I had no idea of the magnitude and scope of mRNA manufacturing, Karen. This article is devastating in its comprehensiveness; thank you for writing it. One sentence jumped out at me: "Just as the companies producing these vaccines have invested so much into building this narrative that they cannot back down now, so too has the public invested so much into believing them that they cannot back down either." A brilliant, frightening insight.

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For double-plus horror, look up “Sequivity”, the new “custom swine vaccine platform” from Merck.

Ever wonder why your mammalian pet needs a bunch of shots and a microchip? Them’s the early TEST subjects.

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Yes, the vaccination of animals is a whole other frightening topic that I have touched on in other essays.

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Oh my GOD. Just did a quick search. Thanks (?!?) for the heads-up, Recynd...

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I'm not sure how long can they pull this charade if the next mRNA products have the same safety issues as the current ones due to the LNPs.

Even before convid, moderna had issues with multiple doses of their gene therapies, as the LNPs would build up.

Also, how do they plan to convince people to get these new shots for things like RSV etc which are not deadly in the first place?

They had to stage a global lockdown to convince us plebs that convid was super deadly, even when Ionnadis knew quickly it was pretty much like the flu.

If one thinks they'll just engineer a new pandemic, read this article by Sasha Latypova which explains why gain of function doesn't work.


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Yes, I've read her piece. She does excellent work. mRNA doesn't need to work--it doesn't work--but that isn't the point. Obviously, elites aren't going to unleash a "virus" that will kill them, too. This is psychological warfare and yes, they will be able to do it again. I think so. That doesn't mean there won't be resistance. I've written quite a bit about the collection of DNA. Whoever has the most data, rules the world, so to speak. I don't know if you've read this piece The Nefarious Goal Behind COVID Testing: https://khmezek.substack.com/p/the-nefarious-goal-behind-covid-testing. I am sure that whatever we think we know is happening, the technology is maybe 20 years in advance of that. It is hidden from us. I'm researching the history of DARPA right now it's fascinating. And I agree with her 100% about Project Veritas. It was all a show. Again, psychological warfare. Project Veritas and the Death of Reality: https://khmezek.substack.com/p/project-veritas-and-the-death-of. The ultimate goal is to transcend humanity. I'm taking to people here in Costa Rica to see what people's perspective is in this part of the world and it's really illuminating. I will be sharing it.

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I used to think that they had secret technology. Perhaps that was true in the 50s and 60s, but is not so today.

A few examples:

The 70s brought us genetics as the possible cure for cancer. It's hit a wall a while ago. That's what this mRNA was originally intended for. It failed badly and was repurposed as what we saw for 2 years, a disaster.

A decade ago, I read how a certain middle eastern ally worked with South Africa to develop ethnic specific weapons (using genetics). It failed because we know that if it worked, certain groups of people would be targeted back then.

I hear the same about space travel. We're now just obsessed with satellites for communication and surveillance. The same rocket technology is being used. Space X was developing a self landing rocket which was being developed decades ago by Lockheed Martin. It still is not reliable....

Remember our glorious patriot missiles which we are sending to Ukraine? In the first Iraq war they were problematic. They still are and haven't been modernized decades later, haha.

These days, the new push is in AI. What makes me laugh is that the mass media repeats crazy stories on how AI did this or that. Ok, if we were trying to make AI popular, why would we need to create this fear about it? Many in the tech industry have noted that what we have is still way far from what they are trying to make us believe. Whitney Webb has said that they started scanning children's brains in order to try another method of AI. I laugh, why didn't they try this years ago? I think they didn't realize that throwing computing power at the problem does not solve much. It gives us super search engines like chat GPT.

I'm looking forward to learn what Costa Ricans think!

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I suppose that's what the updated WHO treaty is for. The WHO will be the sole decision maker as to whether vaccines are mandatory in the next pandemic and member states will be legally bound to act accordingly.

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I don't see much cooperation if it's another flu.

I don't see how they can create anything deadly that spreads at all (see Sasha link).

So, they're just going to piss people off and humanity will end up scratching those fleas off our back 🤣

I don't see how they're going to be able to do much when COVID is still fresh in our minds.

Perhaps they expected people to keep getting boosters, later getting very sick. But that's not the case.

Even their simulation after event 201, called catastrophic contagion was assuming that children would be getting very sick. But since children have a low uptake of these shots, that story ain't gonna happen lol.

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I hope you are right, but the way many sprinted towards the jabs has me spooked.

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I had just watched a video about vaccines being used in our food sources, then I read this one. I wonder how many other people are reading and watching, and becoming depressed and paralyzed. I can't speak for others, but we must find solutions, or at least something to do to make a difference. Perhaps we can't make a difference, but doing nothing but reading and sharing is no longer an option for me.

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(Also in NC😊) Nancy, sometimes I get angry, but mostly I too become depressed at the realization my child and my days-old niece will eventually be forced to succumb to a life of state sponsored fake food, unknown injectible/ingestible substances, poisoned air, artificial weather, artificial people, dimmed sun, being surrounded by carcinogens & high EMFs, and being confined to 200 square miles because that's as far as electric cars go and airplanes can only be seen in movies. My forecast may sound bleak, but this is the life I expect when the mega-elite fools try to "fix" everything God has graciously given us and has already made perfect.

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I made a comment to Nancy in NC above and I will include it here. I understand how people can become discouraged. It's difficult knowledge. But knowledge (not the useless information they constantly throw at us) is power. It takes courage to face the truth--which is why do many people just don't want to see it. I believe that it is the grandmother in a village who helps her neighbors, the monk on the mountain who has taken a vow of silence and prayer, just ordinary people who will never become "influencers" who keep evil at bay. Everyone can do something, by living their lives with integrity and setting an example. The Bible says, "train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it." It might take many years, but that child will remember what he or she was taught when they are grown. We must continue to share our stories so they are not lost. We must set the example for the net generation. It might seem impossible but it doesn't really matter how it seems. I was raised by amazing parents that you do what is right, not because you will win. Most people who speak the truth are hated. So if you get resistance, it's because yo are doing something right. Here's what I wrote to Nancy: I agree that the best way to make a difference is within one's immediate community. The system has been rigged for a long time and isn't likely to change. It is impossible to get into government or have any kind of success unless one is willing to give up one's integrity, so I don't have a lot of faith in the system changing. And if it does, it might start out idealistically, but it will likely follow the same path as the last installment, by becoming corrupt as its power grows. That's unfortunately, the fallen nature of humans and until that is corrected, nothing will ever really change. Living my life with integrity and setting that example for the people around me is what I can do. I'm interviewing people here in Costa Rica to see what the attitude is in Central and South America. and will be sharing my findings. There will always be a resistance. There are also young people who are saying no to technology. But I am sure within technology there will also be those who learn to fight the system from within, the young people of today whose language is technology will be the fighters of tomorrow. I know in Los Angeles there was a huge underground of false vaccine papers and PCR tests. There will always be ways to fight the system. I feel a strong urgency to research and share what I find out so people have the knowledge they need and then write inspirational essays, so people won't get discouraged. My faith is in Jesus, and I do not much care about what society deems to be "success". I learned early on that you do what is right not because you think you will "win", but you win by doing what it right, regardless of the earthly outcome. We have a limited perspective as finite beings and can only see so far. So, we must have faith, no matter how dark things look, to keep going. Simply keep going, no matter what. That's what I believe.

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I'm on the coast of NC. Are you writing your representative at the General Assembly? I think we have a little hope in NC, but we need to do our part by pushing them to pay attention to our concerns.

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See my comment to Mary, above.

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"Vaccination" through the food supply is at hand:


Whatever is being referred to mRNA (I don't care for the terminology, but what's happening is what matters, my opinion doesn't) looks like hydrogels have been used in the vials to deliver self-assembling graphene structures that created permanent contact with the central AI through 5G and followed its instructions. The damages/kills are identical with the existing, but not deployed, technology of mRNA/spike protein combo, but they affect only the target, whose DNA can be targeted as long as it is in the central database from blood works, PCR "tests," genetic tests or, even from a police record of a roadside breathalyzer (the last one happened in England about a year ago for all I know).

This time, the killing fields have been opened with a lot more than the general poisoning that has been going on for decades:


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I’ve come to realize that when people break faith w/God, they need to believe in something..., and so these mRNA vaccines are one of those things that fill the void, for ultimately the fear of death remains.

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Jacobson’s quote was chilling to say the least. It sounds like they have accomplished their goal to a great extent. This whole article is chilling and disheartening and disturbing even though I am aware of the truth of it all. People who really need to read this and understand won’t. I find even when I have tried to explain to intelligent people what is going on, they really and truly ‘tune’ you out. That is scary. I don’t get why they don’t want to know what is going on. It is all quite unbelievable,the lengths evil will go to destroy all that is good in and of God’s creation.

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The have been sent a strong delusion to believe a lie. The Bible said it, and it is the only thing that makes sense when you see how blind people are.

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People clinging to their abusers... I believe that is called 'Stockholm Syndrome'.

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Chilling article. Growing up, I was always interested in cars. I learned that one in ten jobs in North America were connected to the automotive industry. Despite my enthusiasm, I also wondered about the circular logic behind the idea that millions of people would drive to work every day to make a product that would take them to work in order to build more cars....

Well, now in the age of "own nothing and be happy", we are told that the private automobile will become an increasingly rare commodity. What will all those people previously employed in the automotive sector do? Looks like we have mRNA pharmaceuticals to help on that front. And just like the automobile industry created the concept of planned obsolescence, the pharma industry will have a plethora of "new models" every fall to combat the latest viral strain.

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Being from Detroit, your comment is appreciated. I saw how our lives begin to conform around these products until we and it are unified in the mind. I see cellphones as the latest version of that, how folks are so bonded with the fondle slabs they do not look up at....anyone or the sky.

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As usual, Karen, I learn from those who comment. I definitely need to check out Ray's Substack. I wish I knew where in NC I could find Liberty4All.

Tomorrow I'm meeting with four like minded friends with the hope to start a campaign of writing letters to our legislators in Raleigh. I have suggested everyone pick 3-4 areas of interest. Personally, I plan to send information about geoengineering with pictures.

Too many people are afraid of being labeled a kook ( racist, phobic, or something else). I have stopped caring what others think of me and It's very liberating.

No one can do everything, but everyone can do something. Join me in doing something constructive.

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I agree that the best way to make a difference is within one's immediate community. The system has been rigged for a long time and isn't likely to change. It is impossible to get into government or have any kind of success unless one is willing to give up one's integrity, so I don't have a lot of faith in the system changing. And if it does, it might start out idealistically, but it will likely follow the same path as the last installment, by becoming corrupt as its power grows. That's unfortunately, the fallen nature of humans and until that is corrected, nothing will ever really change. Living my life with integrity and setting that example for the people around me is what I can do. I'm interviewing people here in Costa Rica to see what the attitude is in Central and South America. and will be sharing my findings. There will always be a resistance. There are also young people who are saying no to technology. But I am sure within technology there will also be those who learn to fight the system from within, the young people of today whose language is technology will be the fighters of tomorrow. I know in Los Angeles there was a huge underground of false vaccine papers and PCR tests. There will always be ways to fight the system. I feel a strong urgency to research and share what I find out so people have the knowledge they need and then write inspirational essays, so people won't get discouraged. My faith is in Jesus, and I do not much care about what society deems to be "success". I learned early on that you do what is right not because you think you will "win", but you win by doing what it right, regardless of the earthly outcome. We have a limited perspective as finite beings and can only see so far. So, we must have faith, no matter how dark things look, to keep going. Simply keep going, no matter what. That's what I believe.

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Bottom line: power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.


The only person you can change is yourself.

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Yep. That's it in a nutshell!

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Yup geoengineering happens daily here in Toronto Ontario CHINADA.

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Great article. I literally felt physical dread reading it though. We are clearly abandoning our spiritual side en masse, treating ourselves and life as nothing more than mechanical beings. I hope for a quick end to humanity at times. A massive astroid strike or something.

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I agree that we have abandoned the spiritual. People think they can somehow find an answer if they just change the system. But that has never worked, and it never will.

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Upgraded to paid. I appreciate your work!

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Thank you.

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I've read this. It should make sense that this could happen, however, as history shows us, leaders rise up against the current system with wonderful ideologies, people follow them for good reason, the leaders get a bit of power, and the corruption starts all over again. Rise and fall, rise and fall. What is happening now is a whole new ball game. For the first time, a small group of elites can quite possibly harness the power to control everyone on the planet, through technology. The goal has always been to transcend humanity--not for everyone, but for a select few. Of course, they can never achieve this. They can never find that "spark" to create life. But they sure can destroy it in the process. I've written quite a bit about this but one of my first essays, Utopian Madness, https://khmezek.substack.com/p/utopian-madness is a good overview, where I talk about what's really happening behind mass psychosis, which is menticide. And then, I, Zombie. https://khmezek.substack.com/p/i-zombie

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I have had the same hunch, Ms. Hunt.

This is an entirely new ball game.

My stance on this is that we might not have the slightest chance to survive as a species. (If we don't rebel now against this, in some way.)


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Wow, excellent! Thanks for sharing your research.

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I'm almost 70!

I sometimes feel like, as in Sinatra's song: "to roll into a big ball and die !"

Hopefully not, but I'm too old now to comply/adapt with such a paradigmatic change...

Indeed. Neo-Malthusianism.


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It's scary to think that children born now are entering a completely new world, one ruled by AI algorithms. Telling our stories and keeping them alive for future generations is important. Maybe one day, they will be rediscovered.

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I do hope so.


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Control the food supply, control the people.

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The Question Is Not

“How Could Gene Manipulation Damage A Person?”

The Question Is - How Could It Not ?

And If That Wasn’t The First Question Asked,

It Had To Be The Second ..


“What Is The Worst Idea A Human Could Have? “

Followed Closely By

“What Does My Doctor Think?”

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I don't know about you, but my ex doctor doesn't think. He follows the protocol.

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Love ‘Ya

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Informative, powerful & brilliant article - thank you for being a true TRUTH Warrior. Our Creator has you in the Palm of His/Her Hand ...

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Thanks Karen for this research, mega disturbing though it is.

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