My healthy 20 something daughter was positive on an incidental aids test when she was admitted to hospital for routine surgery. She was immediately referred to an aids clinic for counseling and medication.

Luckily her physician put the brakes on and did some further testing. She was negative. How many young people believe themselves to have aids on the strength of one dinky toy test??

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Wow, that's crazy! Going forward this is just going to be another disaster.

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Here's the link to a digital copy of "Deadly Deception: The Proof That Sex And HIV Absolutely Do Not Cause AIDS", if anyone is interested. https://book4you.org/book/11187957/9519a4

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Oh, that's great thank you!

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This article should be spread far and wide, to hopefully prompt a sufficient number of good people to pray that the wrath of God be meted out to these Satanic Cabalists, as their crimes against humanity are of truly biblical proportions. Thank you for doing your part.

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Please keep writing. Your articles terrify me, but how else are we going to hear the truth in this media censored country? I remind myself that God is the final Judge. He will make all things right in the end. Amen

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Thank you for another great piece that brings so much into perspective. I am a victim of these "political mad scientists" who through the grace of God survived a recent hospital stay. We have to speak up and out.

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Very well researched, structured & written - Thank you

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Exceptional summary of a wicked web of lies and deceit fir profit and power. So many people just don’t want to know. Those of us who can see history repeating itself have a moral duty to share the information in whatever way we can, whilst we still can. Thank you, from London.

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Your Essays as you call them, are fascinating. I just can't stop reading. There is so much to learn in them, and you bring it all together. Thanks

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Rogan was never serious about finding the truth. That's why he chose to talk to the snake, Malone instead of the many that came before him that were clear about the shots. Malone is a semi Fauci, promoting fear porn about ebola and he was a part of the zika scam, caused by vaccination in Brazil. Of course when they have issues they blame another imaginary virus.

Rogan is a useful idiot. He surrounds himself with dimwits when it comes to covid... He goes on Twitter etc to say he was "sick" as if convid was real if not just a flu.

I also can't stand how the audio sounds on his show, it's annoying like he borrowed microphone and equalizer settings from NPR.

Whatever, at least he got some people thinking...

But even the Reiner fuellmich corona committee had Stephan Lanka phd and Dr Kaufman and didn't allow them to express honest issues. Dr Wodarg and Viviana Fisher just railroaded them by claiming the argument needed to be peer reviewed, even though they all know that frauds like drosden got peer review with pcr etc.

Dumb dumb dumb. Sometimes I think the truth of health will only come out when we stop listening to all mainstream doctors that promote vaccines at all. McCullough lives to say he isn't anti vac... He gets all his shots. Good for you, maybe one day you'll see that MMR and the flu shot etc are garbage, like you did with the covid shots. Until then, if you gotta say "I'm pro vax" you're no different than Rogan, apologizing for having doubts in the corrupt medical establishment.

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The Next One? SMALLPOX Is Spreading in Sana'a/Aden Aghad (Yemen)

HIV Fearmongering campaign, mRNA vaccine for HIV


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Hey, you called it didn't you. And now here we are with monkeypox.

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If we are conscious, and honest with ourselves about facts as they are, then we should and must understand there are no limits on what the Owners who dwell in Darkness will do. I've been warning of a new Dark Age being upon us for over a decade; it's still easy enough for me---even being in my seventh decade---to fall into the old trap of habit, of unconsciously thinking "it will all work out on its own; that humans are basically 'good' and whose redeeming qualities will set things right." Then I wake up again, knowing that things just ain't so. Courage and strength to all, we're all going to need it going forward.

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I recommend also the book Virus Mania which traces all the virus manias over the past 100 years or so- excellent summary also of the HIV story. This book opened my eyes to the lies perpetrated by Big Pharma and egotisitcal scientists.

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Karen, what a great summary of this Quack and all that he represents. Thank you for the powerful writing and revealing what is "hidden underneath" this "cloak of protection" that Fauci/Gates and others would have us believe.

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Karen- you have done a great job at summarizing a range of complex issues with excellent quotes to add depth and nuance to this unbelievable reality!

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The 1st edition of Virus Mania (available on Amazon etc) was first written about 20 years ago. The authors of the most recent edition are Torsten Engelbrecht, Claus Köhnlein, Samantha Bailey, Stefano Scoglio. It is updated to cover now the Covid 19 madness.

Dr Sam Bailey has an excellent you tube channel- although mostly she has to post on Odysee for obvious reasons.

The Medical Board of New Zealand is now pursuing her for misinformation. She lost her job as a TV doctor in NZ. She is a very brave and informative doctor.

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An important resource is the paper "Is HIV to AIDS what SARS-CoV-2 is to COVID?" (52-page PDF, June 2021) by Torsten Engelbrecht et al. on the "striking parallels between the HIV = AIDS story and the SARS-CoV-2 = COVID-19 story—and why both dogmas are equally devoid of scientific substance."

Direct link here: https://www.torstenengelbrecht.com/wp-content/uploads/EngelbrechtBroganKaufmanTaylor_HIVequalsSARS-CoV-2-1.pdf

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"...medicine, itself, is a belief system." I agree

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