I fear that you are right that we are being pushed on the road to extreme violence. Hopefully, most Americans are too lazy, overweight and diabetic to carve up their neighbors. It is easier and more comfortable to watch Netflix in an air-conditioned room, but you never know. It only takes a small minority to strike the first blow and ignite the firestorm.

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Haha, that is true. Most people are like that everywhere--but in America, they are especially lazy and overweight and diabetic. Those people will give in without a shot fired.

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Very powerful. Can't wait to read part two. Thank you, Karen.

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Yes, I’d met murderous gang members without a conscience that deserved to be put away. But their crimes were small compared to say, Joe Biden’s or George Bush’s, or Albert Bourla’s, or Anthony Fauci’s. The blood of millions is on their hands. And they are celebrated as heroes.

Interesting choice of words.

I suggest you buy a hunting rifle and join the ranks of US deer hunters, then take large pictures of these men down to the rifle range and start practicing. Just like your running inspired others, so to will who you are aiming at. Well, maybe not US Presidents as its retired military that have sworn an oath to the US Constitution that I think really know government politicians are just puppets. They will go higher up the ladder, the fascist elite are indeed weak and can easily be defeated. They simply haven't forced any of us into their schemes yet so nothing serious has occurred.

There are 70 million gun owners (probably a lot more) in this nation, a few of us will get lucky and squeeze a shot off in the right direction once the collapse ensues. Until then, plant a garden and begin the process of not be reliant on this fascist system!

Who knows, the lawyers and MDs might figure out who is the enemy before collapse occurs. I think some of them now understand if they don't save the US Constitution they will also soon be in hiding, or dead. The fascist elite don't like competition.

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The Joint Chiefs of Staff and CIA killed JFK. Swearing an oath to the Constitution doesn't confer anything but what the individual chooses to manifest by actions taken in a given moment. Especially those all-important moments.

Btw, I did swear that oath myself. And can still look at myself squarely in the mirror.

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We are waiting for a Federal Judge to rule on whether the US Constitution and Bill of Rights are still in force.

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Another great piece. Thank you. I got a chill as often I do when I read your truth. I am scared but at the same time I am more inspired to fight. I was elated but then I felt uneasy about the SCOTUS decision. I thought "why now"? Your words are telling us "why" so they silence them. We must fight not only for freedom to speak but to think. We must stay close to God and not be afraid.

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That decision is going to make it easier for states to mandate vaccines and any other procedures they so desire. Disagree with abortions all you want, but you should NEVER be happier at govt taking any role in any type of bodily autonomy. I am not Chinese and I will not accept that!

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Beautiful. I, too, am a fighter. One who will never ascend those ladders because I cannot and will not make the compromises of conscience and integrity necessary.

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As I tell my wife and daughters, "I'm not prophesying, but I am predicting," we're going to find out pretty soon. The next year or two may end up being biblical in their nature. It's not the first time in human history that we've done these evil things; there's nothing new under the sun. At least we know it won't end in a Great Flood.

I do love your writing, Karen. But, I'm waiting for Part 2 for the inspirational part. Not feelin' it yet! Maybe at the end of that one, you can post one of your watercolors, too. They always, always make me smile.


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Okay I will make sure to add a watercolor 🙂

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Beautiful writing Karen. Cuts like a polished diamond ❤️

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I appreciate you and your writing so much. Reading your stories is like therapy and calms me down in the midst of this crazy world we are living in. Thank you so much.

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You're welcome. Comments like this encourage me to keep on!

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Thank you. Beautiful prose with a purpose! Can we all be strong?

God willing, YES!!!

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Yes. Well said.

The 'hidden hand' of a self & world set in sacrifice of truth for what each can get (or 'get away' from), for a 'self' set apart from others, such that shifting alliances operate a temporary 'security' masking and distancing over conflict avoided so as to buy 'time' to delay the 'inevitable' where truth is assigned to death instead of this very moment of truly being that we are.

The foundation or entrance to such a world is through the willingness to justify and invest in hate as 'self-protection' and thus as love - for we are love and love is Self-extension as relational being.

The form of hate doesn't matter but will shape our personality as a split mind - for who can attack, deny or hate their self in others and world to be whole and know and share it?

I see the 'satanic or luciferian' agenda as a self-image under gaslight - but that an acceptance of false self is always my own underlying 'gaslighting' - even under relationships (sic) of deceit and coercion - however suavely masked or starkly threatened.

Walking out of or releasing a false, fruitless or meaningless and thus destructive 'relationship' or complex of thought and emotions that will inevitably manifest in our relationships - is the gift of our Spirit - of the truth that can be masked over and lost sight of but that remains ours to live FROM or extend - and thus remember, appreciate and re-inetgrate or heal to a quality that can share in or call forth and honour the true with-ness in others who are never the masking we give them or they present as.

Acknowledging the blocks to communication, without making them the focus of a 'corrective' blaming judgement, allows giving focus wholly to what we truly want and are - in place of to what we are trained by fear to NOT want, as if to get our self in opposition to an 'evil' or threat of fear of pain of loss.

For recognising who we are NOT is already the basis for acting out of an integrity of being we claim by acting from. To be truly moved is not really 'trying to be', but whole in being.

Life is a movement of embodiment that breaks the illusions of attempt to possess and control it. But any destructive intent is entirely our making given co-creative reinforcement. Finding the balance points within the tides and timing of an always changing is the discernment within our being integral to life - not set under or over by judgements set by grievance.

Life is not of our making, yet we are free to make of it to share in as our experience.

This is what we get backwards when we bamboozle ourself but blame it on our world.

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I have come across the very confused, angry and delusional people. Afraid of Covid, proudly wearing masks and bragging about their triple VAX status. It's shocking the reactions I received for not wearing a mask and warning people about the vaccines. In complete denial and I'm super spreader, anti vax..blah blah. This is my last and final attempt to save them from themselves.

"You may choose to look the way but you can never say again that you did not know". William Wilberforce

God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble.

Ms. Hunt I'm glad your on God's side, we sure need your strength!

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It is very difficult to unite with anyone who wants vaxx mandates and who defends Shanghai. That is too much to ask of me.

Currently, the left is propped up by these…people, and they are fine with it. I am not sorry for the elites, and the wannabe frustrated elites who comply and consoom. I can’t see ever coexisting with them, anymore than I’d move a bear into my living room and for the same reason.

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Jun 27, 2022
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Against a greater fear, stupidity - even loss of cognitive function as an unconsciousness set against fear of knowing, is of course death in life - so death itself becomes the 'saviour' from fear of overwhelm of pain and loss. The patter is of a mind usurping its true source and nature by assigning divine functions to itself - this includes those ego functions that are projected onto our Creator by fear, masked over and denied - such as retribution. So to pre-emptively part sacrifice is used to mitigate or escape (or scapegoat away) total sacrifice.

The idea that a dead universe evolves a realm of love - even as an awareness of its loss - is a premise of death or unconsciousness as the 'nothing' out which to make up and evolve or develop our own 'consciousness' - except until the condition of its premise is undone it can only seek outside itself for a love, power or peace that is not there - unless we extend that premise as the eternal and embracing quality of a truly conscious appreciation.

Defences can be really really thick, but they are also almost instantaneously quick, such as to pre-empt an innocence of being from rising to our awareness as the life that is lost to 'satanic' self imagery given power to act out private gratifications on the body, the world, our relationships.

Garbage in; garbage out does apply - we are reaping according to what we sow, but persist as if THIS time something different will result. The lie and the father of it gives a false sense of self that runs as a subconscious set of habits of perception -responses that are in convergence as a death cult - so I am not arguing against your insights.

Whatever life and death are - is what we are. Not just what our current thinking, acceptance and agreements or reinforcements picture out as our cover story or themes of exploration in life.

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Jun 27, 2022
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Anyone who witnesses to another basis from which to live extend that invitation to those who are ready and willing to receive it.

However, gifts we are given may be stored in trust until we are ready to accept them, and may also initially grow beneath the consciousness until a time of emergence.

It is not unusual for groan ups to persist an old habit to die in rather than learn anew in life.

A comfort zone may choose the devil it knows rather than pass through a great shaking up.

But it looks to me that everything is being shaken up - whatever we think or do. So this will force us to prioritise what we value most - and where we have conflicting values - experience extreme conflict UNTIL making a decision to put first things first.

As I see, we can give up and die because we haven't grown enough of a life to stand in and be.

Or die fighting with the spark of life refusing to be denied

or yield our thinking to the source and nature of being as our truth because it is true.

It's not what it looks like so much as where we come from.

Standing in integrity may look like fighting.

Choosing to not to react to a provocation may look like giving up.

We cannot really judge another - but that we reflect our own mind.

That doesn't mean be passive or accepting of false witness or harmful behaviours.

But I note our capacity to project enemy image and act in such a way as to make it so!

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