They are ALL in it together:

Russia and the Collective West Are Marching Together Towards the Agenda 2030 Goals


A Staged Russia/Ukraine Conflict Is Part of the Plan To Take Down the Current World Order


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The question is will the nwo be able to implement digital currency and digital IDs before enough people become aware of their plan and revolt? A worldwide digital world would be locking the door of our invisible jail cell most people are in.

Put on the armor of God.

The Law of Relaxation Emmet Fox

Another of the great mental laws is the Law of Relaxation. In all mental working effort defeats itself. The more effort you make the less will your result be. This of course is just the opposite of what we find on the physical plane, but it will not surprise us because we know that in many cases the laws of mind are the reverse of the laws of matter.

On the physical plane, usually the more effort we make the greater the result. The harder you press a drill the faster it will go through a plank. The harder you hammer a nail the sooner does it go into the wall. The harder you work in digging the ground the sooner do you have a ditch. The exact opposite, however, is the case with thought.

Any attempt at mental pressure is foredoomed to failure because the moment tension begins, the mind stops working creatively, and just runs along on whatever the old habit pattern is. When you try to force things mentally,when you try to hurry mentally, you simply stop your creative power. To enable your mind to become creative again you must un-tense it by consciously relaxing.

In all mental working be relaxed, gentle, and unhurried for effort defeats itself.

"In quietness and in confidence shall be your strength". (Isaiah 30:15).

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You might be interested in Estonia's approach to digital ID, as briefly outlined in the piece below. Decentralised and very different - but that didn't stop them being at the forefront of developing vaccine passports with the WHO.


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