As Pastor Devlin’s admin assistant, thank you for writing this piece. I have lots more. Devlin travels to anywhere people are suffering and in need of the love of Christ. In addition to Gaza he has visited Kenya, Nigeria, Malta, Egypt, Cuba, Pakistan, Iraq (Kurdish Region)….all in 2024!

He has ties to many other countries, where he visits as the need arises.

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That's so wonderful. I'm glad to see you here. Pastor Devlin might have known my father, Christian author Dave Hunt. We traveled the world having many adventures like smuggling Bibles behind the Iron Curtain, while my dad gained inspiration for his books. I recently spent 3 years in Luxor, Egypt where I started the first and only boxing club for girls, but it became very dangerous for me there. Suffice it to say, if I returned I would probably be killed. I understand Pastor Devlin's love of the Middle East as I feel the same. God bless you and him in his ministry. 🙏

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Did he write A Woman Rides the Beast? I have that book saved to buy on Thriftbooks! I almost bought it on my last order.

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Yes, that's my dad.

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Cool! I'll get it in March, hopefully.

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Okay Karen my mind is blown Bill Devlin is a very good friend of mine his wife actually taught all four of my kids at Calvary Christian Academy this is great.... he's also been a mentor of mine for the most of 20 years now great article!! Maranatha!!

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Goodness, that's amazing! I don't know if he ever knew my dad, but I never met him. I hope I got everything accurate. Praise God!

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Thank you for sharing this inspiring story of Pastor Bill Devlin, a shining beacon in these dark days.

A true follower of Jesus.

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Thank you Karen, Palestinian/Arab Christians are not in the international eye. This tenacious pastor has brought more than necessary rice, but hope

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Exactly. It's a wonderful encouragement to know people are out there praying when it can seem like everyone has forgotten you.

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Thank you for sharing this story, Karen. I’ll be praying for the Christians in Gaza.

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Thank you. God bless.

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Beautiful to see the various parts of Christ’s Body working together to obey His commands!

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Yes, it is! 🙏

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Thanks for a great post and testimony that nothing is impossible with Gd.

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Karen, whatta lovely story 'bout good Father Devlin (ah, a New Yawker from "da hood" no less :-) who managed this great feat with the help of an international group (Christians, Evangelicals, Jews, IDF) all comin' together fer the effort. Reminds me of some'a my favorite ol' Hollywood films like "Going My Way" & "Bells of St Mary's" an' even "Angels with Dirty Faces" (all made by an' mostly directed by chews that knew a good story when they sawr it an' often starin' the always delightful an' immensely talented Bing Crosby an' one'a my favorite "old coots with a heart've gold" Barry Fitzgerald). "Old School Irish" we'd say ;-) They don't make 'em like that any more....wish they did! Warms the cockles & "muscles" 've my heart.

I'd hope that whatever befalls Gaza an' may I say Jerusalem too--that all the Christian congregations that wish ta remain in the Holy Land will be able ta do so, even if they have ta be temporarily moved 'till it's all made safe. (I read 'bout them landmines all over...not good fer man nor beast). These good people are no threat ta the stability of any place they choose ta live so I doubt The Donald would want 'em removed....however preferential it may seem pickin' who gets ta return...

So sad this one church lost two to the IDF's firin'--in the sanctuary no less. He's got every right ta be bitter & angry but I DO think it's wrong-headed ta say (as too many do) that the IDF is singlin' out Christians ta murder... WHY would they do that? Why target an innocent mama & child? The story doesn't tell us if the IDF had specific targets they were aimin' at--i.e. Hamas hidin' in the sanctuary as (imho) seems like nothin' is sacred in Gaza fer Hamas--not schools, hospitals, churches... Just sayin'. I really & seriously DOUBT the IDF would ever target these folks an' yet the tragedy might mean an entire congregation that hates "da joos" or at least Israel fer these senseless deaths b/c (troothfully) it's not "their war" (i.e. that church's) an' yet they've had such great losses (an' havin' ta worship under gunfire ain't no picnic either).

I liked the J-Post article ya shared. CLEARLY the writer (who is chewish) is sayin' it's both SAD & WRONG that Christians are bein' persecuted in Bethlemem...an' this'd be how must of "us" chews do feel--we really DO want Christians ta thrive be free ta worship an' it bothers me greatly when folks "tell me" that "you joos" want ta murder all the Christians ("goys"--which just means "another faith" but not per the haters, they meanly weaponize the term) an' rule the world. Just 'ain't so. Of course it's a mite ironic that the noble Pope is supportin' that congregation while sayin' BiBi is a "war criminal" an' callin' fer his arrest for "genocide." Bibi's war is not against the church... (he's faaaaar beyond reproach an' he's gotta lotta blood on his own hands fer forcin' Israel ta take their covid jabs--"FIRST" no less...but imho this ain't genocide by any means...)


SUPPLIES. I'd like ta add that what MOST don't know is that tho' surely that rice was badly needed, Israel & the IDF were not starvin' out Gazans (Christians 'er Muslims) as the MSM said. Their food & supply trucks (now over 60K of 'em) have not been allowed in OR Hamas looted 'em once they were allowed in. SO MUCH wuz wasted or is now beyond expiry date... no fault of "da joos" -- an eye-openin' short clip:


When one or two angry generals said "we'll starve 'em out" they might've meant it AT THE TIME but the actions (always) speak louder'n words (foolish angry ones an' ain't we all guilty of that at times). They didn't do it. They FED the enemy. Imagine if we Americans dropped food on Dresden whist bombin' it?! Anywho...last thought...

The JPost article you shared ended with this:

"The writer is a Jewish educator living in Efrat, near Bethlehem. His book Transforming the World: The Jewish Impact on Modernity has been republished in English and Hebrew in memory of his wife Lucy and daughters Maia and Rina, who were murdered by terrorists in April 2023."

He took time ta write about the Christian plight in the Holy Land even while his own wife & daughters were killed by (we assume) Arab terrorists. WOW.

Again, thanks fer sharin' the lovely story 'bout Pastor Bill... indeed he sets the "foinest" example with hopes others foller it in whichever ways they can.

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Agree with all you've said. As was mentioned, it would be a miracle for the rice to get through since it would most certainly be looted.

As well as in war terrible things happen and it's the innocent that often suffer the most. Nor do I think the IDF is out there targeting Christians. And the thing about the IDF is that there will be an inquiry to find out what happened.

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an' indeed that miracle happened!

oh, I know you yerself would never make that assumption but tho' "most" of yer readers now seem ta be playin' "nicely" (phew! right?) there are always some who assume the worst an' genuinely believe that the IDF is axe-ually out ta harm Christians which I know is not the case--the IDF duz'nt pay any mind ta Christians livin' in Israel proper so it would make little sense ta target 'em in Gaza--

Yup, it's good there will be an inquiry as there absolutely should be! Soldiers in any nation kin sometimes either go berserk an' do unfathomable stuff, inexcusable stuff even in combat, so just thinkin' it would help ta know more 'fore drawin' conclusions... Either way it's a huge tragedy an' hopefully one not ta ever be repeated.... Yet, I don't think it's right that folks believe it's Israeli army "policy" any more than (what they say 'bout) usin' Palestinian babies fer "target practice." Neither would be policy in spite've what folks say.

Unfortunately, jus' so I know whuts what, Karen, I travel "dangerously" ta many sites (includin' some quite popular) where sayin' that kinda thing is the "norm." Sometimes I just git a feelin' fer what people are sayin'--an' if ANYONE objects or pipes up ta the contrary--I also look at "likes" on certain comments I'd find "beyond the pale."

I feel if I don't know the "word on the street" (internet wise), I kin never be "street smart" fer myself an' our whole fambly--so I tread inta deeper warters to LOOK but in "com-mints" I sumtimes "put it out thar" figurin' there might be one 'er two who would "fill in those blanks" otherwise an' may pause...

I recently had such a positive encounter on Badlands (otherwise a site none too friendly towards da joos) where I piped up (the site had suggested the girl-hostages returned were treated real nice by Hamas & were sluts an' flirtin' with their Hamas-captors an' I fer one wuz OUTRAGED)-- an' one fella outta lord knows how many commenters came ta understand & see my "pernts" an' exhibit far more humanity than the others... so I sometimes "fill in blanks" fer consideration where I see an' openin' in the...discourse as it were...

Stories like this one inspire--bless Father Devlin...""It's a Long Way to Tipperary" but it's steps like his that forge the path!

... I'm sad ta say it but outside of a few spaces, generally substackers seem ta have a CON-senseless that Israel "needs to GO!" (as in disappear) an'

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I think you are a vital ambassador for Israel and for the Jews. You put so much effort into conversations with people, always in a respectful way. That is the kind of internet warrior that can make a difference. I get what you mean because sometimes I have a similar experience where I am able to shift someone's perspective. It's rare but it does happen. And even when it seems futile, you never know what may happen with someone down the line and the words you said come back to them. So, we carry on!

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aw shucks, mucho thanks an' I know it's mutual--I'm SURE you've changed quite a few minds too!... one at a time... baby steps! but as ye said, we do carry on as a way forward... I DO try ;-) cuz one receptive set've ears is more than one changed heart or mind. Ye hope they take that conversation ta the dinner table 'er to the office or mention it ta their adult children... we never know but it's that spark that sets off some folks to just QUESTION the powerful narratives thrown our way...

It's kinda funny, I've always been a talker (outside'a memorizin' lines ;-) but had I not become unemployed by virtue of not rollin' up mah sleeves I'd never have even KNOWN what all these folks were sayin' (hence my feelin' compelled ta pipe up when I could). Since we homeschooled I'd missed near-all the woke & CRT an' stuff. It wuz only durin' the plandemic where fellow parents canceled me an' my girls an' that dogma spilled inta the homeschool community, specially as many conventionally thinkin' "schooler" parents started ta homeschool first time an' brought with them the "woke" an' the DEI an' their odd attitudes. At that point I hadn't see the anti-jooish stuff but it started me on this unexpected journey that still has me gobsmacked--I mean the THINGS folks say... an' DO... in America?! (Bein' a New Yawker I thought I'd seen it all but boy golly wuz I mistaken!)

So without plannin', I jus' trooly I fell into it! If I kin git someone at least to see there is an'nuther side I've done good... an' more? A blessin'! I do hope sanity prevails... I think folks plumb fergot how ta think (yet they remember how ta hate) Go figger, right? Sendin' ❤️ yer way!

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What a great example of how God breaks through barriers. I wonder how the churches, when they receive that kind of bounty, can ensure that Hamas doesn't just come take it away from them.

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Have any Christian Arabs with family roots in Gaza (or for that matter in the West Bank or in Israel proper) participated in (been members of) Hamas or other terrorist groups?

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That's a good question. I would think not since Christians would not be welcome in Hamas.

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As I imagined. The question was rhetorical. The thought behind it is that some cultures are better than others much as some people are better than others. I do not have to be a Christian, or believe in Jesus, in order to consider that Christian culture is vastly superior to Islamic. It is doubtless harder to be a good person as a Muslim than as a Christian. Islam is totalitarian. An organisation such as Hamas, inspired by Islam, is vengeful, placing vengeance above the possibilities people in Gaza certainly had to create a productive economy. The only way to liberty for the Gazan families who are Islamic in name only is to settle in a different context, a place where they can be exposed to different customs and histories. Hence I do believe Trump's wayward proposal may show an exit even tho it is fraught with difficulties.

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Very thoughtful response. Well said.

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