"...most people in the world are not even aware of proof-of-personhood protocols, and if you tell them to hold up a QR code and scan their eyes for $30 they will do that." Vitalik Buterin
The discussion of UBI is interesting and funny. It is just me or is it obvious that whatever the amount of UBI is, $1000/month or $1 million/month, it becomes the new zero. When everyone has that same minimum, it becomes worthless. But I guess it's tough for a population that's been systematically dumbed down to discern basic economic realities.
I think it's hard for people to wrap their heads around it which is why they don't see it for the threat it is. With data, certain populations, even individuals, can be targeted for disease, biowarfare. Jut from the commercial aspect, Google, for example, collects data so that it can offer you whatever they tell you that you need in terms of healthcare. Whichever company has the most data controls your health. Then, with AI, they need your data (just the words you use on social media is a huge treasure trove) to feed to AI so it can get smarter. They have to feed AI data from real people, if they feed it synthetic data, after a few times of doing that the AI will go, literally, insane. It's a really fascinating topic for me, and yes, as you say, very scary. Humans have become the food for machines, but most humans don't realize it. The implications for humans in the future--the very near future because things move so fast--is not good.
Thank you Karen. No, none of it any good. However, doesn’t seem stoppable at this point. As a Christian, God has always shown me things I need to know. So thankful to have found your site!
So happy you're here. So thankful God led me to write this Substack. If someone had told me four years ago, I'd be doing this, I would not have believed it! But then, who would have believed all the insane things we are going through now--and the pace is only escalating. And yes, as a Christian, we really don't have to worry about it all, nor should we be too surprised. This world is not our home!
You might enjoy this short clip by Richard Vobes who points up the absurd-ditty of facial re-cognition (not much cognition there tho!) in the dystopian world of AI:
Not ta git all dark here--but already I've read of more n' one case where thieves murdered a victim an then used their dead eyeball or fingertip to scan their way inta their phone an' bank account--to drain it. No AI needed--the all-seein' ORB sees (seized...) your eye--an' recognizes it's (possessive) self--in the dead eye of the victim-and sez "welcome." For the "ORB" life has no meaning (yup, that's about it). Only the eye--includin' the dead eye... (shivers, right?!)
The good news--I hear that Nigeria (where WorldCoin/eyeball scans) were pressed for CBDC's only has something crazy like a 1.2% acceptance rate--an' that's fer free $$$ in a poor (in some areas) country. I hope Ameri-cons (given that we're a conned people now....) will not be fooled...but worry I do!
Again dear Karen, nailing the issue of this nightmare-in-develop. Virtual experiments of warfare controlled by AI, with humans setting borders to the murder actions of the AI (for example avoiding to the killing of civilians) .... finish in AI killing their "human controllers" to win efficiency and "points" in the virtual game experiment. This path is a wrong way, another illusory progress step, and we need to take action to stop the further depoloyment and expansion of this "self evolving technologie".
Another front against the globalist grey and boring future they dream.
The discussion of UBI is interesting and funny. It is just me or is it obvious that whatever the amount of UBI is, $1000/month or $1 million/month, it becomes the new zero. When everyone has that same minimum, it becomes worthless. But I guess it's tough for a population that's been systematically dumbed down to discern basic economic realities.
Interesting take on AI! Honestly, I think it's not going to happen the way they expect.
These "innovators" have a very narrow view of reality and think that is objective reality.
Whatever they create, it'll be a pretty useful tool to emulate a human, but it's not going to be smarter than us until we allow it to live for itself.
The soul comes from freedom.
Informative article - thank you. Dear Lord, deliver us from evil ...
Excellent essay once again! Thank you
Thank you!
UBI is just putting the whole world into a welfare state. Quite scary. I confess I really can’t understand the whole ‘human data’ collecting program.
I think it's hard for people to wrap their heads around it which is why they don't see it for the threat it is. With data, certain populations, even individuals, can be targeted for disease, biowarfare. Jut from the commercial aspect, Google, for example, collects data so that it can offer you whatever they tell you that you need in terms of healthcare. Whichever company has the most data controls your health. Then, with AI, they need your data (just the words you use on social media is a huge treasure trove) to feed to AI so it can get smarter. They have to feed AI data from real people, if they feed it synthetic data, after a few times of doing that the AI will go, literally, insane. It's a really fascinating topic for me, and yes, as you say, very scary. Humans have become the food for machines, but most humans don't realize it. The implications for humans in the future--the very near future because things move so fast--is not good.
Thank you Karen. No, none of it any good. However, doesn’t seem stoppable at this point. As a Christian, God has always shown me things I need to know. So thankful to have found your site!
So happy you're here. So thankful God led me to write this Substack. If someone had told me four years ago, I'd be doing this, I would not have believed it! But then, who would have believed all the insane things we are going through now--and the pace is only escalating. And yes, as a Christian, we really don't have to worry about it all, nor should we be too surprised. This world is not our home!
You might enjoy this short clip by Richard Vobes who points up the absurd-ditty of facial re-cognition (not much cognition there tho!) in the dystopian world of AI:
Not ta git all dark here--but already I've read of more n' one case where thieves murdered a victim an then used their dead eyeball or fingertip to scan their way inta their phone an' bank account--to drain it. No AI needed--the all-seein' ORB sees (seized...) your eye--an' recognizes it's (possessive) self--in the dead eye of the victim-and sez "welcome." For the "ORB" life has no meaning (yup, that's about it). Only the eye--includin' the dead eye... (shivers, right?!)
The good news--I hear that Nigeria (where WorldCoin/eyeball scans) were pressed for CBDC's only has something crazy like a 1.2% acceptance rate--an' that's fer free $$$ in a poor (in some areas) country. I hope Ameri-cons (given that we're a conned people now....) will not be fooled...but worry I do!
Again dear Karen, nailing the issue of this nightmare-in-develop. Virtual experiments of warfare controlled by AI, with humans setting borders to the murder actions of the AI (for example avoiding to the killing of civilians) .... finish in AI killing their "human controllers" to win efficiency and "points" in the virtual game experiment. This path is a wrong way, another illusory progress step, and we need to take action to stop the further depoloyment and expansion of this "self evolving technologie".
Another front against the globalist grey and boring future they dream.
Interesting! Thx for the observations .. wishing you well and keep your irises to yourself!