One more "comm-mint!"--a little history for those fist bumperz wantin' to "restore Palestine" to it's historical "rightful owners" (not sure whom ta credit but sum'buddy did his/her homework!)

1. Before Israel, there was a British mandate, not a Palestinian state.

2. Before the British Mandate, there was the Ottoman Empire, not a Palestinian state.

3. Before the Ottoman Empire, there was the Islamic state of the Mamluks of Egypt, not a Palestinian state.

4. Before the Islamic state of the Mamluks of Egypt, there was the Ayubid Arab-Kurdish Empire, not a Palestinian state.

5. Before the Ayubid Empire, there was the Frankish and Christian Kingdom of Jerusalem, not a Palestinian state.

6. Before the Kingdom of Jerusalem, there was the Umayyad and Fatimid empires, not a Palestinian state.

7. Before the Umayyad and Fatimid empires, there was the Byzantine Empire, not a Palestinian state.

8. Before the Byzantine Empire, there were the Sassanids, not a Palestinian state.

9. Before the Sassanid Empire, there was the Byzantine Empire, not a Palestinian state.

10. Before the Byzantine Empire, there was the Roman Empire, not a Palestinian state.

11. Before the Roman Empire, there was the Hasmonean state, not a Palestinian state.

12. Before the Hasmonean state, there was the Seleucid, not a Palestinian state.

13. Before the Seleucid empire, there was the empire of Alexander the Great, not a Palestinian state.

14. Before the empire of Alexander the Great, there was the Persian empire, not a Palestinian state.

15. Before the Persian Empire, there was the Babylonian Empire, not a Palestinian state.

16. Before the Babylonian Empire, there were the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah, not a Palestinian state.

17. Before the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah, there was the Kingdom of Israel, not a Palestinian state.

18. Before the kingdom of Israel, there was the theocracy of the twelve tribes of Israel, not a Palestinian state.

19. Before the theocracy of the twelve tribes of Israel, there was an agglomeration of independent Canaanite city-kingdoms, not a Palestinian state.

If anybuddy has a connection with the place, seems it ain't the fictional "State of Palestine"... jus' sayin'! (I know this might be an uncomfortable / unpopular concept here'bouts but "his-story" is often a bitter pill fer som'buddy ta swaller an' the pendulum swings both ways ...)

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Thank you for this history lesson. I'm thankful for the dialogue here. I hope people can see the big picture and be willing to put that in context with what is happening today.

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Thank you for this superb description of history. I will save it. To know history is beautiful. If only people could be better educated in truth. It appears to me most humans do not aspire to be the best they can be. Humans seem to be falling into depravity around the world. I pray we are not entering a time that equals the same characteristic’s as Noah’s day. If so, God will certainly lose His patience with his human creation, and snuff out most of us to only start again with a few that truly love Him. There is no place for vile evil in God’s beautiful garden called Earth…..

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thank ya muchly an' hear hear! -- yes indeedy, history does have a beauty to it an' those with an agenda to deny it--deny both truth an' beauty. It's one thing that some learn it wrong by folks with hate in their hearts--but if they don't close their hearts there is room ta "larn" it right -- after all, many have taken time to document it so why ignore their efforts? Anywhoo...yes, there should be no place for evil--we are lucky indeed to be here on God's beautiful garden--Earth!

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I, for one, have always referred to Palestine as a territory as it was never formally given statehood or recognized by the UN General Assembly as a state.

As far as l know 145 of 193 have voted to accept Palestine and allow them full voting rights. Most recently Spain, Norway and Ireland and this would indicate Palestine has reached the 2/3s majority needed by the UN.

As we know Israel was recognized by the UN back in May 1949 (resolution 273) one year after they declared Independence with a 2/3 majority vote.

Perhaps someone can kindly explain why we are still debating Palestinian statehood? TIA

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I fer one ain't part've the "we"--reason I posted the entire messy hist'ry was to DISPROVE the "existence" of a fictional country called "Palestine" -- but that said, much've AmeriKa an' much've substack are debatin' it like it's a diner runnin' outta hotcakes. Beats me... Got my beefs 'bout Israel's "leadership" as we speak (AmeriKa's too) but I got skin in that game so I'm all FOR keepin' Israel an' prayin' for its survival durin' this truly existential crisis

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Sorry but, l'm not sure if you are being serious and expressing a genuine opinion or just contibuting a satirical.commentary to test our patience.

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Ma'am, I say this most respectfully -- if ya were ta read most of what I actually write here, there, an' everywhar--it's purdy clear to most folks that actually READ what I write that it's sincere. If ya look just as the lingo/vernacular, ya got Lil' Abner.

That said, I know some folks don't take kindly ta anythin' not written per SOPs (Standard Operatin' Procedures as they say in the nooz bizness). So be it, it's all fine.

I do make puns 'n jokes when I've a will to. Much I share that's legit an' even serious--an' the intent is to be helpful-- Surely some appreciate it, others manifestly do not (seems like yer in that catty-gory, all fine with me tho' if ya actually READ my comments I'll betcha you'd have figgered out I wasn't just punkin' folks here...)

Anywho... if ya were ta be even a mite more curious 'nuff to click on my non-de-plume that leads ta my own stack, you could determine right quickly wuther I'm all 'bout wastin' time just testin' the patience of folks like yerself--OR if I have sumthin' ta say even if it ain't up yer alley. I ain't puttin' an answer in nobuddy's mouth either but I find it interestin' that some dismiss so readly...

Ya posted sumthin' in reponse ta somethin' I wrote-- so I mistakenly thought ya felt it had merit--my apologies fer that error.

I heppen ta be, since this glorious plandemic started, an outta work New Yawk act-teur (storyteller, voice-over ahrtist, filmmaker jack of all trades master of none...). Thanks ta our fambly's not complyin' with the lovely "mandates" that were de rigeur in NYC, we could not ply our trades as they say. When one cannot do one's "craft" (for those of us non-stem brains wired "differently"), one might make lemonade outta the lemons thrust in our doorway--which I did, by startin' a substack as an outlet for lack of my normal one(s).

Writin' in the vernacular both gives me an opportunity to play a role (however sincere my writin' is, I do write in character) one that I've enjoyed playin' fer many moons AND it allows me ta name names (this I do!), point fingers sharply, an' have a veneer of protection from bots, trolls, an' others who might otherwise seek me out (an' not nicely either), an' vex me or doxx me--fer my heterodox opinions...

Now here on this stack, yer hostess, Karen, is what I'd call a mensch (that's a very good human bean!), an' I like what she writes---so it's my pleasure ta share, like, chime in, like, whatever..... an' it's a safe bet here. HOWEVER, on some other sites hostile ta some things I say.... it's bit more risky than it is here'bouts, so keepin' a pen name protects the pen, the hand behind it, an' my own fam n' kids.

There! ya gotta longer response than yer somewhat off-puttin' comment likely deserved, but I try ta counter somewhat high-handed assumptions with genuine info--welcome (?) or not. (Still I bit bemused how my listin' the various "tenants" of the holy land relevant to the topic reads as testin' one's patience but one thing I ain't--a mind reader!) peace out (an' peace everywhere--god willin'!)

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I was giving you the benefit of the doubt as someone who might be mentally impaired or perhaps just a typical American.

Maybe you should try your "material" at an open mic night at a local comedy club and see if anyone else finds the genocide in Gaza funny?

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Wull now yer fulla compli-mints ain't cha..

First, nope, ya gave me no benefit of any doubt --yer left handed non-compli-ment has expanded most ungraciously. an' likely didn't deserve the respectful response I gave it--my error entirely.

Ah, callin' me mentally impaired is a new one--merci buckets! haven't been called that so thanks fer this new comply-mint "kind lady."

Typical American? Gawd. Not sure what that means 'cept sounds like ya don't think much've typical Americans if yer slingin' that one at me as an insult. I'll not share in yer derision (I got nothin' against "typical" or "atypical" Americans) but I'll take the insult in stride...

But one thing I don't take in stride is a false accusation, ma'am. I don't make fun of any death of any innocents of any faith / nation etc. in war or in peace. I NEVER mocked any deaths in ANY post so puttin' words in my mouth ain't right. Nor did I ever say I found ANYTHING 'bout Gaza funny.

So ya made that up an' I'll send a compliment back--bravo, ya gotta HUGE imagination inventin' mean untrue things to put in folks mouths when the ad-hominem doesn't git the reaction yer lookin' for.

Now that yer feelin' all superior an' chuffed after flingin' shart & shade at a poster whose "style" ya don't like, by all means give yerself a much deserved pat on the back an' have a fine day.

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Congrats. Sounds like you have a good sense for the truths that are being deluged with lies.

You are in one of the smallest existing minorities.

Standing for Jews and Israel is very similar to standing against the worldwide depopulation agenda.

No other people or country is held to the standard they seek to impose on Israel.

The land does not belong to Israel or the Palestinians (muslims) but to God. It is the land of Immanuel. And He will measure it out to whomever He pleases for their use.

Seems that things are moving at an increasing velocity to His direct intervention.

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Yep, Thanks for the encouraging words.

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Cogent, well-written, factual.

The haters will be all over you, KH.

Price of truth and you are more than capable of handling it.

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Thank you.

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Thank you for your clear and factual reporting on this, and a multitude of other critically important issues, Karen. May God bless and keep you safely in the fight for truth and freedom!🙏✝️❤️🇺🇸

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Thank you. Prayers are always appreciated!

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“The truth is like a lion; you don’t have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself.”

― Augustine of Hippo

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wow, what a remarkable piece of writing. it should be syndicated but i am afraid the agenda has already been set. un watch has been reporting on unrwa for years now, exposing them, but no one listened.

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Yep. It's hard to keep writing when it is made sure that the most logical truthful words are silenced. But I keep doing it! Hopefully it encourages those who feel like they are alone to realize they aren't. There are many who see through the masses of "experts" with their masses of "information". But it's hard for people to speak out because the world can be cruel.

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Thank you Karen. Im so appreciative of your hard work to get to the truth, that you do to inform us. All UN groups should be defunded, as far as I'm concerned. Just because we support Israel doesn't mean we want bad things to happen to Palestinian innocents or any of God's creation. That's the same opinion for everyone I know. But history clearly shows that Israel is the land of inheritance, to the Jews. Growing up we were taught that our lives here, are somewhat of a parallel to those in Israel, especially when speaking of religious freedom. And there would come a time when we, as Christian's would no longer be able to worship, speak or live without condemnation. I believe we see that now on a daily basis. Children being ripped from their homes because their parents don't want them to be sexually mutilated, the new talking point that white, Christian's in the Midwest are a threat to the world and people actually being arrested and having to serve jail time for singing hymns outside of an abortion clinic. It's insane. We were always taught to love Israel because they are the blessed people of God. I cannot believe the way they are spoken of by those who claim to love Him.

It's easy for me to see the signs everywhere that speak of the return of The King and our Savior, Jesus Christ.

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I restacked your response. It is so excellent.

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Thank you❤️

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Thanks for this article.

I see a religious war with one religion demanding the genocide of ppl of another religion. This is a job for "clerics" of both religions to come to an understanding that there is no One True Way.

These religious wars have been going on for millenia.

I have no answers.

Pray for peace, an end to hatred and willingness to "live and let live."

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The most controversial geopolitical issue that I have observed in my 40 adult years. Here is an article from Jonathan Cook, who has lived in the area and reported for many years:


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I appreciate finding out about Jonathan Cook. The problem I have with his piece is that it gives no proof of what he says except an article that really doesn't appear to me to take sides, as far as I can see.

It is about some Jews not feeling safe walking past a protest where it is described that "One sticker said “Anti-Zionist”. And "Several Jewish fans reported seeing a banner showing a map suggesting the eradication of Israel." Perhaps if you were Jewish, you might feel the same, who knows?

Certainly, pro-Palestinians have the right to peacefully protest. On the other hand, the end of the article says that "'Football For Palestine' is calling for an end to sponsorship deals with companies who have ties to Israel, the expulsion of Israel and Israeli clubs from Fifa and Uefa pending a permanent ceasefire and an “end to the illegal occupation of Palestine”, and for the Football Association to allow displays of solidarity with Palestine."

It's interesting that Cook and others who hold his views about these protests (many of which have become violent, and I have written about that violence in other pieces, citing sources) seem to be okay with these extreme demands, refusing to acknowledge that these protestors are using the same tactics BLM and antifa used. Many people who support these protests didn't much like what BLM and antifa did, but they sure do like it when the focus is on Jews (I'm sorry, Zionists).

Be that as it may, the real danger here is the distinction between "Jew" and "Zionist" that we now find repeated over and over in the media and on social media: Anyone who is a "Jew" is okay because they will submit to elimination as a 'good' Jew should. Because that's what would happen if there was no more Israel, all the Jews would be eliminated. You can't have it both ways. You can't call for the end of Israel without calling for the extermination of Jews.

On the other hand, if you are a "Zionist", meaning you believe in the right for Jews to have their own state and fight for it, then you are a Nazi and you, too, deserve to be eliminated. It all leads to the tidy extermination of Jews.

Palestinians want their own state, too, except they want all of it, not one bit left over for Jews. Yet somehow theirs is a reasonable demand.

I quote facts in what I wrote here. Read the timeline of terrorism that brought us to this terrible point in history that I mention here, from my essay Hard Facts: From the River to the Sea: https://khmezek.substack.com/p/hard-facts-from-the-river-to-the . Acknowledge that Palestinians overwhelmingly support Hamas which makes no secret of wanting to kill every Jew on the planet. It's sad because Palestinians have been used and abused by Hamas and the other Arab states. Put the blame where it lies.

I don't know any Zionist who thinks as Cook says, "A number of Zionist Jews and non-Jews identify so completely with Israel that they are not only willing to excuse the mass slaughter and starvation of civilians in Gaza but think others should not even be allowed to express disquiet at the slaughter."


Hardline Zionists tell us they find concern for the welfare of Palestinians "offensive"...

I don't know any Zionists who believe this. I have no doubt there are such people. But Cook doesn't explain what he means by "a number of Zionist Jews and non-Jews"--how many is that?--nor does he give an example of Zionists finding the "welfare of Palestinians offensive". Anyone who believed that would, indeed, be a terrible person.

This is a war, and if people are honest, as I say in the essay, they would acknowledge that they would want their government to do the same thing if it were happening to them and their towns. Israel is not the evil one because they are winning. Time and time again, Arabs have gone to war against Israel, vowing to defeat it and they have lost those wars. Instead of figuring out they need to negotiate, they go to war again. I pondered some of these questions about war in Is Anything Worth Fighting for Anymore? https://khmezek.substack.com/p/is-anything-worth-fighting-for-anymore

If you've read some of my other pieces, you know I was in Egypt right before the 6 Day War and I saw for myself the hatred. I also lived in Luxor, Egypt for three years, helped a woman escape a mob of violent men and thankfully made it out alive during the pandemic. I am writing that story is a series now. I just wrote the intro this week, Love and Lies on the Nile: https://khmezek.substack.com/p/love-and-lies-on-the-nile-introduction

Anyway, thank you for the dialogue.

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I appreciate you taking the time to read the article and comment on it. I will reflect on what you have written.

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Karen, you are so on target with all of your thinking. You write so beautifully.

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Thank you. 🙏

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Well said Karen. You touched a question that has bothered me for months: why doesn’t anyone (media/public opinion/international governments) put pressure on the surrounding Arab nations to provide sanctuary and relief for Gaza’s refugees? In the history of the world that is often the response when people are displaced. Why is it somehow all Israel’s responsibility to house/clothe/feed and tolerate hostile militants?

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Thank you for this informative and educational history and current events. Most people live in a bubble. I have been for years. We have had it so easy here in a free country and take things for granted. I just always thought of the people in the Middle East as crazy, and thankful I did not live there. They blow themselves and others up and decapitate people over religion. I'm not sorry for what I say, it is indeed something wrong with people who lack compassion, kindness and some morals and recognize women as equal as humans.

I've certainly learned a lot in the past 5 years or so, researching and reading. I have come to loathe my own government, not the country itself. They have manipulated us for decades. We are good people.

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I never trusted our government, having lived so much of my life in other countries and seeing it more clearly from the outside. But certainly since COVID that disillusionment has grown and millions of people have woken up to the harsh reality. I think it's been hard for people who now see the truth to face how bad things really are and to realize how they've been fooled for so long. It's hard to process. And then, on top of it, feeling so impotent to stop it. People think of they can just bring in a new political party or change the system it will magically make things better but the truth is, it might make it better for a while, maybe, if you're lucky, but ultimately, the same corruption and greed resurfaces. Too bad people so easily fall for corruption and greed when they get a taste of power. Still, the US is the freest country in the world. The fact that there are still places like this where we can speak freely shows it. Americans still do have freedom in their bones. When it falls there really will be nowhere to go.

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I don't have faith that this will turn around. I think we are too far gone, and some people have so much power and control, we are powerless to stop it. They are proving time and again; J6 which was contrived, and people who speak truth can be punished or removed (Boeing Inspector, JFK, etc). I realize they are so powerful, with the CIA, FBI, CDC,... and the technology for warfare is so advanced, what can we do.

I came very close to losing my home last week because of "wild fires." There were fires all over the county and state, eventually a state of emergency was declared after a couple of days and we got outside help, MD, and our National Guard. My sister lost her home. My family and friends worked around the clock creating fire breaks, cutting down trees, eliminating leaves,... Water was hauled in in big container trucks. I was sure my house was gone a few times. Thought the gas plant (pumping station that feeds other states for gas for homes) was going to blow. It would have wiped the town and more off of the map. I had to go to a Hotel in VA.

Nine states had "wild fires." Wind does not start a fire, and there were not that many down power lines all at once with breaks, etc, etc. A fire needs something to ignite it. Wind will spread a fire, but does not jump 10 to 20 miles away. It was not dry, even with 2 weekends in a row of winds; river and creeks flowing, wet under leaves. Homes were lost. No one died in the fires, but a young man not used to cutting down trees was severely injured. Anyway, sorry for rambling but, I'm fed up with DARPA, CDC, FDA, CIA, FBI and whoever is really behind what they do. I don't feel free. I don't think you can truly speak freely, only some places. If not for Musk buying X, it would still be very censored. There is a big push for total censorship. TicTok ban or purchase I believe is about it cannot be censored. Everywhere may eventually be censored.

Ketanji Jackson on the Supreme Court thinks the First Amendment is "hamstringing" the Gov from censorship. People tend to self-censor out of fear. I know I do. I never felt that way maybe, 6 years ago.

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Oh my goodness, that is terrible. I am so sorry you went through that and I am especially sorry for your sister. I know what you're saying. I struggle when I write and just pray that I have the wisdom to express things in the right way. You know I'm not a big fan of Musk. I am actually censored probably more now than I was when it was Twitter. Anyone who writes on Substack gets censored on x. X seems free but it has just pacified people, putting them into boxes where they can say what they want, giving them a sense they are some kind of winning side when it's all an illusion. When I say it's freer than anywhere else, I say that having lived in other countries, most recently Egypt. It's bad here but when talking about freedom, there is no comparison. The day we fear that the police will pick us up and send us to the Gulog for writing what we are writing here is when we know it's all gone. We are definitely heading that way. With Neuralink and the push for everyone to be connected to a hive mind, even your thoughts will not be your own.

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Thank you. You keep writing and I'll keep reading. We all need good information we feel we can trust.

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Glad ta share--golly, I'm learnin' myself (jus' like American His-story untold, so MUCH we have ta "relarn"--includin' the bits of his'try I wuz taught in Sunday skool)... I'm sure even our teachers had no idea 'bout all the baloney (kosher 'er not!) they wuz sharin' with students... an' the layers of deceit...subterfuge, intrigue... all've us are gettin' new educations!

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Thanks Karen , I didn’t know about UNRWA. I just heard an interview just now about donations to them on my local talk radio . Plus I don’t t like air dropping supplies to Gaza . Nobody wants the people and I get why . Egypt and Jordan and Saudi’s should open their borders for this. Probably too easy a solution 🤷🏻 Great article. Thank you 😊

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The whole situation is a tragedy. I just read the US will build a pier (or something like that) so that boats can bring supplies.

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Yes well done karen the truth will indeed set you free.

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Thank ya Karen--always heartened ta hear yer informed take on the matter! So if ya 'member the Jerusalem Report from CHD during the "thick" of the plandemic, you may remember Ilana Rachel Daniel as the journalist doin' the excellent "reportage."

So she covered UNRWA in Episode 2--give it a listen!


Now I'd never heard of UNRWA 'fore a few weeks ago when the bruhaha came out 'bout them Tweets an' emails (UNRWA partissy'patin' in the attack of 10/7 an' then gloatin' about it as proof they were "all in"). THEN Ilana covered it an' thought OK--the dust settles, this is an "illegit" agency an' should be defunded (as heppened).

THEN both Helena Glass (no fan've us chews or of Israel ta put it MILDLY but she has a huge follerin') stated that the UNRWA "scandal" wuz all a fakeroo campaign orchestrated by Israel ta cut off fundin' goin' ta "refugees" yadayada... She stated (without proof--but I don't trust NetAnYoohoo any more'n I kin throw 'im) that Israeli PR made up the tweets an' gloatin' emails an' the whole thing wuz fabricated and that BBGun's gubbamint would not show PROOF of what they stated...


Ilana is in Israel so I asked her if there wuz any truth in this accusation but she hadn't replied... THEN shortly thereafter it BLEW UP on the stacks that the entire UNRWA villification was an OP staged by Israel (which sounded equally fishy but it was passed around like a red herring sampler...)

The Expose (which is usually purdy reliable) also did a piece on it:


Again, Ilana hadn't replied ta my query an' we're ALL gettin' biased "fakeroo" nooz from the innertubes so I didn't know whut ta think bein' ill-informed about UNRWA from the start an' havin' now heard the story from one trusted source an' a couple I couldn't easily dismiss either (tho the first is velly biased)

THEN your piece comes inta the "pitcher" an' you lay out a TON of his'ry I had no clue about--that issues with UNRWA have been noted fer years an' also 'bout the way they characterize refugee status--it's a money sucker fer Hamas (so it seems).

So... the history you provide seems a support Story 1 (that UNRWA is just a money launderin' joint supportin' Hamas) BUT I'd sure like ta see Ms Glass refuted an' the Expose story checked out... cuz it's a LOT of US$$$ involved.

Thank ya once more fer standin' up for all the besieged Israelis (of all faiths) an' even the chews in the diaspora stuck 'tween a rock an' a hard place (a very hard one too!) an' also fer the good Christians that support Israel (many've whom I call good friends). All are "takin' heat" fer their beliefs. I know them globalists wanna see BOTH Israel an' Gaza wiped out fer their smart cities but those cheerin' fer the destruction of Israel an' all those in it have no clue what they're askin' for as if the globalist goons git their way--we ARE next (an' lord protect us IF that happens!)

Blessin's ongoin' yer way an' thanks fer the hist'ry an' backstory an' helpful reportage!

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Sometimes people on the right get mad at me for citing "mainstream" media but I look at everything. You can find the truth if you use your common sense. Also, if you don't have an agenda. It is really disheartening to see the rise of hatred of Jews. But of course, when you can differentiate between Jews and Zionists, then you can justify getting rid of them. This is one of the most important points I raise, and I hope people will see it. Thanks for all the added info here, I didn't know about all this controversy, but I am not surprised.

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I know I know! There are folks in the MSM that git it right even if they cain't "tell all" or (natch'urly) gotta protect their famblies by limitin' how close ta the bone they git!... Too many folks full-out dismiss Tucker, Kirsch, Brand, Weinstein, Alex Jones even--etc but at times I find 'em all compellin' (an' Tucker quite likeable / personable!) even knowin' he's got CIA connections an' all. (We et a passle've cardboard Swanson "Turkey TV Dinners" growin' up! ) Sometimes limits on whut one kin say does not mean they are purposefully in the bizness of gatekeepin' or limited hang-outin' (in that they aren't also spreadin' dis-info) but ruther jus' keeping a little on the safer side. I'll take whut I kin git, right?!

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There's that old saying treat others the way you want to be treated. The way Israel conducts itself is abhorent, always has been.

A disgusting state filled with a disgusting people. And a cancer in the world. If you want to act like a mad dog dont be surprise when the world recognises it and responds accordingly. The notion that you can eradicate hamas by genocide is not a great long term strategy. You've now created a generation of people all over the world that will no longer support Isreal, keep going with your bombing and starvational policy and no doubt a resistance will be born out if that will no longer tolerate a Isreali state.

The regions 1.6 Billion Muslims will not forget, nor will they want to be neighbors with such a psychotic nation. Big daddy USA wont be able to shield Isreal forever.

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ps it makes me sore whar I sit ta here this whole "Oh I don't hate chews but I ONLY hate Zionists!"--HATE bein' such an operative world here! (turrible!) It reminds me when folks went all anti-Russian (even bannin' Russian food! literature!) just b/c of Go-Ukraine! Blind Russian hate--I wuz gobsmacked seein' it. So now it's become trendy to be anti-Zionist which even if ya don't like the "regime" in place there (few do! even in Israel there is much outcry against NetAnYoohoo)--but now this trend is indeed connected ta be "anti-Jewish"--(sigh!)

Most decent current an' historical chews that're Zionists just wanted a safe place ta live, worship (or not) an' raise their own famblies. Abroad, it wuz famblies who supported the effort, no more no less. Nobuddy sees this any more... Folks didn't blame the good Chinese people for Mao, they didn't blame the Russian people for Stalin--but diff'rent rules apply to "the Chews"-- I hope folks realize this too is a "con"-- even some that didn't fall fer "covid-con" are fallin' fer this one...

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I understand that UNRWA has, one might say, over stayed their welcome in terms of continuing assistance to 2nd, 3rd and 4th generation decendants of the Palestinians who were expelled during the Nekbah of May 1948.

My question is why? Might it be that the "right of return" condition was not achieved and the "original" refugees who fled to the neighbouring countries of Lebanon, Syria, Jordan & Egypt were denied re-entry by Israel?

I heard it said that Israel (as a democratic country) needed to maintain a majority of Pro-Israel, Jewish voters to remain in power. If they were to allow Pro-Palestinians to return (and give them equal voting rights), and should a truly democratic election be held, the PA and/or Hamas/Fatah would regain control of the government.

Just for the record, (setting aside the debunked Israeli propaganda) I am not condoning the Hamas attacks of October 7th however peaceful protests, peace negotiations (including the "right of retun"), Palestinian resistance to occupation have all failed. Meanwhile Jewish settlements were permitted to expand in the West Bank, l believe, to disprove accusations that Israel is an apartheid state.

Netanyahu made his intentions clear many years ago regarding "Greater Israel" and UNRWA was just another thorn in his side. It therfore seemed inevitable that they would be accused of colluding with "terrorists" so western funding would be terminated.

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Ahhhh Dr (of political science) Einat Wilf, born in Jerusalem, married to a German and calls herself a Feminist, Zionist and an Aethiest.

I wonder how her aethism will hold up when Israel transitions from a democracy which supposedly includes Muslims and Christians to a full on Jewish theocracy?

Check out "Christian Zionism" on Wikipedia (and the citations) that suggest Jews in the late 1800's to the early to mid 1900's who were returning to the Holy Land would be encouraged to and ultimately convert to Christianity.

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