For each living Israeli woman, child and elderly, 30 Palestinian terrorists will be released; for all nine sick hostages, 110 terrorists will be released, and so the deals in human flesh are made...
I can see no end to this, I pray for the 2nd coming of Christ and that will settle this madness. All I can do is pray to God for the lives of all the innocent victims Israeli & Muslim and to pray for the destruction of Hamas. No one can fix this. God will have the final say. IMHO
I am just watching the Israeli news coverage. The fact that Hamas to this moment has provided zero information on the condition of any of the hostages is so unbelievable that the world should stop spinning. They defile any and really any humanitarian ‘law’ and ‘guideline’ and not a word of outrage of that in the media. I continue to be in such rage every day. And…
There’s a lot of gossip about Trump angling for a ‘legacy’ and the Nobel Peace Prize in this term that I am starting to lose faith that he will indeed be the partner to Israel he was hoped to be. As a deal maker, the deal for his own crown will take priority over Israeli long-term safety. His pressure on Netanyahu was extraordinary now to ‘get the deal done’. More terrorism will be the price.
oh, it's worse Karen (bless ye fer this postin' tho--ye really summed it up so well...)--not just celebratin' but demandin' "accountability"--they will (literally) have the HEADS of all the "evil" IDF soldiers who "waged war" on the innocent Gazans, they WILL have the heads of BB & all who were or remain with him--AND (so say these noble folks) not just in a court of law (i.e. emprisoned) but they are suggestin' that there will be vigilante "justice" wrought by the "wronged" "Palestinians"--there is a thirst fer the blood of revenge... it's clear that ta the world has been convinced that just one innocent israeli life is not even worth that of 50 terrorists... yup, it's with a sad heart I take in all've this--the ugly cheers, the ill-wishes, but I'm just prayin' an' tryin' not ta let the sadness take me down...I'm workin' on that lemonade but the powers that be out there...are makin' it hard
Meanwhile, GazaWood/Pallywood has been bizzy workin' overtime; the brave Substack troothers have shared certain tragic stories--debunked here both of 'em... the two girls--the one supposedly walked all day carryin' her sis b/c the parents were murdered--seem ta be hangin' out healthy with their dead mama & snacks & smiles (whoops! their makeup faux bandages must'a fell off? hope they got paid fer their hard work play-actin'!) an' that one dude MozizAbayad whose limpin' "broken" body was shared all over them innertubes as an example of IDF brutal prison cruelty--had been captured without the palsied hands, without any limp, an' lookin' 20lbs heavier an' healthy... he may've been a real prisoner but his gimp act WUZ' I think AI'd ta make him look skinnier...
The images of dead gazan babies dead babies dead babies....dead bloody gazan babies are givin' all the "good hearted" such PTSD, such mind-controlled trauma--that they cannot even THINK--they don't consider they're bein' duped or that some of this stuff is FAKE an' manipulative--so they'll never see "Gazawood" or their own "programming"... it's also HARD ta find those showin' the dupe-licity, easy ta find the TRAUMA-on=TAP from the islamist-machine. I don't think these folks kin believe they've been shown lies--it feels too good to hate da joos an' imagine Hitler-wuz-right... HOW do you show folks they are bein' not just told one side but brutally manipulated b/c who wouldn't be traumatized by dead babies in rotation? (sometimes the same ones are used in more 'n one scene too...)
And yes, they all look quite well in the videos of celebrations. That is not to say that people haven't suffered and died. I would never discount or belittle anyone's suffering.
ditto--even if they hate me/"we joos" I truly FEEL sadness & empathy fer the wounded, the dead, an' the devastated in Gaza (their ideology has harmed them but they are still human of course). MOST Israelis & chews in the diaspora do not relish or gloat over their sufferin' OR wish them further pain--MANY I speak to feel turrible of all the harms done--there is a lotta jewish hand wringin' b/c fightin' fer the right to exist means literally extinguishin' others. Any of us with famblies cannot help but feel sad fer the famblies destroyed. MOST the jews I know do not dehumanize the Gazans... mebbe Hamas but not the rest. I have not heard' I'm on the jooish stacks too...
BUT what kin we do (as a pee-pull)? The anti-zionists can & do pressure Israel to just give itself up to Hamas--to commit suicide but MOST of us cannot go there... We do not wish ta self-sacrifice our lives because we feel ultimately dead joos don't make "palestinian" lives better (even if it gives 'em some momentary happiness?) MOST of us just will not go there... The mee-dia lie an' say most Israeli's are heartless, ruthless, wishes of evil... but that's also not true... in my experience. We just don't wanna give up our own lives fer the "palestinian" cause...
a. a small portion of these Israelis may seem heartless b/c they perceive themselves hated...I'd say they ARE sometimes that kin taint yer perspective an' draw out yer worst thoughts...words...
b. a small portion of these folks may express ugly thoughts that seem uncarin' because Israel is small an' the losses affected them directly. Many either lost a love one or know someone who did... EVEN here in the US few of us are untouched by 10/7 (I'd say there's no more than 3 degrees of separation 'tween us an' someone either kidnapped or killed there) ... it's harder (not impossible but HARDER) to feel sadness fer or empahty fer those that have killed someone close to ya
The rest of us just wring hands an' feel bad that war means innocents are killed. War fer joos means that we are expected ta be ashamed fer fightin' back... we are supposed ta be the victims... but then we are cursed fer sayin' we are victimized so in Israel they try ta be tough--to fight--an' that is not in line with the "world view" sufferin' so only the Gazans have pity... (sigh)
Thank you for this. I have been asking how it is that the victims have to make the most concessions and the aggressors get the most benefits. So upside-down.
Thank you Karen. The pressure, finally, is on them, and it is nobody's fault if they are not strong enough to accept it. Only an exceptional man can become a real man under such circumstances, and such who are independent-minded are either murdered by their own or leave. The twisted and weak thrive, those who seek to blame all their problems on others. No wonder so many lost young people there and elsewhere want this fantasy to be true, to escape the one precious good, themselves.
I am not happy with how he pushed for this deal. But then, Israel can always go back and attack again. And they should, except they must wait until all the hostages are released and all the terrorists are back in Gaza. And then, it's like starting all over again. Terrible.
first Trump posted Jeffrey Sachs ugly comments 'bout Israel & BB (woke anti-zionist Pres. of Columbia U's PubLickPolicy Dept... they surely allow 'im there as a joo B/C he's so anti-Israel...) Sure BB ain't no saint but DJT didn't need ta "re tweet" it with a like seen by millions... an' THEN he makes BB frog hop / perp walk & betray not just (imho) the soldiers who have lost lives in arrestin' those p.o.w.-terrorists but also the hostages... no other wars in any other nation are put on camera 24/7 fer screw-tiny... only Israel... no nation could pass the sniff test of fightin' a war under the microscope like that... that's all that wuz needed, a (pahrdon mah french) magni-fuk-cation... brutal judgement of every move, every action... BB has always been too smug, his attitude boastful--but Trump's ego is even bigger... I had hoped that he'd rise against "I'll stick it back ta him an' MAKE HIM regret it too"--but it's a whole nation that suffers this petty feud 'tween 2 egos. (I don't think Trump hates da chews or is racist or homophobic or any of that. He'll take a ribbin' from SNL... but not from ANY heads of state... that's clear). Shucks, why not go after "Killary" who did him way more damage than BB... Given too that Trump just had Bill Gates over ta Mara Lago I think this new regime ain't gonna be much bettah than the last one... I see RJK Jr bein' "brought inta the fold" too...
Do you have a link to the Jeffrey Sachs comments, I haven't seen that.
And I agree, I don't think Trump is a racist or antisemitic, but as I said in one of my essays (I will have to find it) about eight months ago or so, if he is elected it will mean he has "gone over to the dark side". I still wanted to be optimistic, however. I wanted to look forward to the inauguration tomorrow, now I just feel sick.
I need to wait this out. There has to be answers about this. I am shocked and confused too. Trump hates wars, he hates killing, but how do we make deals with the devil? I am looking at all of this with a very short view. Waiting. Did the baby survive? I have not heard
and while all of this is going on all week long, what are Americans obsessed and whining about? The TikTok “ban” (psyop). Bread and circuses. This is how far lost the West has become. Brad and circuses while the world collapses.
My question has always been, how come rich, wealthy Arabic countries like Saudi Arabia, UAE, and Qatar take in Palestinian refugees by building them beautiful master-planned communities and creating jobs through construction and the building of infrastructure for them? The answer because they are being used along with Israel to create conflict to justify having the U.S. Government and the MIC send billions of dollars in the name of war and conflict; they always have to have the good guy, bad guy scenario to create division and justify a war to drain the American taxpayer! Our government doesn't give a shit about the American Taxpayer both the DemonRats and the RepubTurds are lying thieves!
Long before the United States had anything to do with Israel, back in 1948, every Arab nation attacked Israel. In fact, up until 1967, Israel fought pretty much alone. This battle between Jew and Arab goes back to the Old Testament. There is a good guy and a bad guy here, and as a Christian, I stand with Israel. Of course, it's more complex than that, I am not saying every person on one side is good and every person on the other side is evil. I see how, as the Bible says, the entire world is coming against Israel. But I write about such things elsewhere and can't get into a big explanation here. No doubt, you will disagree. No problem.
Never make a deal with the devil unless you're
prepared to lose…
That's right.
Difficult to see how this is good for Israel and the non-Islam world.
Praying for the hostages.
Stand for Israel 🇮🇱 !
It's terrible. Of course, to see the hostages home is wonderful, but the price will be so many more lives lost.
I can see no end to this, I pray for the 2nd coming of Christ and that will settle this madness. All I can do is pray to God for the lives of all the innocent victims Israeli & Muslim and to pray for the destruction of Hamas. No one can fix this. God will have the final say. IMHO
Yes, this is the only answer. I am so sick in my heart today.
I am just watching the Israeli news coverage. The fact that Hamas to this moment has provided zero information on the condition of any of the hostages is so unbelievable that the world should stop spinning. They defile any and really any humanitarian ‘law’ and ‘guideline’ and not a word of outrage of that in the media. I continue to be in such rage every day. And…
There’s a lot of gossip about Trump angling for a ‘legacy’ and the Nobel Peace Prize in this term that I am starting to lose faith that he will indeed be the partner to Israel he was hoped to be. As a deal maker, the deal for his own crown will take priority over Israeli long-term safety. His pressure on Netanyahu was extraordinary now to ‘get the deal done’. More terrorism will be the price.
I am disgusted by Trump. I am really not feeling good today! I am about to publish another piece showing the celebrations in Gaza.
oh, it's worse Karen (bless ye fer this postin' tho--ye really summed it up so well...)--not just celebratin' but demandin' "accountability"--they will (literally) have the HEADS of all the "evil" IDF soldiers who "waged war" on the innocent Gazans, they WILL have the heads of BB & all who were or remain with him--AND (so say these noble folks) not just in a court of law (i.e. emprisoned) but they are suggestin' that there will be vigilante "justice" wrought by the "wronged" "Palestinians"--there is a thirst fer the blood of revenge... it's clear that ta the world has been convinced that just one innocent israeli life is not even worth that of 50 terrorists... yup, it's with a sad heart I take in all've this--the ugly cheers, the ill-wishes, but I'm just prayin' an' tryin' not ta let the sadness take me down...I'm workin' on that lemonade but the powers that be out there...are makin' it hard
Meanwhile, GazaWood/Pallywood has been bizzy workin' overtime; the brave Substack troothers have shared certain tragic stories--debunked here both of 'em... the two girls--the one supposedly walked all day carryin' her sis b/c the parents were murdered--seem ta be hangin' out healthy with their dead mama & snacks & smiles (whoops! their makeup faux bandages must'a fell off? hope they got paid fer their hard work play-actin'!) an' that one dude MozizAbayad whose limpin' "broken" body was shared all over them innertubes as an example of IDF brutal prison cruelty--had been captured without the palsied hands, without any limp, an' lookin' 20lbs heavier an' healthy... he may've been a real prisoner but his gimp act WUZ' I think AI'd ta make him look skinnier...
The images of dead gazan babies dead babies dead babies....dead bloody gazan babies are givin' all the "good hearted" such PTSD, such mind-controlled trauma--that they cannot even THINK--they don't consider they're bein' duped or that some of this stuff is FAKE an' manipulative--so they'll never see "Gazawood" or their own "programming"... it's also HARD ta find those showin' the dupe-licity, easy ta find the TRAUMA-on=TAP from the islamist-machine. I don't think these folks kin believe they've been shown lies--it feels too good to hate da joos an' imagine Hitler-wuz-right... HOW do you show folks they are bein' not just told one side but brutally manipulated b/c who wouldn't be traumatized by dead babies in rotation? (sometimes the same ones are used in more 'n one scene too...)
I am very disheartened today.
And yes, they all look quite well in the videos of celebrations. That is not to say that people haven't suffered and died. I would never discount or belittle anyone's suffering.
ditto--even if they hate me/"we joos" I truly FEEL sadness & empathy fer the wounded, the dead, an' the devastated in Gaza (their ideology has harmed them but they are still human of course). MOST Israelis & chews in the diaspora do not relish or gloat over their sufferin' OR wish them further pain--MANY I speak to feel turrible of all the harms done--there is a lotta jewish hand wringin' b/c fightin' fer the right to exist means literally extinguishin' others. Any of us with famblies cannot help but feel sad fer the famblies destroyed. MOST the jews I know do not dehumanize the Gazans... mebbe Hamas but not the rest. I have not heard' I'm on the jooish stacks too...
BUT what kin we do (as a pee-pull)? The anti-zionists can & do pressure Israel to just give itself up to Hamas--to commit suicide but MOST of us cannot go there... We do not wish ta self-sacrifice our lives because we feel ultimately dead joos don't make "palestinian" lives better (even if it gives 'em some momentary happiness?) MOST of us just will not go there... The mee-dia lie an' say most Israeli's are heartless, ruthless, wishes of evil... but that's also not true... in my experience. We just don't wanna give up our own lives fer the "palestinian" cause...
a. a small portion of these Israelis may seem heartless b/c they perceive themselves hated...I'd say they ARE sometimes that kin taint yer perspective an' draw out yer worst thoughts...words...
b. a small portion of these folks may express ugly thoughts that seem uncarin' because Israel is small an' the losses affected them directly. Many either lost a love one or know someone who did... EVEN here in the US few of us are untouched by 10/7 (I'd say there's no more than 3 degrees of separation 'tween us an' someone either kidnapped or killed there) ... it's harder (not impossible but HARDER) to feel sadness fer or empahty fer those that have killed someone close to ya
The rest of us just wring hands an' feel bad that war means innocents are killed. War fer joos means that we are expected ta be ashamed fer fightin' back... we are supposed ta be the victims... but then we are cursed fer sayin' we are victimized so in Israel they try ta be tough--to fight--an' that is not in line with the "world view" sufferin' so only the Gazans have pity... (sigh)
Thank you for this. I have been asking how it is that the victims have to make the most concessions and the aggressors get the most benefits. So upside-down.
Yes, it is 😔
Exactly. Why aren’t people with more power saying this? 30 criminals for one innocent civilian? Makes so sense
This is insane.
They should have leveled Gaza to dust already.
They also should EXECUTE terrorists, not coddle them in Israeli prisons until the next hostage swap.
Thank you Karen. The pressure, finally, is on them, and it is nobody's fault if they are not strong enough to accept it. Only an exceptional man can become a real man under such circumstances, and such who are independent-minded are either murdered by their own or leave. The twisted and weak thrive, those who seek to blame all their problems on others. No wonder so many lost young people there and elsewhere want this fantasy to be true, to escape the one precious good, themselves.
Well said.
Yes, I am also interested in what President Trump plans to do about this.
I am praying for all of the hostages, all of the suffering.
I believe all of us are sick and tired of the hate and destruction. we get one life just like everyone else. Always praying
I am not happy with how he pushed for this deal. But then, Israel can always go back and attack again. And they should, except they must wait until all the hostages are released and all the terrorists are back in Gaza. And then, it's like starting all over again. Terrible.
first Trump posted Jeffrey Sachs ugly comments 'bout Israel & BB (woke anti-zionist Pres. of Columbia U's PubLickPolicy Dept... they surely allow 'im there as a joo B/C he's so anti-Israel...) Sure BB ain't no saint but DJT didn't need ta "re tweet" it with a like seen by millions... an' THEN he makes BB frog hop / perp walk & betray not just (imho) the soldiers who have lost lives in arrestin' those p.o.w.-terrorists but also the hostages... no other wars in any other nation are put on camera 24/7 fer screw-tiny... only Israel... no nation could pass the sniff test of fightin' a war under the microscope like that... that's all that wuz needed, a (pahrdon mah french) magni-fuk-cation... brutal judgement of every move, every action... BB has always been too smug, his attitude boastful--but Trump's ego is even bigger... I had hoped that he'd rise against "I'll stick it back ta him an' MAKE HIM regret it too"--but it's a whole nation that suffers this petty feud 'tween 2 egos. (I don't think Trump hates da chews or is racist or homophobic or any of that. He'll take a ribbin' from SNL... but not from ANY heads of state... that's clear). Shucks, why not go after "Killary" who did him way more damage than BB... Given too that Trump just had Bill Gates over ta Mara Lago I think this new regime ain't gonna be much bettah than the last one... I see RJK Jr bein' "brought inta the fold" too...
Do you have a link to the Jeffrey Sachs comments, I haven't seen that.
And I agree, I don't think Trump is a racist or antisemitic, but as I said in one of my essays (I will have to find it) about eight months ago or so, if he is elected it will mean he has "gone over to the dark side". I still wanted to be optimistic, however. I wanted to look forward to the inauguration tomorrow, now I just feel sick.
I need to wait this out. There has to be answers about this. I am shocked and confused too. Trump hates wars, he hates killing, but how do we make deals with the devil? I am looking at all of this with a very short view. Waiting. Did the baby survive? I have not heard
Hamas refuses to tell if they are alive or not. Despicable.
yes, I am shattered. I keep searching.
Thank you. Prayers that many have ears to hear.
Thank you for telling the truth 🙏
Prayers the world wakes up.
and while all of this is going on all week long, what are Americans obsessed and whining about? The TikTok “ban” (psyop). Bread and circuses. This is how far lost the West has become. Brad and circuses while the world collapses.
My question has always been, how come rich, wealthy Arabic countries like Saudi Arabia, UAE, and Qatar take in Palestinian refugees by building them beautiful master-planned communities and creating jobs through construction and the building of infrastructure for them? The answer because they are being used along with Israel to create conflict to justify having the U.S. Government and the MIC send billions of dollars in the name of war and conflict; they always have to have the good guy, bad guy scenario to create division and justify a war to drain the American taxpayer! Our government doesn't give a shit about the American Taxpayer both the DemonRats and the RepubTurds are lying thieves!
Long before the United States had anything to do with Israel, back in 1948, every Arab nation attacked Israel. In fact, up until 1967, Israel fought pretty much alone. This battle between Jew and Arab goes back to the Old Testament. There is a good guy and a bad guy here, and as a Christian, I stand with Israel. Of course, it's more complex than that, I am not saying every person on one side is good and every person on the other side is evil. I see how, as the Bible says, the entire world is coming against Israel. But I write about such things elsewhere and can't get into a big explanation here. No doubt, you will disagree. No problem.
Given Hamas took hostages one time vice multiple years worth of arrests by Israel, it seems Israel is still getting an acceptable deal.
wow, THIS--it's brutal an' has cursin' but bless this guy fer speakin' trooth as he's quite...wull, troothful: