thank you, loved listening... for me, was left pondering what his indoctrinated classmates must have felt upon returning home and learning of their fate...

antifa (like Biden) will find they are expendable as well.

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Yes, it's tragic isn't it? One can relate it to the indoctrinated youth who rioted for Antifa or jumped on the transgender bandwagon. The regime uses them and then discards them when they have served their purpose.

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Thank you for sharing a personal story from Alec Moghadam. The world could use more stories from reasonable and vulnerable men. I hope he passed down his genes and had some kids.

It is heart breaking to see the picture of Dr. Farokhroo Parsai standing there, lovely and honorable, and strong, with fingernail polish and a little lipstick - a modern woman. It's so hard to conceive how she died. I'm going to read more about her. Thank you.

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