In GOD we Trust - prayers for America. Dear Lord, deliver us from evil & help us to help ourselves see thru the evil lies/propaganda/corruption. Blessings to you KH . . .

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Prayers for our country and Trump’s continued safety.

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It is very difficult for people to change their world view. They would have to admit they were wrong. They would have to have a different opinion than most of their friends and neighbors. It's a lot. Most just double down. Same with the vaccine. Do you want to admit you gave that poison to your kid(s)? Plus Donald Trump is not the most sympathetic of characters. Thanks for posting. It is posts like these where the needle moves. sabrinalabow.substack.com

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Beautifully said -.and true.

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I cannot help but think that the fix to put Kamala in place has been there for quite some time. She failed miserably in her primary run and would not have stood a chance in any future primary yet now she gets selected and the public has zero say in the decision process.

I just wish I knew why they want her so badly.

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Because she is as easily manipulated as Joe but even further to the left,

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Yet this fix seems like it has been in place even prior to Biden being selected. It makes me ponder if she is not someone's asset who has been patiently waiting for the right time to put her in as a candidate. Something smells very bad.

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imho if "Kamala" wins that means a fourth term for Barry So-Wet-Oh an' Big Mike... Kamala has an intellect the size of a corn kernel (she kin cackle with the best of the hens tho!) -- it stinks mightly, agreed!

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Ever hear that white men and black women ultimately hold the highest status ?

From slavery days I guess-

makes total sense that she will be pushed on us suddenly

… and the black women running liberal media now are soooo excited !

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I wish more blacks would wake up and realize that just like Obama she is not black and definitely does not have their interests in mind. Both she and Obama had foreign fathers and non black mothers who raised them. Hillary learned the hard way that women would not blindly vote for her because she was a woman.

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She is willing to carry on their evil agenda, she is of the devil, as they are

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I feel she is just a placeholder, the real candidate is behind door #3.

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Maybe so.

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Agreed Karen and while I think TDS is the major reason people will happily ignore the lies and deception of the regime adjacent institutions and politicians - Apathy and ignorance of the general public ranks above that in reason.

I was texting a family member, who's not stupid, not a lib/dem, served over 20 years in the military, as did his wife, etc. He didn't know who Kim Cheatle was. I've run across similar from others, who are LARPing through this critical time in our country's history, as they did during the "good times".

The sound bite and news cycle leads them around by the nose and keeps them from leaving the shallow end of the reality pool (ankle deep).

Royce White made a very good observation in one of his podcasts, that I have been echoing - "The reason things have not changed is, people aren't uncomfortable enough yet."

This is true about all the issues we are dealing with today. The regime ensures we are just comfortable enough to bitch and gripe, but not take any real action. Our asses will stay planted firmly on the couch, while waiting for doordash and the news clip to end, so we can go back to the new netflix series we've been waiting for a month.

Think about all the things you listed - Demented POTUS; lies about that POTUS by media, politicos and world leader; money laundering via Ukraine; crashing economy; invasion over the borders, complete with murders, rapes and crime from criminals and cartel gangs; known terrorists across the same border; millions dead over a engineered soft genocide for profit; open support of terrorist states like iran and palestine; weaponization of the DOJ and it's enforcement arms against a regime opponent; targeting of American citizens by the same and more - all that, of which each single item is devastating on it's own...all that and the masses keep wallowing in the regime comfort cesspool.

We have larger problems than crooks, liars, cheats and traitors leading us, we have a citizenry that is detached and disinterested, in anything beyond the surface trivial tribalism. Which is how we lost this country.

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So true. This has come about largely because of addictions to tech, drugs and fast food. As you say, sitting on the couch and being entertained. Becoming zombified. Don't know if you saw my last piece:


The dystopian world of click farms. Click. Click. Click.

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I missed it, but thanks for the reminder, I'll take a look.

The title is great. I have always said we are just smart monkey - with the innate penchant to sling our poo, right where we live and eat.

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Well, man created the cardboard box to sleep in it

And man converted the newspaper to a blanket

Well, you have to admit that he's come a long way

Since swinging about in the trees

We're the smartest monkeys

The smartest monkeys

The evidence is all around, our brains are bigger, this we've found

The smartest monkeys

Well, man discovered the park bench can make a transition

And the rubbish tip makes a valid form of nutrition

With discoveries like these, civilisation agrees

To give itself a pat on the back

We're the smartest monkeys

The smartest monkeys

The evolution's plain to see, we're the dominant of the species

The smartest monkeys (smartest monkeys)

We brought the caveman from the stone age to the subways of the modern world

How they pack so many in, quick, call the Guinness Book of Records

Well, you have to admit that he's come a long way

Since swinging about in the trees

We’re the smartest monkeys!

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we are prisoners of our education and abilities, both of which have been amputated by our current educational system and the society it produces. this is not a bug, its a design feature. look at the public school system and compare it to the same a century ago.

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I saw a few comments on twitter, younger people are angry at the mainstream media.wish there were more. The Kamala photo, a shadow of a microphone?

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That's good to hear that some young people might be angry. We need more of that. I didn't notice that with the microphone shadow!

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The Soviet Union had state-run media. Today, many western nations are media-run states.

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most of the USSR population knew it was propaganda and ignored it. Most of the free world thinks its journalism and laps it up like a starving kitten.

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If ANY Democrat becomes president of the United States, the U.S. will be destroyed.

For anyone who was a real Democrat, Robert Kennedy, Jr. should have been the candidate. But the Democrat party he knew is dead. This iteration of the party, which is not the Democrat party, is some corrupted, venal, evil, Socialist/Fascist/totalitarian/Orwellian nightmare.

Likely doesn't matter who they stick in as a candidate, as, yes, their plan seems to end in destruction.

Harris was a dreadful presidential candidate, as I've said. Even with the Obama backing and the big money behind her, she was a dud. She had 3.4 percent nationally when she dropped out.

Americans know her much better now, and she has proven to be even more of a subpar cult member and even more incompetent than Joe (and Joe, being physically and mentally in decline, at least has an excuse). And that's saying something, given what we've seen of Joe!

This is a person who likely would be in some average job making an average amount of money if not for the fact that she had a "special relationship" in California with Willie Brown.

But given the Democrats will lie, cheat, steal and possibly worse, don't underestimate what s - - - they will try to pull over the American voters, who they think are stupid. I wouldn't be surprised if they somehow tried to postpone the election.

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I've got a lot of friends on social media posting what a selfless patriot Biden is. His faculties have been diminishing for four years. He shouldn't have run in the first place.

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😵‍💫 dear old grandpa, what a great guy.

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They have their dreams designed for them by their masters. The teams designs a backstory for Biden, a hero stands down. The worship begins, let the facts be damned.

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Remember when Clinton locked herself in her hotel room after she didn't get enough votes to secure an election?

I believe that her team didn't cheat enough.

Which is why she was do upset.

Every single time I hear of a case of someone rigging votes, 99% of the time it's Democrats.

Trump got something like 74 million votes more than anyone before him.

It's my belief he won the presidency last time.

I can't see how someone who spent their entire campaign in his basement could have won compared to a guy who can fill stadiums several times a day for weeks on end.

Every time he comes out to speak, there's only tiny audience to hear him.

If Trump advertised an event to see him boiling an egg, he'd get tens of millions of people paying for it.

The other side will say we're all brainwashed.

They didn't care about him till he became a Republican and went to be POTUS then had the cheek to speak at an event where he said he was against Globalists.

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The last election wasn't fair, and I don't think this one will be any different. How much rigging went on in previous elections, or were we all blindsided and voted for pre-selected candidates. Some people think, no one gets to run who hasn't been vetted by ? secret societies. Even the GOP works to keep out or remove their own popular candidates.




I apologize for being so dismal, but, I don't know what is going on; of course only certain people do. The more I learn the more hopeless I become about our future. Life was better when I was blissfully ignorant about politics (not that I am that smart now, just a little more informed) and world events.

I pray Trump wins and he can turn things around. I have a little hope left and it all rests with him. He is not part of the corrupt system and not owned or beholden to it.

Is this who is behind everything? I am surprised this is still on the web and not taken down or blocked.


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It is dismal. I don't think they've gone to all this trouble to fail. They will do whatever it takes to keep the status quo.

However, I don't agree with the Rothschild tale. Yes, they are rich and powerful, but this is a dangerous story with the intent to blame Jews, basically, for everything that has gone wrong with humanity.

It takes the focus off the Catholic Church, as if the church is fighting these evil Rothschilds, which then can extend to fighting the evil Jews (now Zionists) . I have respect for all my Catholic brothers and sisters, however, an honest person must admit the Catholic Church has a horrendous history of persecution, forced conversion, ruthless power plays and corruption. The Pope has supreme power and the church has extreme wealth and this is the antithesis of Jesus's message and the example he set for us.

The Catholic Church has vast assets, including billions in real estate and priceless art, not to mention the Vatican Bank. But its finances are secret. Tallying that immense wealth is impossible.

So, no one even knows how much wealth the Catholic Church has or the influence it holds. But funnily no one ever talks about this. You don't want to mess with the Catholic Church.

I say this to raise the point that there are many forces of evil. We don't have a clue about what goes on, not really. But thanks to the Bible we know the basics, that there is a battle between God and Satan and God gave control over this world to Satan for a time. That time will end one day. In the meantime, we shine light on the darkness.

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I know very little about Jewish or Catholic religions. I just have gotten the impression that Secret Societies (could include Catholics) are a part of what has been going on for many many years.

My limited understanding about the Jewish people, they have been scapegoats and possibly sacrificed by powerful people.

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Agree. My dad wrote a very informative book, A Woman Rides the Beast: The Roman Catholic Church and the Last Days https://a.co/d/7bXHbe6

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Every single thing you said. Spot fricking on. My biggest fear is that the Dems will steal the election and then we will either see a civil war erupt, or Kamala will finish the job of driving the bus off the cliff.

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As usual great article Karen you have your finger on the pulse but just remember : deception, deception,deception what is happening on TV is not what matters. the global cabal is pulling all the strings to bring this country down according to plan...read Romans chapter 1 verses 28 to 32....maranatha!!

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Yes, this isn't an in-depth essay just a short piece.

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thank you.

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I appreciate Karen's post because they echo my thoughts. If anyone thinks that Trump is a guaranteed win in November, they and we are going to get a very bad wake-up call the next morning. Many, many people will now say: Kamy Good-Young-Woman-Person Of Color. Orange Man Bad. Me vote Kamy! These people or voters are only concerned with ONE thing: vote for the Not Trump. They want him gone forever. Like Karen, I have my serious issues with Trump, and would have preferred someone else instead of the two old geezers this year.

But we get what we get, and now we have Kamy, and we'd better learn how to deal before it's too late.

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go back to the JFK assasination. the 3 letter agencies have been the hidden hand of government for quite a long time. Primarily the CIA, FBI and NSA, and they of course are run by people who are shielded from oversight or consequences for their actions (though most of their actions are never seen so no one even considers consequences)

The CIA was started by the banking families through networks developed in the Ivy Leagues, primarily YALE. FBI was and always has been muscle and blackmail, a government Mafia. and the NSA actually goes back to the 1920's doing signal intelligence by intercepting telegraphy and tapping phones.

World War II was the "sugar" that grew the bacteria that mutated to consume the free and open government of the USA, it amplified the positions and importance of the 3 letter agencies, the technological by products of the war, and the spoils of stolen german technology allowed them to frontrun those countries lying in ruins across Europe.

A complex network of laws intertwining nations in trade, trade routes, and the bank of international settlements (BIS) allowed the us dollar to become the defacto world currency. This was a very rich scheme that allowed unfathomable wealth to accumulate among the elite families. It was very much in their interest to now maintain and expand their control of the government.

The president was in impediment to these ambitions, and when Kennedy attacked the Dulles brothers of banking and CIA fame, and their organization, the CIA, threatening to splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and cast it to the wind, the gauntlet had been thrown down.

Either the CIA went or JFK. What hope, one man against an organized group of pyschopaths with their own technology and research branches? LBJ helped the effort thinking he would gain power, but died an alcholic when he realized those he assisted now had the power and he was the puppet. The bullets in Dallas went over his head on that day in November when the plan came together. The sound of those bullets taught LBJ that with a slight change in aim, he too could become an ex-president. Vietnam, the loss of the gold standard, the looting of the treasury, the theft of lands and resources, the great hollowing out of the midwest and the transformation of the coasts into the exit points for shipping away the american dream, and importing foriegn poverty, assured their rise in the empire of poverty,addiction, and mal-education. and thus the modern world was born on "good intentions" sold to the american people by a corrupt media taken over by the CIA in the 1950's in Project Mockingbird.

Our "approved" politicians are all vetted by 3 letters to be blackmail fodder, and thus controlled by their vices. Where are the trove of Jeffery Epstein tapes seized by the FBI? In the Comprimised Folders, extracting favors and bending wills to the desires of their masters. Did Epstein act in a vacuum? No, he was just the high profile agent, this same scheme is franchised across the intelligence community and the ruling class.

Once the US plunder is finished the families will move off to whatever next target that have built. Perhaps Red China, or more likely the BRICS. They are attempting to build an alternative currency for a reason, a lever to bash the dollar and a way to exploit the new victims of their "business acumen"

Kamala is a foot soldier in their war, she is supported until she is not needed, just like Joe. The politicians aren't our enemies, they are only the face of our enemies, doing the bidding, collecting the bribes and feeding their vices.

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Bait and switch. This is like trying Trump for an unnamed felony. Have no idea what contest they are planning. Typical underhanded undemocratic trickery

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