How many times have we seen/read the sentence "We must not let the Russians win"

First of all - what do these people mean when they say that? Will we nuke Moscow to "not let the Russians win"? Russia may or may not be a world power in "real politik" terms. But in historic and cultural terms it most definitely is one and, more importantly, SEES itself as one. What do you think a world power does when clueless morons like Biden or Johnson push its back against a wall? It just "lets us win"? By meddling in an inter-Slavic conflict we would have been well-advised to stay away from, we are inviting WW3 to our doorstep. Of course, in the meantime, the Saudis have a free reign over Yemen where tens of thousands of innocents are dying in bombing and shelling - but America prefers protecting Ukrainian "democracy" over Yemeni "democracy"

Lastly, as a former victim of a Soviet occupation and as a careful reader of history, I'd remind the inept and venal idiots in Washington that Russia almost NEVER loses a war. It cost 25 million Russian lives to send the Wehrmacht packing back to Berlin but they got it done. They got it done in Chechnya in a most brutal way - but they sure as hell did not give in to pressure and did what they felt was in their interest to do. They beat Hitler and Napoleon and they subdued revolutions in Poland, Hungary and Czechoslovakia. They will not run and hide from Volodymir Zelensky just because Uncle Joe laughingly says "We must not let the Russians win"

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Absolutely. We have no concept of suffering the way the Russians do. They endure to the end. We whine and complain. Such fools we have become.

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I love to remind people that it was actually Russia that won WW2, we just swooped in at the last minute and took the credit. Such an American thing to do!

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As always, very fine writing. One comment. You write "Most people are completely onboard, so sedated by technology and drugs that they cannot see beyond the diet of conflicting information and empty entertainment they are constantly being fed"

Of course, that is not an incorrect statement but I have now come to the firm conclusion (after suspecting it for almost 70 years) that "most people" are just stupid. Nothing more, nothing less. Stupid and lazy. Anyone with an IQ over 95 can inform himself/herself and anyone can read. My wife, who is by no means an intellectual and who has held down two jobs most of her working life to put food on the table, reads all the time. And I mean ALL THE TIME. She's way more read Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky than I have and she knows all the famous 18th and 19th century English writers well. That's just an aside. But you said it yourself: Europeans HAVE already experienced the kind of hell that may be in store for us in America - and yet look at them now. Too stupid to see where that vile Communist/Fascist Schwab and his cohorts are leading them (and us)

Have a wonderful Christmas and let's hope and pray that somewhere there lurks an intelligent leader who can help shepherd us out of this morass. Because obviously we're not capable of doing so ourselves

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Love you and your wonderful wife. God bless you and keep you safe and from going to crazy! It's hard not to go crazy these days. I'm near tears reading what you wrote. It's so sad and frustrating. And it makes me angry, too. But I try to breath and and let the emotions go...and write another essay!

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Amen !

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I've been telling people for some time we have a serious epidemic of stupid. But stupid is often defined as lacking intelligence or common sense. Intelligence probably can't be improved much, but common sense can. I predict many of the stupid will be redeemed, will be taught common sense. But what we view as common sense is mostly just judging whether a person acts like we would. Actually people act in ways that seem to support their best interests, regardless of how others see it. It's a question of teaching these people what they're doing, or supporting, is not in their best interests. They don't want to hear it. We have to make them listen. We're dealing with a cult, and cults can't be broken by polite discussion. They only respond to stern interventions. I'm not sure they're worth the effort. But if you care about any of them, we should get to work.

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A powerful condemnation of our absurd politicians and the tyrants they support and a moving tribute to their victims in whatever historical time period they may live. Thank you!.

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God bless you.

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Dear God Karen ! Very hard to watch what is happening to our world ! It is a nightmare!! Thank you for your real reporting ! God Bless you !🙏

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God bless you.

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I am Jewish. As you did, I walked the death camp sickened. I read Anne Frank's Diary as a young child. Relatives and close adult friends shared their horror stories--reluctantly. I read all I could, saw...until I couldn't bear to anymore as the pictures and words swirled in my head never leaving.

Congress is abhorrent. Ukraine, Zelinsky, Congress, puppet Biden, the cia, fbi, et al are so corrupt it's sickening. To see them fawn over the little coward who since being installed in 2014 by Barry's cia, has terrorized, murdered, tortured the civilians in the Donbass region who spoke Russian, who merely wanted to live their lives.

Ukraine has outlawed all opposition parties, newspapers, news or radio stations that don't spread the lies, have bombed the hell out of Donetsk, Donbass for going on 9 years, the worst this past year. All in civilian areas, all to fill their bloodthirsty, psychopath wet dreams as Congress' little, small minded idiots stand and cheer. The public's ignorance is maddening.

In 2 lousy years, Democrats and Rinos have decimated our country, stood for nothing except perversion, death, power, money and corruption. It is horrifying. I don't recognize our country anymore. Nor most of the West either.

Karen you are a blessing. 🙏❤

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Oh I agree with you, there is no way I could stomach it and watch him speak, I can barely glance at a picture of him without getting sick to my stomach.

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It makes perfect sense because the west has devolved into fascism.

“I’m talking about Ukraine because the United State, the entire EU, supports Ukraine. By doing so, we are supporting the reawakening of Nazism across Europe, even as we claim it is the number one threat in our own country. A complete and utter contradiction that makes absolutely no sense.”

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we’re gonna win

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In an obvious Madison Avenue public relations photo-shoot, we observe President Zelenskyy examining a military map, displaying force dispositions - men and materiel for The Ukraine, including US-NATO-UK soldiers and Russian forces, as they understand it.

President Zelenskyy comes with no education in military affairs, nor any direct battle experience, nor running a war against a foreign state. The Russian President does [have some of these]. Such photos treats us as fools and is equivalent to a rank amateur studying a chess board, up against a chess grand master. The grand masters of real war? Russia and only Russia.

Zelenskyy transitioned from B-grade entertainer to high-stakes gambler in an existential war of state survival, while knowing nothing of it. Reported to be surrounded by MI6 and CIA "protection" to prevent that unpredictable lurch sidewards [his drug addiction is known], an easy thing when you are under much stress whilst Western Mainstream Media compare you to Winston Churchill, further evidence that we are treated as fools.

Zelenskyy will hope to slink out of town like an out of work Actor of whose present gig audiences lost interest. Problem. Some very important people are not happy with current outcomes, nor with him. The Banshees require sacrifice and somewhere out there is an empty body bag. Retiring to that sunny Mediterranean coastline off Tel Aviv to write his memoirs will not figure in their constellation of acceptable outcomes.

Zelenskyy has the appearances of a construction of Western Intelligence Agencies and their public relations managers.

As for their US-NATO-UK Ukrainian Proxy War over the lives of the poor Ukrainian people to brink down the Russian state and expropriate its rich resources, that has failed. An existential crisis for The Western Thought Leadership.

Examined here in more detail . .. . https://les7eb.substack.com

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From what I am given to understand, part of the president's comedy performance referenced him playing piano with his penis. I'd love to understand how that made him a statesman or something.

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It does not make him a statesman.

He comes with no qualifications for the task, beyond qualifying as a manipulated, bought off stooge of Washington-London Elite interests.

Statesmanship is not in their constellation of requirements.

As for Washington-London Elite stooge political leaders, there is a long track record of their erstwhile leaders, mostly dead.


Examined here in detail - refer section The Great Derailment in https://les7eb.substack.com/p/great-game-ukraine-long-proxy-war


More generally, expressed further under the Decline of The West, vectored via that failed, longest of the long LongShots, this engineered US-NATO-UK Ukrainian Proxy War over the lives of the poor Ukrainian people to weaken Russia, tip out its government and possess its considerable resources.

Judgment shall be by outcomes. Thus far, it is the EU and NATO that will disintegrate. Paradoxically, the present winners are simultaneously the United States and Russia. Those in the way of superpower aspirations invariably are ground up in the geo-political machinery.

Discussed here in lengthy, abstruse and eclectic prose across several essays that will leave the reader visibly aged, yet possibly far wiser although admittedly that is entirely speculative . . . https://les7eb.substack.com


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Thank you, Karen!! So much!!

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I could not watch the speech. Among the many deplorable acts our government has engaged in over the centuries, and there have been many, paying homage to this man ranks among the very worse, in my opinion. Sadly, what is going on sort of behinds the scenes in Ukraine is as bad as, or worse than, the human atrocities. The government is copying from the playbook used when the USSR collapsed and Western capitalists were invited in to buy Russia's natural resources and state-owned properties at pennies on the dollar, resulting in a vast draining of Russian wealth from the collapsed country. This same thing is happening in Ukraine, where Zelensky is selling Ukrainian assets under cover of war. That's one reason why the war will not be allowed to end anytime soon, as it takes time to broker all these nefarious deals.

So, not only are we financing the Ukrainian government, we are enabling Western mega-corporations to buy Ukrainian assets and drain Ukrainian capital from the country. And, to be sure, much of billions of dollars in "aid" will end up boomeranging right back to those same uber-corporations among the donor parasite class in this country. This is a rich man's game, and we can't even begin to find a way to end it.

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Merry Christmas to all!!

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Thank you for writing that.

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Wow! Perfectly said and incredibly powerful. Thank you! 🙏

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The powers that be have used the American flag for years as a propaganda tool to emotionally control its citizens. Now they use the Ukraine flag for the same purpose. My blood is boiling and my heart is breaking. A country with so much potential and God given blessings has been destroyed by evil monsters, aided by citizens too stupid to care.

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...and the same applies to the US, too!

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