Thanks, Karen. What wonderful talents you have!

You surely brought this full circle. I do find inspiration in the generations before me and hope to gift that to my own. Your father's legacy to you, your children and now your grandchildren is a beautiful, hopeful thing. His gift to you. Your mother's strength resides firmly in you.

It's lost to many of us that merely picking up a good book opens a metaverse of its own. I've yet to read a book and then see a movie made from it in which the movie at all shows what I had seen in the book. My version is always different, as I'm sure it is for most. Isn't that a better metaverse than the one someone constructs for us to live in?

Then, this.."People believe we are winning this war because all they hear are voices validating the same words that they have been saying. This has purposely fooled us into thinking the tide is shifting in our favor when all it is doing is making people passive. Living inside technology does weird things to the brain."

I hope that's not me.

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It really is heartbreaking how books are no longer being read. You describe it so well. With a book you are able to create the worlds in your mind. I didn't realize you had a Substack! I subscribed.

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Oh man, thanks. I do have a 'stack, but I mostly use it as a place to hold stuff I am willing to share with a few family/friends, I'm not trying to do anything with it. I think I have comments turned off. It's mostly stuff from a WordPress site I have that is password protected that I'm willing to share publicly.

I'd much rather read yours and others, than mine :-), not being modest, I just really admire good writing.

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