I live in Eastern North Carolina and outwardly life seems almost normal except food, gas, and real estate prices are insane. The biggest news is that sports gambling has just arrived in time for March Madness. (Other than a few pastors, no one seems to care, and no one is concerned about the unintended? consequences.)

As someone with the same world view as you, Karen, it drives me a little crazy, and frustrated with the bubble dwellers. The apathy of my peers is maddening. All are in one of the two camps: Trump haters or Trump worshipers. Few care or know about the big picture. Honestly, if it wasn't for Substack writers I might lose my mind!

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I agree. It's like walking through zombie-land and you are the only one who is awake. It can make you start thinking you are the crazy one. Especially when you cannot even talk to people who are close to you. Writing on Substack and engaging with my readers has saved my sanity on more than one occasion!

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I thank God for my husband and daughter every day because we're all on the same page. Many aren't that fortunate.

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Except you have one thing wrong. The bank d8d it's own valuation of his properties and financial statements......the bank HAS TO. Otherwise they can't make the loan. It was the bank that made the loan whose valuation they are saying is wrong. I am just shaking my head. These judges have no clue about banking AT ALL.

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Yes, the banks agreed. That's why they gave the loans. The point is that it's subjective. If the government can then come along and say something else, it can happen to anyone. And it's true that people do this all the time. The banks did their due diligence, perhaps knew the value was inflated somewhat, or agreed it was correct, we don't know. But they knew Trump was good for the money. If business can't work like that, then business is dead. I think the judges know what they're doing, but there is no justice . Just revenge.

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It was good to mention the subprime mortgage crisis to make your point about banks being to big to fail🥂🐸

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But, there's another side to this. Trump didn't just inflate his income for the banks and the lists of richest men, he deflated it for the government. The same buildings he claimed were turning a profit when he went to get bank loans were simultaneously losing vast amounts of money at tax time. And the government was not ever made whole.

And yes, property valuation is somewhat subjective. But for Trump to lie about the number of bedrooms and triple the square footage of his own penthouse, and to declare that whole buildings full of units that had never been occupied were fully occupied, doesn't meet anyone's definition of subjective. That's just flat out lying. And many people do such things, though not at such scale. Most don't brag about it constantly, in public, to the media, even when testifying in his own defense.

But, the thing that bothers me about this whole backlash is that the bond requirement wasn't the decision of the judge. The only decision the judge made was NOT to make an exception to the rule for Trump. Every single person or entity who appeals a civil judgement in New York must post the judgement amount plus interest, or a bond for the full amount. And that's not a new law. Nor is the law that the AG used to prosecute Trump in this case, which, by the way, explicitly does NOT require either intent to defraud OR lasting damage to the victim. The law has been in place for decades, and contrary to popular belief has been used before. Even Tish James has used the law to go after several entities. It's just that no one cared really one way or the other.

Does anyone honestly think Trump is the first entity to struggle to post the bond to appeal a civil judgement? Do we really believe that, just because he complains the loudest, and has the most rapt audience, that, even if this IS an injustice, that he is the first, only or most severely affected by such injustice? I mean, most every state plus the Feds have been able to seize assets based simply on their suspicion that said assets were linked to a crime, and even if criminal charges are dismissed, it's often next to impossible for citizens to get their property back. And yet, Trump as politician has long argued for more such powers for the police. Remember him "jokingly" encouraging officers to "please don't be too nice" when loading suspects into police cars, implying that their heads should be bashed against the car while they are cuffed? He wasn't speaking of people who've been convicted in court, like him... He was talking about people who according to the Constitution are innocent. But now that HE finds himself the suspect, suddenly the law is unfair, when before now everyone who was suspected by police of a crime was guilty and preferably should be shot or beaten on sight? And, in fact, he STILL argues for such treatment of suspected criminals-as opposed to convicted folks. Just not him. Because seemingly, to him, the only people who are treated unfairly by the law are him and people he agrees with. Anyone else should have minimal to no opportunity to even defend themselves in court, much less to appeal. Recall his paying for a full page ad in the NYT when the Central Park Five were released, arguing they should be executed? Last I heard him address the issue publicly, he stands by that argument despite their exoneration.

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For an example, let's look at the George Floyd case. Trump was among the loudest voices arguing that due to Floyd's criminal history-even though it had nothing to do with the incident that led to the fatal confrontation-as well as his drug addiction, he had essentially forfeited all his rights. The argument seemed to be that if you play with matches, you deserve to die, whether by fire or by being eaten by a tiger. And the tiger's handler should actually be applauded for eliminating a guy who played with matches, because by doing something wrong at any point in his life he no longer deserved any rights whatsoever. Now Trump thinks he should actually receive not just his legal rights, but exceptions to the law. Yet, I don't see him changing his tune about poor people, immigrants, racial or religious minorities, and so on who are complaining that their rights have been violated during the legal process. He has decided Federal Prison is "horrible conditions" for the J6 convicts, including those found guilty by juries, yet when we're talking about "criminals" it's an injustice for them to be incarcerated in "Club Fed" which is apparently far too nice for "animals" who break the law. How the court system is supposed to tell the difference is not clear.

To me, It's just a stunning lack of empathy, and a stunning excess of narcissistic traits.

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I've written about much of this in other essays so I won't go into it here. I will just say that I know people have very differing views about Trump and strong emotions associated with those views. The point of this article is to warn people, as I have done in other articles in other ways, that this hatred, this scapegoating, this polarization which is being manufactured so that our nation is weakened, is only going to intensify. My fear is that whoever gets into power will take revenge on the other side. I want people to be aware of this danger. Since COVID we have been conditioned to take one side against the other. When the real enemies are the overlords, not our neighbors.

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George Floyd did five years for robbing a pregnant woman in her condo and sticking a gun in her pregnant belly, also letting his 4 accomplice criminals in to assist. George Floyd died of fentanyl overdose. George Floyd was a complete pos. If you had a son, would you teach him to be a bag man for Chinese cash? Like his Dad the President did ?Plausible deniability.? What Leticia is doing will haunt NY State forever. I would not invest there.

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Trump is no saint but he isn’t a judge. The point is that the judicial system is used to prosecute a political opponent. That is inherently dangerous because then the entire system can collapse. We don’t so much care what Trump thinks (in fact we know what he thinks, lol), but we do care if the judge is clearly biased.

Also I am not clearly following your George Floyd argument. His criminal past wasn’t relevant in the court room but his drug addiction was, because…hmm…he was very intoxicated when he was arrested.

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Mar 24Edited

And MY point is that Trump, who as you pointed out doesn't hold back his opinions and desires, wants to do the same.

He has been promising to use the court system to pursue his political opponents since his first campaign. It was he who gleefully led thousands of people in chants of "lock her up" over and over for years. Now he's going after the whole Biden family. He also wants to integrate the DOJ entirely into the control of the President, while simultaneously firing every civil servant, including those in the DOJ, who aren't "loyal" to him.

What's the difference? (For the record, I think Trump is actually a criminal and I don't think every single grand juror, juror, judge and attorney who has been involved in his prosecutions have been allowing bias to influence their decisions, but even if they are, Trump has openly fantasized about turning the entire federal judiciary into an army to go after his own enemies, so I don't see how he's any better.)

My Floyd argument was simple, and doesn't even require a debate about the lack of ability of the body to absorb fentanyl through the GI tract when swallowed, nor the differences between his death and what an opioid overdose looks like. It was just that Trump used his history to argue that he was a piece of garbage and deserved to die as opposed to a human with rights, including at a minimum the right to due process prior to being executed. We don't even need to argue if the cop was responsible for his death, because Trump's statements were quite consistent with his statements about other people or groups he thinks are less than human: that it's totally fine and actually good that this man was killed, and so who cares if his rights were violated? That's what our police SHOULD be doing, is worrying less about the rights of the accused.

Until Trump himself is the accused, and then suddenly even due process isn't sufficient...I hope that helps clear up what I was trying to say.

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“But such alleged asset inflation is not uncommon, and James’ prosecution of Trump appears to be politically motivated. In 2018, James promised to “focus on Donald Trump” and “follow his money” if elected. She called him a “con man” and “carnival barker.” After her election, James said, “We will use every area of the law to investigate President Trump and his business transactions and that of his family as well.” - Michael Shellenberger

What you are saying is absurd. It doesn’t matter what Trump said about Floyd. You can’t apply the same measure to what Trump said, however despicable he is, to the action of a judge. Trump’s argument about Floyd played no role in the courtroom. You can’t have a system in which a person on the bench is based or motivated by hatred towards those whose opinions they don’t like. Autocratic regimes do that, and dictatorships. Due process it is not. Thanks.

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Again, Trump has publicly stated, and his advisors have published plans, to dramatically curtail the independence of the entire DOJ and ensure that only Trump loyalists remain there if he is re-elected. That is why it does indeed matter what he says about suspects in general-Floyd is just one example. Because he's been quite clear that he would like to bring the entire federal judicial apparatus, from investigation to sentencing, under his control if he is president again. Hence, he would in essence become police, judge, jury and executioner.

For the record, Latisha James is ALSO not a judge. She investigated Trump. Then she presented the case in front of a judge. Trump could have requested a jury but his "better to be pretty than smart" attorney, who had essentially no trial experience, accidentally skipped that step. Then there's has already been one appellate judge who has weighed in on the bond issue. But that's just this one case. Then there's a different DA, in Georgia, plus the Grand jury plus the judge and eventually jury in that case. There's the Manhattan case which also includes DA, Grand jury, judge and eventually jury. Same with the two federal cases. All of them different attorneys, who then presented the case to juries of all different citizens, after which it went before a total of 6 different Judges so far just looking at the primary trial judges (not the appeals courts that have weighed in, like the 11th circuit times two.) Then there's the trial juries, who are made up of different citizens than the grand juries. Is it possible that all of them are biased in the same direction? Sure. But it's a heck of a lot of people, many of whom were random selections.

And let's say Trump was treated unfairly in this one case you're focusing on. You really think he's the first and only person to ever appear in court to have a problem like that? Why is his case the first and only one people are up in arms about? Look at all the people who've spent years or decades in prison only to be exonerated by DNA? Some exonerated from death row? Some of whom faced grave, naked injustice and/or incompetence during their trials, much much worse than anything Trump has faced even if we accept your version of the facts. None of them have drawn the outrage people are showing over the percieved unfairness to poor Trump, who hasn't spent a single minute in jail. Why weren't people this concerned the very first time they realized an innocent person was set to be executed? Or the first time they realized an innocent person WAS executed and then exonerated too late?

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Mar 23Edited

Who decided the high damage amount in the real-estate case? The same judge that you state "The only decision the judge made was NOT to make an exception to the rule for Trump." I don't recall any other similarly outrageous damage amount (for nobody being damaged, BTW) for anyone else. That's quite an EXCEPTION as well as violating Trump's constitutional right. But hey, keep in your bubble. Lots of other BS in your write-up but hope you feel better now spreading it all over here.

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NY will be a wasteland of empty buildings all inhabited by illegal alien squatters. The once exciting vibrant city is dying. They are reaping that which they have sown. Good riddance!

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New York was a scary place back in the day. In the 70s it was called Fear City. It's unfortunate that humans always seem to destroy what they create. It's interesting to read history that was written before Covid about how Rudy Giuliani cleaned up New York. He was a legend. Now, if you search the internet it tries to discredit what he did. This is from 2009: https://www.city-journal.org/article/how-new-york-became-safe-the-full-story. I saw a fantastic documentary about it a few years ago, but I can't remember the name and they've probably removed it anyway.

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You’re so right. I have many friends in that area (all have now moved out of the city) so spent a good bit of time there in the 70’s through about 2018. Giuliani did a remarkable job cleaning out the crime. It was an amazing city to spend time in. No more. My friends who have to go there for business now employ private cars and security as it’s become too unstable and dangerous these days. NYC is now a shining example of the consequences of liberal policies. The demise of one of North America’s greatest cities is at hand!

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As I remember it, Rudy had a very simple theory about criminal activity. He believed that most crimes were committed by a handful of repeat offenders who kept getting arrested and released. Once he put a few thousand crooks in jail—and didn't let them out the next day—crime suddenly stopped. Who would've thought?

The viciousness with which they are currently destroying him for protesting the fraudulent election is payback for making life harder for bad guys everywhere.

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Giuliani was one of the most transformative mayors in recent memory. I lived in NYC in the aftermath of his policies, which Mayor Bloomberg followed for 3 consecutive terms. It was one of the safest places to be - I was poor and traveled by subway in all hours of the day and night. Once de Blasio came, things have changed dramatically, I left the city, and then came COVID…

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Thank you, Karen, for this great article and bringing attention to these alarming details.

I am especially thankful for your audio where I can listen. It's GREAT.

AND, yes, these ARE Dark Times and most people either won't discuss it, disregard it, or are unaware.

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So many people have told me how much they appreciate the audio. I really enjoy doing it. It gives a more personal touch.

And yes, I feel so compelled to warn people. If I reach just a few and prepare them then I've made a difference.

Thank you.

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yup, even the TDS folks should be quakin' in their boots that "git Trump" is simply the TV script--our gubbamint doin' a brassy flashy mafia mob hit on a president (past an' potentially future)--heck, our gubbamint IS the mob (an' no, it's not about italians -- just in case folks are peecee readin' inta this wrongly--ruther it's the way they operate ta remove the competition--strong-arm their "hold" on the territory no matter what the regular folks (i.e. useless eaters) want--tho' sadly too many are deluded themselves (soon ta be full-out de-LOOTED too!)

The "mob" runnin' this show (an' "Tisha James ain't nuttin' but a paid stooge) out ta git TheDon (Trump not Corleone...)--an' the mob don't care if yer a fambly man or leader or (natch) the PressyDent--a hit is a hit -- they're usin' slightly different tactics (the courts--a rigged game a' basketball so ta speak--balls in their court!) but it wuz the same fer JFK really (also a man with clay feet but far better than the compey-tition!)--

An' I try ta tell folks that even if ya hate this OrangeMan with the comb-over, if ya cain't waddle back a few steps an' see the bigger pitcher--the mob hitmen in the suits (suits!), guns loaded 'n poised--then I'd say folks gotta Wise(guy) up quick! They need ta git off their high horses an' see that lawfare, warfare, weaponized poverty, weaponized crime, weaponized 5g an' weaponized medi-sin ain't doin' us no good.... an' by cheerin' on this fiasco they're makin' it easy fer the mob ta hit "on target" with no interference. They don't git that in theory, "we'ze next"--first they take out "Orange" then the rest of "red white & blue" leavin' only gray dust... an' we all know potus ain't gonna protect us--

Meantimes, DEWs may be comin' our way anyhow--tho' I surely hope not!--an' if the EMP or DEWs hit who they gonna blame? OrangeManBad... it's easy--like a chant! (Oh--only half-jokin' if I say that anything not done by Orange is done by The Chews--or Mossad--but that's still the Chews--an' if ya don't like what TheDon duz it's b/c he's "REALLY" a Crypto Chew (they cite The Jared an' the Abraham Accords as "proof")--nope, notta Jesuit as we thunk--but no matter b/c then they say Chews created the Jesuits--kid ya not--so all Jesuits are Chews--Trump, Fauxchee, etc....so again, jus' blame the Chews--yup that's it--an' I'm not totally jokin')

As ta the fact that it's backfirin' -- a mite, an' it's a GOOD sign some folks 're seein' it--but not quick enuf by half... now blacks & latinos (who always leaned more right but not so much in NYC) are finally ditchin' the democrap party (not that all parties ain't co-oped, they "iz"--rhinos 'r us yadayada). But that's sloooow goin' an' most of the wokesturds in the blue cities (includin' my sad / gone hometown NYShitty) are STILL sufferin' from TDS an' just cain't see the script (even while MyGrunts make poops in their foyers an' shoot up on their Brownstone steps...)

Hope ye kin enjoy some vestygizz of whut wuz once New Yawk while yer there Karen--it's my hometown, my city--an' I so once loved it... (fwiw Guilani wuz a mobster there an' not a hero by any means--also "in" on 911, all holed up in Tower 7 while "Rome Burned" in '01, but I do give 'im credit fer makin' the winda warsher con men go bye-bye!)

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I guess you can't make in anywhere without being in the mob!

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Sometimes I miss those Goombas

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tl;dr. It would help if you divided your text into smaller paragraphs, like you finally did towards the end of your post.

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Thank you for this it very appreciated. Well said we need to look in the mirror more and stop judging one another . Maybe even do your own thinking without too much listening to others we all have free will

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You were"straight down the fairway" with this essay, Karen.

Excellent piece.

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Karen Hunt thank you. I meet Friday 4-6 at a local pub with 3 to four older guys and one new edition said (short version) “Trump needs to go to jail. “ and on and on as if I was sitting next to Adam Schiff or Leticia. The clarity of your substack makes me feel unlost, redirected, thank you.

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Great article, but some of your readers can't read. They literally say things like "Can't see how this is a bad thing..." Well, um ... did you read the article? I'm sorry Karen but I can't take this kind of determined in your face obstinence when it is aimed directly at what you just uncovered as very very wrong. These people are just fucking stupid. I would make a point to read more from you, but it appears this substack place is diseased and poisoned with Whoopi lovers. Real shame.

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Don t give up Marky

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K - I guess I'll check-in w you next week.

First it was that post abt conversion dylan.

Now it's poor scapegoat DT.

I get the big picture but the man is a gigantic flaming ball of macho-ego, so burn witch burn.

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Another outstanding, well-written article, Karen! This witch hunt will be absolutely historic in terms of people asking "HOW did people allow that to happen to this man by the ruling elite of the time!? Why was there no public outcry?!" Shameful and bald-faced tyranny unfolding in front of our eyes, masquerading as this administration's version of "justice". Simply appalling.

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"New York is proudly doing all it can to destroy Trump. And destroying itself in the process."

Can't see how this is a bad thing...

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"Terrorist Attacks.

So far, more than 90 people are dead and 145 injured in a concert hall attack in Moscow as Islamic State group claims responsibility. How much longer before it happens in the United States?"

You guys are in luck... Since so far the CIA only enjoys culling USofT presidents!


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The Freemasons love their ritual numbers.3 22

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Yes they do...

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Well, cancer has been increasing markedly for several decades now and in the last 10-20 years has become worryingly more common in adults under 50 (just like the Princess), and the incidence in that demographic continues it's upward trend.

For whatever reason, though, COVID and all the fallout from it and the attempts to control it, did seem to correspond with dramatic acceleration of pre-existing trends, from cancer to mental illness to poverty to global migration to economic slowdown. It's rather alarming that the US, which as we all know is experiencing price increases, high interest to prevent further price increases, and so on, actually was among the most mildly affected country worldwide economically and is also recovering better than nearly all other countries, including other developed countries.

Of course, most is these issues predate Trump's political rise to power and affect the entire world. Which is why they aren't Biden's fault, either. The situation in Ukraine, the Middle East, the global affordable housing crisis, the increasing wealth gaps and shrinking middle class in developed countries, the previously mentioned health issues, the increasing incidence and severity of weather-related disasters, increasing global migration due to all of the above and more... These are worldwide problems. The question is, can our leaders do anything at all to help mitigate the worst of the damage, and if so, what can they do?

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"For whatever reason" covid drastically accelerated it all....

Are you good with that? The for "whatever reason"??

Most everyone seems to be good with it. Especially the GOVERNMENTS.


Since when has a dramatic rise in death and disease across THE WORLD ever been so under reported on and IGNORED? It's MASSIVE yet we get, blah blah blah oh, whatever.

It's unconscionable.


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This isn't about Covid. I've written many pieces about that. Here are a few.

COVID and the "Greater Good"

Everything is wired and the last thing that isn’t wired is the human body. https://open.substack.com/pub/khmezek/p/covid-and-the-greater-good

Disease X, COVID-19, and Bio-Hacking the Next Pandemic https://open.substack.com/pub/khmezek/p/disease-x-covid-19-and-bio-hacking

Once Upon a Fomite

How the COVID Masters of Lies convinced billions of people to follow their ridiculous rituals. https://open.substack.com/pub/khmezek/p/once-upon-a-fomite

The Nefarious Goal Behind Covid Testing

If we do not stop it, this testing will prove the stealth weapon destroying us all from the inside out, without ever firing a shot. https://open.substack.com/pub/khmezek/p/the-nefarious-goal-behind-covid-testing

Why Everyone Must Get Sicker for the Good of Pfizer

“Many people believe that the most frequently washed body part in 2020-21 was the hands, but in reality; it was the BRAIN.” - Bhushan Mahadani https://open.substack.com/pub/khmezek/p/why-everyone-must-get-sicker-for

The Victimization of Dr. Fauci & the Resurrection of HIV

“Nobody's so gullible as scientists. They think they know, you see. That's always dangerous.” ― Agatha Christie, Destination Unknown https://open.substack.com/pub/khmezek/p/the-victimization-of-dr-fauci-and

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It's partly about Covid and these people are commenting on it.

You bring up "Escalating Disease" and mention Covid and plastics.

The ol "Whatever" is the culprit isn't good enough.

Now there's Princess Kate who is ill. Maybe she's exposed to a lot of plastics. God only knows but plastics aren't my suspicion.

I have heard or read many of your other good essays you have listed here.

Thanks for them.

Of this whole new article here I'm WAY more concerned about the escalating disease than Trump's fiasco.

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Yep, which is why they are building an RNA Empire around the world. The thing is, it's clever because there is no way to prove the gene therapy (not really vaccines although they've changed the definition now, which is why I encourage people to keep old dictionaries and books) is the cause. If there was a way, these people would be in prison. Instead, they are making these vaccines for every illness, while creative ng the illnesses at the same time. A perfect business model.

I know people don't like to hear that, but it's the reality. I also take exception to many pundits who pushed the vaccines in the beginning and then, when it came to their advantage, they changed their tune and are making big bucks off of people who now only listen to them. There were so many people, some of whom I have tried to acknowledge, who lost everything for standing up when it mattered. Those are the people I respect.

The rise in illness, loss of immunity, is the worse thing, I agree because they are using the entire human race as rats in a lab, for their quest for immortality. Which will never work. And of course, Kate's cancer isn't due to plastics. Although we don't know the long term consequences of all these things on our bodies. I think the birth control pills women take all of their lives, from teenage years, has dire consequences that will never be acknowledged. No one can "prove" it. It is all so corrupt.

However, wars could well end it all soon enough. It's all related to the whole technology boom which was about power and control over every aspect of our lives, throughout the entire human race. It's quite horrific.

The New Self-Amplifying RNA Vaccines Promise to be Double, Triple, Quadruple the Fun! https://open.substack.com/pub/khmezek/p/the-new-self-amplifying-rna-vaccines

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Except, cancer, autoimmune disease, autism, mental illness, and more have all been increasing dramatically since long before COVID hit. So, yes, COVID caused increases in some of these, (partly due to the significant and likely undercounted effects of long COVID, partly due to stress, partly due to patients and providers putting off care for pretty much everything else which was partly due to the vast overcrowding of clinics and hospitals during COVID waves, partly due to financial issues as economic downturns are always associated with myriad health problems, partly due to the effects of the documented increase in drug and alcohol use and on and on...) but overall most of these problems have been increasing for a minimum of 20-30 years. And that includes cancer in adults in their 20s, 30s and 40s. Just like Kate Middleton. Actually there have been several studies lately noting a significant increase in colon cancer in adults under 50 that began, at the latest, around 2010. And then there's the problem of autoimmune diseases of which long COVID is a great example but it's far from the first, and most have been sharply increasing for several decades. And the incredible increase in rates of autism, which some attribute entirely in increased diagnosis but there has even been a huge increase in the rates of the most severe forms, which have been identified pretty well for a long time as they are basically impossible to miss (this would be the people who are entirely nonverbal and function on the developmental level of 6-18 months of age). So, health news has been getting worse for a long time.

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I don't believe much of your report here.

You certainly seem to have all the answers but you haven't even mentioned the covid "vaccines".

(tells me you're jabbed).

I've seen WAY more reputable reports on vaccines causing ALL SORTS of health issues than I have on "Long Covid". Long covid may be a myth. It's more than likely Long Vaccine from the sources I think are correct.

That might be why the governments and health agencies are hiding it. IDK.

We ALL know they have hidden SO MUCH in the last few years. It's very suspicious.

For instance, I see no reputable reports showing "Long covid" comparing vaxed versus unvaxed.

Why? It appears hidden by most and if you do see a report you can find another conflicting report.

Who do we believe?

Your numbers are off in that ALL Cause Mortality is significantly up since 2020 in most parts of the world especially in high vaccinated areas and it isn't dropping.

Long covid? I doubt that.

By now, the people not getting health care reason is LONG GONE past.

Have the mortality rates dropped?


We need more open studies. Not opinions.

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Mar 23Edited

Well, you have a decent theory except that long COVID entered the scene long before the vaccine. As did COVID-related blood clots and cardiac issues including myocarditis.

I would provide links to studies proving everything I said except something tells me that no matter what I provide you will conveniently "not trust" any of the sources. So, guess we will have to agree to disagree because I've learned that there's not much use in trying to reason with someone who simply dismisses out of hand any evidence that doesn't support their opinion as "fake news".

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Does Kate really have cancer (which can arguably be cured for the right price) or is Kate the poster girl/hero for the tsunami of cancer sufferers with destroyed immune systems caused by the nanotechnology in the jabs? Remember all of the celebrities and heads of state who repeatedly publicized getting Covid? This was intentionally done to normalize the dysregulation of jabbed immune systems. Can Kate and Harry be trusted or is their alleged rift with the Royals another ploy?

"Whenever the people need a hero we shall supply him."

Albert Pike

33rd Degree Freemason

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Do you mean Mehgan and Harry?

I always wondered if Magic Johnson really had AIDS.

As for the Princess of Wales, if it were me and I had cancer, I can't imagine how horrible it would be if people doubted me. Unfortunately, since Covid, we have to treat everything with skepticism. Did Tom Hanks really have Covid, how about Boris Johnson or Trump? The mind games we are now put through are endless. One of the first and most popular essays I wrote was about that. Utopian Madness https://khmezek.substack.com/p/utopian-madness

All that aside, what a nightmare to marry into that family! You are a prisoner, and you are told what to do and if you don't behave, it doesn't go well for you. All the money and fame and royal titles cannot make it worth it.

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Yes....Mehgan! Thank you for correcting me. I reflexively avoid reading everything to do with the Royals.

Desspite Kate's golden cage... I have a hard time feeling sorry for anyone of her rank. Does any family rise to such prominance without actively oppressing others? I can't imagine the hubris involved in accepting a role like Kate's.

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If anything, they might hide it not fake it.

They've been hiding it for months and the public got wise to it so they broke their silence.

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Mar 23
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And the funny thing is, all their best laid plans are backfiring. The more they persecute Trump the more popular he becomes. They are so disconnected from "salt-of-earth" Americans, those "fly-over-states" with all those hokey people that academics despise. I saw this years ago when I founded InsideOUT Writers, the creative writing program for incarcerated youth in Los Angeles. Liberals made fun of Middle America. I really took exception to that. Now, it's coming back to bite them.

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Exactly. If Trump were left alone before, during, and after his presidency, things would have been FINE! His policies were actually sensible, for the most part, and driven by common sense and business logic. If only the FBI, CIA, others, and of course the omnipresent media left him alone, we would have been in a different place. Now the judicial system is conducting witch trials on Trump, which only boosts his popularity and support.

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Trump's rights have been violated and Americans on both sides of the manufactured 2-party paradigm should be outraged. This is totalitarianism.

That being said....anyone who supports the guy who still brags about unleashing Operation Warp Speed on his citizens is delusional.

The powers that shouldn't be WANT Trump in power because, just like last time, he will do their bidding.

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Mar 23
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I'm a second generation Angeleno. So sad to see its demise. Why would tourists go there anymore? When I'm there, I stay way in the outskirts. Can't stand entering the city.

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In my heart I have joy and I have faith. But I have no optimism about the direction we are heading.

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I feel the same way Karen. Thank you for your work and your dedication to humanity.

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Not 'elected'.......INSTALLED. All this mess has been DECIDED before hand by the BIG DECIDERS. The "elections" are a Potempkin village kept in place by those who control by lies those people who readily embrace nice little lies.

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Yes....including Trump who has been brilliant at solidifying the fake 2-party paradigm which keeps us divided and conquered. We fall for it every time.

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Without a doubt, he is a polarizing figure.

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Y'all have to admit.....the guy is a world class actor in this Street Theater genre.... He even makes the Deniable Plausibility Scene still seem plausible to many and they arent even wearing a virtual reality headset 24/7 yet....

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Seriously, you think they actually “voted” in someone? They were placed, not elected!

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They want to bring it down, in their fervent belief that what will subsequently arise will automatically be "BUILT BACK BETTER" as their secular WEF end stage Communo-Fascist prognosticators prognosticate. It's a lie, as these useful Idiots are about to find out the hard way....

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Mar 23
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Those given the eyes to see and the ears to hear will understand eventually how this all figures into the intended end goal of world communism. It's been played out in a myriad of smaller steps throughout modern history

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