I wuz never a fan of lousy act-trice an' Ouja laydee Nancy Regan OR her "just say no" campaign (ugh)--'specially when our gubbamint wuz traffickin' drugs of all sorts behind the scenes--BUT there is indeed much ta say about Just Sayin' No. If someone's wartchin' their waistband, it should be "no thank ya" an' done. If they're at some pah…
I wuz never a fan of lousy act-trice an' Ouja laydee Nancy Regan OR her "just say no" campaign (ugh)--'specially when our gubbamint wuz traffickin' drugs of all sorts behind the scenes--BUT there is indeed much ta say about Just Sayin' No. If someone's wartchin' their waistband, it should be "no thank ya" an' done. If they're at some pahrty (I've told my girls this) an' somebuddy offers 'em ANYTHING (drinks 'er worse), I tell 'em jes that--"Say No" (firmly).
Today too many are afraid ta say NO. Sometimes it comes with heat ('er lost chobs, lost appart-mints! we know this 1st hand) but literally all our fambly did wuz say NO. We blamed nobuddy fer the consequences of our decisions--sometimes it's a drag ta miss out on...income, classes, performances.... or dessert. But if the world warn't topsy turvy, EVERY chile would learn to JUST SAY NO! ('or neine, nix, or no thanks!)
ha ha, don't git me started on that one--some forgot'em but too many young'uns never got 'em in the first place ;-) (good postin' tho'--all these folks wantin' too easy answers / solutions...drugs is just one'a them...)
I wuz never a fan of lousy act-trice an' Ouja laydee Nancy Regan OR her "just say no" campaign (ugh)--'specially when our gubbamint wuz traffickin' drugs of all sorts behind the scenes--BUT there is indeed much ta say about Just Sayin' No. If someone's wartchin' their waistband, it should be "no thank ya" an' done. If they're at some pahrty (I've told my girls this) an' somebuddy offers 'em ANYTHING (drinks 'er worse), I tell 'em jes that--"Say No" (firmly).
Today too many are afraid ta say NO. Sometimes it comes with heat ('er lost chobs, lost appart-mints! we know this 1st hand) but literally all our fambly did wuz say NO. We blamed nobuddy fer the consequences of our decisions--sometimes it's a drag ta miss out on...income, classes, performances.... or dessert. But if the world warn't topsy turvy, EVERY chile would learn to JUST SAY NO! ('or neine, nix, or no thanks!)
Exactly. No, thanks. Everybody's forgotten their manners too!
ha ha, don't git me started on that one--some forgot'em but too many young'uns never got 'em in the first place ;-) (good postin' tho'--all these folks wantin' too easy answers / solutions...drugs is just one'a them...)