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Goodness golly--I surely DO hope DJT wins--but frankly any thoughts 'bout this (s)election give me large amounts of agita--I'm worried that even if he gits (warts an' all) in they'll do somethin' ta take 'im out--a "real" insurrection with mercenaries from Ukraine? (or MyGrunts?) sleeper cells activated? I dunno... seems they are so brazen now they'll do what they feel like... I fear too that his "base" doesn't want any support of Israel whatever--they've been "convinced"--they're goin' after Bobby Jr too fer the same thing... there are folks sayin' that (in fact) they would never vote FOR The Donald b/c of that... So three cheers fer Sharia law, what? Maral Salmassi's words hit hard in the solar-plexus but they are wise, true, an' take no prisoners! (so glad ya like her too!) Most folks'll never hear this kinda vital warnin'--they should!

As I wrote not all that long ago--however folks feel 'bout Israel--If Israel Falls We're Next!


Grateful fer yer sanity atta time when folks have flipped their lids!

(ps that Harris speech sure got my knickers in a knot... she is SO hard ta watch--all her lies gimme a big ol' cramp! all I see she's got ta offer is snide...)

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I could not take four years of her. Thanks for sharing your writing. I will check it out tomorrow.

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oh no indeed--I don't think the nation can take even a month of 'er--if we think it's bad now I cannot IMAGINE her in office (there's a viddeyo circulatin' that they say is her high on cocaine--not sure what it is she's on but she's gotta case of the cwazies!)... Guess her an' Hunter have lots in common?!

I think the piece I shared is one ya sawr but a revisit's always welcome! (shared it too fer readers that like ta see new links in the comments--I always appreciate additions like that myself!) I'm worried that this could happen...

Here's a share tho'--Konstantin (the nice Russian fella in UK ya've shared) interviewin' General Kemp--it's a good'un!


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I’m curious—why do you write like that, with deliberately misspelled and contracted words?

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Ah, here's my boilerplate as I'm asked ta soive it every so often! Don't mind yer askin' at'all:

1. writin' in the vernacular in the Joel Chandler Harris / Lil' Abner-Al Capp / Mark Twain tradition I admire* saves me from a lotta bullies, bots an' AI mayhem that jus' cain't troll me this'a way (an' I'm no fan'a bots, trolls, 'er bullies) AI just cain't figger me out!

*ye kin even add Steven Berkoff if ya like yer banter in cockney rhymin' slang

2. I'm an actor plyin' my trade anonymously via mah nom-de-plume cuz we "performers" who refused the jabs-bad-countermeasures & "mandates" became magically unemployed so I horizontally moved from stage to stack an' I frankly enjoy the "role" (now plyin' my trade in print) sans mandates an' still "in character"...

3. keepin' "in character" 'bout anythin' that so pleases me makes it less risky ta be frank, name names (I do!), an' pernt genu-ine fingers at the baddies while keepin' the target sign offa -- me an' my fambly...

Ya might know that many who write on the stack have been targeted in all sorts'a ways--lit'rally included--which ain't good, no how...

Hope that'll suffice as an answer...

ps not from the South myself but I'm'a HUGE fan've Southern writers, philosophers, moo-sicians, an' culcha' an' I got me fambly from Kentucky (one'a the smartest & wittiest fellers I ever met!) -- an' my nom-de-plume comes from a character I've portrayed an' whom I've admired mightily since "girlhood" ;-)

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