I understand the concerns but there's one thing that I've learned having spoken to a friend that's a neuroscientist.

They can't read your thoughts or see what you see.

Why not?

Well, if you and I looked at the same simple thing, we process the information differently in how our brains code information.

Our brains develop differently due to our experiences and so on, no 2 people have the same way of coding, not even identical twins.

It's much like how encryption depends on a key, except your key is you.

So she basically told me that's why they're hyping it up.... And you would think that if they could read thoughts, they would be using this for dream therapy or unlocking memories?

It's the new age of vaporware peddled by tech bros who know nothing about the progress of the tech.

That's why Elon musk's neuralink failed animal trials and they still got a human trial lol... Sheesh, sounds like mRNA 😆

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They'll keep trying. The thing is, they are invading our brains, there is no doubt about it.

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That is a key question of course: just how much can they do, both now and in the not too distant future? Is all the toxic junk that is landing in people's bloodstreams (see the extensive article series in Dr. Anna Mihalcea's Substack for lots of detail about it) - the long fibers and hydrogel and quantum dots - enabling them to do what you say they cannot do?

At the very least, it would appear that they can, if they can get the technology in you (preferably voluntarily, but of course they are seeking to make everything mandatory), see how you respond biometrically to various stimuli, at least the ones that the Great Machine is aware of. And from there, not only can they, in the various ways cited in this excellent article, say "Access Denied" (which always brings to mind the end of the movie "The Lawnmower Man"), but it would appear that you become more vulnerable to attack by energy weapons. This is an assumption I'm making from the work of Dr. Anna, Clifford Carnicom and others showing that the toxic junk in the bloodstream grows when getting EMF stimulation, such as from a cellphone.

The deaths of about 150 Korean youth simultaneously from heart failure seems highly likely to be from an energy weapon attack - what else could it be? How much do the injections have to do with susceptibility to this? Of course there are plenty of videos showing people dying "rigidly", or "planking" as Dr. Rima Laibow calls it. She has a video on Rumble where she gives her analysis of the phenomenon.

This raises the issue of what happened to the twin towers on 9/11. Dr. Judy Wood's superb textbook "Where did the towers go" concludes, by carefully examining all the evidence, that what happened is not possible not only with the official explanation but with conventional explosives as well. She concludes it must be a Tesla type of molecular disassociation that was applied but doesn't name the technology (not knowing specifically what it was). Elana Freeland wrote a superb trilogy on Geoengineering and related issues, and the 2nd book in the series, "Under an ionized sky" the first 8 pages describe what her research has led her to conclude about what the technology was that caused the towers to collapse.

In any event, whatever they can do, and are implementing as we speak, is way too much.

Thanks Karen for another great article.

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It was nanothermite, right? That which turns everything to dust? Recalling Judy Wood’s documentary….

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Dr. Wood was arguing against any conventional explosive including nanothermite being the primary cause of the towers coming down in the manner that they did.

She calls what happened to them "dustification", as you allude to, which is not something that conventional explosives can do in the manner in which it happened there. One thing she does is compare it with the implosion of the Seattle baseball stadium, a controlled demolition.

Some other 9/11 truthers, such as James Fetzer, feel that mininukes or other explosives such as nanothermite are possible culprits.

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Snake Oil sold by snake-oil salesman, who knew?

There is BIG money to be made, but not real money, just Faux print to infinity FED-RES fiat, and the door is about to be shut. Once people go back to barter, or even more important the power goes out, the meta-verse people will all be tossed into the meat-verse

Unprepared for reality;

Until the power goes out, the flim-flam con men will do what they do, and the MSM will report; Recall all that big-pharma owns 90% of MSM advertising and all of social-net advert, so our Zucky-Musky twins have an owner, and they have to cater to its demands.

Once most humans are dead, of what is big-pharma? The entire system has no future.

Big OIL, became big oil-based medicine, and now its become BIG virtual universe, where if your not connected you have to live in the meat-verse; It's a good story, but how are they going to IV those feeding tubes???

In reality far more people are just taking tranq or fentanyl and creating their own meta-verse on our city sidewalks.

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People who bought into Musk being a savior were fools. I recently got tossed for what I said about Hotez being a mass murderer. No regrets. As they said in the anti drug commercials, "Just say NO"

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A post of mine was “limited”. I had said that coonhounds hunt. 😄 I thought either those kids sitting in Twitter office don’t know that it is a breed of hunting dog, or their algorithms are a little over-sensitive. 😁 The message said no one is allowed to see my post as it is violent. 😆

However, all sorts of Liberal posts can slice + dice POTUS Trump with all sorts of bad, violent words, but don’t ever post about hunting dogs. BTW, you’re correct about Hotez. I was tossed during the great purge by Jack’s crew a couple of years ago for posting an article from Children’s Health Defense (RFKjr’s foundation) about a 10-yr-old who died after receiving the vax. Yes, our 1st Amendment is at risk.

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Two points….I recall seeing a video/post on Twitter maybe 3 years ago showing Chinese children fitted with headgear, in school, that would read their mind. It had a way of knowing whether they were doing their school work correctly. Had to do with social credit score. It’s a vague memory.

The other point….there was a meme talking about “I don’t care if they’re watching me, I have nothing to hide.” It progressed in pictures where the person was losing everything in his life, little by little, all the while saying he had nothing to hide, as he was being tracked. He ended up on a park bench, and still said he had nothing to hide. Freedom lost.

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Interesting since I quote The Bloodsuckers here and I wrote about those Chinese kids in that essay. https://khmezek.substack.com/p/the-bloodsuckers:

What are some ways our children are being programmed? Let’s look at China because it all starts there and spreads like a plague much worse than any COVID virus. The virus is a distraction keeping us from what is really going on.

Schools in Guizhou province and the Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region are using "smart uniforms" embedded with GPS trackers to make sure students do not skip class, and to assure parents of their children's attendance and safety, China Daily reported.

Focus headbands, made by BrainCo in Massachusetts, were used in a trial with 10,000 schoolchildren aged between 10 and 17 in China. Over 21 days, students wore the headsets during class and teachers could monitor their average attention levels using an app.

Each student’s level of concentration and information is measured and sent to teachers and parents. Students are even monitored for how often they yawn or check their phones during class. Besides their teachers ranking them, parents can do so, too. Imagine having your behavior monitored every second of every day and being punished or rewarded for every single action, even your thoughts.

Children expressed how they felt while wearing the headband. It was tight, it caused headaches, they felt as if they were being controlled. The level of stress that children have to adjust to with this type of monitoring cannot be good for their health.

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Ah yes, this is it. I must have been remembering from reading your essay, as well. Of course, it was just a short post on social back then….when all the info on social credit system was coming out. I liked that post from your reader this evening saying that it would be impossible to read our thoughts. Hoping that is the case, but yes, the Chinese can master everything….along with some of U.S. scholars.

Thank you for clarifying this unsettling subject. So very cruel to the kids.

I appreciate you time immensely. (You must be a really fast typer!) 😁

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The question you asked “who created the machine?” Is very important. Who do you think I’d behind it all? Satan for sure but is it a specific group? The global banking cartel?

I’m ready to move back to Siberia. Russia is a far better place than the woke transgender world we live in now. Escape from the matrix

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Did you really used to live in Siberia. How interesting. I would love to hear more. I don't know who is behind it all, quite honestly, besides Satan as you say. But I should probably write about that at some point.

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Yes I lived and worked there for 6 years in a small town called Talinka. It’s 3 hours or so west of Moscow flying to Khanty-Mansiysk, then a 2 hour drive into the tundra. Lots of snow and cold temperatures down to -50 once. Very wild with bears and moose. I really enjoyed it. The people are honest, educated and hardworking.

I also worked north of the attic circle for a couple years, north of Usinsk. Would see the Samik natives each spring and fall to the coast in the spring and return in the fall.

I broke my neck just before the Covid hoax began and haven’t regained mobility enough to go work there. I work in the oilfield drilling wells.

Anyway I felt much freer in Russia than the west

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Amazing. Sorry for your injury. Your story is beautiful. Sounds like a movie.

I like Putin because he is a Nationalist. He wants to keep NATO away from his borders, and he told the Globalists to pound sand when they approached him to join their sick group. He and Trump were a formidable team against the Globalists. All was quiet on the “Eastern front” at that time.

Thank you for the interesting report, and your hard work in the oil fields. We can’t do without it. 👍

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Yes, the global banking cartel is behind it, along with their minions the World Economic Forum and World Health Organization. The Rothschilds + Rockefellers banking cartel have been planning a take over since the late 1800s. Throw in the big corporations Blackrock, Vanguard + Statestreet, the Vatican, Big Pharma, Big Tech, the U.S. Deep State + the U.S. Military Industrial Complex as the tools, and you have it all.

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Yes but I feel there is more to it than that.

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You are probably right….I just can’t think of anyone else. 😄

If you mean an evil force, I whole heartedly agree.

I was thinking in the physical sense….those who can phone one another and make their dastardly plans to be rid of us plebians.

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You have it all except the satanic forces of the demon

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Yes, that is what’s behind those poor excuses for human beings…

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I have not finished reading all yet, and will do so, but I can’t help but think of the common man all around me in this farming community, who will not be accepting of this insanity planned by globalists.

Some know, some don’t, but they are just business as usual every day. I was thrilled to see that the Dutch farmers have won. The gov’t. collapsed. Good wins over evil. If they come for our farms, I hope Americans will be as stalwart as the Dutch.

Regarding Star Trek, and also 1984, I really do think the globalists learned their game plan from exactly those examples of art + entertainment. Life imitates art? Thank you, again.

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It is the ordinary folk who keep holding their common sense who will win in the end. Like Puddleglum in The Silver Chair, by CS Lewis. I've written about him in an older essay that I'm about to share again.

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I love CS Lewis's quote about how the robber barons are much preferable to those who claim moral authority over us: the robber barons might lose interest once they get their loot, or take their eye off the ball.

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What an excellent, thought-provoking article. I really appreciate you taking the time to pull all these references together and explaining these concepts the way you see it.

My family never got on Facebook (just didn’t see the need) nor do we let our kids have phones until they are 18. But the technology is so pervasive.

I am a Christian and we have studied end time scriptures for over 20 years and agree you are spot on with the Revelation reference. It’s chilling to see it be rolled out so matter-of-factly.

But what is more freaky to me is how fictional books, stories, games, movies,etc all have been dipping their toes into these ideas for years! Assuming that at least some of these authors/entertainers are in cahoots with those pulling off the plan, it’s an odd move to expose the plan ahead of time through entertainment. Wouldn’t you expect those kinds of things to alert people? Seems like a dicey move, but clearly it wasn’t a problem!

“Star Trek” was extremely popular when I was growing up and was exposing people to the beginning steps of these concepts during prime time. I guess they knew it wasn’t a “bold” move, it was good marketing.

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Wonderful that you were able to protect your children. It is getting harder and harder to keep the technology away from kids. It seems crazy doesn't it, that they would telegraph so clearly what they are doing. But I always remember the Bible verse about God sending them a strong delusion so they will believe a lie. It's a lie they want to believe anyway, so he's giving them the desire of their hearts. Also, as I point out, it seems that hearing about these things over and over desensitizes people to them and makes them more inclined to accept the insanity. Thanks for reading and God bless.

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Hi Karen, Thank you again for your tremendous work. Please explain…”God sending them a strong delusion so they will believe a lie.” Who is ‘them/they’?

Yes, all of society has become desensitized. When we sat as little kids watching Westerns, with all the shooting + killing, and movies….that was the start of our hypnosis.

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King James Version, I Thessalonians 2:


And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie.

You can read the entire chapter. It's about those who refused to believe the truth. It always seemed harsh to me when I was a child and heard about it. But now it makes sense. God gives unbelievers what they want. Even when the truth is in front of their faces, they hate the truth, especially those who would be the gods of this earth. It seems insane (and it is) but they actually believe they can cheat death.

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Thank you for the explanation. Just tonight on Newsmax, Eric Bolling interviewed Charlie Kirk, who said evil hates truth. They were exposing “the evil agenda”. Just as you said, he said they think they are gods and it’s “my will be done, not Thy Will be done.” It was a good interview (July 11th), with many of the same points you made in your reply. Charlie’s main point - that S will lose, and be thrown in the lake of fire.

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Funny, I just ran into Charlie Kirk at Whole Foods in Phoenix. He was buying a lot of baby food for his baby 💞

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Oh cool. What a nice thing to happen. He seems to be a very decent guy. Thank you for telling me. Maybe if you find the time, you could catch that interview. I didn’t do it justice.

Eric is Catholic, as I am, and he mentioned the concern he has about this current Pope, as I do. Only his reason was different from mine. For the first time in my life, we’re learning about a false pope and the curious activities in the Vatican. Which leads me to look up to only God our Creator, our Savior Jesus the Christ and the Holy Spirit….not to man.

Keep cool in Phoenix, Karen. 😄 (We have family in Scottsdale). Enjoy!

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The world would be a far better place without social media.

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On one hand, I agree….and on the other hand, I feel we would not be as informed.

IMO, the world would be a far better place without Globalists planning to take over and rule the world. If life was normal without their nefarious agenda.

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Access to information was the promise of the internet. Addiction to social media is the reality.

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40 years ago on unix we had usenet, its exactly what we have today, all that 1995 brought was GUI, the video&photos but the text is exactly the same, and for AI, we had Eliza a psychiatrist AI bot came on every linux system, and it was far better that the shat open-ai chatGPT crap today, almost 50 years ago I say.

Any ways we had usenet, on unix it had subgroups, news, politics, gay, albino, a place for everybody; Was it addictive? No

I think that the addiction is the type of people and of course, before only from 1960's did engineers have access to linux & mini-computers, this given shit to infants is insane, they never correctly develop, its almost like a meta-verse without the goggles, most people around me NEVER LOOKUP from their mobile phones, and they start as 2+ years of age, and never put them down

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The scariest essay I’ve ever read. I use a browser not google, gmail, whatsapp and Substack. No other social media but I’m still controlled so to speak. My cell phone tracks everywhere I go even if I turn off all tracking I am allowed to.

I moved to rural Chile where every Sunday I go to the Féria (market). Everything is much cheaper for on thing the government doesn’t get their 20% on every transaction. But last week I saw for the first time a seller with a portable debit card machine. When paper money is gone we will all be imprisoned. My life isn’t important because I’m old and close to death but I cry for my children who will be put in a matrix.

God help us all. Prayer works

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What a great article again! So much to think about and consider. I shall certainly sing your praises and share. People must break free!

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Thank you Karen - powerful & informative article. Someone once said - "technology will rob us of our Humanity". I got off 'fakebook' 3+ years ago. I'm grateful for Substack as it works for me, I don't use any others due to the censoring of those I follow. I do subscribe to individual doctors/scientist/independent journalist etc. sites thru email. May our Lord continue to bless you with the gift of the written word ...

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Wow! This is beyond nightmarish.

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It's all easy just don't play, don't have an account on Meta-FB, Google, twitter, or X.ai

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Degenerate uman animals are FUN to observe!

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Against thanks Karen to arise this so crucial topic of the "Vast Machine" (beautiful image), always there growing, devoring data and data about humans and nature, learning how to pathetically imitate and dominate both, and what it means in terms of freedom, independency, self determination, preservation of the intrinsical mystery of life itself and the perverse dream of controlling all.

It seems like the Machine IS the perfect technocrat itself, not only a "tool" for them who preach for the nightmare to became vast and total. This horizont of a deadly dystopia seems to be for me, more and more clear, it is the algorythmical conclusion of a monster who has not soul at all, and without the boundaries of ethical considerations or moral basic rules, not to speak about the perception of the universe with an empathetic and compassive selfintegration, be part of a magical living whole.

Not. This dystopian elucubration is so esteril and uninspirative as a nuke, as the phylanthropats eyes, as the traitors of humanity in their clothes of leaders and freedom defenders full of themselves in the halls of power, poor things.

We must stop to feed the unleashed machine and its puppets. We have the right and the power to do so. We, the people.

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As usual, fantastic essay. I have all but abandoned Twitter and Facebook. As a note, perhaps the net has temporarily derailed the reincarnated Illuminati's plans of implementing the New World ODOR. On the other hand, "the machine" is always one step ahead of cogent folk. If we abandon social media altogether (including Substack), what method(s) do you think we should utilize to spread he truth?

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