Riley Gaines is a great example of dignity and courage in the face of these despicable insults to justice!🗽

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Yes, she is! And JK Rowling.

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Yes!! JK is the queen of arts and letters and Riley is the goddess of sport. Champions of women both, along with many others including you!

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I am like a parrot repeating to any woman who seems at least a little open about Herbert Marcuse stating in an interview that being a woman is a social construct but believed our feminine wiles (I assume compassion/inclusion) would prove useful. That seemingly innocuous interview with BBC's Bryan Magee was like the magic key that helped me make sense of things. If you convince women that we are only a social construct, everything we do that is unique to us - such as giving birth - seems like a burden that needs to be excised from our consciousness. Add to this Simone Beauvoir's belief that one becomes a woman, and you see the trail that leads to men competing as women. I believe it is by design by the Neo-Marxists. You have to erase women's desire to ensure human flourishing, whether one is a celibate nun working with families or a woman with children, to bring forth the post-human condition. As for our biological magnificence, a CHD presenter referenced how a mother's breast milk will change in response to a child's ill health. That isn't magical thinking or alchemy. That is our gift.

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Well said. It's also a very big component of the Transhumanist/Posthumanist agenda.

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Excellent comment!!

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Can we specifically address that men are not standing up for their sisters, wives, friends etc. Where are the real men?

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Where are all the women's groups? They wanted equality, now they have it. Be careful what you wish for.

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Women should have equality. That doesn't mean they are the same in every way. Women have certain strengths and men have certain strengths and both should be respected equally. But you're right, there should be more women's groups. However. If you look at who is funding the trans agenda it is men. Women are traditionally taught to give in to men. Man or woman, everyone should be standing up against this madness.

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Most men do. But you are asking for something for fifty years we have been told NOT to do. Also, it isn’t men doing this. It is gay men and liberal women doing it. Straight men aren’t. Possibly some Lib men. Conservative men and women aren’t doing this.

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What people forget Is how effective the propaganda machine is on children. One in four U.S. adolescents Identify as non-Heterosexual, That number is steadily rising.

Also, most gays aren't supportive of the transexual agenda which attacks them as 'transphobic' if they aren't attracted to trans people.

What most people don't see is the long term goal here. The trans agenda is just a stepping stone for those who believe in transhumanism and ultimately posthumanism. And that agenda is being funded by powerful people like the Pritzker family: https://christopherrufo.com/p/inside-the-transgender-empire and also heterosexual billionaire men who are searching for immortality. They want the masses to accept " gender fluidity" because it means more people will accept being experimented upon.

Conservative men and women need to be aware of this and realize how their own children are being influenced to accept this agenda perhaps without their knowledge.

Jennifer Bilek is one of the best sources of info about this: https://jbilek.substack.com/

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Men really do not have a role to play as we will only be called out for being sexists. Furthermore trans men are not threatening in any way, especially in sports and the bathroom. So while we can support the women at the forefront of the conversation I do not believe it beneficial to get involved directly.

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Thank you for your reply explaining why men are weak - they’re afraid of being called sexists? Hopefully you don’t have daughters, sisters, a wife or future grandchildren that you feel no obligation to stand up for.

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Call me old-fashioned if you like, but I wince every time I see of diminutive policewomen facing off against snarling muscular males in news footage of riots of the kind we have witnessed in the UK recently.

Men have no place in women's sports and women have no place at the front of the thin blue line of policing - and even less so on the battlefield, despite what the seductive recruitment posters may say.

Small wonder so many young men are opting for virtual sex and shunning girlfriends and the hitherto natural notion of having a wife and family.

When I was a lad, the sexes revelled in their differences and young men grew up having learned to respect and defend the "weaker sex". Somehow, along the way, the pedestal we put the objects of our most extreme affections on got smashed - sending Western societies into freefall.

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Women should never have been framed as the "weaker sex". I think once a woman gives birth she realizes she is any but weak. It's just that everything is framed around men's abilities rather than equally respecting the strengths of men and women. If this were the case, women wouldn't feel in order for them to be successful, they have to be like men. But this is all much deeper than that. It's all about the transhumanist/Posthumanist agenda being pushed on us by billionaires who want to live forever and are conditioning the masses to to accept being experimented on, so they find immortality for themselves (not the for the masses). One in four children now think they are something other than heterosexual. Jennifer Bilek is one of the best sources of info about this https://jbilek.substack.com/

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Karen, are you connected with Jennifer Sey? @xx_xyathletics @JenniferSey

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No but I'd like to be

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I often get riled by religions and sects that practice disrespect, down grading, and forced control over women. This treatment has been in practice for centuries - as it is now. Having been brought up as a Catholic, and seeing what has transpired over the years, I have soured on all religions.

As for the LGBTQ cult, may it walk swiftly on a short pier to freezing cold water.

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Beautifully articulated. Thank you!

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The only action that makes sense is starting a parallel system. If women athletes boycott these kinds of events and institutions, ignore them and start their own thing the problem would be over and done with. Arguing with sellouts who say "transblahblah is amazing and wonderful" is like arguing with a crazy hobo who is coming at you with a broken bottle.

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That would be awesome. However, women and girls (because it starts with when they are young) need people to support them. It costs millions (billions?) of dollars to start something like that. Already, women's sports don't receive the money or the coverage men's sports receive. That has finally started to change. But now all of that hard work seems to be for nothing.

So now, women are supposed to abandon all they have worked so hard for and start over? Trying to convince sponsors, advertisers, etc. it's really not that easy to do. I have a despairing feeling that if women just drop out of sports and try to start something new, then women's sports will just die out. That's why I keeping going back to at the ground level, in school, the adults need to support girls, the coaches and parents need to set the example and be braver and stand up for girls

Powerful people with billions of dollars support the trans movement for the even more nefarious goal of the Transhumanist Posthumanist agenda. The Olympics saying there is no way to prove who is a woman except what it says on a passport is a big win for transhumanism.

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I may be missing the finer points here; but it looks like a revolutionary situation to me as well, and one that pervades every organized structure at every level. I’m not going to get on a soapbox but I invite you to consider that this ideology is being pushed by schools and upheld by the government. It does look intentional, doesn’t it? So yeah, get out of the psych ward no matter what the cost might be is step one.

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Yes it's intentional it's everywhere and it starts in the education. That's why it needs to change at the ground level and people at the ground level need to start speaking up and demanding change. The parents who don't care, they just want to push their kids and hopefully get them scholarships. The entire system is broken but more than that, people's values, their sense of honor and integrity is broken. Girls need better examples from the adults around them.

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Do you believe that it is possible to do that within the existing system?

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Amen, sister!

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If women continue to compete and subject themselves to this humiliation there’s no helping them. The minute they stand down this will end.

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I think you maybe missed the point of what I wrote. There are reasons why women subject themselves to this humiliation and it starts in childhood. I would rather say the minute parents and teachers and coaches start standing up for girls and treating them with the value they deserve, things will change. If girls are taught to be passive and always give in the authority figures why would you think it would suddenly change when they are adults?

If women refused to compete, they would just stop women's sports. We are heading that way.

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I'll add this, because it really is a binary solution that is needed.

No matter what parents, coaches, etc. do, if the girls/women are still competing, then it nullifies that action.

As we have all said, Reilly Gaines set the example and it wasn't to continue to compete against and with men. Had ALL women walked out, turned their back and the protested en masse, we would be past this. The reason that would work and women's sports would not disappear is two fold:

1. It would be a move and position of strength not weakness and submission. And we all respect and support those who step into those spaces. Parents, coaches and even non-sports fans would support the competitor's boycott with a spectator based one. You need that united synergy, but it will never happen, if there is a mixed message - This is unfair, but I'm going to subject myself to the humiliation and clear misogyny anyway - but look I'm crossing my fingers. Yes I have a problem with that appeasement gesture I believe was sold to these girls/women to keep them competing.

2. I've said this before, without women there to legitimize the events, it becomes a horrendously conspicuous clown show of perverts, pretending to be women.

This is the basics of a strike and is what's needed here. When the revenue streams are affected (because no one will come to the events (sponsors and investors notice this) then things will change. That will not happen, until the girls/women walk out and then support builds for them, in the spectator ranks and beyond.

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Of course women shouldn't subject themselves to this farce. But I'm answering the question of why they do it. I have a lot of anger towards parents and coaches and school systems that don't stand up for girls. If girls are not taught they have value, if they are not defended and don't see that example from adults, they will never grow into women who stand up for themselves.

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yup, it's a two part solution--gals (real ones!) need ta say no--I will not participate in a "rigged" game (or risk my safety doin' so either)--AND parents who have "lost their minds" cheerin' on trans rights at the EXPENSE of their own real daughters (sad ta say I know a few...) gotta get 'em back (their minds--their common sense) an' stand up fer girls AND set an example for their daughters (and sons too!) speakin' up at meetins'--to coaches, etc.

I've had ta stand up against unthinkin' authority figgers in front of my girls many times over-- speakin' on their behalf 'fore they were old enuf to do so fer themselves--it starts young! Always respectful, always polite, but not backin' down, even if there are consequences.... Parents are so dang fearful now--I see it... they comply...

But even with teens parents still gotta step in; we kin see 'em cave. I 'member bein' livid when my younger one came home with a mask on after hangin' out with friends in the PARK!--she said she "did it to make her masked friends feel "comfortable" an' not "scared of her!" This after she'd seem me be chased outta stores unmasked! seen me defy the dumb mandates all over the place... SO the lesson is not once, not twice, but ongoin' fer years so girls LEARN that they not only can but must. It's up to us parents fer sure.

(that said.... I'd "HOPE" today at 16 she'd show more strength ta not comply--should the dang mandates return--which they might!)

I had no idear 'bout the men takin' over the para olympics--I wonder if it's in other areas too apart from racin'--this is simply SAD. Have these men no sense of their own dignity? I imagine not as "cheatin'" should not be a source of pride an' changin' yer gender TO win races is cheatin'--pure 'n simple!

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100% spot on. Women need to stand up first, to set the examples for girls to do the same. And parents, especially dads, need to show some balls and demand justice for their daughters at all leagues and competitions that bow like cowards at the altar of the r

trans demons

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So true i’m very angry at the women for not refusing to take a stand against these fake females

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Women are being manipulated again.

We now have a footnote to the admonition not to encourage delusions of the mentally ill: unless it’s the trend du jour.

The abuse will continue and flourish until women refuse to compete in events allowing males, and do so en mass, and to be effective they must do it sooner rather than later.

This is more proof of the old adage that people will treat you only as badly as you let them. Walk away, ladies, and put a stop to this shit. You have the support of 95% of the public. Be heroic.

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This stuff is so appalling. XX vs XY doesn't work in sports no matter what some people like to pretend they are.

Some psychotherapy is needed.


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I had no idea this was going on in the Paralympics too. I truly believe the only way to stop this is to have women refuse to participate. That would shut it down. They should hold a press conference to let the world know that enough is enough. I don't understand how this very small minority of radical trans activists have been able to shut everyone up. I asked ChatGPT how can we stop trans women from competing in womens sports and it said, "This content may violate our usage policies." This is what we are up against. Thanks Karen for continuing to shine a light on this extremely important subject. Women truly need to fight back! sabrinalabow.substack.com

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