Regarding Greenland, as well as Canada, and the Panama Canal: Can you say End Times…it appears Pres. Trump may be (unknowingly) laying the groundwork for the “ten kingdoms” of Daniel and Revelation. God has given us prophecies of what is to come…let those who

have ears listen…His plans are perfect, righteous, and just. His Will be done! Our job is to live righteously, stand for truth and justice—including protection of His innocent children—in His Spirit and spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all who will listen…before it’s too late.


THANK YOU, KAREN, for your willing service and use of your God-given talents to further His Kingdom. 🙏❤️


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Definitely I will have more to say on this topic. Many blessings to you 🙏

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Serious question, how is 10 kingdoms coming out of nearly 200 countries? If for whatever reason Canada and Greenland did become US territory that's still about 195 other countries and 7 continents. Unions across the world are fracturing not consolidating.

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I'm not an end times expert and I don't really write about that. But I know many people have very strong views on it. My dad wrote about it, I just don't think we really know. Some of the prophecies are clear to me and I am amazed at how they are being fulfilled, but again, it's definitely not my area of expertise.

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I very much despise the renaming of military installations across the US for no other reason then to uphold tradition. Seriously, it's been Ft. Bragg for over a 100 years. Stop with the cancel culture stupidity.

I didn't mind when they renamed Onizuka AFB from Sunnyvale. I thought that was acceptable. I thought it appropriate to rename McKinley to Denali. I think it should stay. It's not like it didn't already have a name and some gold prospector decided to name it after a Pres candidate. Do these opinions follow any rhyme or reason? Probably not. Don't really care.

As for renaming the Gulf of Mexico? Why? That's my question. If Greenland wants to join us the same way as Puerto Rico, at first glance, I don't see a problem. But I'm just an average peon. What the hell do I know? Not a dang thing. As for Canada, not on your life. Let them stay a sovereign ally. That would be like inviting your crazy, blue haired, hairy armpit, pink hat wearing aunt to your Republican committee meeting. Not gonna end well. We've got our own crazy, we don't need to bolster or add to them.

He needs to abolish the Fed Res and get us out of the UN or put some sort of sanctions or limits on their powers. And that is not a simple or straightforward task. That's like trying to untangle 14 fine jewelry chains while blindfolded and wearing mittens.

And I do support what he did for the J6 people. Due process is an important part, if not the important part of our justice system. For whatever crimes some of them actually did, and there definitely were some who committed crimes, time served is appropriate. For the innocent ones... Lawsuits should be forthcoming for unlawful imprisonment.

Every single individual that had anything to do with censoring Americans, imprisoning and destroying Americans, letting criminals into this country, covering up for the Biden administration and the incapacity of Joseph Biden should also be investigated and charged with the appropriate crimes and taken to trial if they don't plead guilty. Amongst other things. The Constitution should be followed and this also applies to anyone in either Trump Administration including POTUS. The law and the Constitution must be followed.

And for those jackasses out there saying Trump should have his hand on a Bible on Monday... get the hell over yourself. So you think the thousands of soldiers who swear that Oath every year have their hand on a religious book? Take the stick from your rectum and find something worthwhile to fuss about.

Okay. I'll get off my soapbox. Sorry for the rant.

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That was a pretty good summary. I just hope the "woke" right doesn't take over and become as bad as the "woke" left. Some moderation would be good, but that's not really Trump's style. Forget Canada, that's not happening, and I sure hope he doesn't decide to invade Panama. A lot of this is hot air and will meet resistance. If he can just fix the border and protect women's rights, that would be awesome.

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