that all those men were Secret Service as opposed to other LE, or possibly private security hired by Trump and/or the RNC. Also, the point of my post was about recruitment and eligibility requirements. Not the selection of which existing agents will serve on which occasion. Because, you see, the rally was one of many, business as usual-until it wasn't. Obviously after an attempt and at an event like the convention, security will be beefed up and not business as usual.
So, i guess what you're saying is that the men working the RNC should have been signed to that particular rally instead? Heck, I don't understand why those large men don't just work 24/7 around Trump as they are clearly the best the agency has to offer. So why have anybody else at all? 20 large men should be sufficient...
Sorry, I don't see it. The fact that, days after an assassination attempt and at a MUCH bigger event than the rally-in terms of size and length but also in terms of how many big names other than Trump will be present AND the fact that this is the nominating convention-there is a bigger (in several ways) security team doesn't prove that such teams are available for every campaign stop. And according to both the Secret Service and the House Oversight Chair, who is hardly anti-Trump, there IS a staffing shortage at the agency. I'm sure both will be relieved to hear your assessment that they have plenty of qualified staff. So many that they should start culling the lower performers, I guess?
How about having the replacements lined up first? Then, by all means, weed out underperformers. But maybe make sure you're fully staffed before you start firing people?
Look at the statistics on overweight and obesity, serious mental illness, and disability in the American population. There may not be a shortage of workers, per se (I think statistics and anecdotes would disagree with you, but for the sake of argument let's say you're correct). But you're talking here about the physical and mental cream of the crop. A large (no pun intended) majority of Americans are overweight. Close to 25% carry a psychiatric diagnosis, and while not all of those are necessarily disqualifying, certainly many are. And on and on.
I would agree that LE should be paid more given the potential risk to their life. That would require significant tax increases or yet more added to the debt load. Good luck getting that, or actually ANY significant change to pretty much anything, through this Congress. I find it somewhat interesting how many Reps are willing to list all the problems with the Secret Service (or insert the agency of your choice) but then refuse to authorize the budget increases they need to improve, such as by spending major dollars to recruit and retain the best candidates.
Would you let a non qualified person operate on you, until a better one can be found? Or would you hire a terrible driver who has a string of accidents as your chauffeur? Or a pilot who has no depth perception? No. They could hire better. They aren’t.
Re: the hypotheticals you mentioned, I suppose that depends on the situation. People get into cars all the time with intoxicated, elderly and cognitively impaired, or just plain bad drivers, if they have somewhere they really need to be and no other way to get there. And people who, say, can't afford licensed physicians actually do in fact hire either licensed doctors with disciplinary records, or unlicensed personnel, or travel overseas for care they couldn't afford here.
I'm not disputing that, if there is a choice, of course it makes sense to hire based on statement standards. My argument is that it certainly appears that there isn't much choice. I'm curious why you think the Secret Service is overwhelmed with extremely qualified applicants, when local law enforcement, FBI, CBP, and so on are woefully understaffed, and when the Secret Service itself has multiple vacancies. This isn't a case where all positions are filled, and they're choosing unqualified people while turning qualified people away-otherwise they wouldn't have so many vacancies. Unless you're seriously suggesting that there is a conspiracy afoot to turn away qualified applicants and keep multiple positions vacant instead? And if that were the case, why hasn't a single individual come forward to say that happened to them? You don't think the Trump campaign, the RNC, and the right-wing media wouldn't offer such a person prime-time platforming until everyone heard from them? It seems they haven't found anyone with such a story. Not one.
If you have data showing that the Secret Service has turned down numerous qualified applicants in the last, say, 6 years, please share it. It would make them a notable outlier in the LE world.
If not, then could you explain what it is that makes you so certain that there are enough qualified people out there and they just aren't being hired?
One more thought: eligibility criteria are ALWAYS dependent upon the level of need to some extent. I imagine that if the Secret Service had enough MMA champions applying to fill the service, or enough bodybuilders with proven exceptional sniper skills to boot, every individual in those photos would have rippling muscles everywhere, and Trump wouldn't have had the fist photo op because he wouldn't have been able to stop and turn against the overwhelming strength and power of the agents. But I think we all know that there simply aren't enough prize fighters and Olympic deadlifters applying to make that anything close to reality. Hence, the standards aren't as high as they could be. Or, to go back to your examples, if we had an overwhelming surplus of people applying for medical residency slots in this county, then those who graduate at the bottom of their medical school class-heck, make it anyone who wasn't in the top 10-wouldn't become a licensed physician. Why do you think it is that even the dumbest MD can still get a job, and stay busy? It's because every job catagory can only draw from the population around the job site, and that population has widely varied levels of fitness and skill. If only the best heart surgeons were allowed to operate, hundreds of thousands of people would die on a waiting list. That doesn't mean you let toddlers do bypass surgery, but it does mean that even mediocre surgeons and those who have made lethal errors are, much ore often than not, permitted to keep practicing, and continue to have patients coming in. It's why most people, when their insurance company has only middling surgeons in-network, will choose one of those if they can't switch insurance-because they can't pay out of pocket, and so they go ahead with the surgery under less than ideal circumstances and with higher than optimal risk because the alternative is certain death.
I know how to get things done. Hire me. I could fix it. These aren’t insurmountable problems. Maybe you have never done anything…? It is possible you have never been tasked with something difficult to do and made it happen? In which case I won’t blame you for wringing your hands and saying it isn’t fixable. It is.
Women can protect the president - it just can't be any woman. For goodness sake they have to meet standards and be trained. In front of the world we see a weakness. Same goes for men. Not sure if all the men assigned were prepared. The reputation of the Secret Service is shattered. I didn't want to once more think something might be a set up but I can't help it. No one would miss that shot and that shooter should never have been able to get up on that roof. That roof should have been covered by an agent.
Agree. They are trying to shift the focus onto blaming women for what happened, when something shady was going on that had nothing to do with this argument that, obviously, only an exceptional woman can protect the president and it shouldn't have been that woman.
Okay, but you're assuming there was an exceptional woman or a man available and willing to fill that spot. Law enforcement as a whole is full of vacancies and bleeding experienced officers and agents. Is it really preferable to REDUCE the number of agents even further because they're not "ideal"?
Or to put it another way... Given that pretty much no LE agency currently has their choice of the best applicants, would we prefer to take those who are willing and meet a reduced standard, or simply make due with the (very) few exceptional candidates they have? It seems like everyone is assuming that woman took the position away from a 6ft 8in bodybuilding man. That's very unlikely to be the case, although I'm open to proof that I'm wrong.
Also, why is everyone talking about the height of the woman, who is clearly bent forward, but not the height of the men in the back, who also appear to be bent forward but not as much and none of whom are even terribly close to Trump's height in the photo? I personally think it's impossible to tell from the photo how tall the agents are, but assuming you're right that she is short, to my eye so are the men. So why is the talk about the dangers of female agents as opposed to the dangers of short agents, period?
The three women by the car were clearly in a panic. They are incompetent. The lack of LE is because the cities are trashing police. Who in their right mind would join a police force now, save for perhaps in a small town. Train 100 USMC men and the problem is solved. Women in general cannot do the job. Men in general cannot do the job. I am 73. I can’t do the job. When I was 35 and ripped I was not bulky enough to do the job. Out of 100 people who can, 99 would be men. Three women on Trump, who is very tall was wrong. The head of the SS saying they identified the roof as being a danger spot but the less than 10 degree slope made it dangerous!! It was left unprotected.
Not those DEI women!!!! Did you see them mishandling their weapons at the motorcade!! OMG…this is pure insanity! Especially while they were dodging who knows what leaving openings for President Trump to be shot at again!!! Then for the ignorant DEI SS Director that the roof had too much of a pitch to put someone on it!!!! Are you kidding me!!! Our roof on our home is much steeper than that and I even clean it and the gutters all the time!!! So an experience, trained SS gunmen can’t handle that…..this is absolutely BS!!!! It was such a low pitch that anyone could manage a post!!! This was an inside job by the DS and the SS has explaining to do! This is all on the Obiden/Obama regime! They wanted Trump killed!!!
yup, even if this was "staged" the Obiden/Bama regime wants DJT dead. An' as a kid we played on a friend's SANDBOX that had a steeper roof (it was tin or sheet metal) an' we kids climbed on it an' lept off all the time... such a lotta malarkey that argue-mint!
This was so staged it’s ridiculous. I wonder how much they paid these women or were they too ignorant to even realize they will go down as the DEI three stooges!!! Agreed!!! We climbed 30-40 foot trees, I clean my roof and gutters that are five times steeper, and this was a sloped roof to worry about!!! Then they all need fired. She isn’t a good liar…they planned on killing him…and the corrupt people are so greedy they couldn’t wait to short Truth Social the day before, Nuland just couldn’t keep her mouth shut confirming the fix was in, and on and on!!! Trump needs patriots protecting him!!!! All of us could have stopped this attempt!!! He would have been taken out the first citing!!! Everyone who saw him and the SS ignored them, should have picked up anything and ran to the building and started throwing it at him. Stay close to the side so you didn’t get shot! Then he would have had to stand up and if they didn’t shoot him then, it would have been very obvious he was working with them!
I watched multiple videos of different people trying to get their attention! Yes, he should have been immediately secured and escorted from the podium. But they waited for the guy to shoot first. Also, I just saw another video today where the shooter was just walking around in front of the building back and forth! They said police were supposedly staged in the building and they didn’t find that strange and he brought a ladder to get on the building!
All I could think about was Bridesmaid and Melissa McCarthy's character.
About conspiracy 🤔. Mental Illness, DEI hires, negligence, incompetents. Violence follows hate. Nothing is cooling down. It's a shit show in the extreme.
LOL. I want this Cheatle woman gone. These women give the rest of us cool-headed females a bad name! I was living in England when the Iron Woman Margaret Thatcher was leading the nation. They need another one like her!!! I remember when she first became PM, they made fun of her husband, led around by her, and said that women shouldn't be leaders because once a month they turn into emotional wrecks and can't think straight. It didn't take long for them to shut up. Thatcher proved them wrong.
Love your work Karen, but sorry - NO we don’t need another Margaret Thatcher!!! Margaret Thatcher knew all about underage sex rings among ministers. She is also mentioned by several victims/whistleblowers of MKUltra.
Also note how the "secret documents" case was dropped the very next morning. If he'd died, he couldn't sue the arse off everyone involved in turning his home upside down, for $Millions!
Except that Truth Social was pegged as a meme stock that would almost certainly be shorted as soon as it dropped, when it was revealed the company had such tenuous finances that its survival was in jeopardy (and that is from the report written by their own people).
Also, the majority of those who purchased that stock were hardcore Trump supporters plus a few randos hoping to cash in on a pump-and-dump situation. Are you saying that this was all planned by those who love Trump so much that they purchased his stock despite the dire financial predictions of the company's own accountants? Sorry, but I don't buy it. Unless you can show that there was a sudden update in new investors in the recent months who were then responsible for the increase in short sales... It just has too many holes to make sense.
Shorts are tracked. They needn’t be investors. Apparently there was a big short the day before it happened. Which is suspicious. But it is a volatile stock. Not sure how common big shorts are on it.
A massive short put was bought the day before. The company who placed it said it was an error. They shorted 12,000,000 shares. It was supposed to be 12,000 and someone typed in an extra ‘000’. And if you believe that….then I don’t think you are arguing in any sort of unbiased manner.
Hey Karen I believe there are a few women that can handle the job but as in all things men typically do you cannot lower any standard whatsoever just because you want to feel good about having a woman doing a job it's really that simple it's a life or death type of job....maranatha!!
Musk is just as likely to pitch his brain-control implants as the perfect way to increase the competancy of agents in an instant.
I really feel sorry for the poor folks who will have his chip put in their brains to try to help them with a spinal cord injury... And are left with Musk-who is erratic, impulsive, and petty, and also a control freak-with the keys to their brain.
The vicious mockery of women has been heating up from all sides. Yes incompetent women make us all look bad, but the relentless focus on the women when there is plenty of blame to go around should be ringing alarm bells. Too many men are serious about the sandwiches, repealing the 19th Ammendment, no fault divorce and reproductive rights. Excesses of feminism, like me too cancelations without due process and incompetent DEI hires, are causing a tsumani of resentful backlash. We'll be lucky to hang on to the rights our foremothers fought so hard for.
I have had the same thoughts actually. The balance is off. And with the dems / wokes trying to erase the natural woman and us fighting back, there is a danger of some carrying this too far the other way. On the other hand, I have no problem with making my man a sandwich. My granny was a house wife and she was very houseproud and caring. And my grandad very much appreciated her, he never looked down on her in any way. In reality, she was the boss of the house, but she didn't let him feel that way. I see no wrong in this. Of course there is other men.....
Never confuse governmental incompetence with conspiracies. I served as an attorney for a few years at a fairly high level of government and interacted with quite a few government employees in law enforcement and politics. You have no idea of the large percentage of government employees who are patently incompetent. They are protected by various civil service protections that make it almost impossible to fire incompetent or ineffective employees. Employees are rewarded for not rocking the boat, not questioning orders, and time in the job. The very few competent and motivated employees have no financial upside and are often punished for working hard and making everyone else appear lazy. They usually give up and leave. I would have thought of all of the Federal Government agencies, the Secret Service would have the most competent and motivated employees, but the numerous layers of incompetency revealed in the Trump assassination attempt, both before, during and after, is almost beyond comprehension. Still, I believe an independent investigation will show it was gross negligence in planning, protection, supervision, communications, and execution as opposed to a conspiracy.
I have no problem with women being in the SS if they pass the same qualifying criteria.
However that said, it does seem odd that there would be a DEI push to put women in danger (SS details) while at the same time not immediately doing the same for combat roles in the military.
yup! in NYC ('fore we left) nearly ALL the cops (male & female--as far as I could tell lol) were outta shape--SOOOOooooo different from what I'd known all my life--they just stood there while stuff happened--at times they were even "BEGGED" to help--they also carried (on purpose) about 75lbs of equipment so them runnin' after a perp would be near-impossible. We had a local kids playground where some iffy homeless folks shot up drugs an' exposed themselfs an' if ya told the cops they'd be yeah, "we'll git on it" (an' they'd do nothin')--many of us parents went ta local meetin's but the local precinct only gave lip service--OFTEN outside the local donut shop--they'd be parked! Not a trope/meme--it was real (least in NYC) an' they had more rolls than the local bakeries! (Male & Female both!) travesty of NY's finest...
Some can. I am thinking the likes of Walentyna Schewtschenko. Most women though would not be up to the task and I am not talking height. You need a warrior spirit 😉
After reading the first paragraph, I realized that you can't be taken seriously. My time is too precious to waste on ideologized, brainwashed 3rd generation feminists, who, in my opinion, have not even the slightest understanding of the meaning of this word.
By the way, you have an absolutely frightening deficit in historical education, otherwise you would never have the idea of comparing Donald Trump to Hitler.
I am not totally d'accord. Women should have equal rights before the law and they did have to fight for that. But equality has been achived yonks ago and all feminists that came afterwards were just tools of globalistic satanists, destroying the family, killing babies, pitching women against men. It's part of the frankfurt school....
No, I am sorry, I should have read it properly. I fear I have a really bad allergy against that woke crap and reading mysoginist or Nazi makes me just want to puke and I stop reading further.
Absolutely! Consider the Urdu-begis—highly trained and armed female guards who protected the Mughal emperors and their harems. They were totally badass!
Sorry but for the most part women should not be in charge of protecting the president. Men are physically bigger and have testosterone coursing through their veins. Unless you are an anomaly meaning over 6 feet tall and strong. They should have a physical test of some kind. And yes it was an inside job. Negligent because he missed! I know that sounds dark but the ppl in the crowd were trying to alert them for several minutes. WTF?
Agree. That is what I said. But you are quoting Candace Owens, about the "testosterone coursing through their veins". This is not necessarily a good thing either. I am a full contact fighter, and that testosterone can cause more problems than a cool head. I speak from experience. Yes, it is the exceptional woman who should protect a president. But they do exist.
Yes you are right. I had just heard Candace's podcast. I should have cited her. And there are some who exist like I said. I think a physical test of some kind would solve the problem.
He missed. But actually except for the turn of Trump’s head, he would have placed the round right into Trump’s temple. It was not an inaccurate shot. By using an unknown, seemingly inept patsy, plotters invoked plausible deniability. Strange that James Biden would tell fellow financial plotters that exact thing years earlier.
I think a woman could be on the detail, but not those women. The woman with her hair in a bun trying to stand in front of Trump was too short; he towered over her. The rest were clumsy and sorry to say this, out of shape. I'm thinking only the fittest, with the proper training. They seemed to be clueless as if they did not know what to do. I wasn't terribly impressed with the men either. They did not work as a team and appeared clumsy. It is easy to watch and judge, but it sure wasn't what I would expect.
I have thought some about the whole thing. The picture of the shooter, looked like an old pic. I have thought about the movie "Shooter" and JFK. Maybe someone else took the shot from another location. Some say Thomas Crooks brought a ladder, but where was the ladder in the pics and videos? Why did the Secret Service (SS) have to get permission to shoot a person posing a threat with a rifle? That should be the expected action since there is not time to run over there and get him on the ground; you stop the threat and take it out. There were police or SS in the building the shooter was on? Too many stories to sort through.
Robert Malone has some thought provoking articles on this too. Everyone is going to investigate. Lord knows after seeing what that does, that is a waste of time and money; Hillary Emails, Russiagate, Trump Impeachments, J6, Election Fraud...the outcomes are already decided and it is all staged for theatre. The outcomes are what are questionable. A sane person with a functioning mind should have become suspicious over time. The last 4 years have been nothing but disasters. The change in the dignity and show of respect by the Media and Hollywood and the undignified behavior of the people in charge is so abnormal. I don't recall before Trump ran and was in office, such attacks and rudeness; downright nasty attacks on a President. People tried to blame Trump for COVID, and the same people thought Fauci was a Saint. Trump took his advice from Fauci on COVID. That never made sense. All the back stabbing people even in Trump's circle (Mike Pence, Lindsey Graham....), and now looking back it is really obvious.
Other Countries leaders have said what is going on here is intentional Self destruction:
El Salvador President Bukele expressed his belief that the erosion of major U.S. cities is “by design” and a product of “enemies” within the U.S. political system.
“When you look how the cities are eroding so fast, this has to be by design. I mean who would make so many stupid decisions?”
“They’re literally giving some people drugs in some U.S. cities, or they say we’re going to give you money if you don’t work. They make all these laws that make no sense.”
“If they have high crime, they say okay, I have a solution, let’s defund the police.”
President Putin and Hungary's PM have made similar comments.
Very good observations. I hadn't read what President Bukele said. But it's obvious that the insanity that's been going on for years has been an "inside job" to bring down the United States. The US can't be attacked by an army from the outside, so it has to be attacked from the inside.
I think examples like the photo of Crooks being an older one is interesting to contemplate. Because of how fast things move on the internet, the first photo found and posted is likely to get circulated like lightening, everyone picks it up. That photo becomes THE photo. Then, if it's inaccurate or older, after people start seeing other photos, they start accusing whomever of planting the original photo on purpose. And maybe it was. Or maybe it wasn't. I always wondered about those drag queen story times, for example. They were spread around the internet and took off like wildfire. The more they were posted, the more events were planned. Probably libraries thought they were the right thing to do. But I never met a parent, conservative or liberal, who would take their kids to one of those. Who in their right mind would??? It seemed like a setup--maybe even by conservatives to tarnish the other side. These outrageous events are everywhere in the media for a time, and then, poof, they disappear. And we are on to the next outrageous event. Menticide, as I have warned for so long.
But that's the thing, we really don't know any more if something is occurring naturally or if we are purposely being manipulated. Or, something can start naturally and then it is just magnified online. I'm writing about "click farms" at the moment, so it's on my mind.
Sam Altman has said that within a few years we literally won't know what is true and what isn't. That's thanks to AI. And behind all of this, AI is the biggest threat, and we have these tech gods that keep on tinkering with it. It doesn't matter who is president, they will push forward with AI. Everyone senses Trump has power now and they are all coming over to his side.
It's always been easy to manipulate the masses, but in more straightforward ways. Now, there are so many subtle ways to do it. And on such a grand scale. I don't think the shooting was staged. We know that because people really died. Not to say those who plan such things would care if someone died or not. But the only way it would have been staged would be if the Trump team staged it--such an assassination attempt would in no way help Democrats. But the Trump team does not have control over the SS, or the FBI, or the CIA. With all the attacks on Trump, as you listed, we know whose side they are on. So how Trump's team would get the SS to appear so inept seems impossible. I think the most likely scenario is that they simply were inept. Now, it's possible someone was bought off to ensure Crooks had as much freedom as a person could get in order to get on that roof. It's possible someone influenced him ahead of time.
But the evidence we have in front of our faces that we don't need to speculate about is that there were many failures in security. Trump is so despised by the agency heads (but I do wonder if the agents themselves despise Trump, maybe many of them don't) they would be putting their energy toward protecting the Bidens, especially as Cheatle is said to have been hired because of Jill and her advisor, can't think of his name off the top of my head.
Anyway, a lot to think about. One thing we know for sure, we can't trust any official investigation--we would be fools to do so after what we've seen these "crooks" do so far.
Another thing I've been thinking about it that at a certain point, if AI keeps on taking over the way it is, we will have to abandon the concentration on whether something is real or not. It just can't factor into how we make our decisions, or we will go crazy. We have to shift our thinking a bit. This comes back to what I keep harping on about common sense. I have to think about it some more and don't want to write an entire essay here, ha-ha!
I absolutely do not think Trump or "conservatives" planned Trump's assassination attempt. The people I read that think that was staged are strange and something is going on with them?? You have to read their other ramblings to figure out, they are possibly living in a delusional world on the internet. I don't mean Fritz; he is a hard read and I think he is eccentric. Sources of learning can come from what might be the most unlikely people. On my own I would not decide to listen to Louis Farrakhan, but some years ago (5 or more) Harry Vox had a video on bitchute of Farrakhan and he recommended it to understand the Banking System. I cannot find the original video, but located a version of it again: There is a lot of truth in what he says there.
I trust Trump. He truly loves this country and cares about the people. The things he did and wants to do to save the country are the exact opposite of the Global Agenda. Trump wants what most people want; prosperity, independence, controlled immigration, energy independence, no wars... The Globalist who control everything have done everything possible to keep him out and get him out of office using the people they control and nothing has worked. The only thing left is to assassinate him; Tucker Carlson has said that is all they have left. IMO people (Democrats and some Republicans; work for the deep state) want him gone. Trump is not a politician, and those people want Trump gone and out of their way, and would definitely attempt to kill him and anyone getting in the way is collateral damage. That was the point I was trying to make by using JFK and the movie Shooter. I go with the theory JFK was killed by CIA. RFK was another hit job, according to:
Anyone who gets in the way, is going to get a bullet in the head. We are all disposable to them.
The published photo of Crooks? That was a thought thrown out due to knowing the Media, and how they might try to manipulate the appearance of the situation. I don't put to much stock in that, just a thought.
Cheattle being incompetent or purposefully ignorant, who knows which for sure, probably both. Everyone in positions of power appear incompetent or refuse to do the job; DOJ, Homeland Security, Kamala, Biden, Butteigeg. Then the people I thought were patriotic with morals (Graham, Pence, McConnell, Mike Johnson,,...), turn out to be not. Just like you have said, if you want to play the game and get to the top and stay there, at some point you join the ranks of deceitful people or leave.
AI is definitely a threat. It is already in use and controlling the internet and content you are able to see when you search with google. Google was censoring what you search for, going back to when Trump was President or before. If you search for Biden failures, it would come up with Trump articles and of course defamatory ones. Now if you search for Transactivist that have committed murder, you will get all Trans people are victims. AI is just making the whole internet cohesive and pulling in and summarizing the results and showing articles they want you to see. AI can be programmed to do whatever they want; it is who is doing the programming; like AI making all people black; remember that. It is only as good as the people programming it.
The internet has thrown them (Global Elites) into a tailspin. Since the internet people are able to find out things published independently that tell more than they want you to know. It unveiled them and their dirty deeds. AI will be able to take control of the internet. I am concerned, we will loose access to all independent publishers like yourself or Joe Rogan, Tucker Carlson,...
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when
everything the American public believes is false." ~ supposedly
William Casey, CIA Director said this at a staff meeting in 1981.
I enjoy your works immensely, and I learn a lot.
In reading "Gods of Tech and Pestilence" I had a question but did not ask. I remembered when you had previously wrote about "Nickel: the dirty business of clean energy" and I thought that was the article where you said something about....the second largest natural lake in the world is polluted by mining in Africa. I cannot find where you said that. If you can't remember the article it's okay. Don't go to any trouble to find. I looked for a while and got frustrated and gave up.
I wrote a piece a while ago, The Persecution of Tucker and Trump, about "the two most dangerous men in America". Tucker has said some things since that gave me pause but over all who would noy agree with what he says. It's rational.and makes sense.
Listening to Trump's speech last night I felt so hopeful. Again, who could not agree with what he says. It makes sense, it's not rocket science. I also couldn't help but be worried since how will he ever live up to all those promises. People have put him on a pedestal now, as if he can miraculously solve everything. I don't know how he stops these wars..if he'd been president instead of Biden it's true, we wouldn't be in these wars. But now, I'm not sure they can be stopped. But I hope they can.
I can't remember what essay that polluted lake is in but I will look for it..
yup, I have an AI question about the audience--some wrote only "hundreds" attended but I've seen shots with what looks like thousands! With photoshop like software (far better) you make a human "stamp" an' repeat--someone needs ta look over that footage in close up ta see if some monkeybiz was goin' on with AI...
We’re only now starting to see the cracks in the JFK assassination story. Most of us who care will not be alive when the truth comes out about the attempt (hopefully only one) in Trump’s life.
Women need no help in that regard. They vote D, supporting decarceration and no cash bail, then complain the streets are unsafe. They vote D, then whine about D-caused inflation making groceries & gas unaffordable. They vote D, then cry over the graves of their raped & murdered daughters killed by D-demanded open borders. They vote D, then complain that they lack privacy in their spaces. They vote D and then learn that the thousands of hours they’ve spent practicing a sport since they were four years old were wasted as an average male just kicked their ass.
So you have a choice: the real world women are destroying by voting on empathy, or recognize that government is force, women lack the “force” gene, that history is bereft of matriarchies for a reason… and either alter your voting patterns or get disenfranchised, or finish destroying Western Civ, for it to be Darwinistically replaced by Islam - in which you have no rights or voice at all. Your choice.
If the protector is not bigger & stronger than the protectee - if by sheer size they cannot shield the protectee - they are not right for the job. If they can’t even holster their firearm, they don’t belong anywhere near a protective detail of anyone.
This broad seemed to have no idea what to do, zero ability to shield a protectee much larger, was completely incapable of helping drag DJT offstage, and surprised everyone by not shooting herself in the foot with an accidental discharge. She had no idea what she was doing. Just like Director Cheeto.
Someone pointed out the names: Thomas CROOKs and SS Director CHEATle. Funny, but of course, not funny.
Absolutely, this woman was not up to the task for the reasons you mention. That doesn't mean no woman in the entire world could do that job. Anyone who goes for that job, just like for the job of a fire fighter, military, etc. should have to perform at the highest standard expected. If they can't do it, they can't do the job. It's simple.
I think we have to stop thinking in these extremes that we are being forced into. Candace Owens is saying women shouldn't even be pilots. I had a female pilot from NY to Los Angeles and I was glad. She was also a great communicator. How far do we take these rules? We have to be careful not to be the tyranny we fought against.
Candace's comment about pilots was wrong. Made no sense. When ppl like her who make some really good points, then take it too far, they lose credibility with some. It's misguided. That CHEATle CROOKs thing is bizarre!
You had a female pilot setting course & arrival time. And initiating the (man designed, made, programmed) computer program that flew the plane there. Had there been a bird strike, your pilot would’ve been hiding behind the controls rather than doing the Scully thing.
I would strongly recommend you rewrite your article and eliminate all anti-Trump bias as it only questions the rest of the claims you are making. Stick to the facts - Trump being a threat to democracy is certainly not one of them; if this were true Biden would not be in the White House.
I agree these decisions should be made rationally, not by emotion. I take exception when men say women are driven more by emotion and men by intellect. The thing is, the problem with what happened at the rally has nothing to do with whether or not a woman can protect a president in a physical situation. It has to do with someone on the inside helping the shooter. Who was that person, or persons, is the most important question.
I find men to be extremely emotional. We are in wars because they get so angry with one another. I was physically abused by a husband who could not control his emotions. Men get in physical fights all the time and women try to calm them down. Women cry more often and men get violent more often. That's also true.
But I agree, it is more likely a man should be in a position where a physical fight might occur than a woman.
A woman who meets all the physical and skill requirements the men have to meet, and who has the imposing and intimidating physical presence to deter malefactors, and who is just as assertive, protective, and aggressive as her male colleagues. Maybe.
This is the first time I’ve seen the “lay of the land” since this happened. I’ve heard this building was outside of the security zone. Could that even be possible with trained law enforcement? Then we have the comment from the head of Secret Service about the roof being sloped. Why the hell is that supposed to be an issue? Don’t they have snipers on the roof of the White House every single day? It boggles the mind!!!
You're right on there, the right woman can. Statistically there are less women who have sufficient height and musculature, but there are some who excel at such roles.
As far as it being an inside job, I can't see it as being anything else.
I've met puhlenty of "badass" ladies in mah day that could'a dunnit but not only was "Sally Struthers" there unqualified (no offense Sal...)--but they put a SHORT lady in front of The Donald for 3 reasons (however ya take this "staged" or "set up" event...)
1. the cameras gotta GREAT view of the entire scene an' Donald's fist punch b/c lil' blondie was not tall enuf ta block Donald's waistband let alone his body (as should'a been the case--DJT's over six feet so ya'd want tall folks to protect him!) This laydee (had she not been incompetent) could'a protected Danny DeVito!
2. they picked a woman who is clearly outta shape an' outta her element (along with the two other Blues Brothers "act real cool" acturds)--who was so short Hulk Hogan could'a picked her up with one hand 'n spun her. C'mon--I think these were not real pros at protection but ruther cast b-grade actors...) Pickin' this kinda petite pudgette would make ya lose all faith that anyone on "team Trump" (or ass-igned to protect him) was anythin' but a joke--Demoralizin' from any angle and...
3. as ya state Karen, it's OBVIOUS that puttin' a short stop in front of tall drink 'a water DJT was not protective in any way--that left him vulnerable... An' they put her RIGHT IN FRONT! An' even if there was makeup applied to his ear (stage gel), it still made it possible for the entire "presentation" to leave him open to shots at any time... WHOEVER did the staging.
And if it warn't staged (imho it was but just sayin') then the DEMS had a perfect "bullseye view" of their man... their TARGET... whatta gift ta Biden (mebbe he sniffed that laydees hair too?)
Yes Karen, you could'a done this (with trainin') an' I've seen women athletes strong as bulls--but this whole thing WAS bull! (an' the cops & SS had ta know it--surely THEY were laffin' too no matter who gave'em their "direcitons")
This stupid and insane violence we see so much of is the direct result of the political powerlessness of the powerless.
Our government officials and talking heads, worldwide, taut our system as a civilized and representative democracy. They claim to be doing the best thing for us on each and every point across the board.
Periodically, they even let us vote for representatives who are authorized to vote for us on the new laws that will do the right thing for everybody each and every time. And this empowerment of fallible human beings is the only means we have to redress our grievances.
And yet the honest Congressional and Legislative representative admits that they do not read, examine or debate any of the laws they vote on.
In the USA, they vote on one hundred - 2,000 page laws every day. They vote the way their advisors tell them to vote.
And according to the powerless, the situation gets worse.
So, when does it get better? Or is it necessary that our democratically elected representatives, who do not have the time to evaluate the legislation they vote on, plunge us into Armageddon where only God could sort it out?
Somehow, we have to call a stop to the madness.
The peaceful, prosperous world we all hope and dream of begins when the responsible Citizens develop a way to evaluate 200 Thousand pages of law speak per day.
This evaluation must be public, transparent and in a form that can be viewed by everyone in order make certain that the Law being enforced is congruent with the will of the people.
In 1992, Presidential Candidate Ross Perot called it The Electronic Townhall. “It is only logical that it will become our Fourth Branch of Government”, he said.
How it works:
Before a new law, tax, or expenditure can be put on the books it must first be Ratified by the Citizens.
Existing laws can be Annulled by the same super majority required to Ratify them.
This program can be applied to every level of government and will ultimately solve every problem we have.
To prevent chaos, the basic law, our Constitution and Bill of Rights, would be exempt from review.
Citizenship is about the Ratification or Annulment of each line of every law, rule, regulation and supreme court decision on the books or that is on the docket waiting to be turned into law, policy and taxes.
Nothing short of this is going to ameliorate the present situation, nor will we get to the Stars without it.
So, who gets to participate in this amplified voting, and how are the votes counted and what specific impact does the sacred vote have at the business end of government?
Right now, the first question is:
# 1. Who gets to vote in the: general election?
a. citizens only - Yes No
b. natural born citizens only - Yes No
c. natural born citizens with four natural born grandparents - Yes No
d. naturalized citizens (legal immigrants) - Yes No
e. legal immigrants not yet naturalized - Yes No
f. anyone with a drivers license not otherwise prohibited by law of the various States – Yes - No
# 2.1 Ages of Voter
g. minimum18 years
h. minimum 21 years
i. minimum 25 years
j. minimum 30 years
k. minimum 33 years
l. minimum 35 years
# 2.2 Sex of Voter
a. Male – Yes - No
b. Female – Yes - No
c. Non – Binanry - Yes - No
d. Transgender - Yes - No
# 2.3 Competence of Voter
e. property owners net value over $50,000 - Yes - No
f. property owners net value over $250,000 - Yes - No
g. tax exempt persons – Yes - No
h. those receiving welfare / food stamps – Yes - No
i. those with unpaid child support obligations - Yes - No
j. those receiving WIC – Yes - No
k. those receiving Section 8 – Yes - No
l. those working for government bureaucracies – Yes - No
m. those that will pay a $5000 poll tax - Yes - No
n. those that have paid a minimum of $5000 per year of tax for their combined jurisdictions in excess of any received via SS, Medicare, Medicaid, ATFWDC - Yes - No
# 2.4 Genetic presence of Voter
a. Male without children – Yes - No
b. Male with children – Yes - No
c. Male with children plural vote – Yes - No
d. Female without children – Yes - No
e. Female with children – Yes - No
f. Female with children plural vote – Yes - No
g. Only married males with children, never divorced can vote. – Yes - No
# 3.0 Who should be trusted with the responsibility and power of Public Office?
a. Only those authorized to vote in the general election - Yes No
b. Male without children – Yes - No
c. Male with children – Yes - No
d. Female without children – Yes - No
e. Female with children – Yes - No
f. Only married males with children, never divorced can hold public office – Yes - No
Trump is probably a psyop. I wouldn’t be surprised if this was all part of the plan. The reason I say Trump is a psyop is because if he really stood for the people and cleaning up gov corruption, he wouldn’t have backed lockdowns and sold us out to big pharma witj operation warp speed leading to jab mandates. When given the opportunity to show if he really was for the people, he proved not to be. So likely, he’s controlled opposition.
Exceptional women can be part of the team that protects the president, but not short fat women (sorry, it needs to be said).
Or short fat men either.
I didn't see any short fat men around Trump. I guess the physical requirements were not lowered for them.
I didn't see anyone fat around him. Not sure why everyone keeps calling the woman fat. While the suits they wear restrict full visual evaluation, all looked to be at fairly healthy weights.
As far as height, check again: EVERYONE in the photo appears shorter than Trump, including the men-save for the guy on the right who appears about Trump's height. Since they are all bent forward to some degree (again, the suits make it impossible to tell exactly how much) AND the photo is taken from below at an angle, it's pretty much impossible to accurately determine how tall anybody is with any accuracy.
That being said: according to Rep Comer's request for the director of the Secret Service to testify, they have faced understaffing and recruitment challenges. Not difficult to believe considering pretty much every law enforcement agency in the country is currently running with significant % vacant positions and hiring difficulties. The military is also struggling to recruit. So, I guess the whole idea of "lowering standards" strikes me as a bit of a wash unless there are actually better-qualified individuals who are being turned down for positions so that the less-qualified woman or person of color can have one.
If there is a major shortage of qualified people, then I suppose we are left with the choice of having nobody in front of Trump vs having that woman. Who, regardless of her height and weight, is THERE and doing the job. I'm not clear on why everyone seems to think it would be preferable to raise standards so that there would be even more of a shortage. We can talk about who the ideal agent would be, but if there aren't any of those types signing up, then we have to make due with whomever is willing to risk their life to protect a stranger whose politics they may like, or detest. Or am i missing something?
Yeah. You are missing something. At the RNC there were about 20 large men around Trump. They are available. They weren’t made available.
In addition the US has 900,000 military personnel. The USMC would be honoured to be trained to protect the President.
The US military is 1) Constitutionally disallowed from operating domestically and 2) having a serious staffing problem: the Marines, the smallest of the armed services, are the only one that even met their recruiting goals last year. Barely. The Army, Navy, and Air Force came up quite short. Hence the sudden renewed push the strengthen Selective Service registration enforcement and expand the requirement to women.
I would be shocked if they couldn’t guard a President. And the National Guard is used locally. In addition, you can’t be right re military not allowed to deploy on US soil. What if there were an invasion?
Here's something from West Point describing the limitations on military ops domestically. This part seems most relevant, but I'll put the link at the bottom if you're interested:
"In DSCLE, the armed forces provide law enforcement support in accordance with law and DoD policy and when requested by a civilian law enforcement entity. When supporting law enforcement, DoD actions are generally limited to:
conducting investigations;
protecting DoD personnel and equipment;
securing classified material;
actions that further the DoD or foreign affairs interests of the United States;
operation and maintenance of equipment under specific circumstances;
transportation of personnel; and
So they can be used. When requested to by the Admin, for example.
For a specific, special event, and most importantly, not in a capacity that allows them to take enforcement action-arrest or violence-against Americans. So, as i said, they do assist on AF1, in the "transport" capacity. And I suppose they could be used as extra eyes in the audience. However, they could not be authorized to use lethal force on an ongoing basis. For a single event, it seems like that may be possible. But not on as a regular, indefinite arrangement.
So, I guess they could be the watchdogs, but they can't be the armed guards on a regular security detail. (I think it's worth pointing out that even short fat people could do just fine as lookouts; all the comments here including yours seem to be concerned with the ability of the agents to fight and do other physical tasks. Which the military wouldn't be allowed to do.)
Lol. The rules are different in wartime. But during peace time, no, they aren't allowed to deploy on US soil for armed enforcement, which I assume is what you're suggesting. This is to prevent the military from being used as an enforcement arm of the executive. So, placing them in positions where they could be firing on and arresting Americans, would be problematic.
There are Marines who staff Air Force One, carry the nuclear codes (the "ball carrier") and so on. But those are support roles rather than enforcement.
The military exists for a specific purpose. And it's not to investigate and use force against Americans. That's what we have police for. While I don't doubt that there are many Marines, sailors, soldiers, and airmen who would jump at the chance to protect a former President or a candidate, that isn't the job they signed up for. And our military is stretched pretty thin as is. They really don't need any more hats to wear.
The RNC is a larger event and is in WI. This was a campaign stop, one of many, in PA. You do know that agents are stationed all over the country, staff events near their home, and have rules about how often and how long they can work. I'm sure you also know that local LEOs are often used to supplement security at large events, as was the case at the rally.
So, then, you are assuming that all those men were Secret Service as opposed to other LE, or possibly private security hired by Trump and/or the RNC. Also, the point of my post was about recruitment and eligibility requirements. Not the selection of which existing agents will serve on which occasion. Because, you see, the rally was one of many, business as usual-until it wasn't. Obviously after an attempt and at an event like the convention, security will be beefed up and not business as usual.
So, i guess what you're saying is that the men working the RNC should have been signed to that particular rally instead? Heck, I don't understand why those large men don't just work 24/7 around Trump as they are clearly the best the agency has to offer. So why have anybody else at all? 20 large men should be sufficient...
Sorry, I don't see it. The fact that, days after an assassination attempt and at a MUCH bigger event than the rally-in terms of size and length but also in terms of how many big names other than Trump will be present AND the fact that this is the nominating convention-there is a bigger (in several ways) security team doesn't prove that such teams are available for every campaign stop. And according to both the Secret Service and the House Oversight Chair, who is hardly anti-Trump, there IS a staffing shortage at the agency. I'm sure both will be relieved to hear your assessment that they have plenty of qualified staff. So many that they should start culling the lower performers, I guess?
Yeah. Cull the lower performers. There is not a shortage of workers. Pay more.
How about having the replacements lined up first? Then, by all means, weed out underperformers. But maybe make sure you're fully staffed before you start firing people?
Look at the statistics on overweight and obesity, serious mental illness, and disability in the American population. There may not be a shortage of workers, per se (I think statistics and anecdotes would disagree with you, but for the sake of argument let's say you're correct). But you're talking here about the physical and mental cream of the crop. A large (no pun intended) majority of Americans are overweight. Close to 25% carry a psychiatric diagnosis, and while not all of those are necessarily disqualifying, certainly many are. And on and on.
I would agree that LE should be paid more given the potential risk to their life. That would require significant tax increases or yet more added to the debt load. Good luck getting that, or actually ANY significant change to pretty much anything, through this Congress. I find it somewhat interesting how many Reps are willing to list all the problems with the Secret Service (or insert the agency of your choice) but then refuse to authorize the budget increases they need to improve, such as by spending major dollars to recruit and retain the best candidates.
Would you let a non qualified person operate on you, until a better one can be found? Or would you hire a terrible driver who has a string of accidents as your chauffeur? Or a pilot who has no depth perception? No. They could hire better. They aren’t.
Re: the hypotheticals you mentioned, I suppose that depends on the situation. People get into cars all the time with intoxicated, elderly and cognitively impaired, or just plain bad drivers, if they have somewhere they really need to be and no other way to get there. And people who, say, can't afford licensed physicians actually do in fact hire either licensed doctors with disciplinary records, or unlicensed personnel, or travel overseas for care they couldn't afford here.
I'm not disputing that, if there is a choice, of course it makes sense to hire based on statement standards. My argument is that it certainly appears that there isn't much choice. I'm curious why you think the Secret Service is overwhelmed with extremely qualified applicants, when local law enforcement, FBI, CBP, and so on are woefully understaffed, and when the Secret Service itself has multiple vacancies. This isn't a case where all positions are filled, and they're choosing unqualified people while turning qualified people away-otherwise they wouldn't have so many vacancies. Unless you're seriously suggesting that there is a conspiracy afoot to turn away qualified applicants and keep multiple positions vacant instead? And if that were the case, why hasn't a single individual come forward to say that happened to them? You don't think the Trump campaign, the RNC, and the right-wing media wouldn't offer such a person prime-time platforming until everyone heard from them? It seems they haven't found anyone with such a story. Not one.
If you have data showing that the Secret Service has turned down numerous qualified applicants in the last, say, 6 years, please share it. It would make them a notable outlier in the LE world.
If not, then could you explain what it is that makes you so certain that there are enough qualified people out there and they just aren't being hired?
One more thought: eligibility criteria are ALWAYS dependent upon the level of need to some extent. I imagine that if the Secret Service had enough MMA champions applying to fill the service, or enough bodybuilders with proven exceptional sniper skills to boot, every individual in those photos would have rippling muscles everywhere, and Trump wouldn't have had the fist photo op because he wouldn't have been able to stop and turn against the overwhelming strength and power of the agents. But I think we all know that there simply aren't enough prize fighters and Olympic deadlifters applying to make that anything close to reality. Hence, the standards aren't as high as they could be. Or, to go back to your examples, if we had an overwhelming surplus of people applying for medical residency slots in this county, then those who graduate at the bottom of their medical school class-heck, make it anyone who wasn't in the top 10-wouldn't become a licensed physician. Why do you think it is that even the dumbest MD can still get a job, and stay busy? It's because every job catagory can only draw from the population around the job site, and that population has widely varied levels of fitness and skill. If only the best heart surgeons were allowed to operate, hundreds of thousands of people would die on a waiting list. That doesn't mean you let toddlers do bypass surgery, but it does mean that even mediocre surgeons and those who have made lethal errors are, much ore often than not, permitted to keep practicing, and continue to have patients coming in. It's why most people, when their insurance company has only middling surgeons in-network, will choose one of those if they can't switch insurance-because they can't pay out of pocket, and so they go ahead with the surgery under less than ideal circumstances and with higher than optimal risk because the alternative is certain death.
I know how to get things done. Hire me. I could fix it. These aren’t insurmountable problems. Maybe you have never done anything…? It is possible you have never been tasked with something difficult to do and made it happen? In which case I won’t blame you for wringing your hands and saying it isn’t fixable. It is.
Voice of reason
Women can protect the president - it just can't be any woman. For goodness sake they have to meet standards and be trained. In front of the world we see a weakness. Same goes for men. Not sure if all the men assigned were prepared. The reputation of the Secret Service is shattered. I didn't want to once more think something might be a set up but I can't help it. No one would miss that shot and that shooter should never have been able to get up on that roof. That roof should have been covered by an agent.
Agree. They are trying to shift the focus onto blaming women for what happened, when something shady was going on that had nothing to do with this argument that, obviously, only an exceptional woman can protect the president and it shouldn't have been that woman.
In the Trump situation CHILDREN could do better.
Yes, women can protect Trump. (In many scenarios women are the BEST at protecting people!)
In hand to hand combat I would prefer trained men. Could some women out perform some men hand to hand? SURE, but not in general.
Okay, but you're assuming there was an exceptional woman or a man available and willing to fill that spot. Law enforcement as a whole is full of vacancies and bleeding experienced officers and agents. Is it really preferable to REDUCE the number of agents even further because they're not "ideal"?
Or to put it another way... Given that pretty much no LE agency currently has their choice of the best applicants, would we prefer to take those who are willing and meet a reduced standard, or simply make due with the (very) few exceptional candidates they have? It seems like everyone is assuming that woman took the position away from a 6ft 8in bodybuilding man. That's very unlikely to be the case, although I'm open to proof that I'm wrong.
Also, why is everyone talking about the height of the woman, who is clearly bent forward, but not the height of the men in the back, who also appear to be bent forward but not as much and none of whom are even terribly close to Trump's height in the photo? I personally think it's impossible to tell from the photo how tall the agents are, but assuming you're right that she is short, to my eye so are the men. So why is the talk about the dangers of female agents as opposed to the dangers of short agents, period?
The three women by the car were clearly in a panic. They are incompetent. The lack of LE is because the cities are trashing police. Who in their right mind would join a police force now, save for perhaps in a small town. Train 100 USMC men and the problem is solved. Women in general cannot do the job. Men in general cannot do the job. I am 73. I can’t do the job. When I was 35 and ripped I was not bulky enough to do the job. Out of 100 people who can, 99 would be men. Three women on Trump, who is very tall was wrong. The head of the SS saying they identified the roof as being a danger spot but the less than 10 degree slope made it dangerous!! It was left unprotected.
Yes, they were, at best, incompetent
Not those DEI women!!!! Did you see them mishandling their weapons at the motorcade!! OMG…this is pure insanity! Especially while they were dodging who knows what leaving openings for President Trump to be shot at again!!! Then for the ignorant DEI SS Director that the roof had too much of a pitch to put someone on it!!!! Are you kidding me!!! Our roof on our home is much steeper than that and I even clean it and the gutters all the time!!! So an experience, trained SS gunmen can’t handle that…..this is absolutely BS!!!! It was such a low pitch that anyone could manage a post!!! This was an inside job by the DS and the SS has explaining to do! This is all on the Obiden/Obama regime! They wanted Trump killed!!!
yup, even if this was "staged" the Obiden/Bama regime wants DJT dead. An' as a kid we played on a friend's SANDBOX that had a steeper roof (it was tin or sheet metal) an' we kids climbed on it an' lept off all the time... such a lotta malarkey that argue-mint!
This was so staged it’s ridiculous. I wonder how much they paid these women or were they too ignorant to even realize they will go down as the DEI three stooges!!! Agreed!!! We climbed 30-40 foot trees, I clean my roof and gutters that are five times steeper, and this was a sloped roof to worry about!!! Then they all need fired. She isn’t a good liar…they planned on killing him…and the corrupt people are so greedy they couldn’t wait to short Truth Social the day before, Nuland just couldn’t keep her mouth shut confirming the fix was in, and on and on!!! Trump needs patriots protecting him!!!! All of us could have stopped this attempt!!! He would have been taken out the first citing!!! Everyone who saw him and the SS ignored them, should have picked up anything and ran to the building and started throwing it at him. Stay close to the side so you didn’t get shot! Then he would have had to stand up and if they didn’t shoot him then, it would have been very obvious he was working with them!
The whole operation was inept
The snipers were perched on a steeper roof as are snipers at the white house
Also, they knew it was a danger, but didn't heavily guard it?
Biggest question to me is that we now know that security was informed of suspicious activity minutes before the shooting.
Why wasn't Trump evacuated to safety ASAP during that time
This post is 100% sarcastic.
Some have missed that.
Just making sure u are aware
I watched multiple videos of different people trying to get their attention! Yes, he should have been immediately secured and escorted from the podium. But they waited for the guy to shoot first. Also, I just saw another video today where the shooter was just walking around in front of the building back and forth! They said police were supposedly staged in the building and they didn’t find that strange and he brought a ladder to get on the building!
Maybe they thought he was replacing a shingle
All I could think about was Bridesmaid and Melissa McCarthy's character.
About conspiracy 🤔. Mental Illness, DEI hires, negligence, incompetents. Violence follows hate. Nothing is cooling down. It's a shit show in the extreme.
LOL. I want this Cheatle woman gone. These women give the rest of us cool-headed females a bad name! I was living in England when the Iron Woman Margaret Thatcher was leading the nation. They need another one like her!!! I remember when she first became PM, they made fun of her husband, led around by her, and said that women shouldn't be leaders because once a month they turn into emotional wrecks and can't think straight. It didn't take long for them to shut up. Thatcher proved them wrong.
Love your work Karen, but sorry - NO we don’t need another Margaret Thatcher!!! Margaret Thatcher knew all about underage sex rings among ministers. She is also mentioned by several victims/whistleblowers of MKUltra. Type in Margaret thatcher in search engine.
yes, sadly this is true... Ol' Maggie was "good friends" with pedo-murderer necrophile Jimmy Saville! Tough, indeed, but notta good egg....
Also note how the "secret documents" case was dropped the very next morning. If he'd died, he couldn't sue the arse off everyone involved in turning his home upside down, for $Millions!
Look at the “shorting “ of Truth social stocks leading up to the shot. People knew
That is a very good point.
Apparently the shorting in airlines also took place befor 9/11. May be a good way to flag planned events.
That is fascinating.
Sure is
Except that Truth Social was pegged as a meme stock that would almost certainly be shorted as soon as it dropped, when it was revealed the company had such tenuous finances that its survival was in jeopardy (and that is from the report written by their own people).
Also, the majority of those who purchased that stock were hardcore Trump supporters plus a few randos hoping to cash in on a pump-and-dump situation. Are you saying that this was all planned by those who love Trump so much that they purchased his stock despite the dire financial predictions of the company's own accountants? Sorry, but I don't buy it. Unless you can show that there was a sudden update in new investors in the recent months who were then responsible for the increase in short sales... It just has too many holes to make sense.
Shorts are tracked. They needn’t be investors. Apparently there was a big short the day before it happened. Which is suspicious. But it is a volatile stock. Not sure how common big shorts are on it.
A massive short put was bought the day before. The company who placed it said it was an error. They shorted 12,000,000 shares. It was supposed to be 12,000 and someone typed in an extra ‘000’. And if you believe that….then I don’t think you are arguing in any sort of unbiased manner.
Hey Karen I believe there are a few women that can handle the job but as in all things men typically do you cannot lower any standard whatsoever just because you want to feel good about having a woman doing a job it's really that simple it's a life or death type of job....maranatha!!
Absolutely! Lower the standard is crazy. So much crazy going on right now!
Some can who have the necessary physical build, skills competence, mental acuity, disposition, and fortitude. I give you
LOL. She's not real, though. I am sure Elon Musk is working on a Optimus model to protect presidents. Yuck. I wouldn't trust his robots near me.
But Lucy Lawless is real.😉
I hear ya on the robots - we’ve been warned by sci fi many times.
Musk is just as likely to pitch his brain-control implants as the perfect way to increase the competancy of agents in an instant.
I really feel sorry for the poor folks who will have his chip put in their brains to try to help them with a spinal cord injury... And are left with Musk-who is erratic, impulsive, and petty, and also a control freak-with the keys to their brain.
Of course it was.
The vicious mockery of women has been heating up from all sides. Yes incompetent women make us all look bad, but the relentless focus on the women when there is plenty of blame to go around should be ringing alarm bells. Too many men are serious about the sandwiches, repealing the 19th Ammendment, no fault divorce and reproductive rights. Excesses of feminism, like me too cancelations without due process and incompetent DEI hires, are causing a tsumani of resentful backlash. We'll be lucky to hang on to the rights our foremothers fought so hard for.
I have had the same thoughts actually. The balance is off. And with the dems / wokes trying to erase the natural woman and us fighting back, there is a danger of some carrying this too far the other way. On the other hand, I have no problem with making my man a sandwich. My granny was a house wife and she was very houseproud and caring. And my grandad very much appreciated her, he never looked down on her in any way. In reality, she was the boss of the house, but she didn't let him feel that way. I see no wrong in this. Of course there is other men.....
Never confuse governmental incompetence with conspiracies. I served as an attorney for a few years at a fairly high level of government and interacted with quite a few government employees in law enforcement and politics. You have no idea of the large percentage of government employees who are patently incompetent. They are protected by various civil service protections that make it almost impossible to fire incompetent or ineffective employees. Employees are rewarded for not rocking the boat, not questioning orders, and time in the job. The very few competent and motivated employees have no financial upside and are often punished for working hard and making everyone else appear lazy. They usually give up and leave. I would have thought of all of the Federal Government agencies, the Secret Service would have the most competent and motivated employees, but the numerous layers of incompetency revealed in the Trump assassination attempt, both before, during and after, is almost beyond comprehension. Still, I believe an independent investigation will show it was gross negligence in planning, protection, supervision, communications, and execution as opposed to a conspiracy.
This is the best comment of all! Incompetence and lazy thinking is more often the reason for a bad outcome than an evil conspiracy.
Hanlons razor.... I very much hope you are right, that would make the world a little less crazy.
I have no problem with women being in the SS if they pass the same qualifying criteria.
However that said, it does seem odd that there would be a DEI push to put women in danger (SS details) while at the same time not immediately doing the same for combat roles in the military.
Have you seen the fitness standards needed?
A poor standard from a male applicant is a good standard from a female applicant.
Equal standards from everyone.
If men have to do 50 push-ups in a minute, then so should women.
They should not lower the standards. Anyone who applies must be able to fulfill the standards.
yup! in NYC ('fore we left) nearly ALL the cops (male & female--as far as I could tell lol) were outta shape--SOOOOooooo different from what I'd known all my life--they just stood there while stuff happened--at times they were even "BEGGED" to help--they also carried (on purpose) about 75lbs of equipment so them runnin' after a perp would be near-impossible. We had a local kids playground where some iffy homeless folks shot up drugs an' exposed themselfs an' if ya told the cops they'd be yeah, "we'll git on it" (an' they'd do nothin')--many of us parents went ta local meetin's but the local precinct only gave lip service--OFTEN outside the local donut shop--they'd be parked! Not a trope/meme--it was real (least in NYC) an' they had more rolls than the local bakeries! (Male & Female both!) travesty of NY's finest...
But what should they do if there simply aren't enough applicants who meet those standards?
Some can. I am thinking the likes of Walentyna Schewtschenko. Most women though would not be up to the task and I am not talking height. You need a warrior spirit 😉
Then how do u explain this...
After reading the first paragraph, I realized that you can't be taken seriously. My time is too precious to waste on ideologized, brainwashed 3rd generation feminists, who, in my opinion, have not even the slightest understanding of the meaning of this word.
By the way, you have an absolutely frightening deficit in historical education, otherwise you would never have the idea of comparing Donald Trump to Hitler.
Feminism is cancer, regardless of the waves.
The Titanic was full to the brim with brain-dead feminists.
They all got off safely while the men all died.
I am not totally d'accord. Women should have equal rights before the law and they did have to fight for that. But equality has been achived yonks ago and all feminists that came afterwards were just tools of globalistic satanists, destroying the family, killing babies, pitching women against men. It's part of the frankfurt school....
Equal rights/opprtunty/consequences/responsibilities
Within the boundaries of our differences. Men can't have babies. Women ususally cannot fight men. But yes.
U missed the sarcasm warning
It was 100% sarcasm.
As much as I could cram in there
Ur not alone. A bunch of other people didn't realize it either
I'm sorry
No, I am sorry, I should have read it properly. I fear I have a really bad allergy against that woke crap and reading mysoginist or Nazi makes me just want to puke and I stop reading further.
No worries
I feel the same way, which is why I wrote it
I might have done the same
If u read the comments, you'll see that a bunch of people had the same reaction
U missed the sarcasm warning
Ur not alone
I guess I was too subtle
I'm sorry
Knowing that it was intentionally made with as much sarcasm as I could possibly cram into it, how did I do?
What article did you read?
Not this one.
I think people don’t realize it is satire!
Some don't
I guess that means I did a pretty good job 🤷♂️
It's pretty funny to me
U might enjoy Monica's comment and my reply
More reasonable to believe it was an inside job than simple incompetence.
Absolutely! Consider the Urdu-begis—highly trained and armed female guards who protected the Mughal emperors and their harems. They were totally badass!,urdubegis%20were%20a%20Mughal%20creation.
Very interesting! I will have to find out more!
Sounds like the late Quaddify's all female bodyguards.
Could be! I don’t know anything about them.
Sorry but for the most part women should not be in charge of protecting the president. Men are physically bigger and have testosterone coursing through their veins. Unless you are an anomaly meaning over 6 feet tall and strong. They should have a physical test of some kind. And yes it was an inside job. Negligent because he missed! I know that sounds dark but the ppl in the crowd were trying to alert them for several minutes. WTF?
Agree. That is what I said. But you are quoting Candace Owens, about the "testosterone coursing through their veins". This is not necessarily a good thing either. I am a full contact fighter, and that testosterone can cause more problems than a cool head. I speak from experience. Yes, it is the exceptional woman who should protect a president. But they do exist.
Yes you are right. I had just heard Candace's podcast. I should have cited her. And there are some who exist like I said. I think a physical test of some kind would solve the problem.
If the man can't keep a "cool head" then he's the wrong man for the job.
There are plenty of women who can't keep a cool head either.
He missed. But actually except for the turn of Trump’s head, he would have placed the round right into Trump’s temple. It was not an inaccurate shot. By using an unknown, seemingly inept patsy, plotters invoked plausible deniability. Strange that James Biden would tell fellow financial plotters that exact thing years earlier.
Wow, didn't know you were that tall. :>)
I think a woman could be on the detail, but not those women. The woman with her hair in a bun trying to stand in front of Trump was too short; he towered over her. The rest were clumsy and sorry to say this, out of shape. I'm thinking only the fittest, with the proper training. They seemed to be clueless as if they did not know what to do. I wasn't terribly impressed with the men either. They did not work as a team and appeared clumsy. It is easy to watch and judge, but it sure wasn't what I would expect.
When the attempted assassination of Pres Ronald Regan happened, the Secret Service was all over him and got him out of there.
I have thought some about the whole thing. The picture of the shooter, looked like an old pic. I have thought about the movie "Shooter" and JFK. Maybe someone else took the shot from another location. Some say Thomas Crooks brought a ladder, but where was the ladder in the pics and videos? Why did the Secret Service (SS) have to get permission to shoot a person posing a threat with a rifle? That should be the expected action since there is not time to run over there and get him on the ground; you stop the threat and take it out. There were police or SS in the building the shooter was on? Too many stories to sort through.
Robert Malone has some thought provoking articles on this too. Everyone is going to investigate. Lord knows after seeing what that does, that is a waste of time and money; Hillary Emails, Russiagate, Trump Impeachments, J6, Election Fraud...the outcomes are already decided and it is all staged for theatre. The outcomes are what are questionable. A sane person with a functioning mind should have become suspicious over time. The last 4 years have been nothing but disasters. The change in the dignity and show of respect by the Media and Hollywood and the undignified behavior of the people in charge is so abnormal. I don't recall before Trump ran and was in office, such attacks and rudeness; downright nasty attacks on a President. People tried to blame Trump for COVID, and the same people thought Fauci was a Saint. Trump took his advice from Fauci on COVID. That never made sense. All the back stabbing people even in Trump's circle (Mike Pence, Lindsey Graham....), and now looking back it is really obvious.
Other Countries leaders have said what is going on here is intentional Self destruction:
El Salvador President Bukele expressed his belief that the erosion of major U.S. cities is “by design” and a product of “enemies” within the U.S. political system.
“When you look how the cities are eroding so fast, this has to be by design. I mean who would make so many stupid decisions?”
“They’re literally giving some people drugs in some U.S. cities, or they say we’re going to give you money if you don’t work. They make all these laws that make no sense.”
“If they have high crime, they say okay, I have a solution, let’s defund the police.”
President Putin and Hungary's PM have made similar comments.
Very good observations. I hadn't read what President Bukele said. But it's obvious that the insanity that's been going on for years has been an "inside job" to bring down the United States. The US can't be attacked by an army from the outside, so it has to be attacked from the inside.
I think examples like the photo of Crooks being an older one is interesting to contemplate. Because of how fast things move on the internet, the first photo found and posted is likely to get circulated like lightening, everyone picks it up. That photo becomes THE photo. Then, if it's inaccurate or older, after people start seeing other photos, they start accusing whomever of planting the original photo on purpose. And maybe it was. Or maybe it wasn't. I always wondered about those drag queen story times, for example. They were spread around the internet and took off like wildfire. The more they were posted, the more events were planned. Probably libraries thought they were the right thing to do. But I never met a parent, conservative or liberal, who would take their kids to one of those. Who in their right mind would??? It seemed like a setup--maybe even by conservatives to tarnish the other side. These outrageous events are everywhere in the media for a time, and then, poof, they disappear. And we are on to the next outrageous event. Menticide, as I have warned for so long.
But that's the thing, we really don't know any more if something is occurring naturally or if we are purposely being manipulated. Or, something can start naturally and then it is just magnified online. I'm writing about "click farms" at the moment, so it's on my mind.
Sam Altman has said that within a few years we literally won't know what is true and what isn't. That's thanks to AI. And behind all of this, AI is the biggest threat, and we have these tech gods that keep on tinkering with it. It doesn't matter who is president, they will push forward with AI. Everyone senses Trump has power now and they are all coming over to his side.
It's always been easy to manipulate the masses, but in more straightforward ways. Now, there are so many subtle ways to do it. And on such a grand scale. I don't think the shooting was staged. We know that because people really died. Not to say those who plan such things would care if someone died or not. But the only way it would have been staged would be if the Trump team staged it--such an assassination attempt would in no way help Democrats. But the Trump team does not have control over the SS, or the FBI, or the CIA. With all the attacks on Trump, as you listed, we know whose side they are on. So how Trump's team would get the SS to appear so inept seems impossible. I think the most likely scenario is that they simply were inept. Now, it's possible someone was bought off to ensure Crooks had as much freedom as a person could get in order to get on that roof. It's possible someone influenced him ahead of time.
But the evidence we have in front of our faces that we don't need to speculate about is that there were many failures in security. Trump is so despised by the agency heads (but I do wonder if the agents themselves despise Trump, maybe many of them don't) they would be putting their energy toward protecting the Bidens, especially as Cheatle is said to have been hired because of Jill and her advisor, can't think of his name off the top of my head.
Anyway, a lot to think about. One thing we know for sure, we can't trust any official investigation--we would be fools to do so after what we've seen these "crooks" do so far.
Another thing I've been thinking about it that at a certain point, if AI keeps on taking over the way it is, we will have to abandon the concentration on whether something is real or not. It just can't factor into how we make our decisions, or we will go crazy. We have to shift our thinking a bit. This comes back to what I keep harping on about common sense. I have to think about it some more and don't want to write an entire essay here, ha-ha!
I absolutely do not think Trump or "conservatives" planned Trump's assassination attempt. The people I read that think that was staged are strange and something is going on with them?? You have to read their other ramblings to figure out, they are possibly living in a delusional world on the internet. I don't mean Fritz; he is a hard read and I think he is eccentric. Sources of learning can come from what might be the most unlikely people. On my own I would not decide to listen to Louis Farrakhan, but some years ago (5 or more) Harry Vox had a video on bitchute of Farrakhan and he recommended it to understand the Banking System. I cannot find the original video, but located a version of it again: There is a lot of truth in what he says there.
I trust Trump. He truly loves this country and cares about the people. The things he did and wants to do to save the country are the exact opposite of the Global Agenda. Trump wants what most people want; prosperity, independence, controlled immigration, energy independence, no wars... The Globalist who control everything have done everything possible to keep him out and get him out of office using the people they control and nothing has worked. The only thing left is to assassinate him; Tucker Carlson has said that is all they have left. IMO people (Democrats and some Republicans; work for the deep state) want him gone. Trump is not a politician, and those people want Trump gone and out of their way, and would definitely attempt to kill him and anyone getting in the way is collateral damage. That was the point I was trying to make by using JFK and the movie Shooter. I go with the theory JFK was killed by CIA. RFK was another hit job, according to:
Anyone who gets in the way, is going to get a bullet in the head. We are all disposable to them.
The published photo of Crooks? That was a thought thrown out due to knowing the Media, and how they might try to manipulate the appearance of the situation. I don't put to much stock in that, just a thought.
Cheattle being incompetent or purposefully ignorant, who knows which for sure, probably both. Everyone in positions of power appear incompetent or refuse to do the job; DOJ, Homeland Security, Kamala, Biden, Butteigeg. Then the people I thought were patriotic with morals (Graham, Pence, McConnell, Mike Johnson,,...), turn out to be not. Just like you have said, if you want to play the game and get to the top and stay there, at some point you join the ranks of deceitful people or leave.
AI is definitely a threat. It is already in use and controlling the internet and content you are able to see when you search with google. Google was censoring what you search for, going back to when Trump was President or before. If you search for Biden failures, it would come up with Trump articles and of course defamatory ones. Now if you search for Transactivist that have committed murder, you will get all Trans people are victims. AI is just making the whole internet cohesive and pulling in and summarizing the results and showing articles they want you to see. AI can be programmed to do whatever they want; it is who is doing the programming; like AI making all people black; remember that. It is only as good as the people programming it.
Oh my goodness yes, the whole machine works on being able to control the narrative, and what you think;
The internet has thrown them (Global Elites) into a tailspin. Since the internet people are able to find out things published independently that tell more than they want you to know. It unveiled them and their dirty deeds. AI will be able to take control of the internet. I am concerned, we will loose access to all independent publishers like yourself or Joe Rogan, Tucker Carlson,...
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when
everything the American public believes is false." ~ supposedly
William Casey, CIA Director said this at a staff meeting in 1981.
I enjoy your works immensely, and I learn a lot.
In reading "Gods of Tech and Pestilence" I had a question but did not ask. I remembered when you had previously wrote about "Nickel: the dirty business of clean energy" and I thought that was the article where you said something about....the second largest natural lake in the world is polluted by mining in Africa. I cannot find where you said that. If you can't remember the article it's okay. Don't go to any trouble to find. I looked for a while and got frustrated and gave up.
That should have been The Persecution of Tucker and Trump. The essay about Lake Victoria is Who Owns Everything and it's about water.
Somehow I missed "The Persecution of Tucker and Trump." I have to read that. I found the article to read it.
Thank you for finding the article about Lake Victoria. I'll try to remember that.
I wrote a piece a while ago, The Persecution of Tucker and Trump, about "the two most dangerous men in America". Tucker has said some things since that gave me pause but over all who would noy agree with what he says. It's rational.and makes sense.
Listening to Trump's speech last night I felt so hopeful. Again, who could not agree with what he says. It makes sense, it's not rocket science. I also couldn't help but be worried since how will he ever live up to all those promises. People have put him on a pedestal now, as if he can miraculously solve everything. I don't know how he stops these wars..if he'd been president instead of Biden it's true, we wouldn't be in these wars. But now, I'm not sure they can be stopped. But I hope they can.
I can't remember what essay that polluted lake is in but I will look for it..
yup, I have an AI question about the audience--some wrote only "hundreds" attended but I've seen shots with what looks like thousands! With photoshop like software (far better) you make a human "stamp" an' repeat--someone needs ta look over that footage in close up ta see if some monkeybiz was goin' on with AI...
We’re only now starting to see the cracks in the JFK assassination story. Most of us who care will not be alive when the truth comes out about the attempt (hopefully only one) in Trump’s life.
"I could have done it."
Lol, funny, time comes for us all, doesn't it!
Ah yes, LOL! back in the day... once upon a time... if only...
Appreciate your perspective Karen and must say, that picture of you is absolutely smokin’🔥
Haha thank you 🌷
The guy who stood in front of Reagan and took a bullet? Had that been this broad, Reagan would’ve been killed.
Women need no help in that regard. They vote D, supporting decarceration and no cash bail, then complain the streets are unsafe. They vote D, then whine about D-caused inflation making groceries & gas unaffordable. They vote D, then cry over the graves of their raped & murdered daughters killed by D-demanded open borders. They vote D, then complain that they lack privacy in their spaces. They vote D and then learn that the thousands of hours they’ve spent practicing a sport since they were four years old were wasted as an average male just kicked their ass.
So you have a choice: the real world women are destroying by voting on empathy, or recognize that government is force, women lack the “force” gene, that history is bereft of matriarchies for a reason… and either alter your voting patterns or get disenfranchised, or finish destroying Western Civ, for it to be Darwinistically replaced by Islam - in which you have no rights or voice at all. Your choice.
" know.....the Thing......! RES IPSA LOQUITUR
🤣 my Latin is rusty. That was a lie. My Latin aquired from Asterix Comics is rusty. Had to google it. And I agree.
Big shout out and audible dog whistle to those who are still cognitively intact and paying attention....
If the protector is not bigger & stronger than the protectee - if by sheer size they cannot shield the protectee - they are not right for the job. If they can’t even holster their firearm, they don’t belong anywhere near a protective detail of anyone.
This broad seemed to have no idea what to do, zero ability to shield a protectee much larger, was completely incapable of helping drag DJT offstage, and surprised everyone by not shooting herself in the foot with an accidental discharge. She had no idea what she was doing. Just like Director Cheeto.
Someone pointed out the names: Thomas CROOKs and SS Director CHEATle. Funny, but of course, not funny.
Absolutely, this woman was not up to the task for the reasons you mention. That doesn't mean no woman in the entire world could do that job. Anyone who goes for that job, just like for the job of a fire fighter, military, etc. should have to perform at the highest standard expected. If they can't do it, they can't do the job. It's simple.
I think we have to stop thinking in these extremes that we are being forced into. Candace Owens is saying women shouldn't even be pilots. I had a female pilot from NY to Los Angeles and I was glad. She was also a great communicator. How far do we take these rules? We have to be careful not to be the tyranny we fought against.
Candace's comment about pilots was wrong. Made no sense. When ppl like her who make some really good points, then take it too far, they lose credibility with some. It's misguided. That CHEATle CROOKs thing is bizarre!
You had a female pilot setting course & arrival time. And initiating the (man designed, made, programmed) computer program that flew the plane there. Had there been a bird strike, your pilot would’ve been hiding behind the controls rather than doing the Scully thing.
I thought the way that u did until I did some research.....
I would strongly recommend you rewrite your article and eliminate all anti-Trump bias as it only questions the rest of the claims you are making. Stick to the facts - Trump being a threat to democracy is certainly not one of them; if this were true Biden would not be in the White House.
If I told u that it is 100% sarcasm would that change ur opinion on the wording?
I think u missed the sarcasm warning
Ur not alone
I guess I was too subtle
Knowing that it is 100% sarcastic, as much sarcasm as I could cram into it, what are ur thoughts?
Fascinating that your go-to is misogyny and mine is physics. So I’d rewrite your comment as “I felt the way…” as you’ve obviously not been thinking.
I agree these decisions should be made rationally, not by emotion. I take exception when men say women are driven more by emotion and men by intellect. The thing is, the problem with what happened at the rally has nothing to do with whether or not a woman can protect a president in a physical situation. It has to do with someone on the inside helping the shooter. Who was that person, or persons, is the most important question.
I find men to be extremely emotional. We are in wars because they get so angry with one another. I was physically abused by a husband who could not control his emotions. Men get in physical fights all the time and women try to calm them down. Women cry more often and men get violent more often. That's also true.
But I agree, it is more likely a man should be in a position where a physical fight might occur than a woman.
It's sarcasm
What's TIA?
A woman who meets all the physical and skill requirements the men have to meet, and who has the imposing and intimidating physical presence to deter malefactors, and who is just as assertive, protective, and aggressive as her male colleagues. Maybe.
I keep thinking about that old Bill Hicks bit about the Zapbruder film:
Except this time, they actually took a shot at him and said “next time we won’t miss …”
This is the first time I’ve seen the “lay of the land” since this happened. I’ve heard this building was outside of the security zone. Could that even be possible with trained law enforcement? Then we have the comment from the head of Secret Service about the roof being sloped. Why the hell is that supposed to be an issue? Don’t they have snipers on the roof of the White House every single day? It boggles the mind!!!
It was complete ineptitude, at best
Yes, but generally speaking, most women should not qualify to be assigned a position as a direct shield. The agents height and strength will matter.
But the skills and stature of women would be hugely beneficial in other roles on the security team.
If that roof was too steep for SS agents to be on then we need better SS agents.
You're right on there, the right woman can. Statistically there are less women who have sufficient height and musculature, but there are some who excel at such roles.
As far as it being an inside job, I can't see it as being anything else.
Okay, my bad. I thought you were a feminist.
Good stuff.
TIA = Thanks in Advance
No problem
I guess so, I lost count
Did u read it?
If not, how do u know it's garbage?
Also, it's 100% sarcastic, not sure if u are aware of that or not.
Either way, thanks and be well
I've met puhlenty of "badass" ladies in mah day that could'a dunnit but not only was "Sally Struthers" there unqualified (no offense Sal...)--but they put a SHORT lady in front of The Donald for 3 reasons (however ya take this "staged" or "set up" event...)
1. the cameras gotta GREAT view of the entire scene an' Donald's fist punch b/c lil' blondie was not tall enuf ta block Donald's waistband let alone his body (as should'a been the case--DJT's over six feet so ya'd want tall folks to protect him!) This laydee (had she not been incompetent) could'a protected Danny DeVito!
2. they picked a woman who is clearly outta shape an' outta her element (along with the two other Blues Brothers "act real cool" acturds)--who was so short Hulk Hogan could'a picked her up with one hand 'n spun her. C'mon--I think these were not real pros at protection but ruther cast b-grade actors...) Pickin' this kinda petite pudgette would make ya lose all faith that anyone on "team Trump" (or ass-igned to protect him) was anythin' but a joke--Demoralizin' from any angle and...
3. as ya state Karen, it's OBVIOUS that puttin' a short stop in front of tall drink 'a water DJT was not protective in any way--that left him vulnerable... An' they put her RIGHT IN FRONT! An' even if there was makeup applied to his ear (stage gel), it still made it possible for the entire "presentation" to leave him open to shots at any time... WHOEVER did the staging.
And if it warn't staged (imho it was but just sayin') then the DEMS had a perfect "bullseye view" of their man... their TARGET... whatta gift ta Biden (mebbe he sniffed that laydees hair too?)
Yes Karen, you could'a done this (with trainin') an' I've seen women athletes strong as bulls--but this whole thing WAS bull! (an' the cops & SS had ta know it--surely THEY were laffin' too no matter who gave'em their "direcitons")
Reality is the only thing that matters.
This stupid and insane violence we see so much of is the direct result of the political powerlessness of the powerless.
Our government officials and talking heads, worldwide, taut our system as a civilized and representative democracy. They claim to be doing the best thing for us on each and every point across the board.
Periodically, they even let us vote for representatives who are authorized to vote for us on the new laws that will do the right thing for everybody each and every time. And this empowerment of fallible human beings is the only means we have to redress our grievances.
And yet the honest Congressional and Legislative representative admits that they do not read, examine or debate any of the laws they vote on.
In the USA, they vote on one hundred - 2,000 page laws every day. They vote the way their advisors tell them to vote.
And according to the powerless, the situation gets worse.
So, when does it get better? Or is it necessary that our democratically elected representatives, who do not have the time to evaluate the legislation they vote on, plunge us into Armageddon where only God could sort it out?
Somehow, we have to call a stop to the madness.
The peaceful, prosperous world we all hope and dream of begins when the responsible Citizens develop a way to evaluate 200 Thousand pages of law speak per day.
This evaluation must be public, transparent and in a form that can be viewed by everyone in order make certain that the Law being enforced is congruent with the will of the people.
In 1992, Presidential Candidate Ross Perot called it The Electronic Townhall. “It is only logical that it will become our Fourth Branch of Government”, he said.
How it works:
Before a new law, tax, or expenditure can be put on the books it must first be Ratified by the Citizens.
Existing laws can be Annulled by the same super majority required to Ratify them.
This program can be applied to every level of government and will ultimately solve every problem we have.
To prevent chaos, the basic law, our Constitution and Bill of Rights, would be exempt from review.
Citizenship is about the Ratification or Annulment of each line of every law, rule, regulation and supreme court decision on the books or that is on the docket waiting to be turned into law, policy and taxes.
Nothing short of this is going to ameliorate the present situation, nor will we get to the Stars without it.
So, who gets to participate in this amplified voting, and how are the votes counted and what specific impact does the sacred vote have at the business end of government?
Right now, the first question is:
# 1. Who gets to vote in the: general election?
a. citizens only - Yes No
b. natural born citizens only - Yes No
c. natural born citizens with four natural born grandparents - Yes No
d. naturalized citizens (legal immigrants) - Yes No
e. legal immigrants not yet naturalized - Yes No
f. anyone with a drivers license not otherwise prohibited by law of the various States – Yes - No
# 2.1 Ages of Voter
g. minimum18 years
h. minimum 21 years
i. minimum 25 years
j. minimum 30 years
k. minimum 33 years
l. minimum 35 years
# 2.2 Sex of Voter
a. Male – Yes - No
b. Female – Yes - No
c. Non – Binanry - Yes - No
d. Transgender - Yes - No
# 2.3 Competence of Voter
e. property owners net value over $50,000 - Yes - No
f. property owners net value over $250,000 - Yes - No
g. tax exempt persons – Yes - No
h. those receiving welfare / food stamps – Yes - No
i. those with unpaid child support obligations - Yes - No
j. those receiving WIC – Yes - No
k. those receiving Section 8 – Yes - No
l. those working for government bureaucracies – Yes - No
m. those that will pay a $5000 poll tax - Yes - No
n. those that have paid a minimum of $5000 per year of tax for their combined jurisdictions in excess of any received via SS, Medicare, Medicaid, ATFWDC - Yes - No
# 2.4 Genetic presence of Voter
a. Male without children – Yes - No
b. Male with children – Yes - No
c. Male with children plural vote – Yes - No
d. Female without children – Yes - No
e. Female with children – Yes - No
f. Female with children plural vote – Yes - No
g. Only married males with children, never divorced can vote. – Yes - No
# 3.0 Who should be trusted with the responsibility and power of Public Office?
a. Only those authorized to vote in the general election - Yes No
b. Male without children – Yes - No
c. Male with children – Yes - No
d. Female without children – Yes - No
e. Female with children – Yes - No
f. Only married males with children, never divorced can hold public office – Yes - No
g. Depends on the office - Yes - No
Trump is probably a psyop. I wouldn’t be surprised if this was all part of the plan. The reason I say Trump is a psyop is because if he really stood for the people and cleaning up gov corruption, he wouldn’t have backed lockdowns and sold us out to big pharma witj operation warp speed leading to jab mandates. When given the opportunity to show if he really was for the people, he proved not to be. So likely, he’s controlled opposition.
Good points
As I said in my previous pieces, it's good to question, stay vigilant. It's only going to get more chaotic. The menticide is increasing.
That’s just silly. Had he not turned his head exactly when he did - to the fraction of a second, he’d be dead.
Trump said himself..
If you want it take it, if not don't.
The mandates were the problem.
Not a good analogy.
What I said
"If they wanted him dead, he'd be dead"?
Uhhhh,,,, NO.
Who knows what the future brings?
I Guarantee you there are PLENTY of "THEM" that want him dead.
You think they grazed him ON PURPOSE? IDTS.