thank you so much, Karen, for reporting on this and raising the awareness. you are one of just a few journalists and writers qualified to both report and analyze these events in the context of current events.

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Thank you as always for your encouragement. Many blessings to you.

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Prayers, Prayers & more Prayers. I thank you deeply KH for your loving commitment to Truth. You have most definitely earned one of your wings this lifetime. In God we Trust ...

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Sometimes it gets so overwhelming when I write these pieces. But I just have to do it. Now, I can relax for the rest of the day! Thank you for your encouragement.

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It might be black on black violence but essentially it's Moslem on Christian violence. When will the Christian people wake up to this?

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Interesting that whether the victims are Jews or Christians, the perpetrators are always Islamic radicals. Radical Islam really thinks it can conquer the whole world. Even though it can’t, It will always keep trying, one or two religions at a time now it’s Jews in Israel and Christians in Africa, although European countries with open borders should be careful or it will soon be open season on their citizens. talking to you Germany and Great Britain. You’re already seeing it but instead of policing it you are punishing your own citizens for posting free speech online. Get a clue.

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Sad stories indeed.

Jews = news. Christians... meh.

If Christians want violence and oppression against them to be reported, they need to come up with the cash.

The anti-Israel anti-Jew factions invest billions of dollars for the exposure/actions they want. Remember, cash buys fake narratives and inverts the truth, sets up a 110% biased news network, infiltrates social media, funds hate groups everywhere, infiltrates universities at student and educator levels, plants false "reporters," buys off western MSM, funds enemies particularly to arm them, creates false negotiators, funds infiltrators into every western country, buys off politicians, creates a huge network of shills and bots, and gets the UN to create a perpetual bogus refugee agency. Maybe even buys UN sanctions too.

If Christians can cough up the funds and resources for all that, they too can get some headlines, otherwise they won't make the news. The status quo is too entrenched and too busy eating at the trough.

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"If Christians want violence and oppression against them to be reported, they need to come up with the cash." True words.

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Judgment is coming: “Then I saw thrones, and seated on them were those to whom the authority to judge was committed. Also I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for the testimony of Jesus and for the word of God, and those who had not worshiped the beast or its image and had not received its mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ for a thousand years.” (Revelation 20:4)

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I hope I live long enough to see it.

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Hope your voice recovers soon.

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Thank you.

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Karen, of course, no Jews, no news. It is not a human tragedy unless there is a chance to smeat Israel. Sectarian violence continues to take innocent lives and noone cares. The journalistic profession has died.

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When I read this, I thought, “no words.” So filled with demonic hate and such a miserable existence.

Come, Lord Jesus, come.😢♥️🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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The hate for Jews and Christians makes no sense to me. I never hear about Jews or Christians killing and raping. It is very barbaric what these people, tribes, cults do. There is no sense of individualism. They don't see the individual, otherwise how can you kill a little baby. These people are sick.

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They are following the example of Islam's 'perfect man' .

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Thank you. I'm sorry you have to do this—though it is sorely needed. I pray the Lord will give you times of refreshing, as needed.

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Well strangely the Christian publication you cited as a source also has ads promoting “click and check to see if you are a witch” so that my have something to do with people in your Facebook group not believing your source and blocking you? 🥴 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️

Anyway, as a side note, how is it they are building an evangelical church center in Quatar??


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Thank.you for proving my point with your comment.

You deny what I say is true. No surprise.

I won't even get into why Qatar might build a church. I am not a religious person. I have never been a member of any church. All institutions inevitably become corrupt, although I domt judge anyone for belonging to a cburch and I acknowledge the good side of churches and affiliation with them. I am a follower of Jesus, I keep it simple.

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I’m not denying anything. I’m simply pointing some things out and asking a question.

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It is abominable that such atrocities happen yet the world is silent.

There are genocides taking place in Ethiopia (Tigray), Sudan, Nigeria, Democratic Republic of the Congo, China, Syria, and there are also millions of African slaves today in Qatar, Mauritania, Sudan, Algeria, Libya, snd even Nigeria. But as Matti Friedman said reflecting on his time as an AP reporter based in Jerusalem, Israel takes up 1/100 of one percent of the world’s surface yet 40 AP reporters covered the Israeli - Palestinian conflict, twice the amount of journalists assigned to all of sub-Saharan Africa.

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so glad ya reported on this tragic horrific crime... WHY do folks refuse ta see this?

A "group" (cult? sect? what is Islam beyond a religion?) that calls fer the death of infidels an' means bizness... utterly unspeakable bizness... is...celebrated?

I kin see that those that WANT the NWO would cheer on the killin' off of Chews, Christians, an' anyone "not Muslim" b/c then they've have faith in the all-powerful technology---but then WHY are these "freeDUMB fighters & troothers" supportin' this carnage that feeds the NWO? They strongly support "Palestine" an' "Gaza" an' now.... fer the past 8 months at least, Hamas too....

The CBN guest here was so thoughtful ta mention Israel an' how nicely he'd be treated in Israel as a Christian (even if he was protestin'!).... that's a real kindness...he didn't have ta bring that up!

As fer INHUMANitty... this same CBN journalist (the younger fella) did a good (short) piece on the unfathomable hand-strangulation & mutilation of the Bibas babies... talk 'bout horrors...


Even as much as I know how traumatizin' much of this hostage reportage is.... THIS story brought me ta tears.... been a hard hard week....

blessin's Karen fer reportin' on this horrible tragedy. HOW ta stop it? Folks will not see....

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You really have to dig to find this. The so called media is not reporting this.

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Nothing to do with religion ,simply good old fashioned tribalism as practiced by these “born half apes “as Hitler described them in mein Kampf.

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