We can no longer rely on outside sources for information- We have to process everything by our own personal compass. It was just uncanny that this essay was you putting down on paper the exact thoughts I've been thinking.

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Interesting! That wasn't the algorithms. That was old-fashioned intuition.

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For sure!!!!

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Am not a God person as are so many others, but am a Nature being. And sometimes the connections there are real, if unseen and so far unmeasured. However they're named. To me they are intuition + critical thought + experience + the wavelengths of Nature. Thank you for this writing!

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Exactly! I'm clearly on the same page, too -- my most recent stack:


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“All we need is our free will.” This sentence really stuck me! Our Creator, gave to us our free will. Vastly important as a human being. Satan, the destroyer desires to enslave us. Satan’s mark therefore seem to be all over all this AI technology. Very, very scary.

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It's incredible, isn't it. Yuval Noah Harari tries to argue that we don't have free will. I've explored this topic elsewhere. Philosophers have argued about it forever, scientists try to prove and disprove it. But without free will, nothing makes any sense.

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Beautiful picture! The picture itself makes me feel alive. There is so much beauty in nature! 💖🥰

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Yes, there is!

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The Left say everything they say so that they can excuse certain behaviors. Dorsey's little talk is so the fascists (who, btw, have just been given a gold medal for how neatly they destroyed our First amendment. 6-3 SCOTUS) will always have the excuse for Resident Joe Dementia Biden. Or when they once again steal our elections and try to tell us the "People"reelected Res Biden "won"

And by the"People," I mean the machines and by "won," I mean installed again.

CNN censored Pres Trump's campaign chief, they have cheered the censoring of Pres Trump and now that SCOTUS has ruled that the First Amendment is outdated so they're tossing in the circular file, does anyone believe we're going to see an even remotely real debate?

PS. Now that precedent has been set, be prepared for the overt censorship.

Also, Orwell's 1984 title has been updated to 2024.

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I can't fault what Dorsey said. Of course, if we dove into it further, he also makes money off of AI and when he says 'verify' he means finding ways to verify you are human instead of a machine, which is dangerous. But in another sense, because machines (AI) are trying to invade us, we need to stay grounded in the real world, so in that sense, we stayed verified as humans. But we verify that to ourselves. We are not stooping to prove to a machine that we are human. I've written quite a bit about this.

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Actually, I totally agree with you. I've been talking about the same thing. And I love your work, it's interesting, intelligent and thought provoking.

Unfortunately, I find out about the SC decision on censorship just before I read your article. I was livid about their decision, to say the least. 😊

But you're absolutely right about people using their instincts and critical thinking because I, too, don't think we'll be able to stop this AI and robotic train.

You'd think humans would have learned by now that just because you can do something doesn't mean you should.

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If the net result of all the insanity, and how quickly it’s spiraling to daily new levels of madness is that we get back to communities that are real and populated by real people interacting in a real way with themselves and each other, I’ll take whatever hardships come.

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Horror show !

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I look forward to your analysis of the debate after it happens. Good essay once again.

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"Or wait, that can’t be true. It must be that I was fed the carnival news because the algorithms picked up on the word that I’m writing about. Am I reading too much into it? How can I know?"

This is most definitely the case. I found you by typing "Bruce Schneier" into the search bar. You're definitely aware and noticing what is going on.

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Nice essay, serene landscape picture and good thoughts written to cleanse us of AI influence.

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Isn't Jake Dorsey the previous head of Twitter? He had Conservatives like me Shadow banned and kicked off Twitter..

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Yes. I was banned from Twitter as well. However, the censorship is worse now, just more subtle.

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and yes. Shadowbanning is still a thing, on virtually all platforms. If you step into "taboo" or "disinformation" territory, you can almost guarantee you will suffer this fate.

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Sadly (fer our country) it ain't so much of a debate we should expect as a puppet show (virtual no less, ergo without the charm of hand-painted wood an' endearing voices).

Not sure if I got the stomick fer it--guess I'll sift thru some "reportage" of the fallout (nuclear or otherwise, dependin' what the men behind the curtains are pullin').

An' it's not even gonna be like a play where yer watchin' not only the speakin' actor but the other ones--as reactions are everything... that too they took away. I guess the point of the debate is ta see who swallers "de bait!"

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According to this podcast who's been right all the time, there's a Democrat plot to arrest Pres. Trump after the debate. No surprise, they're separate. Even Alan Dersowiz is now a Trump supporter. I never thought he'd crossover but he's so alarmed of the law fare being used against Pres. Trump, this was the last straw.


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