praying before falling asleep helps me let go of my worries 💞

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Me too.

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Beautifully writ K....prayer doesn't need to be on one's knees at all at all! Awareness of our connection with the Divine & strengthening those invisible threads is what counts. 'The Kingdom of God is within' wasn't that what Christ said ...not to mention that rather demanding exhortation :"Be thou perfect as thy Heavenly Father is perfect' which led me to think as a young one (when you were getting up during the night ) that the theory of re-incarnation made perfect sense!

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I always thought that if reincarnation were true, surely the human race would be progressing in a better direction, but I don't see that happening. It's a mystery. We are destined to live by faith on this planet. I want to learn all I can, as honestly as I can. That's my goal. This writing has really helped me on that journey.

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Thanks friend for doing this....I needed it right now and am heading back to church once I find one that works for me. When I pray -- which I learned to do in recovery from alcoholism, there is always a shift in my psyche. So grateful for that and for you. Good luck in CR!

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A good church will never “work for you”. That is faithless, self serving humanism, caused by the sin of pride, which all other sins come from, and where satanism finds fertile ground.

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Goodness. I said it all in my comment to your above.

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Actually -- I just converted to Catholicism. Don't really feel like I am serving humanism and that is a pretty hardcore criticism of someone's faith -- someone you don't even know and based on a one sentence response in a comments blog. I don't judge how people develop their relationship with God. And pride has nothing to do with it. So very judgemental from a person who no actual insight.

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Rather than write more, I will paste here my comment to Carolina's direct comment to me: My relationship with God is personal and only he knows my heart. You do not, nor do I know yours. I learned through a life spent seeking God, living in many different countries and speaking with people of all faiths that I have no right to judge others. I leave that in God's hands. I have been in many churches and have communed there with God and other believers. I have also sat in many services and fallen asleep during sermons. I have had wonderful experiences of praying around campfires in the mountains. Christmas in communist Yugoslavia where there was no place to worship except at home, was more meaningful than it ever was in the West where Christmas, even in churches, had become so commercialized. God does not live in a church. And God cannot be put in a box and defined by a "denomination". Wurmbrand found a closer communion with God in a prison cell than in any church. "Where two or three are gathered together, there am I in the midst.." as Jesus said. Jesus never talked about buildings. In fact, he didn't have anything nice to say about the religious leaders. Although I grew up in the Plymouth Brethren "church" my parents did not believe in being a member of any earthly church. Many of our meetings were held in homes and the congregation rented a building that they used for services. There were no priests or pastors. In fact, they didn't even call it a church, they called it "meeting". When I was about 9 years old, my dad was excommunicated from the PBs because he had a spiritual experience of speaking in tongues and they demanded he deny it or else get thrown out. He refused to deny it. Still, we continued to go on Sunday mornings, much to their discomfort (and mine!). We sat at the back of the meeting hall, and no one talked to us afterwards. It was as if we no longer existed. My dad was not allowed to take communion. He spent the service with his head bowed in prayer. Years later, they apologized and invited him back. He graciously accepted. No, I am not religious, nor am I 'spiritual'. I am a seeker of the truth. More than anything else, I want to purse it as honestly as I can, and that's what I do in my writing. If you read my writing and conclude I am wishy-washy, I don't know what to tell you. As Trish Wood says in her comment, and as I said above--and as I say in this essay--God knows our hearts better than anyone else ever can and thank goodness for that. I leave it in his hands.

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Thank you Karen, I really appreciate your words.

Last year the Truckers in Canada opened my eyes to the reality of what was happening in the world through their sacrifice. The lack of interest in the the human rights violations imposed on them, caused my world to go spiraling into terror.

Suddenly I could see what had been hidden, what was going on around the world. I learned from videos on Telegram and other alternate sources as I realized that YouTube and Google were erasing anything that didn’t “toe the line”. I could see that the “news” was not biased, but flat out lying, not one of the most respected news sources was telling their story. A few mentioned a partial truth, then failed them utterly in the end. None of them cared at all when an act of war was perpetrated on the protestors and their supporters, stealing their money and livelihood to shut them down and shut them up. And all of this in the wake of the horrific summer of burning police cars and buildings that everyone in politics and news literally took a knee to and supported. The stark contrast made it even more terrifying. Terrorism was rewarded, righteous peacefulness was destroyed.

My world went spinning as I began to fully grasp the enormity of what was happening not just in Canada, but in the USA, and in all the “free” countries around the world as people were out in the streets justifiably protesting peacefully and being shut down in the harshest of manners.

My fear was so great because I felt completely helpless and couldn’t see a way to resolve it. I felt “check mated” like in a game of chess.

Finally after many months of trying to prepare for something that is impossible to anticipate how it will actually show up, I remembered God.

And that made all the difference.

I have an amazing background of experiences that proved to me, beyond any doubt, that God is very active and available in my life, and very loving to boot. That level of loving was the big shocker to me when I realized it way back then, in my past. That was the day that I fell in love with my God.

But as life progressed, I had just taken that for granted and it had become more of a background that was a foundation for me to stand on in my life.

During my fear last year, I fell off that foundation completely.

Fortunately, after my husband was almost ready to divorce me following months of fear induced insanity, I remembered that I had been through utter hell before, and that I had experiences that had proven to me God was alive and well.

With this, I was able to change the way I was looking at this situation.

With God, I was free to believe anything I chose. One thing I chose to believe is that I picked this life to come into so that I could learn certain things for my “soul journey”. That this body is the vehicle I am using to have experiences here in “earth school” that will test me on the things I wanted to learn, things that can only be learned experientially. Like when you study a book and think you have it, but realize in “doing” it is very different than you expected it to be.

So if I follow that logic, then I must have had an idea of what I would be facing. Then it becomes a question of “How did I face the thing that gave me the greatest fear?” It was no longer a question of can I defeat it, stop it, or survive it.

It is can I be proud of the way that I faced it, win or lose, when I look back on this lifetime? What could I have wanted to learn from this experience?

Of course I will do what I can to stop this seemingly overwhelming monster consuming society, but as a human, I can only do what I can do.

Crawling into a corner, cowering in fear, potentially having a heart attack from that fear before anything really bad even happens is not something I would be proud to look back on.

So that means I stand up, do what I can, keep God in mind, ask for guidance and take care of what is in front of me.

The fear still comes and goes, it is definitely a minor player rather than an all consuming dragon in my life.

Now that I am paying attention again, I am noticing incredible experiences that are feeling like a proof of God working for me and through me as walk my path.

Not “life is hunky dory” now, but that even though life is still difficult and hard decisions must be made, I have peace in my heart and feel guided in my choices.

I pray daily by giving my fears and worries over to God to handle, thankfulness for my insights and “wins” and asking for direction, guidance and peace in my heart with a friend that is doing the same.

It has made all the difference in this, the greatest challenge I have ever faced.

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Wow, what an inspiring journey. One of the best things about writing this Substack is hearing stories like yours. So many of us experienced an epiphany thanks to Covid, and it wasn't easy coming out of that comfort zone and back into the harsh light. But no one that I know of, just like yourself, would ever want to go back to being half asleep again. I am so thankful for this community of readers. God bless you as you continue on your path.

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Beautiful. Thank you.

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Thank you for all the links. I will take a look.

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I really appreciate your columns. This one cuts deep though as ‘beta one’ in human agumentation experiments, with more than 20 nonconsensual implants, including Musk’s Neuralink (yes, US doctors have been putting them in patients without consent since at least 2014. Now you know why Musk is world’s richest man: Torture and cognitive theft is profitable.) I have been tortured endlessly for 10 years for neural recordings and sport. I have sought escape from this hell from lawyers, doctors, journalists, politicians, and — yes — prayer. Not a single person who could help has. No prayer has been answered. Our Congress is utterly in servitude to Gates & Musk and others of wealth, in every case made grotesquely rich from contracts with the military. You mentioned the big blue sky of Annie’s outside cathedral,

but you failed to mention those skies have been stolen by the military & elite too. Rare is the day where the skies above me are blue. Rather, they are typically filled with cloudy nano and gamma rays absorbed into my brain through the Neuralink power coil, the intent to destroy the cognition they have stolen for 10 years. And yet curiously no one even seems to NOTICE. There seems to be no collective memory of clear blue skies. Citizens’ unawareness of this change, of this absence of blue, is bewildering. For the first seven years I prayed devoutly. But seven years of torture with no relief has left nothing but anguish. Is God not supposed to be all-powrful? All-just? All-loving? Because he too seems to have fallen under the power of Gates & Musk & Yuval who openly mocks faith and God. These elites have not only succeeded in enslaving us through tech but they — and the military, (which I have learned is NOT an honorable collective) — but they have also eliminated truth. No one tells it. Millions in America know citizens are being covertly chipped and tortured and yet say nothing, actually profit from this enslavement. Every TSA agent knows, most cops and fire and emts know. Emergency room doctors know, as do thousands of nurses often paid to ‘stalk’ the victims of these Nazi crimes. I’ve learned Jim Jordan & Chuck Grassley are frauds — they rail about FBI corruption so long as there are TV cameras nearby. They know —like all of Congress — that citizens are literally being sacrificed on the alter of AI. They tell me there is nothing they can do. Members of the most-powerful legislative body in the world claim they have no power to end nonconsensual experimentation and torture. That’s because they have SOLD US TO BLACKROCK AND GOOGLE AND GATES AND ZUCKERBERG, et. al. Fauci’s wife oversees human experimentation at NIH — brain initiative subjects are put under surveillance with false allegations that they are ‘terror suspects’ — and tortured to suicide. So you have a cult of fusion center employees, military, public employees and ‘confidential human sources’ watching torture porn and suicide snuff films as entertainment. And NO ONE says a word. Including hundreds of influencers on Twitter and Substack who know these atrocities are occurring. The list of frauds is long: Whitney Webb, Naomi Wolf, Dan Bongino, Tom Fitton, Julie Kelly, Darren Beatty, John Solomon. Greenwald has known for a decade that citizens are being chipped and tortured and instead of exposing it has promoted the lie that these victims are suffering some mass psychosis. There IS mass psychosis occurring — but it is not among the unwitting victims of our military& elites. Rather, is is among those who profit in their servitude to them. Someone needs to tackle the topic of how lying has become THE NORM. Elon Musk lies casually every day on Twitter. Bill Gates lies every time he appears on our TV screens. Rolling Stone mag falsified photos to promote the Covid lie. One could write a book documenting the lies of the one-august NYTs. Maybe they always lied. Maybe their mendacity has only become more obvious due to the Covid crime. Man is fallible. The promise is that God isn’t. But why is he allowing the world to be controlled by psychopathic liars?

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I am so sorry you are experiencing this. I have been in contact with some other people who have experienced the same issue. The reason why God allows this is a complex one that would take another essay--or maybe an infinite amount of essay! In fact, we cannot completely know or understand the big picture, we can only try and do our best with our finite abilities. Maybe I can write more on this topic.

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I would very much appreciate you writing about this. What our govt. is doing and allowing to happen at the behest of elites is no different than the evil perpetrated by Mengele and the Nazis. Our Congress is completely controlled by powerful interests and is not serving Americans. I have zero rights. Doctors are THREATENED that harm will come to them if they remove tech from my body. And they are forced to write lies in any medical chart about my speech insinuating mental illness. This is done to COVER CRIMES. NOTHING MORE. And Jim Jordan, Chuck Grassley and the rest of Congress know. When doctors are forced to casually lie on medical records to HIDE CRIMES, when police and hospital personnel acquiesce to tyrants, we do not have a free country. We have totalitarianism masquerading as freedom. Obama passed this law on way out of office to hide his crimes — and to legalize the human trafficking of cognition. https://t.co/4b6L4nKw3e

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Karen, I have sent you information. Please do a story sooner rather than later. My life depends on it.

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Thanks again Karen.

Yep I need to pray more.

But I have read Rees Howells book, Intercessor.

I really enjoyed this message. I was even more encouraged than normal.

His peace, protection and plans; yours in your next adventure.

Dick Nicholls; South Australia

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Thank you so much.

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Good that Karen, thanks.

Many years ago I read Wurmbrand, in particular I remember sermons in solitary confinement. I may have read more remarkable sermons but I can't say when. I like your perspective, a lot.

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I fear these old books will be forgotten and these stories erased. We must keep telling them. Shortly after Wurmbrand was released from prison he came to our home, and I will never forget it. He and his wife were friends of my parents. I'm so grateful I had so many rich and wonderful experiences like this.

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Fantastic Karen thank you Costa Rica eh? I agree with the person who said her prayers out in the open fields. Same here

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'Be pleasantly surprised', rate Rees' story book. A contender for m'most influential. Reads like a parable but don't think a reliable way to understand how God works in all and exactly that way, except ...rare as rare, exceptions(?). Goes with book and story of Job and the 'exceptional' stated at the start. Good shocks... and surprise me, in what you get into and where at. Rees got what could from news and information available and the war. Wrong in analyses as the retrospective through documents and evidence reveals -yet- as right as could be in a response that's as top a priority going, for our days and the world war we're in. Speaks of the mystery of how God does with praying what we should be encouraged to plough best-we-can in. Been a while to read it and has me want to think about how God and prayer works in respects to my belief Rees and co' praying mattered and of extraordinary importance, yet... All that am into is the model and knees or out in the fields, or... or... as your brill invitational piece draws us toward, there be power... x

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"...the real heroes that no one will ever know about." Eckhart Tolle calls them frequency-holders...

Thanks for this Karen, I wish you a smooth transition to CR

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Thank you.

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God is real and prayer works. Many people doubt and don’t believe. Truth, Life, and Love are some main aspects of God.

Here is how to test if prayer works, The Golden Key by Emmet Fox.


I have compressed this essay into a few pages. Had it been possible 1 would have re­duced it to as many lines. It is not intended to be an instructional treatise, but a practical recipe for getting out of trouble. Study and research are well in their own time and place, but no amount of either will get you out of a concrete difficulty. Nothing but practical work in your own consciousness will do that. The mistake made by many people, when things go wrong, is to skim through book after book, without getting anywhere.

Read the Golden Key several times. DO exactly what it says, and if you are persistent enough you will overcome any difficulty.


Scientific Prayer will enable you, sooner or later, to get yourself, or anyone else, out of any difficulty on the face of the earth. It is the Golden Key to harmony and happiness.

To those who have no acquaintance with the mightiest power in existence, this may appear to be a rash claim, but it needs only a fair trial to prove that, without a shadow of doubt, it is a just one. You need take no one’s word for it, and you should not. Simply try it for your­ self, and see.

God is omnipotent, and man is His image and likeness, and has dominion over all things. This is the inspired teaching, and it is intended to be taken literally, at its face value. Man means every man, and so the ability to draw on this power is not the special prerogative of the Mystic or the Saint, as is so often supposed, or even of the highly trained practitioner. Whoever you are, wher­ ever you may be, the Golden Key to harmony is in your hand now. This is because in Scientific Prayer it is God who works, and not you, and so your particular limita­tions or weaknesses are of no account in the process. You are only the channel through which the Divine action takes place, and your treatment will really be just the getting of yourself out of the way. Beginners often get startling results at the first time of trying, for all that is absolutely essential is to have an open mind, and suffi­cient faith to try the experiment. Apart from that, you may hold any views on religion, or none.

As for the actual method of working, like all funda­mental things, it is simplicity itself. All that you have to do is this: Stop thinking about the difficulty, whatever it is, and think about God instead. This is the complete rule, and if only you will do this, the trouble, whatever it is, will presently disappear. It makes no difference what kind of trouble it is. It may be a big thing or a little thing; it may concern health, finance, a law-suit, a

quarrel, an accident, or anything else conceivable; but whatever it is, just stop thinking about it, and think of God instead—that is all you have to do.

The thing could not be simpler, could it? God Himself could scarcely have made it simpler, and yet it never fails to work when given a fair trial.

Do not try to form a picture of God, which is, of course, impossible. Work by rehearsing anything or everything that you know about God. God is Wisdom, Truth, inconceivable Love. God is present everywhere; has infinite power; knows everything; and so on. It mat­ ters not how well you may think you understand these things; go over them repeatedly.

But you must stop thinking of the trouble, whatever it is. The rule is to think about God, and if you are think­ ing about your difficulty you are not thinking about God. To be continually glancing over your shoulder, as it were, in order to see how matters are progressing, is fatal, because that is thinking of the trouble, and you must think of God, and of nothing else. Your object is to drive the thought of the difficulty right out of your con­sciousness, for a few moments at least, substituting for it the thought of God. This is the crux of the whole thing. If you can become so absorbed in this consideration of the spiritual world that you really forget for a while all about the trouble concerning which you began to pray, you will presently find that you are safely and comfort­ ably out of your difficulty—that your demonstration is made.

In order to “Golden Key” a troublesome person or a difficult situation, think, “Now I am going to ‘Golden Key’ John, or Mary, or that threatened danger”; then proceed to drive all thought of John, or Mary, or the danger right out of your mind, replacing it by the thought of God.

By working in this way about a person, you are not seeking to influence his conduct in any way, except that you prevent him from injuring or annoying you, and you do him nothing but good. Thereafter he is certain to be in some degree a better, wiser, and more spiritual per­ son, just because you have “ Golden Keyed” him. A pend­ ing law-suit or other difficulty would probably fade out harmlessly without coming to a crisis, justice being done to all parties concerned.

If you find that you can do this very quickly, you may repeat the operation several times a day with intervals between. Be sure, however, each time you have done it, that you drop all thought of the matter until the next time. This is important.

We have said that the Golden Key is simple, and so it is, but, of course, it is not always easy to turn. If you are very frightened or worried it may be difficult, at first, to get your thoughts away from material things. But by constantly repeating some statement of absolute Truth that appeals to you, such as There is no power but God, or I am the child of God, filled and surrounded by the perfect peace of God, or God is Love, or God is guiding me now, or, perhaps best and simplest of all, just God is with me—however mechanical or dead it may seem at first—you will soon find that the treatment has begun to “take,” and that your mind is clearing. Do not struggle violently; be quiet but insistent. Each time that you find your attention wandering, just switch it straight back to God.

Do not try to think out in advance what the solution of your difficulty will probably turn out to be. This is technically called “outlining,” and will only delay the demonstration. Leave the question of ways and means strictly to God. You want to get out of your difficulty— that is sufficient. You do your half, and God will never fail to do His.

Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved

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Puritan Stephen Chernock expressed, “Nothing less than Christ can satisfy and when you find Him, nothing more could be desired.” I’ve found this to be true. This life is like a vapor, and we were made for eternity.

“And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Yeshua the Messiah, the One You sent.”

- John 17:3 TLV

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A beautiful essay Karen. Thank you.

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Good article.

This is more of a question than a comment. Why Costa Rica?

I have heard that the former President and Health Minister have joined the WHO and were forced to leave the country due to their covid hype.

Is this true ? That we have one country getting rid of all the plandemic planners

Love to hear your opinion on the feel of Costa Rica .

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I will write more about "why Costa Rica" in the future, so stay tuned! Interesting about the former President and Health Minister. I hadn't heard that. I will see if I can find out.

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