They’re surveying all the farm and ranch land they plan to buy for pennies while American families struggle to find housing in the era of Blackrock

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On the other hand - in the midst of this Orwellian circus - with clowns on the ground and balloons in the air - I wouldn’t trust those uniformed clowns in drag to tell me the time of day. I certainly wouldn’t trust their identification of hot air. These are the same fools who gave us WMD’s, modern Naziism, and stakeholder capitalism. We live in a PsyOp.

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"On the other hand, more people die from fungal infections than from malaria, killing around 1.5 million people every year. I never knew that until I started watching HBO’s The Last of Us."

What can I say?

Now thanks to HBO, you know???

Go on - check it out.

Bio-insecurity is always boosting its back story.

HBO whispers in your ear

Is malaria what said to be either?

Why was MMS-chlorine dioxide - squelched as a treatment but used to detox rotten meat for processed phoods?

But whatever the interpretations and explanations, the life in the body is temporary.

Fauci's Flu stats were also grossly inflated.

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My latest Break Free Update talks about The Last of Us. I've been watching it. Maybe I will have to write a piece about mutating fungi.

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"sow rumors and suspicions among the citizens of the countries against which he eventually planned to fight" - That read directly out of the German-sponsored Bolshevik playbook, nobility still fighting the Peasant War of 1525.

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I do get the point; the ridiculousness of those in power. LOL!

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Isn’t USAmerica spying on every part of the world for years and years? What is the problem? USA is now the laughing stock of the world. And we will all be glad when the power of the USA is over. The Americans are the threat, we were afraid because you guys have always been so crazy and stupid.

Now we feel good. You only get what you first did to others.

Enjoy it, and if you really want to know more why we are on earth, watch Aubrey Marcus and Matias de Stefano.

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The US government has a lot to answer for.

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I know Karen, and it’s politics that made the bad cruel moves. In Europe the EU will fall too, and we will be one continent under Russia, a lot better then it is nowadays under the treacherous American-EU conspiracy.

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But not without a lot of bloodshed first. The US seems intent on war.

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I am not afraid, Karen, and about US under Biden, he gave away most if his weapons and money to Ukraine who sold it to the world. It’s everywhere, but not in Ukraine. I think US can only go into war for just one day. That’s what is going on. Do not fear, we all have something to do.

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Wr must recognize that Biden and associates are not those running things at all. Not Xi, Trudeau, Putin, or Zelensky either.

They simply represent clownish puppets for the puppeteers to amuse us all with. Just like the “Chinese” balloons we celebrate a dangerous game of deep psychological import and real life genocide.

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Yep the USA and all the other war mongers and war profiteers who think they own us all. They were right about one thing - we are indeed all in this together. But certainly not in the way they meant about the Plandemic. The Plandemic was just part of the psychological operations which now takes on the utter logic of clowns on the ground, balloons in the air. Yes everybody fell for it. Sad commentary.

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Of course harry, it is all going to be one big happy family under Russia. How very pretty to think so. Funny Russia mandated vaccinations and supports social credit scores. Funny about that.

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maybe, or it’s just another media lie

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Maybe. Maybe it is just more Chinese balloons? But I think if we fail to defeat the puppet masters we will fail. People like those who give us Pfizer, Grammy Award shows, football and Olympic Games spectacles. Make one think of Rome and the Colosseum. Time to get those behind the curtains.

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The US government and all the other governments of the world who seem to have copied and appropriated all the same tactics. The world is being governed now by planetary corporate minders who simply have never and do not now have any of our best interests at heart. These forces have existed everywhere across time and geography. To think otherwise is to have a deficient view of history. The idiots who are behind this have existed as an international force since the 1960’s with a website and publicly available information since the 1970’s. And they have been at work behind the scenes for many thousands of years. Unless we wake up to this we cannot win anything. The parasites are everywhere.

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The most of them don't see it in this way, they think they are the heroes of the world's "peace", the bosses of the planet and superior to others....

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i know it, Papillon, what the have done in the Arabic Spring is unforgivable.

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https://gettr.com/post/p27jld48f46 Hi Karen, Here is a link to a post from Jenna Ellis regarding the facts about balloons during the Trump administration. Spoiler alert - there were none.

Your essays are always fascinating. Can’t quit reading until the end! Thank You.

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Thank you! The lies from our government just keep on coming!

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Mike Adams felt the surveillance thing was a distraction and that

a) the balloon was a test to see if CCP tech would be allowed here (just like CCP operatives are installed in all the major cities' police depts.) and the answer was a resounding YES (China Joe opens arms to CCP!--oh and what about our billions in military spending to protect our borders?! ha ha, not from CCP buds, no siree)--

b) that the balloon may have been directed to the Montana nuclear reactor(s) to determine feasibility for a "quick" EMP event (in the future...remember this was the test) because...

c) Adams says that EMP equipment could have been contained in either the balloon itself or in the hanging portion (I understand the thing was the size of a school bus--not tiny!)

We are left to shrug at the absurdities...and know that TEAM USA wants to kill TEAM HUMAN so should we really laugh? cry? or maybe....

Re-watch The Red Balloon (because it's marvelous and celebrates all that IS human...) ---I opt for this one...

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Laughing and crying, never know which it should be. And that's a good idea, to re-watch The Red Balloon--it's been a long time! The whole balloon incident is so bizarre it's hard to know what was really going on. But definitely those are all possibilities.

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What other shenanigans was the government up to while the media harped incessantly about the scary balloon? And wonder how many satellites (and balloons) do we have spying on China? Enquiring minds want to know, but this one refuses to worry. After all, I find my government to be infinitely scarier than a balloon. Perhaps I'm just stupid and naive.

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You are smart and wise. The weirder it gets, the more we must rely on our good old-fashioned common sense. That's what I keep going back to.

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Cometh the Hour - Cometh the fungi!

The terrain is not just Out There - and its agencies are not really independent or autonomous.

Fungi perform a role within life as a whole.

Not least of which is decomposing and clearing the dead.

Mutation is assigned to 'evolution' but remotely at a scale beyond our reach.

Safely distanced and masked!

The adaptive capacity of life is its wholeness in all its parts.

A split mind is in fear of life and attracted to death - albeit in limiting forms of unconsciousness, while the release of the body as an unified whole is also the release of the use of the body for a limited & limiting fear of (its own) life.

A confusion of a self-conscious reflex with our life, sets a self-evasive and self attacking dilemma as our sense of personal survival, but masking defences only mutate the unaddressed conflict.

The mutability I see that runs invisibly is the narrative compartmentalisation of a mindset in defence - that assigns it conflicted personae to its relationships, its past and its world.

Fear of life demonises life while idolising 'ideal forms' that are set 'over, prior or above' a life unworthy or disgusting. And so our demons take the form of 'biological war' - but is there such a thing in truth or is that the result of our attempt to force life into our image - that nonetheless has to mutate on the fly - multiple times per second - as the balancing act of a psychic dissociation?

The more we double down in deeper forms of denial the more systemic and terrible our manifestations.

So we are seeking to hack and control biology - whether via 'genetic' modelling dogma or bio-field hacks. But look at the Bible - that's where we 'started our self-special focus of unfolding experience.

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Feb 6, 2023
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😆 👏 Thanks for the chuckle. 👍

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Haha, that was a good one!

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