“In order to tame people into the desired pattern, victims must be brought to a point where they have lost their alert consciousness and mental awareness." ~Joost Meerloo
Nope. Did not believe anything the first time around. Would be insane to believe this time. And - no, no jab for me. Just like last time. But it looks like there will be wave after wave of "pandemics" in an attempt to jab everyone. IMO, that is the goal.
The thing is, that's what we keep saying, surely people won't go for this and then, next thing we know, we are in the middle of another wave of menticide.
Unfortunately, it does seem that way :(. They are relentless and with crisis after crisis, they seem to wear people down. There will always be people who will believe the "experts" because they've been conditioned to - particularly those in academia it seems. Because if they doubt the "experts" they feel they are casting doubt on their own "expertise" and credentials.
Another reason to support our local farmers, now more than ever. Thank you Karen.
The flu is electrical in nature anyway, that's why it was always called influenza, getting its electromagnetic "influence" from the stars and sunspots (today EMF).
I have never been afraid to say *in person* what I support and what I do not. But wow, the look on my neighbor's face when I told her for whom I voted. She had just taken a photo of a lawn sign of my next door neighbor that was horribly nasty against Trump... the one flushing him down the toilet. ugh. This is the mid west. I am from L.A. I thought that there would be less of that here and I am sure there is but I did not see it in Thune when I met him and, obviously, not in the immediate vicinity.
That's so crazy. But good for you for speaking out! People are definitely much bolder now. Whereas the first time Trump was elected i had friends who voted for him but where afraid to say anything because they would lost their jobs. Very different vibe now.
True, he hasn't said he would get rid of all vaccines, but he doesn't support vaccines in their current state, so, yes, he would want new and improved ones, whatever that means. He's critical of harmful ingredients, he doesn't agree with the childhood vaccine schedule and believes autism comes from vaccines. I saw in Newsweek he said he is all for the polio vaccine (I've written about this elsewhere). Even if Kennedy was given a position of authority in the government, and we don't know that he would, and even if Trump et al wanted to ban vaccines (which I am sure they don't), it's unlikely they would have the power to do so, since it's states, not the federal government, that have the authority to mandate or limit vaccines.
2. Bird Flu case fatality is NOT 50%. That is a lie of omission that neglexts to say how drastically the virus has changed from 30 years ago to something very mild today. Zero deaths in 60 cases even using the fraudulent non-diagnostic PCR test at insane levels of cycles
Yep. It's the same scenario as Covid, starting with its going to kill everyone to finally admitting it was an illness of the elderly, no different from the flu.
Not to mention the fact that some cases diagnosed as "bird flu" may very well have been something else, AND there are a lot of other factors involved. The other side of that is that the USDA is developing more and more dangerous mutating strains of it. I just find it really odd that they say it "mutates so easily" and yet, they've been TRYING to get it to mutate for about 20 years now, at least and still haven't been terribly successful, so that makes one question that statement.
Nope. Did not believe anything the first time around. Would be insane to believe this time. And - no, no jab for me. Just like last time. But it looks like there will be wave after wave of "pandemics" in an attempt to jab everyone. IMO, that is the goal.
Never, EVER, again.
Do as we did in Florida during the Wuhan Fakedemic: ignore all these morons. It's nonsense.
Thank you Karen. Always a quick reality check. Surely folks will not go for this - it will surely destroy us.
The thing is, that's what we keep saying, surely people won't go for this and then, next thing we know, we are in the middle of another wave of menticide.
You are so right. Pray and pray some more!
Unfortunately, it does seem that way :(. They are relentless and with crisis after crisis, they seem to wear people down. There will always be people who will believe the "experts" because they've been conditioned to - particularly those in academia it seems. Because if they doubt the "experts" they feel they are casting doubt on their own "expertise" and credentials.
Another reason to support our local farmers, now more than ever. Thank you Karen.
The flu is electrical in nature anyway, that's why it was always called influenza, getting its electromagnetic "influence" from the stars and sunspots (today EMF).
Definitely, support your local farmers. Very important. And yes, we underestimate the effects of electromagnetic influence.
Thanks for this Karen. Agreed that we do not need a rerun but I look at my neighbors and just sigh.
Yep. We are all separated by the algorithms now, so we don't realize how many people there are who fully support the mandates and vaccines.
I have never been afraid to say *in person* what I support and what I do not. But wow, the look on my neighbor's face when I told her for whom I voted. She had just taken a photo of a lawn sign of my next door neighbor that was horribly nasty against Trump... the one flushing him down the toilet. ugh. This is the mid west. I am from L.A. I thought that there would be less of that here and I am sure there is but I did not see it in Thune when I met him and, obviously, not in the immediate vicinity.
That's so crazy. But good for you for speaking out! People are definitely much bolder now. Whereas the first time Trump was elected i had friends who voted for him but where afraid to say anything because they would lost their jobs. Very different vibe now.
Thank goodness!
Unfortunately, there are still a LOT of them.
Happy New Year from North Queensland Karen
Thank you. And to you!
Happy New Year Karen and all your readers,
We all have a choice, mine is NO to anyone sticking a needle in me.
The Oligarchy who try to control and browbeat us are evil and twisted.
There are many more of us now that can see what is happening and the resistance is HUGE.
God bless us all !
Happy New Year and may the resistance stay strong!
“What will Robert Kennedy Jr recommend, will he suddenly start supporting vaccines”
He does support vaccines.. his new and improved vaccines he will introduce to replace the old “dangerous “ ones
True, he hasn't said he would get rid of all vaccines, but he doesn't support vaccines in their current state, so, yes, he would want new and improved ones, whatever that means. He's critical of harmful ingredients, he doesn't agree with the childhood vaccine schedule and believes autism comes from vaccines. I saw in Newsweek he said he is all for the polio vaccine (I've written about this elsewhere). Even if Kennedy was given a position of authority in the government, and we don't know that he would, and even if Trump et al wanted to ban vaccines (which I am sure they don't), it's unlikely they would have the power to do so, since it's states, not the federal government, that have the authority to mandate or limit vaccines.
Please remember:
1. Beccera this month extended the Covid 19 emergency another 5 years
2. Bird Flu case fatality is NOT 50%. That is a lie of omission that neglexts to say how drastically the virus has changed from 30 years ago to something very mild today. Zero deaths in 60 cases even using the fraudulent non-diagnostic PCR test at insane levels of cycles
Yep. It's the same scenario as Covid, starting with its going to kill everyone to finally admitting it was an illness of the elderly, no different from the flu.
Happy New Year!
And to you!
Not to mention the fact that some cases diagnosed as "bird flu" may very well have been something else, AND there are a lot of other factors involved. The other side of that is that the USDA is developing more and more dangerous mutating strains of it. I just find it really odd that they say it "mutates so easily" and yet, they've been TRYING to get it to mutate for about 20 years now, at least and still haven't been terribly successful, so that makes one question that statement.