Just so you know, in Islam, Muslim men can only have 4 wives, and he has to treat them equally. I don't understand where you got that idea from. Also, marriage is a way of completing half your deen.

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So what if it's "only" four. It's still vile.

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He would take care of all of them. And most of the time, the women love each other like sisters

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Also, in ancient times this practice was meant to protect women. If a man's brother died, for example, he would marry his wife to protect her and the children. Now, it is used to justify exploiting women, or when a man gets tired of one wife, he can marry another. But only rich men can afford to marry more than one Muslim wife and few do because they are obligated to take care of them. So, they marry foreign women who have their own money and end up supporting the men

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What idea are you talking about? I know very well that Muslim men can have four wives and must treat them equally--an impossibility. Many poorer Muslim men use that as an excuse to marry foreign women who then support them, also haram is Islam. They also believe they can have sex with foreign women because those women are infidels and lower creatures. I know what I'm talking about because I lived in Luxor for 3 years, part of it during the 'pandemic' and started the first and only boxing club for girls there. I helped a foreign woman escape the country. You can read about it in Egyptian Streets. No western publication would publish the truth about what goes on in Egypt, but one of the biggest liberal Egyptian publications did. https://egyptianstreets.com/2022/05/20/tales-of-eclipse-the-lost-foreign-women-of-luxor/

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Your idea of what is a man. We all know what it is. Its a gender. Personally, i think you are indicating the man you would like to be with. Keep in mind that not all men are the same.

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Jul 23, 2023·edited Jul 23, 2023Author

In case anyone has any doubts, here is Tristan Tate explaining how money from s*x work/OnlyFans accounts goes directly to him (illegal), he “takes full control over their accounts” this stops girls from “run[ning] away” and he “likes to keep the girls’ passwords” because if you don’t “a chance they will run away,”. I just added this to my essay.


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Jul 23, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Jason Aldean is a man.

Andrew Tate is a misogynist.


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Jul 23, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

"Just like on the prison yard, you must identify with one gang or another."

You do a great deconstructive analysis here, Karen, this is a very good essay!

By the way, on that photo you do look like a lioness! As you're getting older, your Voice is definitely matching up with that look

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Haha, thank you!

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Jul 23, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

First time I ever watched him being interviewed I was repulsed. Knew nothing about him. Now I understand what I was discerning. He's vile. He got some things right but clearly his "advice" is a huge part of society's problem. Glad he's incarcerated. He needs to stay there.

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Jul 22, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Romania is an USofT puppet state... using its sub-system "justice" to go after someone the jesters and their handlers don't like is just as easy as accusing Julian Assange of rape just to put him in prison!

With this I'm not saying that the dude in innocent... The simple fact is that any uman animal that declares to be a "real man" but is at the same time engaged in religion (no matter the one)... Is just a good charlatan.

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Jul 22, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

I'll be your huckleberry...lol..


The problem with Journalism is the same for people, their Historian's:

“The Laws of a country are necessarily connected with everything belonging to the people of it - so that a thorough knowledge of them, and of their progress, would inform us of everything that was most useful to be known about them - and one of the greatest imperfections of historians in general, is owing to their ignorance of law.” Priestley’s Lect. On Hist. Vol. 1. Page 149.

But because people allow their honest and honorable citizens to be arrested for peaceful assemblies' to express their horror of mandates or child mutilations, and a long train of abuse they of a Right ought to abolish, remember:

In 1966, after a botched circumcision, Dr. John Money, at Johns Hopkins University, convinced David Reimer’s parents that he should be raised as a girl ... and the child sex change industry was launched by a man who forced 6-year-olds to perform sex acts upon one another as he took photos. Money is the one who said “gender” is a social construct unrelated to biological “sex,” thus forming the basis of modern gender ideology. Fast-forward a few decades, and congressional supporters of LGBTQ sexual deviancy propaganda are trying to codify Money’s sick work into law, endorsing child sex mutilation surgeries and promoting pedophilia to a protected class of “normal.

And remember, in 1960, the U.N. General Assembly, Fifteenth Session (official Records), declared War of White People. Read their 864th Plenary Meeting (opening meeting), Tuesday, 20 September 1960 to affirm what is stated.

From there, read "WORKFORCE AMERICA" (1991 - given to me byt eh author when attending their "Multicultural Diversity Conference that was required by Gov. Finney of KS for all law enforcement) openly declaring by the year 2010, white men will account for less than 40 percent of the total American workforce....and women and people of color will fill 75 percent of the 24 million 'new' jobs created in the United States!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My response was met by the governor, your fired...lol

How is this being accomplished, elsewhere, consider:

Your politicians made it so in "Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986," Here in Whitman County WA they are advertising hiring Superior "Clerk of Court" advertising hiring....lol only United States citizens AND aliens, authorized to work in the United States. Imagine, your own Courts being MANNED by foreigners and neither the police, judges nor your politicians are telling you their doing this to your agency government of, by and for the American people, on your dime!!!!!!

Your Americans are being replaced by communist and foreigners who don't give a damn about America, only power!!!!

Please forgive any syntax or grammatical errors.

Be wise, safe and blessed,


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Tate is a caricature (a gross one too!) -- I wunder if EVEN his "follwerz" take 'im seriously? He's like Reggie from The Archies but less classy--vain, full've himself--we always wanted to see whut stoopid thang he'd do next, but the one we liked was Archie Andrews! Nice boy next door. A little nerdy, humble, messed up lots.

Tucker is far more like Archie! He's the nice boy next door (fergit he's the Swanson Turkey Dinner heir). Well mannered, polite, quirky-goofy. Not too bad lookin' (tho' I'd pick Sean Connery 'r Paul Newman types first, ha!). Tucker may have been led down a regrettable Primrose Lane ta invite cartoon-man Tate, but Tucker is imo a modern-day Archie but smarter--an' a FAR better example of what many've us think of as a man! So... he's smart but admits he's dyslexic AND once tested as havin' an IQ of just 80! (I don't think much've them tests either!) He's purdy humble, sounds like a great dad (he loves being a father--jus' wuz talkin' bout how he'd settle fights 'tween his sons and said he'd settle the Ukraine-Russia debate the same way, NOT but lettin' 'em fight! good on him!), he's funny an' laughs like a school girl that swallered a helium balloon--so odd it's endearin'. He often gushes about his wife an' how when he's not on teevee (twitter) he becomes a luddite an' does fishin' n' stuff, kicks back with his fambly.

So WHAT is a MAN? It's the boy next door! (Jimmy Stewart-type too!)

My daughters still tease me 'bout likin' David Cassidy--goofy, handsome, nice hair, mellow --not macho, sensitive, not too tall fer us shorties, played guitar, an' sang like the dickens!

I agree about the polar bi-furk-catin' an' forcin' people ta take sides 'gainst each other... Not sure how many see inta that fish bowl tho--Tate is piranha, holdin' his own with the sharks. I'll hang with the goldfish! (Aldean seems like a decent kinda feller... an' this city gal now outta the city fer the first time'll opt fer small town sanity over what's goin' down in metropolitan mayhem...) All ya say is so true!

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Jul 22, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

It's a good one, KH eventho I'm not real fond of any of the men you discuss.

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Always in the point Karen. Just ist the time to be ourselfs, our own masters, to take responsability for what we think/act/are. Is risky, as life itself. But it is the only worthfully path. Don´t following all these mediatic interferences of our own processes, the "ideals" their represent: staying on earth.

Good alert about the tucker carlsons false idols: it is a trap. On the earth, with ourselfs and our people, with nature.

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Jul 22, 2023·edited Jul 22, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

When a void is created (real or manufactured) - no matter the method or subject - the radicals and opportunists will always flood in, to fill it.

Your post points to deeper issues, that we (the masses) never seem to understand or learn from (history is replete with these type of manipulative, opportunistic "leaders").

We fail to recognize the intentional undermining of societal norms/morals and the gateways it opens, for these hucksters and influencers (on all subjects and matters). Twitter is chock full of these influential nuts.

You only need look at the numbers following them, to understand what the hucksters do..."the masses are searching for direction and are wantonly manipulated and/or led...anywhere."

Unfortunately, the societal destroyers, won't easily be put back in their bottles, if at all. Especially as the newer generations (who've been steeped in the cesspool of perversion and hedonism - thanks hollyweird and social media) rise to form the future societies - that embody and perpetuate the debased new norms.

Yes there are many who are teaching their children something different and good for them, but as it has been throughout history, they are but buckets of sand, on the beaches of the world.

The fall of the traditional family and the associated values/morals didn't just happen spontaneously or overnight - it was a committed, intentional, methodic, strategic and successful assault...that few recognized or admitted.

We are now paying the price and Andrew Tate, is just the latest - in a long line - to embody the disfunction, destruction and after effects, of the radical's attack and then their filling of the resultant voids.

All that to say, in the absence of a healthy, strong and moral example of what a man is - the popular (read regime created) example will be adopted, idolized and emulated - by the majority of males, especially the young ones.

Over time, attrition will deplete the supply of the good examples and as we've seen, the void will be quickly filled with the bad examples.

Great thought provoking post!

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So well said. Thank you!

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Jul 22, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

I have been enjoying Andrew Tate interviews ever since I heard him break down the Scamdemic PsyOp so succinctly and eloquently. (I think it was only last winter when I first started listening to him). Knowing that he has a huge audience to influence and feeling grateful for anyone who helped people see through the Covid lies made him a compelling character to watch. I also appreciated a lot of what he said about the deliberate emasculation of men by the so-called elites. As a person who used to identify as a feminist (and who, in the last couple of years, questions whether she’s been PsyOp’d about that too), he’s been a riveting, not to mention entertaining -- super articulate! very funny! -- to listen to. But there has been a cognitive dissonance I experienced about his self-proclaimed “huge respect for women” vs his actual womanizing behaviour... and you have broken that all down so nicely.

His interview with TC was compelling, lots of fun banter. I noticed also how small Tucker appeared compared to larger-than-life Andrew and wondered why they chose that framing.

It’s so clear that the predator class is trying to turn us all into extremists.

Anyway those are just three points amongst many... you have given me much food for thought with this essay, thank you. 🙏🏽

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Well said. He is compelling. Just enough truth to pull people in.

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Jul 22, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek


Coincidentally (or perhaps not, since Big Brother is always watching), something just came up on a social media feed about him and now I feel I need to write about him (or rather people’s relationship with this type of charismatic character) too. I’ll definitely be including your excellent analysis.

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Jul 22, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

I have only seen Tate a couple times on social media and rejected his bull shit immediately. Now hearing he has become a Muslim is even worse BS. Islam is against drinking alcohol and even in countries like Iran multiple wives is uncommon and frowned upon. I agree men in Islamic states treat women worse than they treat their donkey. Anyway enough of the hustler Tate.

My biggest disappointment is the fact Tucker Carlson interviewed him and he just bobbed his head listening to two hours of vile garbage. This changes my opinion of him 100% to the worse. In fact I now have no respect for Tucker.

Unfortunately everything is a show and the banking cartel behind this illusion of government want a division of the people so we don’t possibly get a scent of their manipulation and bite their head off. People thought Trump was the answer and in some ways his policy was good but in the end he was the one that brought operation warp speed which if the country wasn’t dead before it was dead afterwards

I’ve always wondered what Jesus meant when he stated to give the coin of Caesar to the oppressor. WhatI feel he was meaning was material goods are not even but coins to the spiritual world and meaningless in the eyes of God.

Thanks for the article and information about tucker and tate. My news comes from Substack and I have tired l of msm and even much of the alternative media.

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And ditto on your take on alternative media. Substack is the last bastion of free speech as far as I'm concerned.

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I feel the same. Have become addicted to this platform and all the many good writers.

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That was my biggest disappointment, too. Tucker Carlson was exposed as a tool of the state to be manipulated just.like everyone else.

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Jul 22, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

At first, this comment will seem like a non sequitur. Bear with me.

I just took a look at “‘Government’- The Biggest Scam in History” and saw that though the author, Etienne de la Boetie, definitely sees many things happening in “The Matrix” for what they really are, some of the solutions are nonsense. I only took a brief look, skimming some excellent visuals and reading sidebars and captions (many of the pages are filled this way - very appealing actually) but saw anarchy at least as a suggestion. I hope I’m not misrepresenting this book, but I can’t deny that at least the implication was there. Again, worth a look for the excellent infographs and exposure of the government’s underbelly.

This brings me to your observations about the beliefs/statements of Andrew Tate.

I agree with you that though he has some understanding of “the matrix”, he is a liar. and certainly doesn’t practice what he preaches. He does appear to be a con man, as another commentor said, and lives his life like a user, misogynist, and narcissist. Not a man who understands what a woman or man is.

So the similarities for me comes down to this: Both sources draw wrong conclusions, because neither of them are biblically informed.

Romans 13 is a good place to start when understanding that God has called us to obey those in authority over us in govt, and pay taxes. Unless they stand in direct opposition to an ordinance of God (and we are agreed that governments DO stand against God’s word in many ways, and we must fight those things!), we are to follow. But paying taxes to an ungodly system and obeying “unfair” rules that only benefit SOME of the people is what we are told to do. (Fairness doesn’t hold water in the Bible. Jesus was innocent, but was crucified for our sins as the perfect plan of God.)

In the same way, Andrew Tate’s idea of what a man is, his idea of what women are, and his idea of himself, all fall miserably short, because none of it is Biblically-based/spiritually appraised. The Bible is the only place to find The Truth, and to find out who we really were made to be.

It stands to reason that the only way you’ll find out the truth about a creation is to ask its Creator.

Don’t look to any man to tell us how to view anything, unless he’s “pointing at scripture”.

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Scripture alone?

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Hey Grant! No, that’s why I put it in quotes. To say all that I would mean would take a minute, so I boiled it down to a you-know-what-I-mean phrase.

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Sorry!! Greg!!

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Lol, I knew who you meant. Cheers.

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Jul 22, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Tate is a pig, a pimp and a misogynist. Tucker has shown his true colours in simping for Tate. Muslims worship the true God but in a perverted and heretical manner.

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Jul 22, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

"The plan is to turn us all into extremists. There can be no middle ground."

And why is this the case? I'll answer that, because once civil society has completely broken down the worn down plebs will consent to overt brutal totalitarianism.😵‍💫

The tension was exacerbated during the scamdemic, but public outrage was beginning to really heighten during the 2016 elections. Another legacy of Mr. Hope and Change.

Mass disappointment simmered over Obama's eight years as increasingly more voters knew they were conned.

And that's why so many despised Hillary, and were drawn to Coward Bernie, but ultimately voted for the Orangeman.🥺

To put it simply, it's a crisis of the security state's making.🤨

A corrupt political duopoly can only breed rage and discontent, especially if this cabal represents the interests of international financiers, better described as a gangster cartel who has no loyalty towards any one country but operates within global organizations assigned to implement a technocratic apparatus that'll stranglehold humanity.🙀

These are your "global citizens," the smiley faced ones promoting

phony-baloney multipolarism, but are obsessed with obliterating the last vestiges of liberal democracies including what's left of the constitution in order to replace it with a technocratic totalitarian biosecurity surveillance state.🙈

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Great analysis! Concur.

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