It never ceases to amaze and disappoint me how white Western women (especially feminists) can't see what will be the consequences of their--dare I say it?--pathological compassion. As I explained in my piece "Feminism is Like an Iceberg", feminists have spent many decades destroying men's and boys' spaces out of a misguided mission to eliminate discrimination against themselves. The Boy Scouts are just the latest example of this scorched earth warfare. (The Girl Scouts remain because girls deserve their own space.) Can anyone here name one remaining benign space exclusively for males in the USA or any Western nation? I can't.

Is anyone here old enough to remember the 1980s when female sports reporters demanded post-game access to men's locker and shower rooms? Pepperidge Farms remembers. (Can you imagine the reaction if male sports reporters had been demanding post-game access to women's shower rooms?)

Then there's bigger international damage done to Western civilization as a whole. In 2015 the childless Angela Merkel invited the entire Third World to not only Germany but all of Western Europe. The result was millions of combat-aged and unskilled males flooding the continent like a hostile army. (But it's nothing to worry about if you're pushing 70 and childless.)

Most men understood the consequences of tolerant societies being flooded and overtaken by people from intolerant societies. Why would anyone want to invite males who have little respect for women and want to throw gays off of rooftops to live among them?

Has anyone here followed Britain's decades-old problem with Child Grooming Gangs that pray on girls? Members are almost 95% Muslim Pakistanis. The problem went on for decades and continues today because everyone is still terrified of offending the Pakistani community and being labeled an Islamophobe. I have seen estimates ranging from tens of thousands to over 100K white girls being victims.

I will add that in just a few short years Sweden has flipped from a nirvana for women to the rape capital of Europe.

If you followed the news after 2015, it was always white women greeting the new arrivals with "Refugees Welcome" signs. (Funnily enough, most of these penniless refugees from war torn countries would flyback home for their vacations. Mother Merkel c. 2017 had to ask them not to do so because of the optics.

So how did the West end up not being able to say "no" or even criticize bad behavior and values by bogus "refugees"? How did we end up with diversity hiring policies, participation trophies, campus safe spaces, and the destructive belief that "Diversity is Our Strength? (What a load of log-rolling bullshit that line is.)

The answer to the how can be traced to the feminist concept of intersectionality under which meritocracy is scrapped in favor of rewarding those who sell themselves as the biggest victims.

I will wind this down by stating that the utter silence from feminists when it comes to the plight of women in the Third World has always troubled me. They remain just as silent when immigrants carry on the evil practice of FGM on their daughters. One never hears a peep out of the warriors for women's rights.

There's a reckoning coming as people wake up to the damage being done to their countries by the open borders policies that women tend to support far more than men. Just look at Ireland and Sweden now. Don't be surprised if Europe explodes into warfare against its parallel societies (aka No Go Zones).

The guys will then be the ones forced to clean up the mess.

Here's a video that the pro-open borders idiots produced for the recent arrivals who are taken aback by the news that Western women and girls (and boys too) aren't free-use sex toys.


If you have young children or grandchildren you should be terrified for them. Demographers warn that the indigenous populations of a number of Western European countries will be minorities by 2050 or so.

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It drives me bonkers!

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I forgot to add that under Joey B somewhere between 10 and 15 million illegals from all over the globe have waltzed across the border since he was installed as president. These new arrivals are unvetted, unvaxed, and mostly here for the taxpayer-funded freebies. According to HS, there are Islamic terrorists, cartel gang members, sex traffickers, and many other dodgy characters now in the country. Gee thanks, Joe! You make me long for the Jimmy Carter presidency.

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The US has the largest child sex trafficking "industry" in the world. And does NOTHING to stop it. A few token arrests of idiots living in trailer parks and somehow we sigh in relief. It's not foreigners controlling this empire of pain. It's Americans.

Muslim gangs grooming girls in England ain't got nuthin' on the good 'ol USofA.

There are over one million homeless vets in the US. Rivalled in numbers only by the elderly and children. And please don't pull out the old horse we love to beat to death of drug abuse and alcoholism as the cause of homelessness here. You'd try to escape reality, too, if you were one of these unfortunates thrown out like garbage.

Hypocrisy they name is Ammurika.

I agree, feminism was weaponized as is anything else under our lovely military industrial complex of a dictatorial money grubbing nation. Oh, was I supposed to say a "democracy"?

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Actually, Sweden has become the rape Nirvana for women. It’s what they wanted, apparently

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The Iranian regime must just look on these idiot women in the West and laugh and laugh. Kudoes to Kimia for her bravery, she's the one who fought the real fight not these privileged protesters who think they should have catering services where ever they are camped out to protesst.

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It's beyond my understanding. Even my post, telling the truth from an Iranian female athlete's own words, receives so much vitriol. But it just proves my point.

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They likely do have their protests catered since George Soros has plenty of cash to cater his events.

The college students are puppets. Look further into the old man's eyes for the truth.

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No Kung Fu Fighting for you! It is haram!

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brave young woman, an inspirin' story! that she even could train there--amazes me! oh, and you know why folks today won't listen to these women--b/c they don't fit the durned narrative--'member when Andrew Cuomo (blech) got inta hot warter fer bein' inappropriate with one'a his staff? the MEE-2 movement shut up the WOMAN--yup, not Cuomo, female lawyers tarnished the staffer's rep an' supported HandyRandyAndy-- it's all 'bout narrative an' pickin' sides--few 'll listen to the real, brave, women of Iran an' elsewhere who have escaped TO freedom...an' appreciate it MORE 'n most Americans I daresay!

Meantimes in Israel, women are free to box--it's kinda cool (I didn't wartch the entire thing but this group travels to compete)


ps 'member our former "democracy" was a democratic republic--I know ya know the distinction an' we all say "democracy"--but we have ta thank goodness it wasn't formed as a "majority rule" democracy -- therein lie "dragons!"

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I have a friend in Cairo, an Egyptian/Australian amazing woman who trains girls in boxing and has a boxing team, the army so has a women's team that she trained but I don't know much about that. So it can happen. But there are many restraints. We were going to visit each other's teams and do training sessions but things got too difficult in Luxor. It's hard enough in Cairo but virtually impossible in Luxor.

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I guess they gotta be extra grateful in Cairo ta be allowed, ta navigate the system in spite'a restraints /limitations... I'll hope things turn around such that more girls get the chance... cannot imagine how hard it is fer them-- my younger gal is just wrappin' up a homeschool self-defense class (taught by a laydde black belt) an' enjoyin' it (in fact I think she hope's they'll do it again in the Fall!)

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That's fantastic! 💪

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Women box in America. In competition. Every day.

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True courage!!

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Who is our current and most dangerous enemy: the Iranian government or the DC corporatocracy?

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Let's keep it simple. As someone who has lived under communism, under sharia law, and under democracy, I choose democracy. As long as I can say what I am saying here and I am not tortured or thrown into prison for doing so, I have more freedoms than many people in the world. I write a lot about the corruption of our government, the elites, etc., so I think my readers know I don't suffer from illusions on that score. If people don't want to see the danger of belittling the freedoms that they have and standing up for them against what is worse, then I don't know what to say. But for me, it's all smoke and mirrors anyway, since I believe none of this will be fixed by a "new and improved" government, because history tells us that new governments (or those who run them), no matter how good their initial intentions, inevitably become corrupted by the lust for power. It's a spiritual problem. And I've written plenty about that, too, so I won't say more. People don't have to agree with me. They can act like the person who screams and rants and spews hatred, like the anonymous "myname email". But thank God I have the freedom to say what I think, and you and all of us have the same. The more we are divided into extreme sides (which I have warned about repeatedly) the worse it will get. We are being forced to choose extremism and that will not turn out well. I don't know, should she have just stayed in Iran?

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I misinterpreted your original post. I agree that we want to maintain our democratic and social values despite the internal corruption and other problems.

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I don't know if you've read some of my previous essays like How Anthrax and the War on Terror brought us to the Brink of WWIII https://khmezek.substack.com/p/the-big-picture-how-anthrax-and-the

Or The United States of Schizophrenia https://khmezek.substack.com/p/the-united-states-of-schizophrenia

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I don't know. The unelected are trying to take out Donald Trump. And proved, by any means necessary. It's obvious they're brainwash young into violent thugs they can sic anybody at anytime. The young thugs don't care about women anymore than they bl

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I didn't get to finish my thought. My phone is crap.

Anyway, all these little robots care about is noise and destruction.

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She looks so much healthier after defection

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She's still wearing the hijab??

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Read what I wrote. That is a video of her fighting for Iran before she defected. The photo at the top is of her fighting after her defection without the hijab

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I made it clearer now.

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Thanks! Glad I was wrong in my assumption

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No problem. It helped me make it clearer.

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May 19
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May 18
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How you twist it around to somehow blame Jews for this young Iranian athlete celebrating her freedom is very confusing.

But then Jew hatred isn't based on reason.

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May 18
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I'm saying this post has absolutely nothing, zero, zilch, to do with Jews or Israel and you still had to make it about Jew hate.

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Those who rule the world are all of Jewish origin. The Minutes of the Sages of Zion must be read, and one will immediately see that every dot and comma has been fulfilled and is being fulfilled. They even rule over the Jewish people!

Until people know their enemy, they accuse everyone and fight each other.

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KH said no such thing. But I agree with her hatred warps both mind and body.

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May 17
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And replace it with??? More hate, which emanates so strongly from you that no good can ever come from it, only more violence. The problem is not a regime issue. It's a spiritual problem. Until we admit that, there will never be peace on earth. Where do you live? What country? If it is in the United States, please go live in a country where you can feel better about yourself.

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May 17
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Ah, I was going to delete you but now, since as I suspected, your hatred of Jews has revealed itself, I will keep your words here as a testimony to these craven times. I pray you find some peace.

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Ah, well, they chose to delete their own comment.

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