It’s so blatantly obvious now that the whole point of this debate was to justify getting rid of Joe Biden.
The most interesting thing about the debate was the analysis by CNN that just happened. The minute that the debate ended, the “expert CNN panel” started trashing Biden.
Here’s a sample of what I heard—and it’s wild:
If you vote for Joe Biden, you are voting for president Kamala Harris. But she is less popular than he is. So, this ticket has to change.
The audience will remember him shuffling off the stage. They will remember him staring without seeing into the camera. The American people will not forgive realizing everything they were told about Biden was a lie.
It’s devastating because all Trump did was to lie. Biden looked terrible but he told the truth. Trump looked good but his policies were terrible.
No young person watching is going to say they will vote for Biden.
Biden was: Disappointing. No energy. Deep concern. How can he carry on. Biden was a disaster as a candidate.
We should pray for the president. We should pray for his family. The Biden team wanted this night, and we got it. They have to be held accountable for this. Everyone who backed up Biden was lying to the American people. Everything we think we knew about Biden we now know is a lie.
More comments:
If for whatever reason there’s a change for the ticket, any of you that are criticizing Trump are in trouble with him if he becomes president.
If the democratic party truly believes Trump is a danger to this country, they will wake up tomorrow and do something about this candidacy.
Van Jones: The old man vs the con man. That was painful. I love Joe Biden. That’s a good man. He loves his country. He was doing the best that he can. But he had a test tonight to prove he could take on this challenge. And he disappointed everyone. That is not what we needed from Joe Biden. It’s not just panic, it’s pain. And I think we need to think about what we will do going forward.
The former president is a threat to democracy. Joe Biden is not the man to take him on. If based on this performance, Donald Trump will be the president. A liar, a convicted criminal.
The president’s performance is what caused the panic. But the questions is, what will happen now. If we go to Joe Biden and ask him to leave, he’s a stubborn man, if he is told to step down, what will he do. I have never seen what happened in this debate ever happen before. This is bad.
This is so sad. We love Joe Biden, if he was your father, what would you do.
Nothing says "protecting our democracy" quite like convicting and possibly jailing their political opponent by means of a show trial and then pulling their own POTUS and presumptive nominee via the primary process and installing the party's hand-picked choice.
So tonight is the first time the loser media and leftists noticed Biden is not there???? Give me a break! I knew when they stole it, and I hold them responsible for foisting this on America and all of the damage that whoever is pulling his strings is doing worldwide — the war in Ukraine and all of the dead young men fighting that globalist war, the open border with the death and carnage — I could go on and on. I am so angry with the marxists leftists — is this the transformation Obama dreamed of?
Everybody could see it but it's amazing how easily people can be manipulated. There's a lot of angry people in American right now and they aren't going to get any less angry as the days pass. It's not a good situation.
Makes sense, it is the intersectional Saint Obama appeal— and then they will accuse everyone of racism and sexism for voting for an old white man over the potential first female black president.
lol. If she really is female, they will play the patriarchy card of feminism. If she/he is a man, they can play the transgender victims card. Either way, they have an intersectionality gold card there.
Biden again showed his incoherent incompetence. His mouth was so full of lies he had to keep spitting out his feet. I hope nobody rescues the democrats aka uniparty as they have been destroying our country. A sea change is needed. I watched the real debate which was cleverly done.
Yes, to me he is focused on the things that matter most. EO to fire govt employees that lie to the American people! Kill censorship. Strike off pharma’s immunity. Medical freedom. Shred the childhood vax schedule. Dismantle corpo-government. Fix the social security contract. Downsize overall budget, and downsize military share. Put a smaller govt back in service of a free people.
100% true. I’ve never seen a savaging like the CNN panel just gave DementiaJoe. Amazing. They even went after Jilly from Philly. It could not have been any more obvious the MSM had been given the word to get rid of Joe. But they also went after Kamala obliquely: “if you vote for Joe you’re voting for Kamala.” And they know she is less popular than DemebtiaJoe….
We shall see, but I expect over the next week to hear Joe say he’ll drop out “for the good of the country.” DNC will bring in a FNG and “he will be allowed to select his own running mate,” which is the only way to reduce the blast radius of throwing Kamala after Joe under the bus…
LOL! That would be interesting. They took an epic L in the debate, they’re gonna tank Joe & Kamala, & throw DJT in jail in revenge … what else can they do? Send Trump to Dealey Plaza?
Letting Trump walk would be kind of anticlimactic after all of this. But it's hard to imagine them really doing it. Turning Trump into a martyr is not going to help their cause, but then they are in such panic mode now, they will do anything.
Matt Taibbi just said that Dem insiders "woodchippered" Ol' Joe. At her debate afterparty, Dr. Jill looks like Elena Ceauşescu "encouraging" the hostile mob to go on listening to her husband's final speech, four days before the two of them were executed.
So much respect for Ayaan. I just finished Unveiled by Yasmine Mohammed. That was good, too. And of course, Son of Hamas. I gave that one to my son. One of the best books I've read in a long time.
Yes great book. In there she explains, among many other things, the difference between the “Medina”Muslims who take the “smite them at their necks” as their calling, versus the “Mecca” Muslims that take “there shall be no compulsion in religion” to mean more peaceful coexistence. At least that is what I recall having read the book about 10 years ago.
I like how she explains life growing up in that world, she really brings it alive. She's a wonderful writer. A horrible world to grow up in as a girl. She came on Substack recently so I read her work regularly. She's a Christian now so her perspective has changed somewhat.
The "presidential debate/clown show" was a chance to throw Biden under the bus, sure, but who didn't already know Biden was on the way out?
What this means is that the current powers that be, believe that they can lie to the American people for 4-years, swap out the candidate, and just keep on lying.
I'm not sure that will work, because last night is NOT the first time that people have seen Biden's mental decline. It's been going on since before 2020. He was always rambling about strange things and saying, "Never mind..." Hell my wife's 93 year old grandmother even said that Biden obviously has dementia.
The puppet masters always seem to operate with the assumption that the narrative is believed by most. However, I don't think that's the case this time.
Swapping out the democrat candidate won’t work for anyone paying attention. I think that even those people who are not paying close attention will know better this go’round.
Everything narrative driven is predicated on the idea that the office of the president -- actually meaning something in the government power structure. I don't believe that it does at this point.
Here's how I see things going down:
• Trump will win in a landslide.
• Somehow democrats will manage to keep the senate through nefarious means, nobody is watching the senate. Every Trump voter -- will vote democrat in the senate, but only in key states. This will effectively neuter Trump.
• All of the Deep State/Permanent Government people that Trump wants to remove will stay in place, because they are unelected bureaucrats, and can’t be removed without the senate. Remember they couldn’t even get rid of Mayorkas through impeachment.
• Trump can issue executive orders that might make things better for a time.
• Trump will be blamed for everything not working out, and for the “failures of Capitalism.”
• All of Trump’s executive orders will all be rescinded once the next president comes along -- which will be a democrat.
I don’t think things get fixed through means legally available to the American people. At this point it seems that people ignoring the government, and failing to comply is the only option left.
When the FDA tells you to kill your entire herd of cattle -- DON’T. When they want you to kill all your chickens -- DON’T. Of course, the government is going to pay people more to kill their animals than they could otherwise profit through the market, but that’s all fiat money, they’ll print it while you wait. They’re never going to pay farmers in gold. Just something to consider.
Hopefully this will keep things working while local politics can be battled out. And perhaps one day it will begin making a difference at the upper levels.
We've reached a critical inflection point as a nation where too many are too woke and simultaneously asleep at the wheel of an electric vehicle, with a dead battery that cannot be recycled and no cash or credit to purchase another ride. Next up, full on global war to prepare for installation of the next monetary system update. The habits of the Global Elite Swarm can be observed and their hungers and desires inferred.
I just don’t understand why they felt they had to do it this way, where they humiliated the man. Everyone knew he has been failing— if he just said that wouldn’t run again, he could have bowed out and finished his downhill dementia spiral in peace and quiet, away from the spotlight.
It's crazy. Just like why the sudden call for elections in France and the UK. It's all very unsettling. But it's the menticide. Keeping people on edge, not knowing what's going to happen next.
The French election was held now because Macron dissolved the National Assembly on June 9, just hours after the far right significantly outperformed his centrist coalition in the European elections. It was a power play to show the EU how strong he was. He didn’t expect liberal France to finally elect Marine LePen’s nationalist party, or any of the other parties for that matter.
Calling LePen a far right and Macron a centrist is a misnomer when compared with US politicians. Macron is a hard left globalist, even further left than Bernie Sanders, and LePen is center left like Kevin McCarthy, who was the least conservative Republican in Congress at best.
Because the people directed by the 25th amendment like the power they wield with a POTATUS in the Oval Office. They do as they wish without a care in the world that they’ll be stopped or held accountable for the consequences of their actions.
Oh the assumptions people make about others online based on one comment.
No, I have no delusions that Democrats care about people. I dislike Biden but knowing how dementia affects people his age, I can still feel some sympathy for how the Democrats have used him and abused him. (Not a lot but some.)
I understand that frustration and anger, and I am right there with you. But I can also simultaneously feel some small amount of sympathy for Joe Biden as a human being, who is being used despite obviously needing to retire. I am not saying that you need to feel the same as me, I am just explaining that for myself, I feel angry about lots of things the Democratic Party has done, including Joe Biden over the course of his career, AND I also do feel sorry for him that his health and mental well-being is clearly suffering but he is being forced to continue to pretend that everything is ok.
It is possible to hold conflicting emotions in one’s head, but do know that I don’t vote based on these emotions. So no need to get all up in arms by me simply expressing sympathy for an elderly person whose mind is going. My sympathy is that and only that- sympathy. Not a vote of confidence, not a voice of support for him, not a pass for any of his terrible policies.
Via Instapundit, a comment too good not to share: "You know what’s really hilarious here is that ORDINARILY they might be able to replace him at the DNC. But they held the phony 'virtual' DNC a few days back so as to make the Ohio ballot. He’s locked in! They nominated him! He’s their guy! They’re riding the bomb down like Slim Pickens on Wing Attack Plan R!”
They’ll get around it. The entire purpose of the Democrat party is to destroy the rule of law & replace it with totalitarianism. It would be out of character for them to follow rules.
Thanks for watching because I couldn't... I will say this this country is under judgment and we are going down and as a veteran who spent 3 years overseas in the Persian Gulf and loves this country...I will say this again this country is not mentioned at all in Bible prophecy because we are taken down, the question is how are we made insignificant, is it because we've been taken over by a foreign power? Is it because of an economic disaster? I don't know but we are witnessing unprecedented things happening.. we went from THE superpower to a laughing stock and they're setting up the next election that no matter who wins the cities will burn, people will get hurt and killed but that's what they want DIVISION... you need to be able to see this people use discernment normal is not coming back Jesus Christ is!! MARANATHA!
It was a sad day for our nation. We watched a man fall apart just like the nation of which he is the leader. We all knew he was failing before he was even elected. I am afraid what they will replace him with and how easily the people are manipulated. Dem party supporters will feel anyone will be a better choice than what they saw last night. Like taking candy from a baby.
World wide take over and installation of End Stage Communism. It's been their goal all the time: not a big secret either. Its what we get by default when we elected to throw God the Creator and Sustainer out. The Antichrist will be walking out onto that (End) Stage. He's our man. By our incremental choices we got here thinking that we are the ones in control while in reality we abdicated control to the corruption that indulging in evil and sin brings. Who "We The People" select is going to wind up being moot
I haven’t watched TV for decades but I would think it is unusual for a very left leaning company such as CNN to bash a Democratic candidate = president. I get Democrats decided to ditch Joe Biden to “save democracy” and prevent Trump from winning. Who will they choose? Newsome? Warnock? Pritzker?? Who??
Michelle Obama? Gavin Newsom? I'm looking at Facebook and all the hard core Democrats just don't know what's happening. They "love" old Joe. It's like they got hit by a bus. And then, the absolute fear being generated that Trump might win. They are terrified.
I have absolutely No use for those scum of the earth fake ‘journalists’ on CNN or any of the other networks of the controlled media. They sicken me. As far as Joe Biden goes, well it reminds me of ‘the emperor has no clothes’ story. Only this isn’t about clothes. Sad
It got even worse at the "after-party ' when Jill Biden rolled him out and congratulated him like a performing dog, "You answered every question, Joe!"
Everything is so well orchestrated and plotted by someone(s). You are correct, it was to get Biden out. I didn't see that coming. I guess no one can tell him he cannot run for re-election, if he wants too; he becomes de facto first choice for his party. The whole world knows Biden is a doddering, feeble old man in the last stages of life. The Saudis have made funny videos about his senility. Despite the obvious, everyone plays along and says he is sharp as ever, then pulls this like he just got that way.
I'm sure they have someone in mind to replace him. They like seeing the public, guessing who it will be. It is only a figure head anyway. It will be a puppet.
Trump told all truths, and exposed some of the previous lies the press told and have since been debunked, however, once it is out there some people will not let it go and realize they have been duped. Why have this on CNN? They hate Trump. The whole plan was to try and discredit Trump when it was over. Not sure anywhere would treat Trump fairly, not even FOX.
The contrast between Trump and Biden was so stark. You have to wonder why they allowed it. The only thing I can think of is they are so sure of their control over people's minds. They will bring in Newsom/Michelle Obama or someone similar and people will forget all about last night in two seconds. They won't think about how they are being played. Proof that AI has already hacked the minds of so many.
I did not watch the whole thing because I could barely stomach the 10 seconds I did watch. However, reading the breakdowns gives me false hope about voters on the left of the political spectrum - that they really do see and believe Biden is unfit for his post. I "read" them saying harsh things that happen to be true but that goes against their playbook... so I am left to believe Biden will NOT be on the ticket because his own people are performing their scripted roles of shunning him after "such a bad debate". It's all just such bad theater.
They will bring in someone like Michelle Obama and in about 2 seconds this will be forgotten and the masses will be all excited again. People's brains have been fried. Nobody thinks for themselves anymore. AI has taken over their minds.
I sense it will be a Newsom/ M. Obama ticket. And, I agree, that no one thinks for themself. I am embarassed when I think of how America looks to the rest of the world.
Wow! Things couldn't get any more bleak for the people of the US. Will they scrap the election and just go for an appointment? Our GE in the UK is July 4. Interesting to watch that too. Nothing good in the future for as long as we are here.
I wish I could say things are hopeful in the UK but nothing's looking hopeful right now. Elections in Iran, too! Everywhere! There's more elections this year than. Any time in history, so they say. So much upheaval. It's very disconcerting.
Something like 49% of the global pop is going to a voting booth this year. I’ve predicted for months it’ll be a repeat of 1848, “the year of revolutions…”
Jill Biden will not go quietly- and the DNC has put themselves solidly in a prison of their own choosing- no one wants Kamala- she was a token appointee to garner black women votes- Newsome can’t win- even the most diehard of lefty voters (read celebs) know California is a failed socialist utopia- and fortunately the rest of us outnumber the celebrity class. They have no choice but to double down on Biden. Look for a new pandemic or military action shortly after the GOP convention, to justify massive ballot harvesting and mail in voting- after all - it worked so well 4 years ago.
It's all according to a plan. The Left never does anything that isn't planned to further their drive for power. Biden is a useful idiot. They're done with him. Enter Gavin Newsom stage left.
Trump might exaggerate at times but he doesn't lie. (Everyone lies sometimes) The contrast between his coherent statements and Biden's nonsense was extreme.
Nothing says "protecting our democracy" quite like convicting and possibly jailing their political opponent by means of a show trial and then pulling their own POTUS and presumptive nominee via the primary process and installing the party's hand-picked choice.
So tonight is the first time the loser media and leftists noticed Biden is not there???? Give me a break! I knew when they stole it, and I hold them responsible for foisting this on America and all of the damage that whoever is pulling his strings is doing worldwide — the war in Ukraine and all of the dead young men fighting that globalist war, the open border with the death and carnage — I could go on and on. I am so angry with the marxists leftists — is this the transformation Obama dreamed of?
Everybody could see it but it's amazing how easily people can be manipulated. There's a lot of angry people in American right now and they aren't going to get any less angry as the days pass. It's not a good situation.
Yes it is and he is the one pulling the strings now!
Biden proved to the world he is incompetent. I think there will be a move to put Michele Obama as the Democratic candidate and Gavin Newsome as her VP
I think that's a good assessment.
Or the reverse order. Obama already is directing the assassination of America….they are going to speed it up!
Makes sense, it is the intersectional Saint Obama appeal— and then they will accuse everyone of racism and sexism for voting for an old white man over the potential first female black president.
Big Mike is “female?”
You sure?
lol. If she really is female, they will play the patriarchy card of feminism. If she/he is a man, they can play the transgender victims card. Either way, they have an intersectionality gold card there.
Biden again showed his incoherent incompetence. His mouth was so full of lies he had to keep spitting out his feet. I hope nobody rescues the democrats aka uniparty as they have been destroying our country. A sea change is needed. I watched the real debate which was cleverly done.
That's hilarious!
Yes!! The real debate was actually informative! This country needs Bobby Kennedy!
Yes, to me he is focused on the things that matter most. EO to fire govt employees that lie to the American people! Kill censorship. Strike off pharma’s immunity. Medical freedom. Shred the childhood vax schedule. Dismantle corpo-government. Fix the social security contract. Downsize overall budget, and downsize military share. Put a smaller govt back in service of a free people.
100% true. I’ve never seen a savaging like the CNN panel just gave DementiaJoe. Amazing. They even went after Jilly from Philly. It could not have been any more obvious the MSM had been given the word to get rid of Joe. But they also went after Kamala obliquely: “if you vote for Joe you’re voting for Kamala.” And they know she is less popular than DemebtiaJoe….
We shall see, but I expect over the next week to hear Joe say he’ll drop out “for the good of the country.” DNC will bring in a FNG and “he will be allowed to select his own running mate,” which is the only way to reduce the blast radius of throwing Kamala after Joe under the bus…
Absolutely. The entire ticket will be thrown out. Now, all they need to do is throw Trump in jail on July 11th. This is not going to get any better.
LOL! That would be interesting. They took an epic L in the debate, they’re gonna tank Joe & Kamala, & throw DJT in jail in revenge … what else can they do? Send Trump to Dealey Plaza?
Letting Trump walk would be kind of anticlimactic after all of this. But it's hard to imagine them really doing it. Turning Trump into a martyr is not going to help their cause, but then they are in such panic mode now, they will do anything.
Dealey Plaza.
Matt Taibbi just said that Dem insiders "woodchippered" Ol' Joe. At her debate afterparty, Dr. Jill looks like Elena Ceauşescu "encouraging" the hostile mob to go on listening to her husband's final speech, four days before the two of them were executed.
I saw that. It's like something from a horrorfest. Like what I just wrote Welcome to the Funhouse.
Glad you're reading "Infidel." It's a great book.
So much respect for Ayaan. I just finished Unveiled by Yasmine Mohammed. That was good, too. And of course, Son of Hamas. I gave that one to my son. One of the best books I've read in a long time.
Yes great book. In there she explains, among many other things, the difference between the “Medina”Muslims who take the “smite them at their necks” as their calling, versus the “Mecca” Muslims that take “there shall be no compulsion in religion” to mean more peaceful coexistence. At least that is what I recall having read the book about 10 years ago.
I like how she explains life growing up in that world, she really brings it alive. She's a wonderful writer. A horrible world to grow up in as a girl. She came on Substack recently so I read her work regularly. She's a Christian now so her perspective has changed somewhat.
No. Don’t panic. It was just a ‘Cheap Fake’. You demoncrates didn’t see a late stage dementia patient. It was all made up!
Laughing is good. We have to maintain a sense of humor. When we lose that, all hope is gone! LOL!
The "presidential debate/clown show" was a chance to throw Biden under the bus, sure, but who didn't already know Biden was on the way out?
What this means is that the current powers that be, believe that they can lie to the American people for 4-years, swap out the candidate, and just keep on lying.
I'm not sure that will work, because last night is NOT the first time that people have seen Biden's mental decline. It's been going on since before 2020. He was always rambling about strange things and saying, "Never mind..." Hell my wife's 93 year old grandmother even said that Biden obviously has dementia.
The puppet masters always seem to operate with the assumption that the narrative is believed by most. However, I don't think that's the case this time.
We'll have to see what happens next.
I think people will forget last night in two seconds. As soon as they trot out new candidates, everyone will be all excited again.
Swapping out the democrat candidate won’t work for anyone paying attention. I think that even those people who are not paying close attention will know better this go’round.
Everything narrative driven is predicated on the idea that the office of the president -- actually meaning something in the government power structure. I don't believe that it does at this point.
Here's how I see things going down:
• Trump will win in a landslide.
• Somehow democrats will manage to keep the senate through nefarious means, nobody is watching the senate. Every Trump voter -- will vote democrat in the senate, but only in key states. This will effectively neuter Trump.
• All of the Deep State/Permanent Government people that Trump wants to remove will stay in place, because they are unelected bureaucrats, and can’t be removed without the senate. Remember they couldn’t even get rid of Mayorkas through impeachment.
• Trump can issue executive orders that might make things better for a time.
• Trump will be blamed for everything not working out, and for the “failures of Capitalism.”
• All of Trump’s executive orders will all be rescinded once the next president comes along -- which will be a democrat.
I don’t think things get fixed through means legally available to the American people. At this point it seems that people ignoring the government, and failing to comply is the only option left.
When the FDA tells you to kill your entire herd of cattle -- DON’T. When they want you to kill all your chickens -- DON’T. Of course, the government is going to pay people more to kill their animals than they could otherwise profit through the market, but that’s all fiat money, they’ll print it while you wait. They’re never going to pay farmers in gold. Just something to consider.
Hopefully this will keep things working while local politics can be battled out. And perhaps one day it will begin making a difference at the upper levels.
Trump the Scapegoat.
Yes. And vaccines just might be what gets him there.
We've reached a critical inflection point as a nation where too many are too woke and simultaneously asleep at the wheel of an electric vehicle, with a dead battery that cannot be recycled and no cash or credit to purchase another ride. Next up, full on global war to prepare for installation of the next monetary system update. The habits of the Global Elite Swarm can be observed and their hungers and desires inferred.
Yes, this entire debate was theater by the Left, to rid themselves of this dementia-ridden puppet who has outlasted his usefulness to them.
These are cruel people. What I saw last night was a horrorfest.
I just don’t understand why they felt they had to do it this way, where they humiliated the man. Everyone knew he has been failing— if he just said that wouldn’t run again, he could have bowed out and finished his downhill dementia spiral in peace and quiet, away from the spotlight.
It's crazy. Just like why the sudden call for elections in France and the UK. It's all very unsettling. But it's the menticide. Keeping people on edge, not knowing what's going to happen next.
The French election was held now because Macron dissolved the National Assembly on June 9, just hours after the far right significantly outperformed his centrist coalition in the European elections. It was a power play to show the EU how strong he was. He didn’t expect liberal France to finally elect Marine LePen’s nationalist party, or any of the other parties for that matter.
Calling LePen a far right and Macron a centrist is a misnomer when compared with US politicians. Macron is a hard left globalist, even further left than Bernie Sanders, and LePen is center left like Kevin McCarthy, who was the least conservative Republican in Congress at best.
Because the people directed by the 25th amendment like the power they wield with a POTATUS in the Oval Office. They do as they wish without a care in the world that they’ll be stopped or held accountable for the consequences of their actions.
Edith won’t let him and no D Cabinet Secretary will go on record to 25th a D prez.
You’re not under the misimpression that democrats actually care about people, are you?
If so, can you explain defunding cops, decarcerating thugs, no-cash bail, open borders, failing schools…
Oh the assumptions people make about others online based on one comment.
No, I have no delusions that Democrats care about people. I dislike Biden but knowing how dementia affects people his age, I can still feel some sympathy for how the Democrats have used him and abused him. (Not a lot but some.)
Yeah. I don’t feel sorry for enemies of my kids’ futures.
I understand that frustration and anger, and I am right there with you. But I can also simultaneously feel some small amount of sympathy for Joe Biden as a human being, who is being used despite obviously needing to retire. I am not saying that you need to feel the same as me, I am just explaining that for myself, I feel angry about lots of things the Democratic Party has done, including Joe Biden over the course of his career, AND I also do feel sorry for him that his health and mental well-being is clearly suffering but he is being forced to continue to pretend that everything is ok.
It is possible to hold conflicting emotions in one’s head, but do know that I don’t vote based on these emotions. So no need to get all up in arms by me simply expressing sympathy for an elderly person whose mind is going. My sympathy is that and only that- sympathy. Not a vote of confidence, not a voice of support for him, not a pass for any of his terrible policies.
I kinda feel sorry for old Sleepy Joe too but I mostly do not.
I can't help to think he has put himself in this position for the most part.
It doesn't appear that he's even willing to step down.
And how do you think it will look for the wokesters if they pull Kamala Harris off of the ticket?
I suppose the only way they do that is to replace her with Big Mike?
Heck, IDK.
He looks like a stuffed animal
Demokkkrats are blaming Groping Joe’s poor performance on him having a cold.
How dare they allow him to possibly infect the 47th President of the United States!
Haha, good point.
Via Instapundit, a comment too good not to share: "You know what’s really hilarious here is that ORDINARILY they might be able to replace him at the DNC. But they held the phony 'virtual' DNC a few days back so as to make the Ohio ballot. He’s locked in! They nominated him! He’s their guy! They’re riding the bomb down like Slim Pickens on Wing Attack Plan R!”
😳 is that true? There must be a way to bring in someone else. This is too weird.
I don't know if the comment is true -- I think the Democrats will do whatever they have to do, "by any means necessary"--but it certainly is funny.
They’ll get around it. The entire purpose of the Democrat party is to destroy the rule of law & replace it with totalitarianism. It would be out of character for them to follow rules.
The Republican party hasn't done too badly with making occasional protests but still going along with it.
Don’t get the idea that my bashing the commies means I support the GOPe…
Yes, good observation about the elections worldwide.
Thanks for watching because I couldn't... I will say this this country is under judgment and we are going down and as a veteran who spent 3 years overseas in the Persian Gulf and loves this country...I will say this again this country is not mentioned at all in Bible prophecy because we are taken down, the question is how are we made insignificant, is it because we've been taken over by a foreign power? Is it because of an economic disaster? I don't know but we are witnessing unprecedented things happening.. we went from THE superpower to a laughing stock and they're setting up the next election that no matter who wins the cities will burn, people will get hurt and killed but that's what they want DIVISION... you need to be able to see this people use discernment normal is not coming back Jesus Christ is!! MARANATHA!
Agree. Maranatha!
It was a sad day for our nation. We watched a man fall apart just like the nation of which he is the leader. We all knew he was failing before he was even elected. I am afraid what they will replace him with and how easily the people are manipulated. Dem party supporters will feel anyone will be a better choice than what they saw last night. Like taking candy from a baby.
World wide take over and installation of End Stage Communism. It's been their goal all the time: not a big secret either. Its what we get by default when we elected to throw God the Creator and Sustainer out. The Antichrist will be walking out onto that (End) Stage. He's our man. By our incremental choices we got here thinking that we are the ones in control while in reality we abdicated control to the corruption that indulging in evil and sin brings. Who "We The People" select is going to wind up being moot
I haven’t watched TV for decades but I would think it is unusual for a very left leaning company such as CNN to bash a Democratic candidate = president. I get Democrats decided to ditch Joe Biden to “save democracy” and prevent Trump from winning. Who will they choose? Newsome? Warnock? Pritzker?? Who??
Michelle Obama? Gavin Newsom? I'm looking at Facebook and all the hard core Democrats just don't know what's happening. They "love" old Joe. It's like they got hit by a bus. And then, the absolute fear being generated that Trump might win. They are terrified.
They will not let Trump win. They can’t allow Joe run because they might end up with Kamala, who is a uniquely unsuited politician. We shall see
I have absolutely No use for those scum of the earth fake ‘journalists’ on CNN or any of the other networks of the controlled media. They sicken me. As far as Joe Biden goes, well it reminds me of ‘the emperor has no clothes’ story. Only this isn’t about clothes. Sad
It got even worse at the "after-party ' when Jill Biden rolled him out and congratulated him like a performing dog, "You answered every question, Joe!"
She sold her soul for a moment of glory and now the Devil is cashing in. What a despicable woman. You probably saw my essay I wrote right before the debate--Welcome to the Funhouse
Everything is so well orchestrated and plotted by someone(s). You are correct, it was to get Biden out. I didn't see that coming. I guess no one can tell him he cannot run for re-election, if he wants too; he becomes de facto first choice for his party. The whole world knows Biden is a doddering, feeble old man in the last stages of life. The Saudis have made funny videos about his senility. Despite the obvious, everyone plays along and says he is sharp as ever, then pulls this like he just got that way.
I'm sure they have someone in mind to replace him. They like seeing the public, guessing who it will be. It is only a figure head anyway. It will be a puppet.
Trump told all truths, and exposed some of the previous lies the press told and have since been debunked, however, once it is out there some people will not let it go and realize they have been duped. Why have this on CNN? They hate Trump. The whole plan was to try and discredit Trump when it was over. Not sure anywhere would treat Trump fairly, not even FOX.
The contrast between Trump and Biden was so stark. You have to wonder why they allowed it. The only thing I can think of is they are so sure of their control over people's minds. They will bring in Newsom/Michelle Obama or someone similar and people will forget all about last night in two seconds. They won't think about how they are being played. Proof that AI has already hacked the minds of so many.
LOL, so true.
I did not watch the whole thing because I could barely stomach the 10 seconds I did watch. However, reading the breakdowns gives me false hope about voters on the left of the political spectrum - that they really do see and believe Biden is unfit for his post. I "read" them saying harsh things that happen to be true but that goes against their playbook... so I am left to believe Biden will NOT be on the ticket because his own people are performing their scripted roles of shunning him after "such a bad debate". It's all just such bad theater.
They will bring in someone like Michelle Obama and in about 2 seconds this will be forgotten and the masses will be all excited again. People's brains have been fried. Nobody thinks for themselves anymore. AI has taken over their minds.
I sense it will be a Newsom/ M. Obama ticket. And, I agree, that no one thinks for themself. I am embarassed when I think of how America looks to the rest of the world.
It's terrifying. And now we are on the verge of WWIII
Precisely. I am praying for the protection of my son's from any draft these wicked "leaders" may try to institute.
… and my daughter.
Time for Rashida Tlaib to step up
Allahu Akbar! 🇸🇦
Not quite ready for her yet. But in four years...oh wait, there won't be a country left to run in four years.
Wow! Things couldn't get any more bleak for the people of the US. Will they scrap the election and just go for an appointment? Our GE in the UK is July 4. Interesting to watch that too. Nothing good in the future for as long as we are here.
I wish I could say things are hopeful in the UK but nothing's looking hopeful right now. Elections in Iran, too! Everywhere! There's more elections this year than. Any time in history, so they say. So much upheaval. It's very disconcerting.
They are dire everywhere. Sunak calls an election here that he knows he won't win! France, same thing. It's crazy!
Yes, it's really puzzling.
They believe their own PR
Something like 49% of the global pop is going to a voting booth this year. I’ve predicted for months it’ll be a repeat of 1848, “the year of revolutions…”
Never challenge the Swamp by telling them they couldn’t get worse…
Jill Biden will not go quietly- and the DNC has put themselves solidly in a prison of their own choosing- no one wants Kamala- she was a token appointee to garner black women votes- Newsome can’t win- even the most diehard of lefty voters (read celebs) know California is a failed socialist utopia- and fortunately the rest of us outnumber the celebrity class. They have no choice but to double down on Biden. Look for a new pandemic or military action shortly after the GOP convention, to justify massive ballot harvesting and mail in voting- after all - it worked so well 4 years ago.
Fauci for president. Yeah baby 😎 💉 😷
Rachel Madow for VP 🇨🇳
Bernie Sanders Secretary of State ⭐
All our problems solved 🙃
Totally. How much worse could it get? Let's go full on kamikaze mode as a country!
I haven’t taken one yet, but I’ll take the clot shot before I’ll vote for Fauci!
It's all according to a plan. The Left never does anything that isn't planned to further their drive for power. Biden is a useful idiot. They're done with him. Enter Gavin Newsom stage left.
I’m confused. What did Trump lie about?
Trump might exaggerate at times but he doesn't lie. (Everyone lies sometimes) The contrast between his coherent statements and Biden's nonsense was extreme.
He didn’t lie about anything. He often told the truth in refuting D lies and they don’t like that …
Or they knew and lied anyways.