Brian Rose? I recall back a few yrs. he did that "London Real" show--seemed like his heart wuz in the right place... I don't know the "deets" enuf but I'm recallin' he wuz against mandates & lockdowns...
President Trump needs to get his cabinet confirmed and then really start cutting the heads off the snakes. I also am impressed with our vice president JD Vance!
Trump needs to do something dramatic at Columbia univ. the idiots are bragging today about cementing the sewers in protest to support Hamas. I don’t quite get the connection, but….
OMG I had ta check--they poured cement down the terlets & clogged 'em up (that'll be quite the bill ta fix) an' spray painted the buildin'... I see that helps folks in Gaza immensely (not)..."scholars?!" really?
One can only hope, and pray at this time. Satan is still the small r ruler of this planet. Yes almighty God is Satan’s ultimate ruler, and that will eventually be clear. My mind and my body were designed! How can any intelligent person disagree? Really? Who is in control of my mind? What or WHO is in control of yours! Each of us have both choice and responsibility for what we choose to believe, deliberate or not. Do I, do you, accidentally, sometimes believe falsehood? Of course. Do I, does everyone occasionally believe falsehood? Is it always ignorance, or sometimes something else? Paul, who started his life as Saul, was, thankfully interrupted, in his life long ago. He related in Colossians what he supernaturally learned about Christ and reported, Christ is before ALL THINGS and HE holds all things together. My personal opinion, average people back then knew nothing about atoms, molecules, valence electrons etc. what do YOU know, what do YOU think, now- - WHY!?
However, I believe this will taper off in time and of the 21 million+ invaders or even the official 10 million, the final tally of deportees will be a tiny percentage. trump will claim he tried but was thwarted by ______________ (fill n the blank). I'm ecstatic to be wrong and will admit it, but I'm doubtful I will have to.
Legally, ALL the illegal aliens are criminals. Among those are some that are hard-core. Potentially worse are thousands (millions?) who are participants in organized cells-- Chinese soldiers, various breeds of Muslim terrorists, etc. So, while 5500 is a start, it is only a tiny first step, after which there are the other 10 million+ criminals. Don't forget there may be up to 30 million foreigners here, most of which don't work picking crops or cleaning pools and toilets. They are here to sponge off your hard earned tax dollars. Applaud the effort if you wish, but it is too early to celebrate.
I'm not a fan of the death penalty unless it is swift and they absolute know they person is guilty. I actually visited the first woman to have her death penalty sentence upheld in California. I've written some about it and will write more on this topic
seems like purdy good nooz... however I'm feelin' queasy bout his bootin' from camp-puss all the "resistance fighters..."
I AGREE they did wrong but these skools are privit insty-2-shuns even if they do take some federal $$$ an' if they broke a school rule, the school would take steps like puttin' 'em on probation, revokin' student loans, havin' 'em attend some classes that offer different POVs than their own... (NOT re-education or indoctrination... just simply classes from profs that are not "proHamas" -- possibly just as "audits" so they don't have grade pt. connected to doin' so)...
Havin' the FEDS muscle in is concernin' fer me--even as a jooish parent of a jooish girls that will be attendin' colleges themselfs an' may have ta confront haters (we are tryin' ta avoid this very scenario), sayin' this EVEN as a gal whose US Alma maters BOTH went so anti-chew that I'd never let my girls apply EVEN if they could get a full ride... (my times have changed!)
Yup, even given all the above, I worry 'bout the precedent set--b/c if we git an'nuther Biden in charge they'd just boot all the proIsrael kids offa campus claimin' THEY are cidin' with "genocidal terrorists" (NO Israel is not either of the above but who's gonna stop a PotUs from so-sayin'? World leaders are sayin' JUST that an' callin' fer BB's arrest!)
Word "'round the stacks" 'bout this is UGLY not possy-tive. The grapevine's sayin' that that sendin' home pro-hamas stoodents (those here on visas) JUST b/c they part-issy-pated in the campus "peaceful protests" is proof that "Israel owns the US" an' that "da joos have way too much power over Trump" an' "over our educational system" and/or "own him such that they kin DEMAND he kick out innocent stew-dents exercisin' their freedom of speech" So this has stirred up a lotta anti-chewish HATE I'm sorry ta say...
Honestly--I'm on the fence 'bout this fer all reasons above... I may HATE (ha ha) what these pro-Hamassians are sayin' an' how many feet "under" they'd like ta plant me an' mah fellow chews--but as they say, no mattah how much I disagree with what they're sayin', I'll defend their right ta say it! ta express how they feel within the bounds of US law... Personal threats or physical assaults DO cross the line but just attendin' a protest (however wrong-headed) should not cause deportation...
Also, I'm fer arrestin' ALL these nasty illegals but not fer spyin' on us ALL ta do it.... Posse comitatus. not bein' follered is NOTTA good precedent... nor are "martial law tactics" (sigh)
Finally someone from the West with cojones, who will save the UK from this madness?
It might be too late for the UK, sadly. I hope to go there in the spring or the summer.
Be very careful, I won't go near big cities anymore for fear of being stabbed. At 73 years of age the fight or flight response is not quick enough !
So sad.
Dear God, we need someone in the UK...but who isn't bought?
Possibly Rupert Lowe...we'll no doubt see in time !
He needs more people to work together with him to eliminate this problem. If not, we could become like Sweden.
Brian Rose? I recall back a few yrs. he did that "London Real" show--seemed like his heart wuz in the right place... I don't know the "deets" enuf but I'm recallin' he wuz against mandates & lockdowns...
President Trump needs to get his cabinet confirmed and then really start cutting the heads off the snakes. I also am impressed with our vice president JD Vance!
Trump needs to do something dramatic at Columbia univ. the idiots are bragging today about cementing the sewers in protest to support Hamas. I don’t quite get the connection, but….
He should close it down and say it's been taken over by terrorists and they need to clean it out first.
OMG I had ta check--they poured cement down the terlets & clogged 'em up (that'll be quite the bill ta fix) an' spray painted the buildin'... I see that helps folks in Gaza immensely (not)..."scholars?!" really?
What happened to these people's brains.
It must have something to do with going to college.
The connection between making the toilets impossible to flush and the No Business As Usual is making “business” poop.
One can only hope, and pray at this time. Satan is still the small r ruler of this planet. Yes almighty God is Satan’s ultimate ruler, and that will eventually be clear. My mind and my body were designed! How can any intelligent person disagree? Really? Who is in control of my mind? What or WHO is in control of yours! Each of us have both choice and responsibility for what we choose to believe, deliberate or not. Do I, do you, accidentally, sometimes believe falsehood? Of course. Do I, does everyone occasionally believe falsehood? Is it always ignorance, or sometimes something else? Paul, who started his life as Saul, was, thankfully interrupted, in his life long ago. He related in Colossians what he supernaturally learned about Christ and reported, Christ is before ALL THINGS and HE holds all things together. My personal opinion, average people back then knew nothing about atoms, molecules, valence electrons etc. what do YOU know, what do YOU think, now- - WHY!?
Send all these low life creatures to Pedo Joe, Obama and Big Mike's Beach homes!! Bird's of a feather will all flock together!
It's an unbelevable turnaround. I feel like all my Christmases have come at once. And I'm Jewish!
It's all great... so far.
However, I believe this will taper off in time and of the 21 million+ invaders or even the official 10 million, the final tally of deportees will be a tiny percentage. trump will claim he tried but was thwarted by ______________ (fill n the blank). I'm ecstatic to be wrong and will admit it, but I'm doubtful I will have to.
Many cracks are forming around that guy and the bottom of this post shed some light on a "very coincidental" possibility as to why he can't shut up about Greenland and annexing Canada:
You're probably right. I get accused so often of not being positive enough, so I do my best to put out some good news.
Legally, ALL the illegal aliens are criminals. Among those are some that are hard-core. Potentially worse are thousands (millions?) who are participants in organized cells-- Chinese soldiers, various breeds of Muslim terrorists, etc. So, while 5500 is a start, it is only a tiny first step, after which there are the other 10 million+ criminals. Don't forget there may be up to 30 million foreigners here, most of which don't work picking crops or cleaning pools and toilets. They are here to sponge off your hard earned tax dollars. Applaud the effort if you wish, but it is too early to celebrate.
Praise God. We were drowning and I hope we can right this country.
It is such a huge repair. We have to keep praying and when necessary, help, ... somehow
This is great news, but here is my unpopular opinion: murderers, kidnappers, child predators, et al., should be executed, not deported.
I'm not a fan of the death penalty unless it is swift and they absolute know they person is guilty. I actually visited the first woman to have her death penalty sentence upheld in California. I've written some about it and will write more on this topic
Again, thank you for writing.
seems like purdy good nooz... however I'm feelin' queasy bout his bootin' from camp-puss all the "resistance fighters..."
I AGREE they did wrong but these skools are privit insty-2-shuns even if they do take some federal $$$ an' if they broke a school rule, the school would take steps like puttin' 'em on probation, revokin' student loans, havin' 'em attend some classes that offer different POVs than their own... (NOT re-education or indoctrination... just simply classes from profs that are not "proHamas" -- possibly just as "audits" so they don't have grade pt. connected to doin' so)...
Havin' the FEDS muscle in is concernin' fer me--even as a jooish parent of a jooish girls that will be attendin' colleges themselfs an' may have ta confront haters (we are tryin' ta avoid this very scenario), sayin' this EVEN as a gal whose US Alma maters BOTH went so anti-chew that I'd never let my girls apply EVEN if they could get a full ride... (my times have changed!)
Yup, even given all the above, I worry 'bout the precedent set--b/c if we git an'nuther Biden in charge they'd just boot all the proIsrael kids offa campus claimin' THEY are cidin' with "genocidal terrorists" (NO Israel is not either of the above but who's gonna stop a PotUs from so-sayin'? World leaders are sayin' JUST that an' callin' fer BB's arrest!)
Word "'round the stacks" 'bout this is UGLY not possy-tive. The grapevine's sayin' that that sendin' home pro-hamas stoodents (those here on visas) JUST b/c they part-issy-pated in the campus "peaceful protests" is proof that "Israel owns the US" an' that "da joos have way too much power over Trump" an' "over our educational system" and/or "own him such that they kin DEMAND he kick out innocent stew-dents exercisin' their freedom of speech" So this has stirred up a lotta anti-chewish HATE I'm sorry ta say...
Honestly--I'm on the fence 'bout this fer all reasons above... I may HATE (ha ha) what these pro-Hamassians are sayin' an' how many feet "under" they'd like ta plant me an' mah fellow chews--but as they say, no mattah how much I disagree with what they're sayin', I'll defend their right ta say it! ta express how they feel within the bounds of US law... Personal threats or physical assaults DO cross the line but just attendin' a protest (however wrong-headed) should not cause deportation...
Also, I'm fer arrestin' ALL these nasty illegals but not fer spyin' on us ALL ta do it.... Posse comitatus. not bein' follered is NOTTA good precedent... nor are "martial law tactics" (sigh)
Just worried some'a this might backfire...