
Since I speak out against antisemitism, write in support of Israel, and warn about the spread of fascism, there are sometimes vile responses in the comment section to my essays. I should add I also receive emails on occasion that can be extremely disturbing and even threatening.

I've muted this guy Tim Holt @tholt. I am leaving his comments here as a testimony to what is happening in the world right now. He is some kind of troll, obviously. The thing is, a couple of years ago, nobody talked like this publicly. Now, there is so much public support for antisemitism, people are emboldened to say and even commit violent acts that they would have previously kept under control.

I would just say, I do not respond in like kind. As a follower of Jesus and as a martial artist, I use what measure of intellect I have to do battle. Prayer, meditation, and physical exercise keep me strong. I am not averse to physical battle. Martial arts training gave me a firm foundation in focus and discipline. Other fighting forms, such as boxing and Eskrima, gave me the practical training I needed to fight. My full-contact fighting days are behind me, but I am so thankful I had all those years of tough training. I never would have known back then how much it would help as I do battle with my—well, in the old days, I would say my pen, but now I have to say my computer!

As a Christian and a martial artist, I despise this type of cowardly commenting that so many people now engage in. We can choose to give in to the darker side of ourselves or choose to be a light in the darkness.

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How can you possibly “write in support of Israel, and warn about the spread of fascism” in the same sentence? Israel is the very definition of fascism in the world today. Not just my words, here is an Israeli:


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Jul 4Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

To all the slogan repeaters: "genocide" "open air prison" "mass starvation" -

It is your perfect right to hold and express any opinion you wish. I can tell you as someone who served in the IAF (Israel Air Force) that if Israel **truly** wished to commit genocide, it would do to Gaza what the US Air Force and the RAF did to Dresden in 1945. Gaza would cease to exist within a few hours.

ALL civilian deaths in Gaza are on Hamas. If you start a war, don't cry about the consequences

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You put it in a nutshell.

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You already have. 40 hospitals gone. 150+ journalists murdered. Schools bombed. Every single university destroyed. Lancet has the murder toll at 186,000. What would you call that if it happened to Israelis?

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Jul 4Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

That little weasel's throat would be cut before he had time to pee in his pants. These useful imbeciles have NO idea about the size and force of the fire they're playing with

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Jul 5Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Great essay as usual. Along those lines, it is perplexing and incomprehensible how the secularist among us will launch into orbit at any perceived breach in their beloved wall of separation but never have any opinions about all the countries ruled by an Islamic theocracy. They actually seem to transition into a state of ecstasy about how we must be so inclusive of "them." Such dopes can go eat a fermented can of worms.

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The hypocrisy is astounding.

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Jul 5Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

As a child of the 80’s and 90’s the keffiyeh will forever only be associated with Arafat and terrorism. I cringe when I see people wearing it as virtue signaling (and we currently live in a multi-university city so it is a common sight). They have no idea.

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What you say is so important. I wrote "Professor Occupy" & the Bloody History of the Keffiyeh Scarf so that history would not be forgotten. Who knows, maybe some young person will read it and learn something! (I can hope!) https://khmezek.substack.com/p/meet-professor-occupy-and-the-bloody

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Jul 5Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

I think I read that but will go back and read again!!

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I had read that before. I think really the most insane (but probably unsurprising) part of your article was noting that Amazon cashed in on this trend. Which is ironic because aren't pro-Palestinian supporters also railing against capitalism . . .while also buying scarves from one of the ultimate behemoths of capitalism? Don't get me wrong - I really dislike over-consumption and the materialistic influencer-led economy that currently dominates our lives . . .but . . . but . .. this isn't a more obvious take away to people?

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Ya might find this interestin' Karen--I did--I'm usually non-interventionist (as in we shouldn't be fightin' others' wars) but given this angle an' how the Obama admin. appeased Iran an' how "Biden" (Obama's third term) is still doin' so--I see that not only is the US partly at fault for 10/7 (wow!) but also.... partly responsible.... if the Caliphate comes here... as ya warned... Ms Phillips well-explains the arena (this is short!)


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This is a good piece, thank you. Yes, Israel is the only nation actually standing up to everyone, and that includes the United States. Most people really don't see what's going on here. Israel is fighting the battle we should all be fighting and increasingly they are doing it alone.

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Glad ya liked it--yes, a good piece! Yer right that Israel is tryin' ta do this alone--but it's SO strange that they are tryin' ta keep their nationhood--not be "subsumed" inta some global blob like YourUp... an' they take the worst heat from all the anti-NWO "truthers".... nothin' makes sense with that... (There mebbe globalist puppetmasters behind their curtains too--no doubt--but the overall effort is to be a sovereign nation... we git it, most don't....)

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Plus all the alphabet people who support Gaza and Hamas don’t know or realize that Israel is the only nation in the Middle East that has pride month and parades. And for 25+ years now.

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Jul 4Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Powerful words, disturbing truths. Thank you, Karen!

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Jul 5·edited Jul 5Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Another excellent article. Thank you for bringing these important issues to people's attention and telling the real truth behind the lies Hamas puts out and that are so often mindlessly repeated on social media. Truth is the most powerful weapon we have to fight the propaganda.

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A lot of people sure do hate hearing the truth. But we keep saying it anyway!

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Jul 5Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Good for you... and good for the rest of us.

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Jul 7Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

I find the similarities of people’s behavior in the book, “The Camp of Saints” and the people of the Western World today are identical. It is so strikingly similar. I am not intending to plagiarize here, but, the following is parts of an article from Epoch Times, which contains excerpts from the book. If you do not have a subscription to ET, you do not have access, that is why I have copied the following:

In the opening in the book “The Camp of Saints” A French radical appears on the Professor’s terrace—“Feet bare, hair long and dirty, flowered tunic, Hindu collar, Afghan vest.” In his ensuing conversation with the professor, he spews venom on Western civilization, France, the middle class, his family. The professor replies with a few counterarguments and questions, but his visitor remains undeterred in his bitter hatred of the culture that made him.

Finally, the professor says, “When they go smashing everything to bits, they won’t know any better. But why you?”

“Why? Because I’ve learned to hate all this. Because the conscience of the world makes me hate all this, that’s why.”

“Here we learn that political radicals, the Catholic Church, sympathetic officials, and those who blithely support them, whom Raspail calls “fellow travelers,” have hammered together and supported this flotilla of the poor and wretched. They spill onto the French beaches, sweeping the last vestiges of resistance before them as they make their way inland. European culture and government are soon eradicated,”

“Critics have either viciously assailed or vigorously applauded “The Camp of the Saints.” The former call it a racist tract, a handbook for white supremacists, a novel of xenophobic hatred and fear. Its defenders salute the author’s courage in speaking out against mass immigration into Europe, for turning the spotlight on the gulf between the world’s rich and poor, and for underscoring the ongoing destruction of the customs and beliefs of the West.”

The idea that goodwill and generosity unbuttressed by prudence can lead to evil and death is key to fully understanding “The Camp of the Saints.” The book is about mass migration written 50 years ago, by Jean Raspail.


Reminds me too, of the song, “One Tin Soldier.” I am not opposed to goodness and love, but it can blind you to danger.

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Thank you for sharing this. I do subscribe to The Epoch Times, but I didn't see this article. I just published my Reflections for a Sunday essay on Redemption, which touches on this topic, who should we save and who should we kill.

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Ya speak truth Karen--not sure how most've yer readers skew (likely some haters have left) but too many are "with" Hamas--- an' while absurdly pointin' fingers an' accusin' us chews of every evil one kin imagine includin' blood libel 10 ways 'til Sunday--they join in the call for "our" blood. Vampire jamboree!

Little do they know that they--with their support--are tellin' the world they wanna be ruled by Hamas, by The Muslim Brotherhood, by those that'll pay 'em back (like the kind dentist) with their own death. Don't folks LISTEN to what is bein' said? Here ya go---Muslim Brotherhood leader tellin' the world THEY will RULE it-- This just in (3 min)--an'nuther vampire speaks:


Strangely my mind keeps playin' the Bette Boop theme song "I wanna be loved by you..." an' imaginin' all the woke kool kollege SJWs beggin' to be loved by those GeeHaw'd-istas, by those that would strike them down an' take a scimitar ta their heads an' lop 'em off as infidels. It's kinda like a death wish--callin' for those vampires--such a good analogy. Me, I'll wear the garlic necklace!

Coverage of the speech:


"Islamic Speech Exposes the Truth"

"How much more will it take for the world to wake up to the truth about Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood, and radical Islam? It’s most definitely not a joke. This is what they believe, and this is what they plan to do. This leader of the Muslim Brotherhood makes it clear in his radical Islamic speech what Muslims are told to do. They want to take over the world. They want to destroy all that is good. "

"This speech was even given in English! How can the Western World ignore the truth any longer? Do they not believe it? Do they think these radical Muslims actually want peace? If the average person can be aware of these warnings, world leaders can and should most definitely be aware. They must stand strong against the face of radical Islam. We can already see the way radical Muslims are trying to take over different parts of the Western World. "


Never believed we be here now... My children now know what is to be hated for who they are--tho' neither has done anythin' bad nor harmed a hair on anyone's head. My granny warned me the golden age of tolerance would end one day--thank God it wasn't in her own lifetime. BUT... what a bizarre world that the vampires are celebrated an' those whose blood they wanna drain (an' spill) are vilified. Today--if we let on we're chews--we're told "it's our own dang fault" an' "we deserve it" an' that "zionists are evil and must be eradicated." (oy)

Few know the term "zionism" has many meanings. Most chews are zionists in the original simple/philosophical way--JUST wantin' a home for the joos--so the majority of AmeriCons & Euro-Peons hatin' "only" the zionists are indeed hatin' on the chews too whatever lies they tell themselfs.

They condemn all joos except "the good ones"--to them they are ONLY the vocal anti-zionists -- those who want Israel razed an' gifted to "Palestinians" from river to sea-- Sadly there are even joos that have joined, that make up this self-destructive group of "noble" anti-zionists--I guess most groups have some self-destructive members.... I believe those joos doin' so wanna be accepted in order to survive. However abandonin' or condemnin' their own won't save them--didn't with Hitler or Stalin.

It's like BLM goin' round---forcin' folks to pump a fist for BLM or get punched. So the Anti-Zionists bully kids, "good people" (includin' some joos) ta pump their fists for Gaza--or else risk gettin' canceled or bein' called a "zionist stooge / pig." Yes they used "pig" recently--cute (not kosher!). Same M.O., different "cause."

Sure I know the ADL is a Soros-co-opted lapdog now, ADL is Hell-bent on destroyin' Israel by actin' like a pittbull goin' after anyone that says "boo" about the state or NetAnYoohoo. Thus the world thinks all joos are the ADL an' this all joos attack folks that criticize Israel when the oppy-sit is true--joos in Israel have a national pastime of critiquein' their gubbamint an' the rest of us the world over join' 'em. Anywayz, too many folks think all joos cannot bear criticism which is beyond false--we are the race of self-deprecation! lookit any jooish comic... (I'd find this funny if folks didn't take it so seriously !)

So I'm all FOR crticizin' Israel like I do AmeriKa (even tho' I'm proud ta be American--so far proud ta be permitted ta be one). Frankly, I have lotsa gripes against BBGun an' also those in Israel's leadership who have co-opted zionism in strange an' unpredictable ways-- But it's original meanin'--just a HOME for us chews "just in case"--or "when needed"--is STILL what most chews believe in--so I'm an' old skool Zionist, not a political one. Original definition. (Even knowin' that even the original roots of zionism have some rot--as did the roots of America--an' just about all countries--sigh) Folks all like these labels to make their "teams" (sigh)

Anyway, I hope folks'll listen to that short clip--to me it's chilling (talk 'bout makin' yer blood run cold). LISTEN to what they say--be they globalists or those who want to rule the world. They ain't kiddin'--like Martin Niemoller said, first it's the jews...

THANK YOU THANK YOU Karen--you are indeed a brave lady!

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Jul 4Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Vampires will reside in Hell for ETERNITY🔥 🩸🔥

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Jul 5Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

RE Margaret Atwood in Surfacing I thk I loved that bk but I don't remember much.

"Imagine how many problems would be avoided if people stopped being as stupid as the young man in that photo."

*****I speak from experience here. U can’t mention that a lg part of US problem is plain ol stoopid. U B bigot. TA-boo, baby. Even if u got research links…

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oh so true!

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Aug 7·edited Aug 7Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Nope. No more falafel for me! Not from the shop down the street nor from any of the food trucks.

Because now I get what’s been happening every time I order from there. When I walk in, they’re so sweet. Then, as soon as I’ve paid and placed my tip in the jar, I can sense the sneer emerging . It is very real, just like this . . . .

“I met so many men like this in Luxor, Egypt. They knew how to flatter western women. But underneath the flattery, they hate you. As long as they can get something out of you, they hide their true selves, but once your use has ended, they will toss you in the gutter. To them, you are less than a dog, and they don’t treat dogs very well, either.”

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Jul 12Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

It’s my opinion that many on the atheist global left today are actually likely candidates to eventually convert to Islam. Today, they scoff at G-d and religious sentiment. Yet, their adherence to secular leftist doctrine is a replacement for a spiritual void in their own lives. Global Leftism is their religion, but it’s a uniquely unfulfilling one. They adhere to it because it feels to them like the strong horse at this moment. Were Islam appear like the strong horse — and in many European countries that seems to be the trajectory — these global leftists will become equally fanatic adherents of Islam.

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Jul 8Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

As long as we don't rekindle the light that's within each of us, we'll remain the puppets of an evil far greater than ourselves: the vampires who are everywhere among us, especially in positions of responsibility, whatever our tribe. Instead of believing that we are better than others, that our god, our beliefs or our people have the right to massacre others, we must all, whatever group we belong to, remember that we are first and foremost humans. All humans, apart from these vampires, want to live in peace. Vampires, on the other hand, do their utmost to ensure that evil reigns and that we continue to kill each other or to appropriate the wealth of others. Our real enemy is not the other, but the vampires among us, especially in our own camp, whether we're on the red, yellow or blue team.

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Being in favor of Israelis doesn't mean being in favor of a Zionist Israeli Government: a right of self defense never includes the “wrong” of assassinating 20 thousand innocent Gaza children. How could children be a threat !!!

Masons need a global war to justify their global government:



All we are saying is give peace a chance!

The USA has become ATM of foreign wars like Ukraine and Gaza: why?

Is it all a false flag operation as an excuse to genocide (40,000 Palestinians already, half children, killed by Israel’s raids), get the Gaza gasfield, and the canal head-port from northern Gaza to the Red Sea? Time will tell their true intentions, though it's clear that saving the lives of the hostages wasn’t and isn't the priority at all !!!


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War is always about something, be it territory or riches or whatever. You say give peace a chance. Yet you ignore the actual words of Islamists, Hamas, etc. all the way back to 1947, clearly stating they do not want peace. They want a holy war.

The responsibility for this war and the death of every single innocent person in Israel and Gaza and the West Bank lies at the feet of Hamas and Iran.

Yes, governments are corrupt and try to seek advantages in war. This is a nonargument since it happens in every government, in every war. What is more to the point is why Israel is so obsessively focused on and all other nations are ignored. If critics don't want to be hypocritical, fix their own country first before pointing the finger at another one.

The Age of Hypocrisy: Let's talk about 'stolen land'... https://khmezek.substack.com/p/the-age-of-hypocrisy-lets-talk-about

If you have lived in the Middle East as I have, if you listen to the voices of the dissidents who actually are from Gaza, Egypt, Iran and who support Israel you will find out a more accurate view. Why are they ignored?

The Insanity of Western Women Defending Oppression

From The Enemy Within, https://khmezek.substack.com/p/the-enemy-within?utm_source=publication-search please listen to a letter Hamza Howidy wrote to western protestors. Howidy is a Gazan who was imprisoned and tortured for speaking out against Hamas:

It pains me to say this as a Palestinian from Gaza. As my home is destroyed and too many killed, I never thought I would find myself criticizing those speaking up. And yet, I cannot be silent about what I am seeing. The truth is that the manner in which many gather to voice their support for Palestinians does more to hurt our cause than help it.

You know what would help the Palestinians in Gaza? Condemning Hamas' atrocities. Instead, the protesters routinely chant their desire to "Globalize the Intifada." Apparently they do not realize that the Intifadas were disastrous for both Palestinians and Israelis, just as October 7 has been devastating for the people of Gaza.

They should be speaking up for the innocent victims of Hamas—both Palestinian and Israeli. Instead, they endorse Hamas's ideology with posters announcing resistance "by any means necessary" and chants of "from the river to the sea," effectively glorifying the Al-Qassam brigades, Hamas' military wing, whose ideology is entirely based on the elimination of more than 6 million Israelis from the land.

I assumed individuals who initiated these slogans were uninformed about what they were advocating for. I saw the LGBTQ flag frequently flown among people chanting lines from Hamas's charter, and I initially wanted to educate them, to warn them that the group they are honoring would most likely toss them from the top of a building or murder them like they did to Mahmoud Ishtiwi, a Hamas commander accused of homosexuality. Hamas harasses women who don't cover their heads. Hamas tortures those who demonstrate against their authoritarian rule, as they did me when I protested.

All of this seems to be lost on the people who have named themselves our allies, to our misfortune.

…it's not just the antisemitism that has me despairing. It's the hypocrisy. Where were these caring young people when Hamas took over Gaza and slaughtered hundreds of Gazans, or when Hamas held 2 million Gazans captive for more than 17 years? Why didn't they speak out about the fact that Hamas led Gazans into this conflict… Where were they when Hamas's failed missiles claimed the lives of hundreds of Gazans on October 17, or when Hamas murdered young people in order to steal aid and resell it to Gazans at massively inflated prices?

The only conclusion that can be drawn from these demonstrators' silence concerning Hamas' atrocities and their antisemitic chanting is that they are not concerned with protecting Palestinians. They are out in their tents because of a hatred of Jews and Israelis.

If the protesters cared about Palestinians, they would have one central demand: Hamas must surrender, because we have all suffered from Hamas and can no longer live under the rule of a terrorist group. Only then can a ceasefire be achieved. The end of the letter.

As for the numbers of dead, the Gaza Health Ministry, by its own admission, doesn't distinguish between combatant and civilian deaths. Instead, the Gaza Health Ministry includes combatants in its total death toll.

The "Gaza Health Ministry" also does not distinguish between Palestinians killed by Israel and those killed by Hamas. Rockets launched from within Gaza fail often, landing back inside Gaza. As even Human Rights Watch acknowledged, the rockets used by Hamas "are prone to misfire" and "have misfired and struck areas in Gaza." Research has consistently found that up to 20 percent of Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) rockets land in Gaza.

And yet, as of 2013, Israel had been condemned in 45 resolutions by the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC). How many times has the UN condemned the PLO or Hamas? ZERO.

Why is that?

A bit about the UN. The Truth about UNRWA https://khmezek.substack.com/p/the-truth-about-unrwa

Anyway, that's just some excerpts from the essays. I appreciate the discussion.

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Jul 5Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Thanks for this essay. People need to understand what is going on without wishful thinking. This Hamas leader is an example of a vampire. The headband-wearing student and his fellow demonstrators are virtue signaling useful idiots. They enable him as well as our own Western vampires, who play both sides to maximize Hell on earth. The vampires are not well-meaning, misguided, or just mistaken, and they are not heroes or champions of freedom and righteousness.

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Jul 5·edited Jul 5Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

to the naysaywers, I'll say that fwiw---20K children were not killed in Gaza--as of late May the figures were changed (halved) by the UN (that's the UN that detests Israel!) to 7,797 (32%) of the casualties being children and 4,959 (20%) of them being women. It may be 9K now--nothin' ta be proud of in any way--but it's not what Hamas's PR machine wants the world to accept either.

I do not defend ANY loss 've life--even one lost child is a tragedy--comin' from the performin' arts an' not havin' "studied war no 'more"--like the song-- I know zip all 'bout strategy, tactics, wagin' war or defendin' a nation. I DO think there are many honorable IDF soldiers an'/too--some horrible officers makin' bad decisions.

I'm also SURE there were many needless deaths--that's the case in most wars (even Arab on Arab wars). So tho' I don't even know IF Israel's tactics are helpin'--are they makin' things worse? I do not think it's genocide an' never do I believe they should surrender or give up-- heck, I just hope they kin survive this mess as it IS existential. Many say they cannot eradicate Hamas--likely true--I just don't have a solution, wish I did... an' even if this IS their 9/11 I don't want 'em destroyed any more than I'd want America destroyed....



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Jul 8Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Those stats define armed fighters as 'children', as the cutoff age is 20. Hamas includes teens among their fully equipped jihadis, as they're faster and and can continue fighting longer when injured.

The Oct 7th raid had Gazans from pre-teen up go in with the fighting. In at least one case (and probably many more) the older/larger jihadis would tie up targeted families, then hand a "child" a rifle. They needed no further encouragement to execute the prisoners.

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wull that's horrific--I knew pre-teens were bein' "trained" (actually, toddlers are bein' trained--it's kinda shockin') BUT I had no idear they were puttin' kids that young on the fightin' lines or handin' kids rifles... "wrong" doesn't begin' ta describe that... no child (however groomed) is equipped for such things... (many full grown men ain't either--fighters in my own fam came home with major shell shock)

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Jul 4Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Did you read Karen hunts essay?

It’s seems as though you missed all of the points she made.

Repeating the same words over and over is reminiscent of covid, genocide, zionists, 1 million children sounds like pandemic, safe and effective, people are dropping dead in Wuhan.

If Islamists knock down your door in order to kill you and your family, just tell them that you are on their side because you too hate the Jewish people, see if that fixes it.

Why were the Jewish people used as Pfizer test lab for the experimental injection?

Why were the people of Gaza spared?

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It's rude to everybody's precious time to reply to what I haven't written.

I don't hate anyone, least the Jewish people, who, biologically are God's chosen people for the Old Covenant and destined to save humanity at the end of times, according to the New Testament.

That's why Satan wants to destroy them.

Yet, that doesn't mean agreeing with an ethnic cleansing, including innocent children, by a ZionNazi government.

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“It was never about Palestinians, or Muslims. Far more Muslims have been killed by Assad, by Saddam, in Pakistan and Yemen and China, than have in Israel. And I — like all the Leftists and Muslims in Western streets protesting against Israel — could not care less. They are just an instrument to sanitize our antisemitism with.”

— Amir Pars, “Confessions of a Former Antisemite”

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Jul 5Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

The deaths of those children lay squarely and 100% on the shoulders of Hamas. Don’t want children to die? Demand that Hamas surrender and stop shooting rockets into Israel. Demand that Hamas release all remaining hostages.

Hamas is the one who stores rockets under children’s beds and hides bombs in children’s backpacks.

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Your logic is no different from a hijacker killing a victim, with the excuse that the police brought it on themselves, for trying to rescue the victim.

The ZioNazi government murdered thousands of innocent children. Period.

A good end never justifies evil means. Period.

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No, that analogy doesn’t track. Hamas blaming Israel for killing their children when they are the ones using children as human shields is more akin to a terrorist hijacking a plane and then complaining about their child getting killed by a struggle onboard the plane, when they are the ones that brought the child to the hijacked plane in the first place.

War is brutal. But IDF does take more caution to prevent civilian casualties than any other country on Earth, and self-defense is justified.

Or do you not think that ending Hamas and ending terrorists is a good end?

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Listen to yourself: you are justifying the murder of innocent children !!!

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No. Justifying a self-defense war is not the same as justifying the killing of children. Hamas could hide all Palestinian children in the tunnels they build, but they choose instead to let children and civilians die. They want them to die. They tell them it’s their duty to die. How can you place that blame on Israel, when this is what Hamas does to its own children?

You my friend, as justifying terrorism by appealing to children casualties of war. I lament every child’s death, but I am also not going to let the my feelings about the horror of children dying blind me to the fact that Hamas is responsible for them.

How do you expect to fight a battle against a group that is willing to have every last one of its citizens die for its cause? How do you expect to defeat an enemy that is hell-bent on death?

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A just war must be proportionate: this retaliation is not.

They are just brewing anger, revenge and more terrorism, if not WW3.

Peace is the fruit from the tree of Justice. I'd start with a 2 state solution with Jerusalem having an international status... and returning the stolen land violating the UN map.

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I am not referring to the UN map or what Israel’s borders at 1948. I am referring to the fact that they gained land legitimately from self-defensive wars after they declared independence, and have given back 95% of this land they gained. If it was about land, this voluntary giving back of land that was legitimately acquired should have helped peace efforts. But they haven’t. Because Palestinians don’t want land, they just want no Israel.

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