Without salvation there is nothing to protect your soul,mind and body from the evil ones. God in human form died a horrible death on the cross. The blood of Jesus Christ is the only way for God to cover and forgive our sins. It’s a free gift offered to every single person. Take it and receive eternal life with God. Reject it and suffer eternally. The choice is yours alone to make ✝️
Amen--that everyone makes their own choice. I should add I am not in a position to judge others; I am responsible for myself. As a follower of Jesus, I leave everything else in God's hands. I do my best to live the example that I would set for others, but of course I make mistakes. I am with CS Lewis when it comes to hell and judgement. His book The Great Divorce is one of my favorites on this topic. And The Last Battle, the final book in The Narnia Chronicles has some profound truths as well.
So thankful for your voice. Even as an atheist I find your faith allows me to forgive my mother's fundamentalist Christian services abuse. I am keeping an eye on Trumps cabinet too, just because I voted for him doesn't mean I trust him or anyone else with power. Power almost always leads to psychopathy or narcissism. I far more trust the narcissist because their motives are crystal clear. But they are gonna to do what they're gonna do. Luckily I think Musk is the third type, the autistic leader who finds themselves handed power because of competence. However you can be two things and his ego is always his downfall.
In short we were here before and we are here after and we're watching. Ready to bring home the ruckus. Should we be needed.
Without salvation there is nothing to protect your soul,mind and body from the evil ones. God in human form died a horrible death on the cross. The blood of Jesus Christ is the only way for God to cover and forgive our sins. It’s a free gift offered to every single person. Take it and receive eternal life with God. Reject it and suffer eternally. The choice is yours alone to make ✝️
Firstly, in “The Art of the Deal” Trump discusses the importance of promotion (the book is a promotion but nevertheless instructive), so yes it is not surprising that he leverages a relation with X’s owner whose CEO says “freedom of speech not freedom of reach” - meaning X controls who and what is allowed to reach.
Secondly CBDCs are akin to digital passports and will be linked. Your ATM won’t give you your withdrawal if you are not up to date on all your “safe and effective vaxes”, or if your social credit score a la China is below threshold. CBDCs are money but their use is controlled centrally unlike wonderful cash.
Thirdly, and this will not make me popular: crypto is neither good money nor an asset.
Bitcoin is not a store of value (not an asset), is too volatile to be used as real money (in the real economic sense), is traceable (not completely anonymous), is subject to price manipulation by whales, is amenable to theft and fraud and money laundering, is very slow (less than 10 transactions per second, more like 4), uses middlemen, has high transaction costs in dollars and time that make it unsuitable for small purchases, is subject to regulatory and legal exposure, is not of sufficient value at current prices to handle the volume of international trade, wastes 0.5% of gobal electricity just to audit the ledger - the electrical equivalent of Norway or all the consumer refrigerators in the US. (Try to imagine two parties that would agree on a loan paid back in BTC over 7, 10, 15, 30 years - the price volatility makes that untenable.) The tech may be cool but that is a distraction to the economic fundamentals at play. People making money from their bets rely on finding the greater fool to take it off their hands at a higher price. Bitcoin is like unlicensed gambling and an open ponzi scheme. I’ve found a book that really opened my eyes to this.
Based on my reading and research, the volatility of Bitcoin causes it to fail the criteria to be a good monetary instrument. Consider one criteria, loans. A lender and borrower enter an agreement. Some time goes by before a certain amount of bitcoin is deposited. The borrower spends it, either converting it first to other currency, or transacting the bitcoin itself, for goods and services. Then the borrower has to make periodic payments, of a fixed amount of bitcoin each payment, back to the lender over a term of years. Of course the payments are calculated to include interest so the lender can get something out of the deal. There is almost zero chance the value at the end of a long term will be a somewhat predictable relation to what at was at the beginning of the term (e.g. inflation in fiat is a factor in fiat loans). The unpredictable and large price volatility of bitcoin makes it untenable as a loan instrument for most borrowers and lenders, as it’s value would be fluctuating throughout the term: if it drops, then the borrower wins and the lender loses; if it goes up, the lender wins until the borrower may no longer be able to make the payments, and then the borrower loses whatever assets were put up to secure the loan. In either case there is a loser, and in some cases, both may lose.
The other economic benefit of bitcoin promoted by its advocates is that it is an asset, digital gold, an investment. Well there are economic criteria for assets: it must generate future cash flow or utility. Bitcoin generates no cash flow (dividends, rents, etc). It’s volatility severely limits its utility.
So if it is neither good money nor a good asset, what’s left? Speculation and gambling. That’s what bitcoin is. Those who own are operating on the greater fool theory, hoping the price goes up so they can sell on and recover the fiat money they put into it.
The price volatility is influenced by a small number of whales who own the majority of bitcoin. Bitcoin is unregulated. There is no recourse when it is stolen. Speculative trading is most of the transactions, and criminal transactions are high - leaving a tiny number of transactions that are legal, legitimate exchanges for goods and services. It is an atrocious user of electricity that wastes more than Norway uses annually. The electricity goes to proof of work algorithms that are purposely highly inefficient and generate no utility other than verifying a distributed ledger book. The transactions costs mean that low-value exchanges make little economic sense.
Wrapping up here, while the decentralized aspects of bitcoin are seductive, it is deficient with respect to fundamental economic issues, and has highly unattractive externalities. It is time for a more sober evaluation.
It should be noted surprise. Trump has never admitted to the dangers of the mRNA vaccines. It's quite incredible how short people's memories are. If there is another pandemic, he will make his deals with Big Pharam. He is a deal maker. That has its good and its bad sides. I do think his reasons for mag Susie Wiles have to do with her organization skills, not her ties to Big Pharma. He is counting on her keeping things organized. Trump is changing politics but he is also a part of it now.
agreed---yes, some folks have short -memory system EVEN the unjabbed lol!--I worry tho'--I think there are others "well organized" without the skeery UN & Big Pharma ties he could'a hired--And WHAT IF they do pull another "plandemic?" (I know it's on the table...) All the quarantine orders are still on the books in many states incl. NY & FL... not rescinded (I'm still holdin' my breath!)
I'm with you Karen. I don't trust Trump or Musk. What about the most of us who don't have bitcoin and don't feel it is safe. Will we be forced to buy into it or end up broke?
Agreed that the election of Trump is a good thing. The alternative was unthinkable, and I'm glad that we are now (or soon to be) "unburdened" by Commie'la. The first term Trump had a problem with choosing people who had ulterior motives. I hope he has learned from past mistakes. I do not trust Musk to do anything which interferes with his grand plans. Everything he does is in pursuit of more money. Beware very rich men with power. Trump needs to be watching how Musk is playing the games. I still am not a fan of crypto money. It is not real. As President (or soon to be), Trump should be doing whatever possible to breathe life back into the American dollar. His "endorsement" of crypto makes me nervous. I believe that gold and silver are the only real and viable alternative to the dollar. What Trump can accomplish in four years is debatable. Even though it appears that Republicans will control Congress, too many of the Republicans are still RINOs and/or neo-cons, who have no love for Trump. This presidency is the time for all patriotic Americans to make sure their voices are heard, often and loudly when necessary. Trump cannot save the Republic. Only we, the people, can. Are we up to the job?
I am also relieved that Trump won but only because the alternative would have been so horrible. But I do not trust Trump one little bit. And I for sure do not trust Musk. For all we know, Trump is intended to be The One who leads us all into The New World Order. Musk certainly has big plans for just that sort of thing. Trump was President. when we we given those kill shots. Trump has never explained himself over that. And he never will. Those shots came from the DOD plans and the Plandemic was used to kill off many people. Trump is not truthful (people call it exaggeration). Trump has never been truthful. Ask his wives and girlfriends. Musk is also lacking in a moral compass. Musk wants to put chips in everybody. Musk, IMO, is a scary, ungodly person.
I do not agree with Musk on everything but I like the way he thinks. Certainly as far as his private enterprises. As a state actor I too am paying attention. If he can slash waste though I will be a fan. We should all send red pens to help him out. Lastly the Doge was the senior official in the Venetian Republic. The position existed a thousand years. As for crypto I sm traditionally not a fan but if it can get rid of the Federal Reserve I might need to revisit my lack of enthusiasm.
"Instead, they will earn tokens in a virtual world to buy things that don’t exist. In the real world, they will own nothing and be happy."
Oh Dear, that is the New World Order's "Great Reset" version...
... Not the ideologies behind the Real implementation of Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency (Tokenization).
I totally understand how difficult it is for genX and boomers to re-educate ourselves on digital ecosystems, as your essay is expounding upon, but the reality of the matter is much better than what ever those misguided scenarios entail.
For example, it takes a while to get the full picture regarding the Bitcoin ecosystem, but once you get familiar with the facts and actually get a real digital wallet (not Apple's or Google's), then and only then, will you see and experience the difference.
Think of the entire populations of the Free World being their OWN Banks and not only have control of your money but using all the tools that centralized banking does without the need for nefarious gate keepers too. Like decentralized liquidity pools and peer to peer transactions; self regulating and anti inflationary interoperability; no middlemen! Taxation could be eliminated completely!
If you think that the intention of anyone feeding you these promises is interested in you having a "real digital wallet (not Apple's or Google's)" you are the one being hoodwinked, not me. I can assure you, if they get rid of taxation, it will become something else. Since when have those in power ever give up one little bit of it--not unless someone else comes in and throws them out and then takes over.
We are not entering a utopia here where the people are in charge. In fact, there has never been a time when so few had so much power. But hey, I'm just an old person and what do I know. Let the young follow the pied piper to the same destination.
I'm saying I hope Trump navigates this shrewdly, that's what I'm saying.
"But hey, I'm just an old person and what do I know. "
LOL, I'm with you, Sister!
But, I do know demons when I see them, and there are quite a few in the highest levels of both (or the many) sides. We're not in Kansas anymore, Dorothy Karen. There are no heroes there anymore.
Okay, I figured that type of response but didn't want you to get all jacked up. Nobody is feeding me anything. I've done my due diligence. Maybe you haven't seen my Substack publication, it's not fully developed yet but if you read "about" in the pretext, Im pretty fluent in cryptocurrency and the digital ecosystem of web3 and blockchain technology. Yeah, the term "Utopia" isn't in my vocabulary. 😁
BTW, I'm in my 50's, so, I'm not sure what the issue is regarding my comment but my apologies for any misunderstandings. Just a little advice for those of us that are expecting that your ruling class technocrats will simply provide y'all with a iPhone App for the rest of the lazy world to follow. Is not going to happen...
I’m glad I found you Karen. I voted for Harris and I’m devastated she lost. But Democrats must confront our issues.
1. Arrogance in our attempt to shield minorities through a woke “agenda”. It reached preposterous levels years ago and has cost us dearly.
2. A frightening marriage of the far-left to radical Islam. I’ve studied Islam carefully. I don’t like or trust it. And I’m increasingly suspicious of the “pro Palestinian” (pro Hamas) movement.
How many votes did American Muslims cost Democrats with their obnoxious and rabid protests? Those protests started before the bodies of dead Jews on 10/7/2023 were cold. It was sickening. Or the Uncommitted Movement in Michigan, a swing state.
3. Pronouns, gender identity, and over educated Democratic (big D) snobs.
4. Biden and his inner circle were not honest about his mental decline. He’s old!
Biden should not have run a second term.
But I’m still a proud liberal Democrat. But I’m facing up to our tragic errors.
"Your grandchildren will never know what it means to hold a dollar bill in their hands. They will never know the pride of earning that dollar by washing a car or selling some homemade lemonade. They will never know the pleasure of spending that dollar on a Saturday matinee, or a favorite novel, or a big scoop of ice cream."
Nooooooo! In fact, I want 'em ta change BACK the coinage an' the old bills (all that gorgeous engravin' on coins & paper money an' no "bobbleheads" like they are now...all the fine detail BRING IT back!) Let's also make copper pennies COPPER (double advantage is if swallered they won't kill ya!--an' that'd apply ta me too--did that at the age of 3 but thankfully...copper! an' it PASSED lol). Let's put back the SILVER too! Coin's had worth!
I'd like ta see bitcoin bite the dust! Kids losin' a tooth gettin' their quarters (cain't put a bitcoin in that toothfairy pillow)...
As fer Musk--don't trust 'im an' I'm not SURE 'bout keepin' 'em (enemies) close ta yer pocket... he was a satanic ritually abused kid an' his ma's a witch--he's funny but I think "roundin' up the conservatives on X" is a ruse... (f)Elon musk & his driverless hellscape sound kinda horrific an' DJT in the name'a "good bizness" may fall fer that...
BUT WORSE! He hired Suzie Wiles (oh them wiles!) a BIG PHARMA lobbyist--her company "Mercury" (shiny poison indeed!) represents Pfizer, Gilad, the UN an' so many more--in fact I FEAR she's convince the Donald ta drop Bobby Jr an' 'stead 'a MAHA it'll be MADA (Make Americans DEAD Again!)... imho she's poison which means Trumps puttin' wolves at his table... gaw! (I don't think it's ta keep 'em in his pocket either)... his-story repeatin' itself? an' this is just the start....
so many good idears (concerns) re (f)Elon... who is a weasel an' wore a halloween costume w/Baphomet on it.....eek!
I, too, am shocked that the whole DOGE thing isn't being talked about more. Especially since the price jumped as soon as Trump "officially" announced the DOGE-and therefore so did Elon's net worth. There is zero chance to Elon isn't the one who invented that name, for that very reason.
And the glaring conflicts of interest of him being given authority to cut (or increase) agency budgets or entire agencies when his companies have numerous contacts with said agencies, would like more, AND are also under regulation and investigation by others, is not being talked about enough. Particularly the ongoing investigation by the NHTSA into fatalities and accidents caused by Tesla's self-driving car technology, which is already being safety-tested on all of us without our consent. I'm honestly terrified of what he might do if he has no regulations standing in his way. Because ours isn't the only government he is worming his way into. And anybody who thinks he cares one wit about humanity need only remember he's actively working on a bailout plan to the moon or Mars-but only for him, his many children and their mothers, and a select few other very wealthy folks.
Pro bitcoin here. It’s not the same as a central bank digital currency because it is not able to be controlled by a central bank. I believe it is our best chance for freedom as it can finally uncouple the state from money printing. I also think it is probably inevitable at this point given how all fiat currencies are doing right now. Look into the arguments for bitcoin and ignore other cryptocurrencies. Just reading the bitcoin white paper is a good start, you can pretty easily see what satoshi nakamoto was up to with it. I think it is still relatively early and you can buy very small amounts. Don’t keep it on an exchange, you must keep your own keys.
Yes, I've done extensive research on the topic. If you really think the new elites have your best interests at heart and want to give back one ounce of the control they have to you, you are naive. Rather, they seek more control.
Erez Lieberman Aiden, a geneticist and computer scientist, calls this “decentralization theater.” Cryptocurrencies create an illusion:
“Now we’re in utopia. Everything’s decentralized. Everybody’s equal. There’s this notion of democracy without annoyance.” But, he said, these systems end up "hiding a new elite, which is probably just an old elite in a new arena."
People always come back at me with "there's a big difference between bitcoin and CBDCs." Sure, but somehow that difference will melt away. We are well into the era of illusion as we step further and further away from reality and into virtual worlds.
Without salvation there is nothing to protect your soul,mind and body from the evil ones. God in human form died a horrible death on the cross. The blood of Jesus Christ is the only way for God to cover and forgive our sins. It’s a free gift offered to every single person. Take it and receive eternal life with God. Reject it and suffer eternally. The choice is yours alone to make ✝️
Amen--that everyone makes their own choice. I should add I am not in a position to judge others; I am responsible for myself. As a follower of Jesus, I leave everything else in God's hands. I do my best to live the example that I would set for others, but of course I make mistakes. I am with CS Lewis when it comes to hell and judgement. His book The Great Divorce is one of my favorites on this topic. And The Last Battle, the final book in The Narnia Chronicles has some profound truths as well.
So thankful for your voice. Even as an atheist I find your faith allows me to forgive my mother's fundamentalist Christian services abuse. I am keeping an eye on Trumps cabinet too, just because I voted for him doesn't mean I trust him or anyone else with power. Power almost always leads to psychopathy or narcissism. I far more trust the narcissist because their motives are crystal clear. But they are gonna to do what they're gonna do. Luckily I think Musk is the third type, the autistic leader who finds themselves handed power because of competence. However you can be two things and his ego is always his downfall.
In short we were here before and we are here after and we're watching. Ready to bring home the ruckus. Should we be needed.
I'm sorry you went through that with your mother and I'm glad I can give another perspective.
Yes, the blatant narcissist is much easier to combat.
Without salvation there is nothing to protect your soul,mind and body from the evil ones. God in human form died a horrible death on the cross. The blood of Jesus Christ is the only way for God to cover and forgive our sins. It’s a free gift offered to every single person. Take it and receive eternal life with God. Reject it and suffer eternally. The choice is yours alone to make ✝️
Yup this comment is exactly why I'm an atheist. What a cruel and evil parent. Karen's God is not your god.
Don’t judge GOD by the actions of humans. It’s a flawed thought process !
No worries on that, especially not evangelicals in comments! 😉
Firstly, in “The Art of the Deal” Trump discusses the importance of promotion (the book is a promotion but nevertheless instructive), so yes it is not surprising that he leverages a relation with X’s owner whose CEO says “freedom of speech not freedom of reach” - meaning X controls who and what is allowed to reach.
Secondly CBDCs are akin to digital passports and will be linked. Your ATM won’t give you your withdrawal if you are not up to date on all your “safe and effective vaxes”, or if your social credit score a la China is below threshold. CBDCs are money but their use is controlled centrally unlike wonderful cash.
Thirdly, and this will not make me popular: crypto is neither good money nor an asset.
Bitcoin is not a store of value (not an asset), is too volatile to be used as real money (in the real economic sense), is traceable (not completely anonymous), is subject to price manipulation by whales, is amenable to theft and fraud and money laundering, is very slow (less than 10 transactions per second, more like 4), uses middlemen, has high transaction costs in dollars and time that make it unsuitable for small purchases, is subject to regulatory and legal exposure, is not of sufficient value at current prices to handle the volume of international trade, wastes 0.5% of gobal electricity just to audit the ledger - the electrical equivalent of Norway or all the consumer refrigerators in the US. (Try to imagine two parties that would agree on a loan paid back in BTC over 7, 10, 15, 30 years - the price volatility makes that untenable.) The tech may be cool but that is a distraction to the economic fundamentals at play. People making money from their bets rely on finding the greater fool to take it off their hands at a higher price. Bitcoin is like unlicensed gambling and an open ponzi scheme. I’ve found a book that really opened my eyes to this.
Based on my reading and research, the volatility of Bitcoin causes it to fail the criteria to be a good monetary instrument. Consider one criteria, loans. A lender and borrower enter an agreement. Some time goes by before a certain amount of bitcoin is deposited. The borrower spends it, either converting it first to other currency, or transacting the bitcoin itself, for goods and services. Then the borrower has to make periodic payments, of a fixed amount of bitcoin each payment, back to the lender over a term of years. Of course the payments are calculated to include interest so the lender can get something out of the deal. There is almost zero chance the value at the end of a long term will be a somewhat predictable relation to what at was at the beginning of the term (e.g. inflation in fiat is a factor in fiat loans). The unpredictable and large price volatility of bitcoin makes it untenable as a loan instrument for most borrowers and lenders, as it’s value would be fluctuating throughout the term: if it drops, then the borrower wins and the lender loses; if it goes up, the lender wins until the borrower may no longer be able to make the payments, and then the borrower loses whatever assets were put up to secure the loan. In either case there is a loser, and in some cases, both may lose.
The other economic benefit of bitcoin promoted by its advocates is that it is an asset, digital gold, an investment. Well there are economic criteria for assets: it must generate future cash flow or utility. Bitcoin generates no cash flow (dividends, rents, etc). It’s volatility severely limits its utility.
So if it is neither good money nor a good asset, what’s left? Speculation and gambling. That’s what bitcoin is. Those who own are operating on the greater fool theory, hoping the price goes up so they can sell on and recover the fiat money they put into it.
The price volatility is influenced by a small number of whales who own the majority of bitcoin. Bitcoin is unregulated. There is no recourse when it is stolen. Speculative trading is most of the transactions, and criminal transactions are high - leaving a tiny number of transactions that are legal, legitimate exchanges for goods and services. It is an atrocious user of electricity that wastes more than Norway uses annually. The electricity goes to proof of work algorithms that are purposely highly inefficient and generate no utility other than verifying a distributed ledger book. The transactions costs mean that low-value exchanges make little economic sense.
Wrapping up here, while the decentralized aspects of bitcoin are seductive, it is deficient with respect to fundamental economic issues, and has highly unattractive externalities. It is time for a more sober evaluation.
For further reading:
One of the authors is an economist.
Amazon.com: Bitcoin: Unlicensed Gambling (Bitcoin Exposed): 9798532267220: Seeman, Bob, Svensson, Roger: Books
Well said. I've written a number of essays warning about this but as you say, it doesn't make me very popular.
The End of Money: https://khmezek.substack.com/p/the-end-of-money-98-of-the-worlds
Bitcoin: The Dirty Business of Clean Energy: https://khmezek.substack.com/p/bitcoin-the-dirty-business-of-clean
The concerns are well laid out. Thanks
Susie Wiles: this got deleted rt & lft... Tom Renz had the "goods" on Susie back last Spring...
Jon Rappoport's got it nailed too...
It should be noted surprise. Trump has never admitted to the dangers of the mRNA vaccines. It's quite incredible how short people's memories are. If there is another pandemic, he will make his deals with Big Pharam. He is a deal maker. That has its good and its bad sides. I do think his reasons for mag Susie Wiles have to do with her organization skills, not her ties to Big Pharma. He is counting on her keeping things organized. Trump is changing politics but he is also a part of it now.
agreed---yes, some folks have short -memory system EVEN the unjabbed lol!--I worry tho'--I think there are others "well organized" without the skeery UN & Big Pharma ties he could'a hired--And WHAT IF they do pull another "plandemic?" (I know it's on the table...) All the quarantine orders are still on the books in many states incl. NY & FL... not rescinded (I'm still holdin' my breath!)
Exactly why I didn't vote. Trump has his hands all over the vaccines.
I'm with you Karen. I don't trust Trump or Musk. What about the most of us who don't have bitcoin and don't feel it is safe. Will we be forced to buy into it or end up broke?
Agreed that the election of Trump is a good thing. The alternative was unthinkable, and I'm glad that we are now (or soon to be) "unburdened" by Commie'la. The first term Trump had a problem with choosing people who had ulterior motives. I hope he has learned from past mistakes. I do not trust Musk to do anything which interferes with his grand plans. Everything he does is in pursuit of more money. Beware very rich men with power. Trump needs to be watching how Musk is playing the games. I still am not a fan of crypto money. It is not real. As President (or soon to be), Trump should be doing whatever possible to breathe life back into the American dollar. His "endorsement" of crypto makes me nervous. I believe that gold and silver are the only real and viable alternative to the dollar. What Trump can accomplish in four years is debatable. Even though it appears that Republicans will control Congress, too many of the Republicans are still RINOs and/or neo-cons, who have no love for Trump. This presidency is the time for all patriotic Americans to make sure their voices are heard, often and loudly when necessary. Trump cannot save the Republic. Only we, the people, can. Are we up to the job?
I am also relieved that Trump won but only because the alternative would have been so horrible. But I do not trust Trump one little bit. And I for sure do not trust Musk. For all we know, Trump is intended to be The One who leads us all into The New World Order. Musk certainly has big plans for just that sort of thing. Trump was President. when we we given those kill shots. Trump has never explained himself over that. And he never will. Those shots came from the DOD plans and the Plandemic was used to kill off many people. Trump is not truthful (people call it exaggeration). Trump has never been truthful. Ask his wives and girlfriends. Musk is also lacking in a moral compass. Musk wants to put chips in everybody. Musk, IMO, is a scary, ungodly person.
I chose not to vote. Simply no choice.
I do not agree with Musk on everything but I like the way he thinks. Certainly as far as his private enterprises. As a state actor I too am paying attention. If he can slash waste though I will be a fan. We should all send red pens to help him out. Lastly the Doge was the senior official in the Venetian Republic. The position existed a thousand years. As for crypto I sm traditionally not a fan but if it can get rid of the Federal Reserve I might need to revisit my lack of enthusiasm.
I think it was a brilliant move to put in Ramaswamy in there to balance out Musk.
"Instead, they will earn tokens in a virtual world to buy things that don’t exist. In the real world, they will own nothing and be happy."
Oh Dear, that is the New World Order's "Great Reset" version...
... Not the ideologies behind the Real implementation of Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency (Tokenization).
I totally understand how difficult it is for genX and boomers to re-educate ourselves on digital ecosystems, as your essay is expounding upon, but the reality of the matter is much better than what ever those misguided scenarios entail.
For example, it takes a while to get the full picture regarding the Bitcoin ecosystem, but once you get familiar with the facts and actually get a real digital wallet (not Apple's or Google's), then and only then, will you see and experience the difference.
Think of the entire populations of the Free World being their OWN Banks and not only have control of your money but using all the tools that centralized banking does without the need for nefarious gate keepers too. Like decentralized liquidity pools and peer to peer transactions; self regulating and anti inflationary interoperability; no middlemen! Taxation could be eliminated completely!
😁 🇺🇲‼️🇺🇲‼️🇺🇲‼️
If you think that the intention of anyone feeding you these promises is interested in you having a "real digital wallet (not Apple's or Google's)" you are the one being hoodwinked, not me. I can assure you, if they get rid of taxation, it will become something else. Since when have those in power ever give up one little bit of it--not unless someone else comes in and throws them out and then takes over.
We are not entering a utopia here where the people are in charge. In fact, there has never been a time when so few had so much power. But hey, I'm just an old person and what do I know. Let the young follow the pied piper to the same destination.
I'm saying I hope Trump navigates this shrewdly, that's what I'm saying.
"But hey, I'm just an old person and what do I know. "
LOL, I'm with you, Sister!
But, I do know demons when I see them, and there are quite a few in the highest levels of both (or the many) sides. We're not in Kansas anymore, Dorothy Karen. There are no heroes there anymore.
Yep. I think we found that out a long time ago!
Okay, I figured that type of response but didn't want you to get all jacked up. Nobody is feeding me anything. I've done my due diligence. Maybe you haven't seen my Substack publication, it's not fully developed yet but if you read "about" in the pretext, Im pretty fluent in cryptocurrency and the digital ecosystem of web3 and blockchain technology. Yeah, the term "Utopia" isn't in my vocabulary. 😁
That's fine. I wish you well.
BTW, I'm in my 50's, so, I'm not sure what the issue is regarding my comment but my apologies for any misunderstandings. Just a little advice for those of us that are expecting that your ruling class technocrats will simply provide y'all with a iPhone App for the rest of the lazy world to follow. Is not going to happen...
... I suggest that you get re-educated.
Here's my contribution to your future:
You’re good!
I did not know about DOGE. For some reason I think of the Doge of Venice, Catholic dogma, and J.D. Vance. Maybe this is how they sell the VP on doge.
I’m glad I found you Karen. I voted for Harris and I’m devastated she lost. But Democrats must confront our issues.
1. Arrogance in our attempt to shield minorities through a woke “agenda”. It reached preposterous levels years ago and has cost us dearly.
2. A frightening marriage of the far-left to radical Islam. I’ve studied Islam carefully. I don’t like or trust it. And I’m increasingly suspicious of the “pro Palestinian” (pro Hamas) movement.
How many votes did American Muslims cost Democrats with their obnoxious and rabid protests? Those protests started before the bodies of dead Jews on 10/7/2023 were cold. It was sickening. Or the Uncommitted Movement in Michigan, a swing state.
3. Pronouns, gender identity, and over educated Democratic (big D) snobs.
4. Biden and his inner circle were not honest about his mental decline. He’s old!
Biden should not have run a second term.
But I’m still a proud liberal Democrat. But I’m facing up to our tragic errors.
You're good! Too.
THIS'd break my heart:
"Your grandchildren will never know what it means to hold a dollar bill in their hands. They will never know the pride of earning that dollar by washing a car or selling some homemade lemonade. They will never know the pleasure of spending that dollar on a Saturday matinee, or a favorite novel, or a big scoop of ice cream."
Nooooooo! In fact, I want 'em ta change BACK the coinage an' the old bills (all that gorgeous engravin' on coins & paper money an' no "bobbleheads" like they are now...all the fine detail BRING IT back!) Let's also make copper pennies COPPER (double advantage is if swallered they won't kill ya!--an' that'd apply ta me too--did that at the age of 3 but thankfully...copper! an' it PASSED lol). Let's put back the SILVER too! Coin's had worth!
I'd like ta see bitcoin bite the dust! Kids losin' a tooth gettin' their quarters (cain't put a bitcoin in that toothfairy pillow)...
As fer Musk--don't trust 'im an' I'm not SURE 'bout keepin' 'em (enemies) close ta yer pocket... he was a satanic ritually abused kid an' his ma's a witch--he's funny but I think "roundin' up the conservatives on X" is a ruse... (f)Elon musk & his driverless hellscape sound kinda horrific an' DJT in the name'a "good bizness" may fall fer that...
BUT WORSE! He hired Suzie Wiles (oh them wiles!) a BIG PHARMA lobbyist--her company "Mercury" (shiny poison indeed!) represents Pfizer, Gilad, the UN an' so many more--in fact I FEAR she's convince the Donald ta drop Bobby Jr an' 'stead 'a MAHA it'll be MADA (Make Americans DEAD Again!)... imho she's poison which means Trumps puttin' wolves at his table... gaw! (I don't think it's ta keep 'em in his pocket either)... his-story repeatin' itself? an' this is just the start....
so many good idears (concerns) re (f)Elon... who is a weasel an' wore a halloween costume w/Baphomet on it.....eek!
ps Glad 'e won but did WE?
I, too, am shocked that the whole DOGE thing isn't being talked about more. Especially since the price jumped as soon as Trump "officially" announced the DOGE-and therefore so did Elon's net worth. There is zero chance to Elon isn't the one who invented that name, for that very reason.
And the glaring conflicts of interest of him being given authority to cut (or increase) agency budgets or entire agencies when his companies have numerous contacts with said agencies, would like more, AND are also under regulation and investigation by others, is not being talked about enough. Particularly the ongoing investigation by the NHTSA into fatalities and accidents caused by Tesla's self-driving car technology, which is already being safety-tested on all of us without our consent. I'm honestly terrified of what he might do if he has no regulations standing in his way. Because ours isn't the only government he is worming his way into. And anybody who thinks he cares one wit about humanity need only remember he's actively working on a bailout plan to the moon or Mars-but only for him, his many children and their mothers, and a select few other very wealthy folks.
Pro bitcoin here. It’s not the same as a central bank digital currency because it is not able to be controlled by a central bank. I believe it is our best chance for freedom as it can finally uncouple the state from money printing. I also think it is probably inevitable at this point given how all fiat currencies are doing right now. Look into the arguments for bitcoin and ignore other cryptocurrencies. Just reading the bitcoin white paper is a good start, you can pretty easily see what satoshi nakamoto was up to with it. I think it is still relatively early and you can buy very small amounts. Don’t keep it on an exchange, you must keep your own keys.
Yes, I've done extensive research on the topic. If you really think the new elites have your best interests at heart and want to give back one ounce of the control they have to you, you are naive. Rather, they seek more control.
Erez Lieberman Aiden, a geneticist and computer scientist, calls this “decentralization theater.” Cryptocurrencies create an illusion:
“Now we’re in utopia. Everything’s decentralized. Everybody’s equal. There’s this notion of democracy without annoyance.” But, he said, these systems end up "hiding a new elite, which is probably just an old elite in a new arena."
People always come back at me with "there's a big difference between bitcoin and CBDCs." Sure, but somehow that difference will melt away. We are well into the era of illusion as we step further and further away from reality and into virtual worlds.
THE END OF MONEY. 98% of the world’s central banks are deploying or about to deploy CBDCs. https://khmezek.substack.com/p/the-end-of-money-98-of-the-worlds