Wow I love this Warren Smith. Why aren’t ALL teachers like that? God Bless him. And he lost his job because he teaches like this? What a sick, sick society we have full of mentally unstable people exerting their power and opinions over the masses.

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Iverson's comment was sarcastic, made in response to someone saying Egypt was responsible for taking in Gazan refugees . But she's still wrong. She believes that Egypt taking in Gazans would be "allowing Israel" to be purely Jewish as Germany wished to be purely Aryan. As if it Israel were purely Jewish in the first place or wanted to be. They have Arabs at every level of government including the Supreme Court. She's an idiot all around.

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apart from Kim-the-Mitwit (ugh), addin' too that although Israel has many full-citizen Arabs in the population as ya say, the Israelis are decried fer the fact that they do not want to "re-home" Gazans raised to hate them (murder 'em, destroy Israel). Oh the irony. Now Egypt, Jordan, etc are GIANT countries an' "could" house Gazans / Palestinian Refugees no problem an' since these nations are not considered "infidels" there would be no jihad declared on "their" citizens.. An' YET--nope, neither Egypt nor Jordan wants the Gazans / Palestinian Refugees--their own Arab "brethren" --but Israel is to blame fer not wantin' ta "re-home" 'em--as they say, that's "rich"--really too much...

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Yep. She purposely and maliciously spreads lies.

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What is Kim's problem...she was at a few free speech events during the pandemic and left her other job due to her not being able to say things....what has gotten into her now? She obviously took the shots.....

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She's revealed her true self.

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thanks Karen ever-so-muchly fer introducin' us all to Warren Smith--new ta me! I wuz kinda gob-smacked hearin' the wokester-dude bein' so clueless--the assumptions he made--clearly not the smartest tool in the shed but ALSO crystal clear this boy wasn't taught ANY critter-cull thinkin' in all his born days! Lordy if THAT is whut we're up against it's a looong hard road ahead--an' that young man wuz fairly open-minded in spite of his "assumptions," ahead of the woke-pack in at least bein' ready ta change his POV--how many ain't? An' I'm speakin' too of far older humans that should know better! Humans not raise up on Social MEEEEE-DIA! Ah, how kin it be...?

So... re Poland... Oh yup, but not only there--the USA didn't want 'em either--many don't know that Jews that survived the camps died in American camps post-war! Yup, "we" brought over TENS OF THOUSANDS of NAZIS via Operation Paperclip, set 'em up with nice homes, cushy jobs, new names an' clean slates. So... the "killers" (all good folks jus' follerin' orders) were give a new lease on life an' the jews (I won't say victims... however valid it is ta paint 'em that way...)--some were in the camps until 1951!

General Patton the "hero" thought they were "vermin" an' that the fine Nazis were of far better stock. When he saw jews post-war in the camps he found 'em filthy, infested with lice, etc--an' he compared 'em to the pow Nazis whom he deemed far more "clean" an' self respectin'. Fer a famous general he wuz a jew-hatin' idiot--some 've those human "vermin" had been in the camps fer up ta 7 years an' treated like heck (ta put it mildly)--an' he compares their abject condition with the men who were well-fed, properly housed, and NEVER locked up fer any of those 7 years so they arrived "in good condition" albeit some havin' undergone some hardship as soldiers--less-so the commanders, generals, etc. The sorry state of the chews after they were "liberated" had nothin' ta do with 'em bein' chewish at all... or uncleanly--they couldn't help bein' like that given their "treatment" at the camps. (Yup, I know, some say it wuz a hoax an' no chews or "other" animals were harmed in "making that movie....") But the situation is comparable! kinda like a shelter-dog that 's been beaten an' starved bein' compared to a well-groomed well-treated pooch that only ended up in the pound when a lovin' owner died--cannot compare the 2 regardless of "genetics"-- of course comparin' jews ta dogs is old-skool fun n' games. Anywho-- here's one story on this:


It's avail. on Wayback if ya need ta git past the paywall.

Addin' too that FDR refused boats of Jewish refugees who DID get outta Europe--thousands of 'em turned away! sent back ta the camps to die..(yup, they really were refugees--not like the noble my-grunts comin' in now I hate ta say). An' of course the British also refused boats of jewish refugees that were sent to Israel--yup, with the Brits in charge, jews were refused.

Folks don't realize (certainly Miz Iverson) that no countries want the chews--bein' one I know it's not a cozy thought, but it's true. All the anti-zionists that say "jews are welcome in the diaspora" are only speakin' half-truths. "Some" are kinda sorta welcome--but they must "simmer down" an' no longer take jobs in areas where they could be "over-represented"--such as in Hollywood (now sadly Holllyweird) the biz they created... I hope I'm not soundin' too much've a Cassandra but if Israel is razed (lotta folks cheerin' fer this--addlepated misguided chews included...), NOBODY will take in the chews. Not 2 million, not 200K. In this topsy-turvy world we're in, single young fellers (noble ass-eye-lump seekerz) ready ta be mercenaries an' do us in if fema / UN hires 'em ta do so--these guns-fer-hire, oh sure, we take 'em in--but not the chews, never the chews. SIGH.

Many who never were pro-Israel, many who never gave it one little thought, have recently come ta recognize that Israel's existence--even fer the "haters"--is justified for this reason alone--i.e. that nobuddy else wants the joos (much as it's not popular ta speak the truth)

I'd like ta introduce ya to another thoughtful voice on all this stuff--Barry Brownstein of Mindshifts--he writes a lot on "thinkin' " an' morality but a' propos of this stack post today I'll share these 2--



Related ta Warren Smith--ya might give a listen ta Jen Downey who recently wrote about how ta teach children critical thinkin' (this one rec'd by Barry above):


more blessin's yer way Karen--so grateful... SO very grateful!

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Thank you for the introductions. I do pay for The New York Times, sadly. One of the necessities of my research!

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my pleasure! yer doin' so much! Oh an' Barry jus' posted he read yer stack today an' opined, "GREAT STUFF!" -- an' it IS!

lol, ditto here re the Sad Gray Laydee now Shrouded in Woke-i-Tude--fwiw, they do take alumni discounts if ya gotta an .edu email--

But HERE is a new discovery, jus' today--this guy! Oren Cahanovitc -- omg-- you 2 should do a "podcast" together-- it's short, a must-listen, SO much hist'ry!

"Free Palestine? No thanks! (The Israeli perspective) "



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Fantastic article Karen, thank you! This friend of mine is doing a lot to further critical thinking in our young people. We need more people like you and him who call this out and do something about it, offer an alternative.


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Socratic Experience looks excellent. We try to use those same types of activities with underlying principles in our homeschool. We lean toward the classical method, great literature, great art & music along with tried & true Saxon Math, and much outdoor play & board gameschooling too. Tuttle Twins series are helpful for the youngers as well.

I like how Warren Smith directed the student to the source, Rowling’s actual quote.

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This situation is both absurd and frightening. It tells us all we need to know about how the government and the education system view what children should learn in school. This gentleman was doing what ALL teachers SHOULD be doing. Thank you for bringing more attention to this abhorrent situation.

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Kim I. is AWFUL! Other countries should have just "taken the Jews" WTF is she talking about??? So ignorant. I'm afraid we are heading into a downward spiral of hate hate and more hate.

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As usual top shelf. With the word “critical” otherwise misapplied by the swarm, I use “cogent.”

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Thank you for this! Absolutely brilliant Substack 😘👌. I agree that we need gather up all the teachers like Warren and start building and creating schools and education that is based on the principle of critical thinking. If we continue to teach children in the old way, then just choose your flavour of indoctrination of the month and that is what the future generation will be taught. Change needs to happen in education. Woke has happened for a reason and it is a lie that is slowly exposing the truth by making us think for ourselves.

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I like this Warren Smith guy! Teachers don't teach critical thinking because they are fearful they will be cancelled. Thank you for posting this. Critical thinking is crucial! Sabrinalabow.substack.com

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I'm reminded of the brown shirts that were the forerunners of indoctrinating students enabling the rise of Hitler in the universities and schools... that is what is taking place now, no critical thinking is allowed because it is the enemy of socialism, marxism, communism where rugged individualism is against everything these stand for....all those promoting the propaganda are useful idiots and will suffer the consequences they themselves are promoting....thus the term "useful idiot"!!! maranatha!!

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May 16
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Oh my goodness, I feel for you! I have a friend who says the same

She wants to go back for a higher degree and is dreading it.

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