Aug 11Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

I went to Nelson, BC recently and went to their art gallery/museum.....have visited this place more than a dozen of times and as recent as last year... this time I went to use the bathroom and notice that they were only gender-neutral now.... since I had to really go, I decided to go in and thought nothing of it....but once inside, I got kind of a sick feeling in my stomach and actually worried that not only women would be using this space while I was in here... I sort of panicked and left....not before going downstairs and letting the lady at the front know how I felt.....also, I mentioned that I felt disappointed and not happy that I did not feel safe to use their bathrooms....she said, "Ok, thanks for letting me know.".... I was actually shocked at my reaction at using the bathroom there...I always knew I didn't like or agree with it but didn't think that I would feel scared if ever confronted with having to use a gender-neutral bathroom.....

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I'm sure nothing more happened after that woman said "thanks for letting me know". Our valid concerns don't matter. Horrible.

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Aug 12Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Probably not.... but I still had to say it and I hope it's in her subconscious for a while...

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Aug 11Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Thanks Karen, you’ve explained it perfectly. I’ve been seriously disturbed by the hate given out to these boxers, especially from the Christian community. Surely the governing sporting bodies are at fault, rather than these athletes.

I find it interesting in this supposed ’age of information’, that so few bother to seek the truth on any given topic. The media pump out rubbish and even the most skeptical are still caught up in the hysteria if it’s one of their pet projects. If Christian’s knew their bible with the vehemence they’ve sent France’s way, during the Olympics, they’d know that it’s our God who judges those outside the church, not us.

I believe we should, if we feel strongly about an issue, do something within our power to let our opinions known but not necessarily to particular individuals. Our focus should be on the governing body, (which is often more than one person) and the rules that are produced and then enforced (or not). The trans community is loving this opportunity to muddy the waters and too many have jumped in the river and are drowning along with them.

As God’s people in a godless world, we need to be wise and discerning and in these dangerous times, slow to speak. Thanks for sticking to the truth. Keep it up.

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💯 agree. If we don't set the example of Jesus, no one will.

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Aug 11Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

I admire you for your fairness and integrity; for taking a stand against bullying and for urging people not to rush to judgement. At some point I hope we will be able to agree on how to define gender. You said yourself that there is an unquestionable difference in men’s and women’s physical abilities. I think without a clear take on gender in sports, women will stop participating at some point, probably soon. Also, this is not strictly a question of biology, which in this particular case is complex. This is more a social issue. It is a race to become more woke than everyone else, and the IOC is in the race. Everyone is participating. We recently went to a play at the Lincoln Center Theater, and my husband came back from the restroom in shock because they removed all urinals from the men’s room. I don’t know to laugh or to cry.

On another subject, you coined a great term “digital fakery”. Love it.

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That is insane about the men's room. You're right that it's a competition to see who can go the furthest with their 'wokeness'. I am sure if I were to do a deep dive into any of these organizations or institutions they are getting massive funding for being woke. It's all so corrupt and no one is willing to stop the crazy train.

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I second your motion!

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Aug 11Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

All true, Karen, all true. A few years ago Bari Weiss stated that

“When you have the chief reporter on the beat of COVID for The New York Times talking about how pursuing the question of the lab leak is racist, the world has gone mad. When you're not able to say out loud and in public there are differences between men and women, the world has gone mad. When we’re not allowed to acknowledge that rioting is rioting and it is bad and that silence is not violence, but violence is violence, the world has gone mad.”

We don’t know if these boxers are men or women but we should know if they are able to compete as women, and we don’t. I am curious what might happen next…

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Aug 11·edited Aug 12Author

Yes, and now Bari Weiss.js being attacked mercilessly for her stance on Israel.

I will be following this story closely and reporting on it.

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Yet….and sometimes I think I must have a superpower or something….I can talk to someone for about 4 seconds at most and know 100% of the time whether it is a he or a she. Maybe the IOC should hire me.

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I just don't understand why the IOC couldn't have given them each a test. It would have put an end to this once and for all. It also sounds like Lin You-Ting has a different story which sounds more like Lin is indeed a biological man. While I do have sympathy it made me disheartened to see these 2 displaying their gold medals. The female boxers should have stood up and refused to compete. Thanks for sharing your interesting experiences with boxing Karen! sabrinalabow.substack.com

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Follow the money!!!

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Aug 12Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Thank you for your writing. It's clear, thoughtful and logical. Isn't it amazing that we are in an era where logic feels like a rare commodity?

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Most certainly.

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Aug 12Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Transhumanism is a part of the evolutionary fantasy. ALL of creation is groaning under the vanity of separation from the creator, including humanity. Before long, ALL of creation will enter into the glorious liberty of the manifestation of the sons of God. Since the creators and participants in becoming “transhuman” disavow belief in God and the divine and human spirit, (a la Harari) they will miss participating in it.

The inherent evil of the fruit of the woke ideology, which is the spawn of evolutionary ideology, is being manifested by folks such as Richard Dawkins acknowledging the need for “cultural christianity”. In my not so humble view, evolutionary theory, woke ideology, AI, and all such will not be tolerated by the Son of Man at his soon return to take charge of His creation. We shall see, shall we not?

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Aug 12Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

I have some intel on the Lin Gold medal fight that I only know because my wife is Polish and she’s reading Polish media. The Polish boxer, Julia Szeremata, was the woman who lost the Gold to Lin. I’m going to preface this by saying that this whole issue wasn’t as much of a firestorm or as divisive in Poland as it was in the Anglosphere or Western Europe prior to the match with Lin. In fact, one of the other boxers on the Polish team apparently told the media that she was friends with Carini and that Carini told her that she knew she was going to lose to Kelif and decided she’d make a controversy rather than just lose the match. I haven’t seen that make it into the Anglosphere media, interestingly. BUT the really interesting intel is that Szeremata’s coach said that they were preparing her for a shorter opponent because the IOC data given to the Polish coach on Lin’s height was way off. I will say that the coach does not seem like a liar…there were unflattering things about Szeremata that he told the media when they interviewed him before the match, that a liar would not have said. But who knows.

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one more ODD thought--while I wax suspicious 'bout this totally signalin' eye coverin' behavior that is no way normal behavior--

COULD "Imane" mean I-MAN? (pronounced "mahne" kinda with a jamaican accent?)... Are they laffin' at us? Are we missin' their joke? Was this person really born with this name or is that a later addition...a person at some point who got hired to perform in a "show"...? Lotta questions--too few answers... strange story even now!

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I sawr this in passin' an' my jaw dropped--this is Imane Khelif COVERING his/her eye (as in eye-of-horus-masonic style) WITH his/her gold medal... as in signalin' illuminati-style---either he/she wuz "told" to do this or did this...of his/her own volition due ta other prior trainin' or programmin'?

It's not lookin' on the up 'n up ta me... nobuddy does this "naturally"--never seen folks cover an eye with a medal... gettin' stranger!


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Aug 13Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Terrific work, Karen. Thank you so much for your beautiful and wise words!

You now have a new fan! I greatly appreciate you sticking up for the underdog!

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btw if you peruse my recent notes you’ll find some things that may be relevant, such as questions about the methodology of “gender eligibility tests”… You’ve gone deeper than I have but you may still find something of value there…

And at least you’ll know you’re not alone!

God bless you for stepping into the ring for truth!

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Aug 12·edited Aug 12Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

yer more than fair Karen--an' yer right that Imane may heart-&-soul think she's a gal even if she's not one... who knows what kinda mind games could'a been played on her/him... but that said, 3 things concern me other than the obvious physicalities: WHY would'a girl wear a male codpiece-like cover for all the practice sessions unless there wuz sumthin' "external" to protect / cover? why is there footage of Imane adjustin' her jockstrap (or something she/he reaches down for) in a way girls don't do (lol we may un-wedge a wedgie but what I saw on viddeyo was different--like a dude thing), an' what about that "Army" interview you yerself posted?--I mean with AI we dunno what is real--but if it is?...

So I'm still not sure what's what but those three things indicate that Miss Khelif may have "boy parts" down thar. At least something "beyond" what girls got... So if they all change in the same locker room an' already many gals have hollered about "Lia" Thomas an' "her junk"--then wouldn't someone have noticed somethin' "off"--are there no witnesses to all this? LESS not more is makin' any sense...

An' yup, I'm for ALL of "AI" gettin' the heave ho but we are outliers--lotta "troother folks" who use it... they advocate for "safer limits" but c'mon--ya cain't put breaks on a speedin' car once it's taken off at 100mph... gotta close the highway...literally!

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All good questions. It's frustrating because these should all be easy questions to answer but we are in a Kafkaesque world.

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The fact is 99.99999% of the time you could walk up to Imane, shake his/her hand, say two things to each other and know with absolute certainty he or she. And it might not even take that. That shake hands and talk for a second would be an extreme situation.

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Aug 12·edited Aug 12Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Hey Karen again LOL love this I think it all boils down to worldview and mine is a biblical worldview I see everything through the lens of God's word so it's always clear to me and again the enemy hates us because we're made in the image of God and he's doing everything he can to destroy and distort that so I think we all need to buckle up because it's going to get weirder and darker and more violent and more crazy over the next few years so I'm looking up everyday all the prophecies that were talked about in the Bible are converging of course Israel back in the land is the main one but everything else we see going on that is prophecy is converging and like a woman having a baby the birthpains are getting more frequent and more intense next thing you know the baby will be born ....Maranatha!!

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Good way to describe it, as birth pains. Maranatha!

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Aug 12Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

John 16:21-23

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I don’t “want” khelif to be a man. He has elevated levels of testosterone, xy chromosomes and all the visible biological markers of a male. He’s a man and should be stripped of his fraudulent medal. So should the other Asian guy.

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I don't need any kind of test, hormones or genetic to see that this guy Imane looks 100% like a man. When you look at him what do you see? A man, or a woman? I believe he decided to call himself a woman because that was his only chance to win a gold Olympic medal, or maybe any kind of medal. And he took full advantage of the political nonsense. And he won. For now. But he can't win forever. Because truth always finds a way to come out.

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