Jun 14Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

I love this guy. He is absolutely spot on about everything.

That was the worst BLM parade I have ever seen, all white people. what the heck

I moved to the US when I was in 3rd grade. I went to school in France, US govt school. It was a nice school. My dad was state dept. Anyway, I came here and they started bussing - bussing bad kids from Baltimore, into our schools. They were not happy kids. They were up rooted from their homes and bussed many miles to another neighborhood. I felt bad for them. However, they were bullies too. I was a very quiet meek girl and there were some huge kids that terrorized me because I was so skinny and quiet. They thought that was funny. they also threatened me that they would beat me up.

I hated public school all my life because of those early years

This is a great interview, Karen

Thank you for sharing Rick's story and all about him

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Yes, it's too bad we are constantly put in situations where we must fight one another. Most people on both sides aren't horrible, they don't have the first thing in their minds that they want to hate the other side, they just want the same chances. It's really frustrating.

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Jun 14Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

I agree. How kids are raised at home, even a very poor home, need to consider that all of us are different. I did not cause those poor kids to have to take the long trip to a school, their parents may have had mixed feelings as well. including the safety on a bus twice a day. bussing was complicated and I think accentuated differences. It would have been better to offer teachers incentives to go to impoverished neighborhoods to help. You know, the same way in that time period, churches reached out to help families.

Times have really changed. Everyone is so angry.

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Jun 14Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

That would have been a great afternoon with that guy.

When I say we have lost this country, that is what I mean we have lost. We're not going back to his understanding of what was fundamentally valuable, about being a citizen.

This was a great post, well done.

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Yes, life is interesting. I never know what awaits me around the next corner and so glad I was able to have this conversation.

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Jun 14·edited Jun 14Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

(Rick sounds like my kindda guy and someone I’d like to have as a neighbor!) I can verify Swiss gun ownership - I lived there for 3 years and damn near every guy I knew owned a gun. All of them were required to serve in the Swiss military in some capacity (ages 18 to 30-something) for around a year, followed by 10 years of reserve service and were issued fire arms that they were to keep at home. I believe this still stands. I do know it’s easy for Swiss citizens to legally buy firearms as well. My Swiss friends still enjoy target shooting and especially biathlon. I love pointing this out to liberals who think all guns are bad and nobody but Americans own guns!

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Exactly. I lived in Switzerland, too, and it is just as you say.

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Jun 14Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Great article! I enjoyed reading Rick's story. I hope you interview many more people as interesting as Rick. I live in a small rural town in TN where everyone knows knows each other- or knows someone in your family. I can just imagine what would happen if troublemakers decided to cause damage and chaos to the small businesses and stores we have...If people do not wake up very soon from their internet trance, our freedoms will be a past memory.

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If I head through Tennessee I'll contact you.

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Jun 14Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

this was simply great! dave

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Thanks! I enjoyed writing it.

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Jun 14Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

A beautifully written article - thank you much ...

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Jun 18Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

As always, your work is fantastic!

Love Rick, love Rick’s story and love Rick’s TP!!

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It was so fun talking with him.

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Jun 17Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Ah, Lake Havasu. Spent many a summer of my youth in that city and on that lake. The drunks and degenerates at the Sandbar have more common sense than anyone walking in a BLM "protest".

I miss adults having this man's level of awareness and life experience. We all want what he has but are unwilling to be uncomfortable long enough to obtain it. That kind of wisdom does not come through ease but through trial.

Thank you for a fabulous article!

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Jun 16Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

What a refreshing essay, Karen. Loved it! Those days are long gone. Bomber Bertha! As one who did a thirteen year stint in Catholics schools I could relate.

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Goodness, thirteen years and you survived!

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Jun 16Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

But God....🙌🏻

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Jun 15Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

America doesn't seem to fit into the world narrative anymore. America and our guns, anyways. 🤨

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Jun 15Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Interesting perspective.

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Jun 14Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Just excellent! Thank you.

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You're welcome!

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Wow. What a great snippet of history and current events! Thanks for making this interview happen and sharing it!

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