Fascinating formation, thank you! I am currently writing a series about my experiences living in Luxor, Egypt. I left about 6 months into the pandemic, under dangerous circumstances. It's true what you say. I lived within walking distance of the Valley of the Kings where most of the pharaohs were buried. Besides being ruled as a society …
Fascinating formation, thank you! I am currently writing a series about my experiences living in Luxor, Egypt. I left about 6 months into the pandemic, under dangerous circumstances. It's true what you say. I lived within walking distance of the Valley of the Kings where most of the pharaohs were buried. Besides being ruled as a society by Islamism/Sharia Law, Egyptians still believe very strongly in magic and curses like the "evil eye". I will get into what I learned about it in my series. Love and Lies on the Nile https://khmezek.substack.com/s/love-and-lies-on-the-nile
Yes! I had looked at your other site online and noticed that you'd lived and worked in Egypt. Forgot that when I posted. I will very much be looking forward to that series. You weren't kidding when you said you are an adventurer :) -- hope you did not have to use your martial arts skills in earnest when you were in Egypt.
I made sure it never got that far. If it had, I would not be here today, I'd be at the bottom of the Nile, as one persona cannot physically stand against an entire culture and religion out to kill or "revert" all infidels. People in the west are very naive about this.
Fascinating formation, thank you! I am currently writing a series about my experiences living in Luxor, Egypt. I left about 6 months into the pandemic, under dangerous circumstances. It's true what you say. I lived within walking distance of the Valley of the Kings where most of the pharaohs were buried. Besides being ruled as a society by Islamism/Sharia Law, Egyptians still believe very strongly in magic and curses like the "evil eye". I will get into what I learned about it in my series. Love and Lies on the Nile https://khmezek.substack.com/s/love-and-lies-on-the-nile
Yes! I had looked at your other site online and noticed that you'd lived and worked in Egypt. Forgot that when I posted. I will very much be looking forward to that series. You weren't kidding when you said you are an adventurer :) -- hope you did not have to use your martial arts skills in earnest when you were in Egypt.
I made sure it never got that far. If it had, I would not be here today, I'd be at the bottom of the Nile, as one persona cannot physically stand against an entire culture and religion out to kill or "revert" all infidels. People in the west are very naive about this.
They sure are ... and somehow getting more naive about it every day.