Still can hear an (ex) friend of mine saying how drones were great and would be, for example, used to deliver medicine to remote areas. I knew then (~8 yrs ago) that drones would be used for surveillance, warfare and killing. The food delivery and geography arial views were just the grease to create acceptance. Shooting them down every time would be my preference.

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Exactly the same with AI! The problem is never the technology…the problem is always in whose hand the technology lands! How many inventions in our past were inherently good, but were turned to evil?

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I agree, look at airplanes. They said we can fly from coast to coast in hours. It didn't take long till they started strapping guns to the wings in order to kill.

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Perfect example! History is riddled with examples just like that! Never underestimate the ability of humankind to manipulate something to suit their evil intent!

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Thank god they would never use those on us...

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Thank goodness!

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Beyond evil and insanity. They really are pushing for WW111. A few summers ago when outside with some neighborhood kids, a drone would fly and hover overhead and the kids would wave and the drone would tip back and forth as waving. Felt pretty creepy.

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Beyond creepy

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Thanks for the heads up.!!

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Just sawr this--the newest DEWs called D-M-Shorads are designed to destroy them "homemade drones" and the cheap enemy "weapons that can take out millions of dollars in equipment" (huh? loss not about humans, it's about spendy equipment?! Also huh? he's a Brit and estimating loss in dollars?)... So yup, the danger of sky drones will be "fixed" by DEWs. Whut could go wrong here? (an' why duz this fella exposin' this "cool" tech look like he's a priest? why does the door "latch" to his left look like a silver cross?)


(ha ha there's an underware advert smack dab in the middle of this altogether strange viddeyo--an' of course DEWs are just "fake nooz")

product by Raytheon (the DEW not, I assume the undies!)

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Yep. I didn't even get into DEWs. So many ways to torment and kill.

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An' whut's insane with these new ones is that that they're usin' 'em as an "excuse" b/c a DEW can "take out" rogue drones! Daily the devise weapons ta take out weapons... it's like Dr Seuss's The Butter Battle! not fer a minute do they mention the human cost...

As a kid I'd wince when seein' fist fights 'tween boys but if folks lay down weapons an' had ta face their opponents fair n' square I think we'd have the better solution... even as it's hard fer me ta watch brawlin' still... (Which brings it back ta yer expertise in martial arts an' related stuff like fencin' which youn'uns should learn as life lessons--cuz now there are no rules, there's no understandin' there's a flesh-n-blood human at the other end of that weapon, now miles away vs so close ya kin feel their breath on yer cheek...)

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Gawd this is dystopian an' insane. I'm an ol' luddite an' I see no good in drones (model airplanes were fun--this ain't)--If we kin ban'em I'd be glad cuz yer predictions may come ta pass, I think it's not too far off ta imagine it. Folks do dumb stuff even if they don't mean ta do "that much" harm. In a less "unsafe" but still creepy way, 'twas a time when everybuddy (kids too) had these lasers--kinda like pointers or toys--red things with a dot ya could twizzle around-- Fool folks would aim 'em at dobs bein' walked an' of course dogs would bark an' jump an' freak out (mebbe fight?, panic an' pull their owners inta the street?). Not good. Then some kids got eye damage cuz other kids pointed the dang "toys" right in their eyes. Kids were bringin' 'em ta skools I hear an' playin' laser tag. Thank gawd they's been phased out (I think?) but I imagine FAR worse with these drones... An' anyway, they kin spy on ya (I know ya wrote 'bout that in yer other post).

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Mar 4, 2024
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They are also unaware of what is going on in the rest of the world. I'm thankful I've lived in other countries. I criticize the United States in my writing but that's one of the main reasons why I love it. I am still free to do that. Americans do not appreciate their freedoms and how they are giving them up.

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Mar 4, 2024
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I've always been for gun ownership. But it's only in the last few years that I understood how important it is. I lived in Switzerland as a kid and every household had a gun. In Luxor, Egypt the men told me how every household has a gun and during the upheavals of the Arab Spring, they fought battles and it was incomprehensible that they wouldn't have guns to protect their villages. Also, because everyone in a village knows everyone else, if outsiders came to cause trouble they were quickly dealt with. Yet in America, if we talk about daring to defend our small towns we are treated like some kind of insurrectionists when it's the most patriotic thing you can do. Americans really need to wake up to reality.

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Mar 2, 2024
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Whoa Robert! How about learning the actual history that led to this conflict? You might then change your mind about who the real bad guy is. Don't be the guy whose opinion is shaped by MSM headlines.

May I recommend that you replace CNN, MSNBC, & NYT with a few in-depth lectures by John Mearsheimer and Jeffrey Sachs, both distinguished scholars, on the background? You can find them on YT.

The pint-sized Butcher of Kiev is the far bigger villain here. The best estimates are 400K to 500K young Ukrainian men dead. Multiply that by 3X to get an idea of the wounded. Today the average age of a Ukrainian soldier is 43. Why? Because all the young guys are dead or wounded.

Talk about "male privilege."

Think of this war in terms of a high school scenario. The cool rich clique doesn't like the outsider Vladimir so they goad the special needs kid Volodymyr into picking a fight with him. They promise to back up Volodymyr so he goes for it and ends up getting his ass whooped. The clique then quickly begins to lose interest and Volodymyr feels betrayed.

The clique never had any regard for Volodymyr and simply wanted to use him as a tool for hurting Vladimir. After all, it's just slavs fighting slavs and no one really cares about either side.

What did Lady Graham say about the war? "This is the best money we have ever spent!"

Russia's SMO had one goal which was to simply get Volodymyr's attention about crossing its Red Line (ie, joining NATO). Within a month Volodymyr agreed never to join NATO and the Russians started pulling out. That's when Boris flew out to Kiev and conned Volodymyr into fighting with all sorts of promises of support.

So here we all are with a totally unnecessary war that's killed 400K Ukrainian men and at least 100K Russians. The Russian "Meat Grinder" strategy has been very effective.

Moreover, it's completely backfired on the pathetic NATO countries.

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You are one smart cookie. I can tell you have done your homework on the Ukraine conflict. I might add this is actually a war between NATO and Russia using Ukrainian men as fodder. And Nato is loosing. The only thing the west has would be the “shock and awe” tactic to try to destroy Russia. But remember Russia can hit London in minutes and unstoppable. They can also deliver a nuclear punch to the US that is unstoppable because of the speed of the middles so the shock and awe might backfire.

The west needs to withdraw all support to Ukraine and push for peace but unfortunately this won’t happen. We are looking at a WWIII scenario.

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