Human life has a different meaning in the Middle East

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My Mexican girlfriend and I (I'm a white American) visited both Israel and Palestine last November. We rented a car in East Jerusalem with yellow plates (Palestinian vehicles have green plates) from a Palestinian rental agency that permitted the vehicle to be driven anywhere. We had Jewish people warn us not to drive into zone A areas with yellow plates whereas Palestinians said not to worry, as Palestinians with Israeli citizenship do it all the time. We drove to nearly every city in the West Bank to include Jenin, Nablus, and Hebron. In Bethlehem we were having difficulty finding parking and a motorcyclist offered to help. After we parked he insisted on driving us to the Church of the Nativity. He spoke very little English and we never understood why he wanted to help us. We never had a problem and found a very welcoming people everywhere we went. In both Nablus and Hebron the owners of the airbnbs took us out to see their cities. In Hebron, they even had us over to watch a world cup match. I would strongly disagree with you that their ultimate is to destroy anyone who is non Moslem. We learned first hand how poorly they are treated by their Israeli occupiers. Hebron in particular is downright sad as zone H2 is right in the middle of the city. The second time we visited we came by bus and saw the difference. We were able to walk into the H2 and catch a bus direct to Jerusalem whereas Palestinians were not even permitted to enter the zone. We visited the tomb of Abraham from both sides - the Palestinian guide was infinitely more friendly than their Jewish counterparts. Of particular interest, they had designated a young man with Down's Syndrome as a caretaker.

We also visited Lebanon on the same trip and found the areas controlled by Hezbollah to very welcoming as well. We were granted permission to visit the most southern part of the country and were able to actually touch the wall with Israel in numerous locations (In Israel you can never get that close). At no time did we feel unsafe. I had a very engaging conversation with one of the volunteers at the Hezbollah museum. I really do not understand your remarks that they are only out to destroy anyone non Moslem.

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Oct 20, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Another insightful article. It reminds me of reading "Reading Lolita in Tehran", where the author admits to her disilusionment after protesting FOR Khomeini. I only wish the phrase "Yet, every one of those young revolutionaries sitting there that day, embracing Khomeini and approving of the deaths ordered by his regime, were executed once they returned home" would stand out more. To me this is one of the most shocking and revealing details of his story.

Based on how much I learnt from your last two articles, I actually went back and read "Israel in these End Times" again, with more breath and presence. I still disagree with the tone of the first part of the article, but admit, on second reading, that you delve into the issues in your usual thoughtful and insightful manner as the article continues.

All in all, I want to thank you for responding to my criticism (because I was looking for communication in that comment, not just cancellation or dismissal of your work) AND for continuing to write (as it is very clear to me you have a lot to say on the subject and I am grateful for what I learn from you and wish more people could learn too).

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It seems like this moderate Israeli journalist, now in hiding from his own people, has a better take. https://youtu.be/zMKyH4jCnTE?si=XfwZBSPuFc-Iu16O

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Thank you for your candor and heartfelt missive. For all seeking good will, seek ye equity and equanimity will be yours, eternal forevermore.

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Oct 19, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

This is a great essay. I’m glad you reposted it for us to read. It’s stories like that, although heartbreaking, are what we need to hear. In many ways they are inspiring as well. Always on point Karen!

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Oct 19, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

In 1953 the CIA should've "never" overthrown the Iranian Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh. From that time on, everything became a huge mess.

"Before his removal from power, his administration introduced a range of social and political measures such as social security, land reform. His government's most significant policy was the nationalization of the Iranian oil industry, hence the reason for his demise.

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The United States has a lot to answer for.

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Everything the CIA and MI6 has done colonizing nation-states has turned to shit.

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Very honest. Very moving. I am afraid we are in for a dark time now.

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Oct 19, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Article should hit home with all of us right now- thank you for writing this. I don't know if I am brave enough to stand up to the madness- but it doesn't seem like I would want to continue living in this world of lies anymore. I think it's becoming an easier choice. Thank you for shining the light of truth.

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Unfortunately, your article only recognizes one of the many Palestinian oppressors - Hamas. Many of your readers recognize the other Palestinian oppressors as well.


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Hamas serves their master, Iran, who gives them over 1 billion in aid annually. The goal is a religious one. To rid the world of Jews and then to move on to anyone else who opposes an Islamic "world order" I guess we could say. The Palestinian people are pawns in this agenda, they can all be massacred for all Iran or Hamas (and other players) care. They have consistently blocked any chance for a Palestinian state because that does not serve their agenda. This is clear, and Israel must fight and win this war, or we are in such big trouble. You don't have to be a fan of Israel, or the "elites" or their agenda to see this truth. I don't know why it isn't obvious to everyone.

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All governments and terrorist organizations of this world serve and do the bidding for the synagogue of Satan.It seems the AC is waiting in the wings to make his appearance soon.The divine purpose for the tribulation in relation to Israel is the conversion of the Jewish remnant to faith in Jesus as their Messiah.We know who comes to save the day in the end for the chosen elect.

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Im sorry, but I will not be pulled into this divide and conquer game, this false dichotomy. With Al due respect I believe your argument that “Israel must win this war” is off the mark, Karen.

I will not be put into the position of taking sides. As George Bush once said “ you are either with us, or with the terrorists”.


I will not be tricked by logical fallacies to being part of a false dichotomy.

I love the Jewish people. I have many close Jewish friends. I stand with the Jewish people in Israel who have been led to the slaughter by Bibi and the Israeli government with this “ surprise attack” by Hamas.

I also have many Muslim friends who are ethnically from the Middle East and I stand with the Palestinians especially in Gaza, who live in an open air prison, with the Israeli government and IDF security monitoring and controlling everything that enters or exits the Gaza Strip and has done since yomkippur war 1973 (50 years ago, almost to the day, of the “surprise” Hamas outbreak from Gaza.)

I stand with the civilians of Israel as much as I stand with the civilians of Palestine.

The Israeli Jews are as much pawns as the Palestinians are. It’s just the Palestinians have had to suffer being full time pawns for so much longer.

It seems you have forgotten ( or didn’t know about) Israel and the west supporting Hamas as a means to dividing support to PLO.

I don’t believe this 7Octoberr attack is a surprise to the Israeli government at all. Egypt was warning them days before, even though Netanyahu denies this https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-67082047

And the way the poor IDF security soldiers on the Gaza border were ignored by their commanders and ridiculed during the days leading up to the security breaches of the border on 6 October is more than alarming. https://m.jpost.com/israel-news/article-768734

Both the Israeli Jews and the Gazan Palestinians have been set up.

The main problem being that the 2 million people of Gaza (of which almost 50% are children)are imprisoned in an area approx 25 miles long by 5 miles wide, with almost no means of exit and are being bombed daily by a nation with a sophisticated military, are insecure about if they have enough food, water, electricity or medical aid never mind the fact they have no organised military force ( how can you have a war when only one side has an army?)

Who was it that expanded beyond the borders given to them (albeit arbitrarily) by outside governments from 1948 onwards?

Who was it that didnt abide by the UN resolution 242 from 1967?

Who was it that fired a million shells on the second intifada ( peaceful revolt) within a few days, with the commentary from Ehud Barak “ we have to inflict maximum death from the get-go to prevent this Intifada from spiraling out of control like the first one.“

Maximum death??? Not “ get it under control,” but,to quote, “maximum death”!?! So, of course that intifada ended in violence. As did the first one, which also started as a peaceful revolt.

In 2005 Israeli Government said it would withdraw from Gaza, and urged the settlers there to move out, and deployed its military forces from within Gaza Strip to the borders of Gaza ( that big wall with all the sophisticated surveillance and 24/7 watch security forces, you know, the ones who were laughed at by their commanders when they warned things were looking strange and unusual in the days leading up to 7th October’23 ?

Sorry to repeat myself but here goes -https://m.jpost.com/israel-news/article-768734 )

I’m 2006 there was a democratic election in palastine, overseen by Jimmy Carter ( for those of the readers too young to remember, he was president of the USA at that time) and he said that the whole election was “honest and fair”.

It was so honest and fair that senator Hillary Clinton said at the time “ we should have made sure that we did something to determine who was going to win.” !!!

Hamas won the election.

As a result of this election the Israeli blockade of Gaza began - allowing minimal food and water into Gaza to keep the men,women and children there on a subsistence diet. Just enough to keep them alive.

When water wells were dug in Gaza the Israeli forces filled the wells with cement. ( please note, I said Israeli forces, NOT the citizens of Israel. I have no doubt the everyday Israeli citizen had no idea what was going on there)

Who was it that launched Operation Cast Lead in December 2008? An operation that Ammesty International named the “22 Days of Death and Destruction.”? Why was this operation started against the men, women and children in Gaza? Nobody is sure, but the historians can only point to the fact that the Israeli forces had recently suffered a defeat in Lebanon against Hezbollah.

During the operation Cast Lead in 2008 ten Israeli combatants were killed and 3 Israeli children. Which is an atrocity. And one thousand four hundred Gazan Palestinians were killed. Approx 75% civilians, and 350 children. Which is no less of an atrocity.

May I remind your readers that according to the Geneva convention this is a war crime and a crime against humanity.

(I’m pretty sure that you, Karen, know this already)

In 2014 there was yet another assault on Gaza “operation Defensive Shield” which lasted 51 days (almost 2 months)

The President at the time of the international Red Cross , Peter Moorer, visited the war zone at the time and said “ I've never seen such massive destruction ever before”

In 2003 David Cameron (then Prime Minister of UK ) described Gaza as “ the largest concentration camp ever to exist.”

Do I need go on???

I believe this comment is more than long enough. Thank you for reading so far. I’m almost finished, if you’ll bear with me…

War is hell on earth.

Occupation is hell on earth.

Being denied freedom is hell on earth.

The only institutions that make war, occupation or denial of freedom possible is government

After living through the last 3 years of the world wide governmental tyranny commonly known as “covid pandemic” and all its associated de facto laws, rules, regulations and censorship, I do not trust any government, nor government mouthpiece. Not my government here in EU, not the Israeli government, nor the USA. No government.

I will not applaud Israel into a state of full blown war, using the Israeli men, women and children as pawns in this escalation, nor will I cheer on the men, women and children of Palestine as pawns.

Because government propaganda is calling me to do so, AND because my own morals tell me it’s wrong to do so.

I refuse to be part of these divide and conquer tactics.

I stand with the people of Palestine. They are men, women and children. They are not human animals.

I stand with the people of Israel. They are men, women and children. They are not gun fodder.

I do NOT stand with war mongers.

There are always more than two sides to everything.

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Sorry, I made a typo mistake. I said Jimmy Carter was US President in 2006. He wasn’t. He was a former US president, however he DID oversee the 2006 elections in Gaza, and did say the election was “ honest and fair”

My apologies

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