Apr 6, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

It’s so obvious to me how to save America: touch the third rail of targeted individuals. TALK to them. REPORT on them. TRACK down current and past Neuralink & NIH employees and ask them what’s going on. Cops & military know what’s going on. The best among them are killing themselves because our govt. is so deviant and there is no where to go to report crimes occurring. We have a holocaust occurring made with FISA, neural prosthetics, injectable electronics, 5G, drones and DTRA offensive bioweapons and it’s at the feet of Bush & Obama & Blackrock. So much of what is reported on Substack is derivative. So actual few reporters doing reporter’s work. I really appreciate your work — you are ahead of most. But I urge you to go farther and try to save America.

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Hello and thank you for this from the UK. More evil distractions by the Demoncrats.

The picture reminds me of the proverb "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.'

Only in this case it is "A turd in the band is Obama in between two Bushes"!!!!

Alternatively the four men are the 4 whoresmen (sic) of the apocalypse.

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An' in spite've all that, there was this:


So.... wuz the "lady" set up to create a scandal an' fessed up it wuz one? Was she set up to pursue the man in the first place? (this is how they blackmailed MANY polly-tish'inz). Was the lawyer in cahoots with those who had it in fer "The Donald" or at least wanted him compromised so they set this up? I've heard that the whole Anita Hill thing was a fake setup to defame Conservative Supreme Ct. Judge Clarence Thomas--an' boy golly it sure messed up his reputa-shun GOOD. So wuz this the same kinda thing?

Elliot Spitzer wuz set up with a hooker here in NYC cuz he was legit-honest goin' after the MOB / Real Estate Crime Syndicate, etc. Got him good...

NOBUDDY knows the real story... but it is even "possy-bull" The Donald (however handsy he may have been... or not) had zip all ta do with Miss Stormy an' it was all the lawyer's doin'...

Will we ever find out? Either way, I fear what yer predictin' is kerrect... (Freedom is now bein' called "free-dumb"--who'd want it?--talk 'bout topsy turvy an' it ain't--sadly--an April Fools joke...)

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Mar 31, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

The fall of the Republic is very sad and heartbreaking to watch😢🇺🇸

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Mar 31, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

I've been thinking about this article overnight... Couldn't sleep well last night. As horrible as the future looks to us, imagine what it's going to be for the ostriches and the woke. But the media will continue to blame Trump. Honestly, with all the power they give him, I sure wish he had done something more drastic about the Deep State than talk about it. 😋

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Mar 31, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;

All other ground is sinking sand,

All other ground is sinking sand.

I pray the common man unites and stands strong against the evil.

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Mar 31, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

We should all know by now that joey is but a puppet/mouthpiece. And we can only pray that things are going on behind the scenes to prevent the destruction of this country by those who truly love this country and what she stands for to many. My head and heart are heavy. I wake up each day thinking, “Surely intelligence will prevail today!” Perhaps it is and we just do not know it. F-E-A-R.. False Evidence Appearing Real......I pray this is true.

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Mar 31, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

It's a redux of 2016, they don't want Trump to win they just want him to be "the one" who runs against Mr. Creepy. And like you said, if things get bad the gangsters have an excuse to unleash their goons against the so-called "domestic terrorists."

So Mr. Orangeman's candidacy, actually accelerates a descent into a heightened authoritarianism. Maybe, this mayhem will be the backdrop for initiating a central bank digital currency and social credit scores; another DOD "Warspeed operation."

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(Banned)Mar 31, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Extremley worrying times ☹️

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Mar 31, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Martial law has to be enforced. I think this can go very bad for us all. I'm thankful I don't live in a big city, because once people realize this is not the land of the free, some of them may find the courage to be brave. Amazingly enough, we may need to take lessons from the French.

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Mar 31, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

The Trump base is being baited. Stay calm, focused and watch out for false flags using MAGA imposters.

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I was reading Epoch's article on Nicaragua and Ortega's dictatorship this morning. Ghastly to think he has been at this since 1979. Catholics are being prosecuted for opposing him. Seems very reminiscent of what is happening in the US with the DOJ and 'extreme' Catholics. Meanwhile, the El Salvarodean President invokes individual liberties and God in his speeches. Of course, the left demonizes him for so doing and for his incarceration of alleged gang members. Countries rise and then, through decadence and flab, fall. I just never thought it would happen so fast. Those of the Frankfurt School must be so thrilled. Their new utopian is coming to pass. How many millions will die this time?

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Mar 31, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

I used to be so fooled by our government . I’ll never trust them again. It’s done

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