Similar situation here in Oregon, my first time voting here. It’s been only mail in for years. That alone is interesting. But we get a giant voters magazine in the mail to help us be informed. For the presidential candidates, RFk is also on the ballot. They also do page bios with pics for all the candidates/running mates. However Trump and Vance did not get bios. The only place they are mentioned in this entire giant magazine is in a 3 inch paragraph with all the presidential candidates. So his name is very small. Everyone I’ve told about it(not from
here) think it’s crazy. I’m not from here so I wonder if Oregonians are just used to these antics. They don’t seem very outwardly political here and I’m on the eastern side. I do realize they’ve been blue for years. I was just expecting a bit more. But now I know why, mail in ballots and rigged information.
I used to live in OR. The blue cities on the west coast have taken over the entire state. As with CA, funny how things went from more red to mostly blue just about the time mail-in ballots started.
Sneaky… Voters who are unaware may vote for Kennedy because his family were/are Democrats, thinking he’s a legitimare choice. I doubt those votes would be disqualified, but more likely to be counted in Harris’ favour.
Bobby Kennedy is on the poop list of the Demonrat Party for daring to step outside their corral. Of course, his father (Bobby, Sr.) and his uncle (JFK) were also on that list, and it got them assassinated. So, it's no surprise that the Marxists are not respecting RFK,Jr. decision to drop out. They subscribe to the Machiavellian thinking-- the end justifies the means.
It is lucky for your friend that she made inquiries before she voted. Too many voters are too lazy to do any type of research before voting.
Riddle me this- why are voting standards and protocols not the same across the board in every state in a national election? In Texas, we have to vote in person. I don’t understand why this isn’t the case in every single state all voting in a national election. Kennedy is not on our ballot here, yet remains on the ballot in other states. It all seems very very messed up and broken.
Is your friend living under a rock? I would argue that anyone who is unaware that RFK is not a candidate and has endorsed Trump should not even be allowed to vote. Of course the same applies to Harris voters who vote for her based strictly on her gender/race.
I did NOT realize that RFK's name has been left on the ballot in swing states. I'm at the point where I don't see a path for this country holding together, although my view is so very limited . . . it's NOT in my hands, thankfully. This is a gut punch, though . . . truly as you've said, a banana republic.
I wonder how many realize how narrowly we've dodged a bullet. I can hardly find the words to express how I feel after this week. It dawned on me early this morning as I was listening to a priest share the JFK quote on "ask not what your country can do for you", that absolutely NONE of what we've witnessed in recent months would be happening if the 2020 election hadn't been stolen. Perhaps one of the most stunning things has been watching RFK Jr. rise up to answer what he can do for his country. All of it has been amazing, but this particular thing moves me like none other.
It’s such a great example of having to go through the fire before you can understand the point of it. And then, realizing that it all had a purpose. That’s why we must walk by faith, not by sight. I keep thinking about that Bible verse.
As a Christian I believe this to be true, although admittedly I have trust issues. I ask God every day to help me with trust. Even now, after this particular unfolding of history, I struggle. That fight or flight switch is hard to turn off, especially in the face of tyranny. But I’m working on it, Karen, again and again. Thank you for your great insight and sensitivity.
You know the ballots coming in have been monitored and quietly reported to the dems. So they will have a pulse on this to help them decide where to cheat more. And it could be why the betting odds are changing (although that could just be donation money being used to sway people). For the rest of us, the number of votes RFKjr gets will give us an idea just how uninformed people are. Sigh.
And people have been conditioned not to read beyond sound bites and headlines. If people see his name there, many will not look further, as my friend did.
Similar situation here in Oregon, my first time voting here. It’s been only mail in for years. That alone is interesting. But we get a giant voters magazine in the mail to help us be informed. For the presidential candidates, RFk is also on the ballot. They also do page bios with pics for all the candidates/running mates. However Trump and Vance did not get bios. The only place they are mentioned in this entire giant magazine is in a 3 inch paragraph with all the presidential candidates. So his name is very small. Everyone I’ve told about it(not from
here) think it’s crazy. I’m not from here so I wonder if Oregonians are just used to these antics. They don’t seem very outwardly political here and I’m on the eastern side. I do realize they’ve been blue for years. I was just expecting a bit more. But now I know why, mail in ballots and rigged information.
Please take a photo of what you describe. That is worth broadcasting widely.
I used to live in OR. The blue cities on the west coast have taken over the entire state. As with CA, funny how things went from more red to mostly blue just about the time mail-in ballots started.
Imagine that….
Sneaky… Voters who are unaware may vote for Kennedy because his family were/are Democrats, thinking he’s a legitimare choice. I doubt those votes would be disqualified, but more likely to be counted in Harris’ favour.
That truly would be cheating. Or they will just be wasted votes, people who would have voted for Trump if they had all the info, like my friend.
The bottom line is that the left will do anything and use any avenue to lie and misinform people to win. Great reporting, Karen.
Bobby Kennedy is on the poop list of the Demonrat Party for daring to step outside their corral. Of course, his father (Bobby, Sr.) and his uncle (JFK) were also on that list, and it got them assassinated. So, it's no surprise that the Marxists are not respecting RFK,Jr. decision to drop out. They subscribe to the Machiavellian thinking-- the end justifies the means.
It is lucky for your friend that she made inquiries before she voted. Too many voters are too lazy to do any type of research before voting.
Unbelievable! They're so despicable! Unbelievable.
I keep being shocked at their new antics - shocked, but not surprised, as they say.
Serious question: can RFK, Jr. Simply declare that he is turning over all of his votes to President Trump?
LOL. No??? He said he endorses Trump. He withdrew from the race. He wanted his name off the ballot.
Riddle me this- why are voting standards and protocols not the same across the board in every state in a national election? In Texas, we have to vote in person. I don’t understand why this isn’t the case in every single state all voting in a national election. Kennedy is not on our ballot here, yet remains on the ballot in other states. It all seems very very messed up and broken.
Is your friend living under a rock? I would argue that anyone who is unaware that RFK is not a candidate and has endorsed Trump should not even be allowed to vote. Of course the same applies to Harris voters who vote for her based strictly on her gender/race.
She doesn't live under a rock. You don't know everyone's circumstances.
I did NOT realize that RFK's name has been left on the ballot in swing states. I'm at the point where I don't see a path for this country holding together, although my view is so very limited . . . it's NOT in my hands, thankfully. This is a gut punch, though . . . truly as you've said, a banana republic.
It’s truly as if we are making our last gasp as a nation with any integrity left.
I wonder how many realize how narrowly we've dodged a bullet. I can hardly find the words to express how I feel after this week. It dawned on me early this morning as I was listening to a priest share the JFK quote on "ask not what your country can do for you", that absolutely NONE of what we've witnessed in recent months would be happening if the 2020 election hadn't been stolen. Perhaps one of the most stunning things has been watching RFK Jr. rise up to answer what he can do for his country. All of it has been amazing, but this particular thing moves me like none other.
It’s such a great example of having to go through the fire before you can understand the point of it. And then, realizing that it all had a purpose. That’s why we must walk by faith, not by sight. I keep thinking about that Bible verse.
As a Christian I believe this to be true, although admittedly I have trust issues. I ask God every day to help me with trust. Even now, after this particular unfolding of history, I struggle. That fight or flight switch is hard to turn off, especially in the face of tyranny. But I’m working on it, Karen, again and again. Thank you for your great insight and sensitivity.
well you saved one vote at least lol--an' then with all the "buzz" 'bout the rampant rigging already goin' on--I'm holdin' my breath!
Me too!
You know the ballots coming in have been monitored and quietly reported to the dems. So they will have a pulse on this to help them decide where to cheat more. And it could be why the betting odds are changing (although that could just be donation money being used to sway people). For the rest of us, the number of votes RFKjr gets will give us an idea just how uninformed people are. Sigh.
And people have been conditioned not to read beyond sound bites and headlines. If people see his name there, many will not look further, as my friend did.
He’s joined with Trump!