I am constantly amazed about your astute observations of the human condition. Yes, change is hard. Buying healthy organic food and cooking it is inordinately more difficult than driving through the golden arches. (Perhaps urgent care should be next door.). I am stunned to see long lines there at 10 pm; the food truly must be addictive. It's certainly not inexpensive either.

When I was a teenager there was one restaurant and a couple of drive in places in our small town. Now it's impossible to count them all. I'm confused that new homes even have kitchens; just a place to reheat take away food? The human body is not the only victim of this lifestyle; families suffer as they no longer prepare food together or consume it together. I have plenty of friends my age (old) that never eat at home. Of course, they spent several days a month at doctors offices.

I could write a book about this subject. Thanks, Karen, for always engaging my brain. I love your thoughtful essays.

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I remember when the first McDonalds was built on Ventura Blvd in Woodland Hills, where I lived. We walked down there and ate a hamburger. I have to say I loved it! Fortunately, my parents were very strict about that kind of food. We got to eat it sometimes, but it was never a habit. I got horrible food poisoning one time and that was it. I don't like restaurants; I trust my own kitchen!

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I am amazed at what people rave about as being good food. I seldom go to restaurants, and am almost always disappointed with the food, and astounded by the cost of mediocre unhealthy food. And portion sizes; don't get me started.

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"The human body is not the only victim of this lifestyle; families suffer as they no longer prepare food together or consume it together."

Truer words were never spoken.

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Pfizer, the Cosa Nostra of big pharma. Good points. It took me a while to seize control of my nutrition intake and get off the toxic food and pharmaceutical merry go ground but if this old man can do it, so can you.

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It all comes down to population competence. An incompetent population doesn't know what they're doing wrong, and don't care to learn. They're easy to manipulate, for power or for profit. Failure of the education system. We have an epidemic of stupid.

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Yes, it's sad. I don't like the word "stupid" myself--I never let my kids call anyone stupid. But sometimes it says it all, unfortunately.

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It shouldn't be used as an insult, but sometimes it's an accurate description. We shouldn't avoid things because some people misuse them. As Forrest Gump said, stupid is as stupid does.

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If only it were as simple as blaming the education system... It's not. It's far more complex and far more insidious than that.

The education system is only one complex system among many others within the larger complex system of "modern" society.

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Exactly. Every institution is corrupt and incompetent. The "modern" society is regressing into the Dark Ages with cell phones and other technology marvels, and no wiser.

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That's true, but indoctrination works. Children are born empty and are educated by schooling, supervisors,nand peers throughout our lives. If it's not done well, the results are uniformly bad. Our education system is run by marxists who follow lenin's strategy of indoctrinatingbchildren to develop his socialist state. In that respect, our education system has been very successful at turning out several generations of dependent marxists. Simple. The complexity comes in when people are unwilling to recognize the damage it produces and resist that indoctrination.

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Parents need to recognize the damage being done in the forced schooling system. Parents need to protect their children and MODEL critical thinking. Too many parents are unaware due to their own conditioning and passing on their own authoritarianism to their own children. If parents were to allow their children to question them, "talk back" to them, disagree with them, INSTEAD of demanding unquestioning obedience... children would be much better prepared to resist being indoctrinated by the outside influences coming from educators, peers, etc. It ALL begins with the relationship children have with their parents.

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The problem with parents of children is they, too, are young and stupid. Parents have a lot to learn, too. Some learn it better than others. Most parents aren't very good, some are horrible, some are pretty good. Successful societies work on nurturing parents and families. Ours seems to prefer nurturing government. Parents are quickly becoming biological donors. We can fix it by fixing the education system, but that requires e ought insight to want to do it. It might be too late.

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I think I mostly agree with your comment here. Except that I think the current education system is beyond "repair".

No different from other existing systems. It seems to me that a completely new approach is needed... ie a parallel society established... as is happening in small pockets everywhere, ie home-/un-schooling communities and the like. New medical groups forming in various countries, etc.

As David Bohm said way back in 1981...

"We are faced with a breakdown of general social order and human values that threatens stability [and survival] throughout the world. Existing knowledge cannot meet this challenge. Something much deeper is needed, a completely new approach. I am suggesting that the very means by which we try to solve our problems is the problem. The source of our problems is within the structure of thought itself."

~ David Bohm (1981)

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Nothing is beyond repair, if you want to maintain it. Just a matter of how many parts need replacing. There's value in systematic, uniform, basic education. Teach them the basics and motivate them, and they'll evolve to become the next teachers. Our system needs to be repaired, but certainly needs a lot of new parts.

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Nov 8, 2022
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Many of them overcome the disadvantages of the modern education establishment. Many don't.

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regarding "bogus drugs", i found this post to be quite enlightening:


they seem to throw a subjective qualification in there, but, short story is, they analyzed a random sample of 2500 publications, and found:

Only 6% of eligible interventions (n = 1567) met all three criteria of high-quality evidence and statistically significant positive effects enough to convince reviewers that it was beneficial.

Harms were only measured in about a third of interventions, of which 8% had statistically significant evidence of harm.

- i think the author of the post here does a good job of merging the psychological effect along with the distorted efficacy of these interventions, and could be a good template to demonstrate to others why the mRNA shots might be such a shitty and non-beneficial product.

that's my two cents. i can't stop grasping for ways to break the hypnosis done to the public. this is a great post once again Karen, you nailed it. iatrogenesis seems to be the overall trajectory.

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Excellent article by John Mandrola, thank you for pointing it out to me. I am thankful my parents were skeptical of doctors and drugs in an age when kids were being given antibiotics for every little thing--and then not taking the full course. My dad must have been one of the few people on a health kick in those days. I remember being embarrassed at school because in my brown bag lunch I had whole wheat bread sandwiches while everyone else had Wonder Bread. Do you know that bread LOL? No Hostess Twinkies for me, but my mom did make wonderful homemade cookies, a habit I picked up.

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Discipline. Hated it when my dad use to tell me that, but it’s true. Easy peasy is just easier and unhealthy. The disciplined, harder approach is better for you.

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More reasons to embrace terrain vs, germ theory.

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Well said Karen- once again! God gave us the nutritional foods we need to keep us healthy.

Eating healthy does not have to be expensive, cumbersome or difficult. It's actually really simple. If God didn't make it- don't eat it. God's plan is perfect- man's plan is to sell something.

My favorite paragraph- that I am sharing with everyone: In a rational world, none of this would make sense. But that’s not where we live. We live in a world where people have been led to believe that they must constantly consume pharmaceutical products or else they will literally die. These companies don’t actually want you to die. They want to keep you just sick enough that you become enslaved to their medications for life.- The entire article is excellent and I hope it will convince some more brain washed individuals that we've been lied to. Keep up the good work!!

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Food isn't mentioned that often in the bible. Certainly there is no diet plan from god. It's up to all of us to figure out what's good to eat and what isn't.

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"How top heavy will this greedy empire become before it topples down on all of us?"

Thanks to the collective crisis mania, we seem to be destined to find out.

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So damn true

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This starfish says thank you, Karen.

We may seem small, individually. But with each one we manage to plant a seed of critical thinking in, the greater the chance of change happening.

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Bottled water is a total con! I agree! I drink tap water all the time!

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if it's municipal water, it's a good idea to know how it's being treated, since some places treat with questionable chemicals more than others. though maybe that's one of those "ignorance is bliss" things...

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Excellent writing and so true

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Brilliant! Thank you.

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Pfizer Quarterly Corporate Performance – Third Quarter 2022

Nov 1: Pfizer Q3 Earn. Call. “Our quadrivalent modRNA flu program has progressed into Phase 3. We will start shortly a Phase 1 study of an mRNA-based vaccine candidate that combines our quadrivalent modRNA flu vaccine candidate with Omicron-adapted bivalent COVID-19 vaccine.”

Nov 1: Pfizer Q3 Earn Call. Paxlovid now a money powerhouse, bringing $7.5 billion in one quarter. Comirnaty COVID vax down 65%, but sales up 83% in U.S. (think about that). Combined, the two COVID products provided 52.6% of all Pfizer revenue in Q3. A high-profit pandemic.

Nov 1: Pfizer Q3 Earn Call. Initiative “25 by 2025”, targeting 25 breakthrough launches. Wondering if any of those will be mandated. How do you get to 25 in 3 years? Partly: “Reduce approval development cycle times.” Maybe 4 mice instead of 8?



Moving towards an mRNA-based flu Vax / COVID combi, It looks like the biomedical state may be achieving its goal of blowing up the system as they discussed on C-SPAN, two months before Wuhan.

One month after Exec Order and two months before Wuhan, CSPAN with Fauci, BARDA, etc talk universal flu vaccine. Moderator Michael Spector on vaccine development process, “Why don’t we blow the system up?”




What came before Event 201 and months before Wuhan, lockdowns, and the WHO pandemic declaration?

Answer: Executive Order 13887.

PDF here:


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A lot of good stuff here. I am going to write about the biomedical state. I've read some of it before but will look at this further. Thank you!

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Along with novel technology comes novel war. In my opinion, we are the targets of a psychological assault. A huge dose of fear, a repetitive mind bending marketing campaign and a savior inspired product launch. It's impossible to make a safe and effective vaccine for every person in the world at warped speed. How come everybody can't realize outrageous BS when they hear it? We are living in sick times. I wish they would put a permanent moratorium on mRNA technology and CRISPR Cas9.

It's impossible for each one of us to view men's collective violent past, and history of war but if we could we would immediately recognize this is war, politely disguised using a novel delivery. The US is in a race for biological information with the rest of the world and we are the stored information.

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Someone questioned it on tntradio.live asking "it's hard to understand what useful info the pharma complex can gain from this mass experiment. Putting yourself in their shoes can you figure this, minus the money aspect?" Someone replied "Possibly to datify double us all in to the virtual panopticon, guild us in to centrally controlled mechanised bodies and play social impact financing. NB the pharma complex did not follow clinical research protocols for improved evidence based outcomes. "

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