It’s all a game to gain more power while we are left confused by what we perceive to be unanswerable questions. But it’s really quite simple. It doesn’t matter if this or that company fails, or if a Silicon Valley or a Swiss bank goes under. The elites own it all anyway. They create illusions of loss and gain, so we worry, while all they are doing is MOVING THE MONEY AROUND. It’s like they have a bunch of baskets where they keep the money. They may take a pile from one basket and put it in another, but the baskets are all in the same storehouse. And they own the storehouse. Not one penny ever leaves that storehouse—not one penny. It all stays in those baskets, under their control
The most accurate statement about world economics I’ve seen. You hit the nail on the head so hard it left a divot in the board.
Scarier even than not having the freedom to choose, good or bad your martyrs is the loss of the awareness that it even matters.
Thank you for sharing this. I really enjoyed the article in your voice and the excerpts from your mom’s writing are priceless.
So much of your narration provides a glimpse into the results of what has been happening. Much of what you saw in the 60s and 70s has happened all across America in the 80s and 90s if you look at the inner cities.
Your experiences in Russia and Europe in your youth clearly impacted your world view and your clear vision of current events. (I have a similar background, born in Venezuela, raised there as well as Libya, Italy, Switzerland. The majority of my formative years were spent in Libya. My family was there when Gaddafi took power. I’ve been in 2 revolutions, and been evacuated 3 times by the military over the years for pandemic outbreaks, oil explosions or dangerous political unrest. This is one of the reasons I never worried about Covid…I saw worse afflictions daily.) Our world view in the US is exceedingly narrow and our understanding of world history as well as our own history is minimal. All of this makes us easy to manipulate. Our western society is incredibly spoiled and self indulgent (Demi Lovato, et al). The generations in America who grew up in the Great Depression and who knew great hardship are mostly gone now and what remains is a coddled and self absorbed people. This is a generalization, I know. There are many of us in “fly-over” country who know the value of our labors and appreciate the great country we are living in. Let’s hope they stand up to the garbage being forced on us by the Deep State, the NWO, the Davos crowd, etc…
I agree there will be some very tough times coming, especially for the younger crowd who grew up knowing only plenty and cannot function without their smart devices! I’m afraid it’s going to be a rude awakening. I’m old enough to remember my grandmother’s stories of the Great Depression. I also remember tales of Russian fighter pilots who defected to the US who thought, when taken to an American grocery store, that it was all a stage set to impress them, because they could not believe there could be that much food for the common people. I remember pictures of Soviet and Iron Curtain stores with lines of people just trying to get a few staples. Those are the images I never forgot and so many here don’t know or remember. We are incredibly, incredibly lucky in this country and should be thankful. Too few are. We need to be willing to protect and safeguard our country because the alternative is pretty damn dismal! #GodBlessAmerica
My family hosted Russian exchange students in the early 80s (and from other countries too). I was maybe 9-10 years old. I remember they drove our car (a station wagon ! :) to our local grocery store, not a big town at all. When they returned the entire back of the car was filled with toilet paper. They bought like as much as they could fit!. When my parents asked why, they were like, "Well if we don't get it all today, it will be gone tomorrow!" Funny but sad truth too, on both sides. Of course we knew more than the average American family, but still until you experience that it's hard to really grasp how different our worlds were, and how spoiled we were. Of course, our current situation is a LOT more dire than just groceries and TP; (though it was a stark reminder when the Whole Foods in San Francisco was emptied of TP and just about everything else the moment the "pandemic - shelter in place martial law" was announced. Actually it was even before that. It was planet of the apes, among the richest most privileged people...human nature revealed, though not "umasked" so to speak). Anyway, I hope for better but fear the worst. Even though we shouldn't fear. Be in the Kingdom of Light, because darkness is here.
Yes, hope for the best, prepare for the worst. It’s just another form of “insurance”. Being prepared, emotionally as well as physically, is what gives us some modicum of power over our situation. Much easier to not be fearful when you have some control over your environment. I always go back to God helps those who helps themselves.
A fellow traveller indeed! I too was born in Venezuela; and spent my childhood in Venezuela, Holland & Iran. I have survived an earthquake as well as living in Iran (bordering USSR) as the Cuban missile crisis unfolded (it was a dangerous time). Amazing how I have survived, really. I don't feel I now need text messages from the UK government to advise me of impending disasters. I seem to get by perfectly well on my own; and if I don't, well, too bad.
I would say 1 and 1/2 men. Trump is at least partially beholden to big pharma (as well as his massive ego) because of campaign money which is why he still shills for the jabs.
That's why I make the point more than once that it isn't about whether or not you agree with Trump. The point is that our right to decide for ourselves is being taken from us.
Even though the shilling is not appreciated, it still doesn’t cancel out the ONLY one who wants to fight for us + loves the country….whose policy is ‘America First’, which sounds great to Patriots. However, going up against the Deep State is one thing, but can he fight the Globalists? Hopefully so, IF he will be blessed with success in ‘24. 🤷♀️ 🙏
When the classified thing broke a while back, I thought it sounded like BS at first intuition.
First of all, why would they give permission to take the documents home, when they can be read at the offices? This is a huge security risk and I really doubt they would allow any document to be taken home.
Second, why would there not be any tracking system that determines when a document has not been returned?
It smelled like a bullshit story to create a narrative that is now being used to try and get Trump. But the next step will be using it to get rid of Biden, so they can put in new blood like gruesome Newsom or our favorite spook, mayor Pete.
Obviously, both of them are way down in support compared to rfk Jr, just like in the red team where Trump trumps most candidates. 😂
Karen, every piece you write is amazing with your insights, illustrations, wisdom. This one again eclipses even the best of those. Have you read “Live Not By Lies” by Rod Dreher? you must. I will gift it to you if you need a copy. Thank you for everything you do. It’s hard work, but it’s what you are called to. So gifted.
it’s so on point with many of your core theses, and especially relevant to our times. the history of the decline, fall, demise of freedom (especially and mostly religious Christian freedom in 20th century Eastern Europe) is like a mirror of the West and America today. As observed by survivors of that time who are sounding the alarm to us now. But we are largely blind. Esp. the “leaders”. you will really appreciate it.
I have to say my sister Karen you are feeling the pulse for sure of the reality of the world and specifically America ...normal is not coming back Jesus Christ is, that is where I place my hope! Titus 2:13....maranatha!!
Haha, all of that just makes me more determined to say my name loud and clear. Actually, my parents named me after Keren-happuck from the Bible. She was Job's daughter that God gave to him after he prospered again. So whatever people say--and they have accused me of being a 'Karen' in the most vile manner, it really doesn't matter to me as they just display their ignorance. I keep the best of it all in my heart.
an y'all know the "original" central park "Karen" was unfairly so-named & unjustly vilified too (don't have a link but Bari Weiss's The Free Press covered it... poor gal lost her job and her apartment--got spit at, etc) So this lady wuz petite and mildly on the autism spectrum an' had no reputation of bein' a tattle tale or complainer--just socially awk. So the bird-watcher that tried to nab her dog was a very big guy, imposin' and KNOWN to tempt dogs with a bag of treats an' then hold 'em until the owners leashed 'em an' left the park so no birds would skeer n' fly away. If yer a dog lover (I am!), someone tryin' ta take yer dog IS threatenin'--no matter what color his skin is. Gosh. The man was a forceful, scary, imposing dude per MEN who also spoke out about his well-known antics ("Karen" in the story was unaware of the man or his rep...). So this lil' lady mildly on the spectrum was natch'rly intimidated an' freaked out. Her call fer help wuz HEAVILY edited fer "sensational coverage" cuz she didn't keep repeatin' stuff about the guy intimidating her being black--there wuz so much static on the poor connection she had ta repeat her entire spiel -- includin' the description because THEY (on the 911 line) asked fer it. A few others came to this lady's defense but it wuz all too late... If ya saw recent coverage of the pregnant lady on the bike--of folks callin' HER a "Karen" an' mockin' her "fake" tears--you'd see how they dunnit--because pregnant bike lady was in the right... No matter, she's already gotten the "Karen" treatment--she's on leave from work (paid?) an' the folks in her apartment complex want HER out too... no doubt they'll git their wishes granted... that's how it rolls in New Yawk. So yeah, even the "Karen" in the presses deserves empathy... an' of course the talented Karen here much more for her enlightenin' insightful writin' n' drawin' too!
Frederick , I have read enough of what you write to know you are too brilliant to be taken in by all the scripted melodrama that has gone on in the media surrounding Trump since 2015. Please stop and consider the idea that all of this is scripted narratives designed to cause extreme polarization and division in the US. I haven't believed Trump was for real since just about day one. I can't now fathom how any intelligent person can't see how fake all of this is. The writer of this blog isn't doing anyone any favors for spending 9 hours writing a piece that just assumes Mr. Warp Speed is just a good guy. He is just another flavor of THEM. There has to be huge cognitive dissonance in many people that still support a man that, to this day, will not admit there is anything wrong with the vaxxes he shilled for. He is no different than Fauci or anyone of those monsters in that respect is he? I just had to say something on this thread that seems hopelessly detached from reality to me. I picked you because we have talked before and I respect you.
ET - thank you for the note. I am honored you took the time to write the to me. I too have had doubts about Trump since the beginning but was somewhat drawn by some of his good accomplishments. Indeed, he pushed the "vaccine" and his behavior is nothing short of psychopathic. I never went to any of his rallies or donated. Coincidentally, I just had a personal conversation with a buddy who thinks he is a unwitting (witting?) prop of the masters to divide the Republican party to sway voters to go for Biden. I avoid the topic because I have good friends who continue to like him. But that is not really being honest with myself. So, here it is in is the open! So, with humble pie, please don't block me Karen, you do have good stuff.
In this piece I'm really not interested in whether or not people like Trump. If anyone fixates on that, they have missed the point. The point is that our freedom of choice is being taken away. Maybe we never even had it in the first place, but I've lived everywhere from Egypt to communist Yugoslavia, to Bolivia, and I can tell you, The United States is the freest country on earth. However, those days are fading. If you've read the entire essay, then you know it's more about recognizing what's going on, and I bring that out by writing about my past experiences, so that it's clear. Anyone can read my other essays, like Twitter vs Remdesivir, where I am not too kind to Trump since he promoted Remdesivir. Anyway, why would I block you when one of the most important topics I write about is free speech and that we should not have to agree with each other in order to respect one another.
Thanks for the kind feedback, Karen. I really did not think you would block me as that was just a knee jerk reaction on my part. The concept of "...not have to agree with each other in order to respect one another..." is the best thing I have seen in a long time! I got into it with a few people on Notes and it was nasty. I never used a curse word (they did) and I offered to agree to disagree but that was rejected! Made them even more angry. It seems the anti-freedom people (who claim freedom) can never go for that! I had to block them for fear of future harassment.
I know all about that. I've had the most vile things said about me, actions as well, and in fact I was cancelled by Hollywood elite back in the early 2000s, so I'm an old hand at this. I, too, do not swear. The Bible says when you react with kindness to hatred it's like "heaping hot coals of fire" on their head. Lol. So much more effective than uncontrollable anger. The thing is, you have to be prepared for them to hate you even more. It's not easy. But that's how it is.
Thank you! We are seeing all of these things unfold before our eyes. I know my parents would love to be here now. My dad would be in his element, preaching!
so true! so well put! I too reflect back on my long-ago trip ta USSR an' planned to do my own little piece on the "grocery stores"--an oxymoron there! (it wuz still actin' like USSR in the 1980s by the way...) an' bein' totally floored by the much anticipated "Gum" (ladies coats: options of standard issue include the rough gray "wool" blend in three sizes, ditto in rough navy, ditto in dirt brown--two unflatterin' styles available!). Beneath the crumbly but once-elegant plaster ornamentation thick-legged tired faces in orthopedic-lookin' footware an' saggin' "stockings" lined up (long lines too!) for what appeared to be sub-par floor sweepers in semi-crushed sagging boxes lethargically hoisted onto a utilitarian formica table (under the gilded walnut ceiling crowns) by salesgirls with regrettably over-bleached hair an' too much blue eye shadow. NEVER never never thought that 'd be AmeriKa but I've no doubt that's the plan. (sigh) You said it all 'bout Tucker an' The Donald--couldn't agree more. Meanwhile in blue states like the one I'm in--folks CANNOT will not "think" 'bout this stuff--they really DO wannna see the full out cancellation of both 've these men an' cannot fathom that their cancellation means their own... their petty voices shoutin' fer blood (31 counts an' they demand blood, not knowing it's a dirge...) Among those who SEE truth (an' my friends who came from E. Bloc see it all clearly...) there is STILL much lethargy tho... Americans don't know what the heck to do... even them that "see" what's comin' down the pike... Heck, I don't know what ta do either! (apart from substack, I write letters, sign petitions, show up at rallies...and I don't kid myself that that's jack squat--somebuddy needs ta take down the 5g towers, scramble the computers when the baddies 'r doin' their war games... all skills beyond me...) Anyway, I'm sorry ta say it but ya called it right--the downfall of the "T's" (however imperfect, flawed etc) is the FALL for us all... (an' Russia is laughin' now...)
ps ha re. miss lovato--I 'member the printed newspaper hangin' on a wire in USSR an' ya had to pay the p-p lady fer the paper sheet too!
It’s all a game to gain more power while we are left confused by what we perceive to be unanswerable questions. But it’s really quite simple. It doesn’t matter if this or that company fails, or if a Silicon Valley or a Swiss bank goes under. The elites own it all anyway. They create illusions of loss and gain, so we worry, while all they are doing is MOVING THE MONEY AROUND. It’s like they have a bunch of baskets where they keep the money. They may take a pile from one basket and put it in another, but the baskets are all in the same storehouse. And they own the storehouse. Not one penny ever leaves that storehouse—not one penny. It all stays in those baskets, under their control
The most accurate statement about world economics I’ve seen. You hit the nail on the head so hard it left a divot in the board.
Scarier even than not having the freedom to choose, good or bad your martyrs is the loss of the awareness that it even matters.
Great piece,I look forward to reading your works.
Thank you🙏
Thank you for sharing this. I really enjoyed the article in your voice and the excerpts from your mom’s writing are priceless.
So much of your narration provides a glimpse into the results of what has been happening. Much of what you saw in the 60s and 70s has happened all across America in the 80s and 90s if you look at the inner cities.
Your experiences in Russia and Europe in your youth clearly impacted your world view and your clear vision of current events. (I have a similar background, born in Venezuela, raised there as well as Libya, Italy, Switzerland. The majority of my formative years were spent in Libya. My family was there when Gaddafi took power. I’ve been in 2 revolutions, and been evacuated 3 times by the military over the years for pandemic outbreaks, oil explosions or dangerous political unrest. This is one of the reasons I never worried about Covid…I saw worse afflictions daily.) Our world view in the US is exceedingly narrow and our understanding of world history as well as our own history is minimal. All of this makes us easy to manipulate. Our western society is incredibly spoiled and self indulgent (Demi Lovato, et al). The generations in America who grew up in the Great Depression and who knew great hardship are mostly gone now and what remains is a coddled and self absorbed people. This is a generalization, I know. There are many of us in “fly-over” country who know the value of our labors and appreciate the great country we are living in. Let’s hope they stand up to the garbage being forced on us by the Deep State, the NWO, the Davos crowd, etc…
Wow, you have some stories to tell! Americans definitely need some toughening up and I am sure that day is coming.
I agree there will be some very tough times coming, especially for the younger crowd who grew up knowing only plenty and cannot function without their smart devices! I’m afraid it’s going to be a rude awakening. I’m old enough to remember my grandmother’s stories of the Great Depression. I also remember tales of Russian fighter pilots who defected to the US who thought, when taken to an American grocery store, that it was all a stage set to impress them, because they could not believe there could be that much food for the common people. I remember pictures of Soviet and Iron Curtain stores with lines of people just trying to get a few staples. Those are the images I never forgot and so many here don’t know or remember. We are incredibly, incredibly lucky in this country and should be thankful. Too few are. We need to be willing to protect and safeguard our country because the alternative is pretty damn dismal! #GodBlessAmerica
My family hosted Russian exchange students in the early 80s (and from other countries too). I was maybe 9-10 years old. I remember they drove our car (a station wagon ! :) to our local grocery store, not a big town at all. When they returned the entire back of the car was filled with toilet paper. They bought like as much as they could fit!. When my parents asked why, they were like, "Well if we don't get it all today, it will be gone tomorrow!" Funny but sad truth too, on both sides. Of course we knew more than the average American family, but still until you experience that it's hard to really grasp how different our worlds were, and how spoiled we were. Of course, our current situation is a LOT more dire than just groceries and TP; (though it was a stark reminder when the Whole Foods in San Francisco was emptied of TP and just about everything else the moment the "pandemic - shelter in place martial law" was announced. Actually it was even before that. It was planet of the apes, among the richest most privileged people...human nature revealed, though not "umasked" so to speak). Anyway, I hope for better but fear the worst. Even though we shouldn't fear. Be in the Kingdom of Light, because darkness is here.
Yes, hope for the best, prepare for the worst. It’s just another form of “insurance”. Being prepared, emotionally as well as physically, is what gives us some modicum of power over our situation. Much easier to not be fearful when you have some control over your environment. I always go back to God helps those who helps themselves.
A fellow traveller indeed! I too was born in Venezuela; and spent my childhood in Venezuela, Holland & Iran. I have survived an earthquake as well as living in Iran (bordering USSR) as the Cuban missile crisis unfolded (it was a dangerous time). Amazing how I have survived, really. I don't feel I now need text messages from the UK government to advise me of impending disasters. I seem to get by perfectly well on my own; and if I don't, well, too bad.
Boy, would we have a lot to talk about!
Wouldn't we just!
Such a valuable perspective. Totally agree how spoiled (and blind) we in the West are. One leads to the history goes.
I would say 1 and 1/2 men. Trump is at least partially beholden to big pharma (as well as his massive ego) because of campaign money which is why he still shills for the jabs.
That's why I make the point more than once that it isn't about whether or not you agree with Trump. The point is that our right to decide for ourselves is being taken from us.
Even though the shilling is not appreciated, it still doesn’t cancel out the ONLY one who wants to fight for us + loves the country….whose policy is ‘America First’, which sounds great to Patriots. However, going up against the Deep State is one thing, but can he fight the Globalists? Hopefully so, IF he will be blessed with success in ‘24. 🤷♀️ 🙏
When the classified thing broke a while back, I thought it sounded like BS at first intuition.
First of all, why would they give permission to take the documents home, when they can be read at the offices? This is a huge security risk and I really doubt they would allow any document to be taken home.
Second, why would there not be any tracking system that determines when a document has not been returned?
It smelled like a bullshit story to create a narrative that is now being used to try and get Trump. But the next step will be using it to get rid of Biden, so they can put in new blood like gruesome Newsom or our favorite spook, mayor Pete.
Obviously, both of them are way down in support compared to rfk Jr, just like in the red team where Trump trumps most candidates. 😂
Karen, every piece you write is amazing with your insights, illustrations, wisdom. This one again eclipses even the best of those. Have you read “Live Not By Lies” by Rod Dreher? you must. I will gift it to you if you need a copy. Thank you for everything you do. It’s hard work, but it’s what you are called to. So gifted.
Thank you. I haven't read it but now I definitely will.
it’s so on point with many of your core theses, and especially relevant to our times. the history of the decline, fall, demise of freedom (especially and mostly religious Christian freedom in 20th century Eastern Europe) is like a mirror of the West and America today. As observed by survivors of that time who are sounding the alarm to us now. But we are largely blind. Esp. the “leaders”. you will really appreciate it.
I'm ordering it today. Thanks!
Hi Karen, check your coffee account at KoFi - i want to get this for you. 🙏🏼
So true, Maximus, so true!
I have to say my sister Karen you are feeling the pulse for sure of the reality of the world and specifically America ...normal is not coming back Jesus Christ is, that is where I place my hope! Titus 2:13....maranatha!!
Great piece Karen, thank you !
What a wake-up call. Thank you, Karen-not-a-Karen!
Hard to see you as a Karen. Maybe you'll have to start using your middle name, like the rich folk do and let your first name be an initial, lol.
Haha, all of that just makes me more determined to say my name loud and clear. Actually, my parents named me after Keren-happuck from the Bible. She was Job's daughter that God gave to him after he prospered again. So whatever people say--and they have accused me of being a 'Karen' in the most vile manner, it really doesn't matter to me as they just display their ignorance. I keep the best of it all in my heart.
What a beautiful story and name!
an y'all know the "original" central park "Karen" was unfairly so-named & unjustly vilified too (don't have a link but Bari Weiss's The Free Press covered it... poor gal lost her job and her apartment--got spit at, etc) So this lady wuz petite and mildly on the autism spectrum an' had no reputation of bein' a tattle tale or complainer--just socially awk. So the bird-watcher that tried to nab her dog was a very big guy, imposin' and KNOWN to tempt dogs with a bag of treats an' then hold 'em until the owners leashed 'em an' left the park so no birds would skeer n' fly away. If yer a dog lover (I am!), someone tryin' ta take yer dog IS threatenin'--no matter what color his skin is. Gosh. The man was a forceful, scary, imposing dude per MEN who also spoke out about his well-known antics ("Karen" in the story was unaware of the man or his rep...). So this lil' lady mildly on the spectrum was natch'rly intimidated an' freaked out. Her call fer help wuz HEAVILY edited fer "sensational coverage" cuz she didn't keep repeatin' stuff about the guy intimidating her being black--there wuz so much static on the poor connection she had ta repeat her entire spiel -- includin' the description because THEY (on the 911 line) asked fer it. A few others came to this lady's defense but it wuz all too late... If ya saw recent coverage of the pregnant lady on the bike--of folks callin' HER a "Karen" an' mockin' her "fake" tears--you'd see how they dunnit--because pregnant bike lady was in the right... No matter, she's already gotten the "Karen" treatment--she's on leave from work (paid?) an' the folks in her apartment complex want HER out too... no doubt they'll git their wishes granted... that's how it rolls in New Yawk. So yeah, even the "Karen" in the presses deserves empathy... an' of course the talented Karen here much more for her enlightenin' insightful writin' n' drawin' too!
Great essay!
Frederick , I have read enough of what you write to know you are too brilliant to be taken in by all the scripted melodrama that has gone on in the media surrounding Trump since 2015. Please stop and consider the idea that all of this is scripted narratives designed to cause extreme polarization and division in the US. I haven't believed Trump was for real since just about day one. I can't now fathom how any intelligent person can't see how fake all of this is. The writer of this blog isn't doing anyone any favors for spending 9 hours writing a piece that just assumes Mr. Warp Speed is just a good guy. He is just another flavor of THEM. There has to be huge cognitive dissonance in many people that still support a man that, to this day, will not admit there is anything wrong with the vaxxes he shilled for. He is no different than Fauci or anyone of those monsters in that respect is he? I just had to say something on this thread that seems hopelessly detached from reality to me. I picked you because we have talked before and I respect you.
ET - thank you for the note. I am honored you took the time to write the to me. I too have had doubts about Trump since the beginning but was somewhat drawn by some of his good accomplishments. Indeed, he pushed the "vaccine" and his behavior is nothing short of psychopathic. I never went to any of his rallies or donated. Coincidentally, I just had a personal conversation with a buddy who thinks he is a unwitting (witting?) prop of the masters to divide the Republican party to sway voters to go for Biden. I avoid the topic because I have good friends who continue to like him. But that is not really being honest with myself. So, here it is in is the open! So, with humble pie, please don't block me Karen, you do have good stuff.
In this piece I'm really not interested in whether or not people like Trump. If anyone fixates on that, they have missed the point. The point is that our freedom of choice is being taken away. Maybe we never even had it in the first place, but I've lived everywhere from Egypt to communist Yugoslavia, to Bolivia, and I can tell you, The United States is the freest country on earth. However, those days are fading. If you've read the entire essay, then you know it's more about recognizing what's going on, and I bring that out by writing about my past experiences, so that it's clear. Anyone can read my other essays, like Twitter vs Remdesivir, where I am not too kind to Trump since he promoted Remdesivir. Anyway, why would I block you when one of the most important topics I write about is free speech and that we should not have to agree with each other in order to respect one another.
Thanks for the kind feedback, Karen. I really did not think you would block me as that was just a knee jerk reaction on my part. The concept of "...not have to agree with each other in order to respect one another..." is the best thing I have seen in a long time! I got into it with a few people on Notes and it was nasty. I never used a curse word (they did) and I offered to agree to disagree but that was rejected! Made them even more angry. It seems the anti-freedom people (who claim freedom) can never go for that! I had to block them for fear of future harassment.
I know all about that. I've had the most vile things said about me, actions as well, and in fact I was cancelled by Hollywood elite back in the early 2000s, so I'm an old hand at this. I, too, do not swear. The Bible says when you react with kindness to hatred it's like "heaping hot coals of fire" on their head. Lol. So much more effective than uncontrollable anger. The thing is, you have to be prepared for them to hate you even more. It's not easy. But that's how it is.
Thank you for another excellent essay and your artwork. Your dad and mom would be so very proud of you❤️
Thank you! We are seeing all of these things unfold before our eyes. I know my parents would love to be here now. My dad would be in his element, preaching!
so true! so well put! I too reflect back on my long-ago trip ta USSR an' planned to do my own little piece on the "grocery stores"--an oxymoron there! (it wuz still actin' like USSR in the 1980s by the way...) an' bein' totally floored by the much anticipated "Gum" (ladies coats: options of standard issue include the rough gray "wool" blend in three sizes, ditto in rough navy, ditto in dirt brown--two unflatterin' styles available!). Beneath the crumbly but once-elegant plaster ornamentation thick-legged tired faces in orthopedic-lookin' footware an' saggin' "stockings" lined up (long lines too!) for what appeared to be sub-par floor sweepers in semi-crushed sagging boxes lethargically hoisted onto a utilitarian formica table (under the gilded walnut ceiling crowns) by salesgirls with regrettably over-bleached hair an' too much blue eye shadow. NEVER never never thought that 'd be AmeriKa but I've no doubt that's the plan. (sigh) You said it all 'bout Tucker an' The Donald--couldn't agree more. Meanwhile in blue states like the one I'm in--folks CANNOT will not "think" 'bout this stuff--they really DO wannna see the full out cancellation of both 've these men an' cannot fathom that their cancellation means their own... their petty voices shoutin' fer blood (31 counts an' they demand blood, not knowing it's a dirge...) Among those who SEE truth (an' my friends who came from E. Bloc see it all clearly...) there is STILL much lethargy tho... Americans don't know what the heck to do... even them that "see" what's comin' down the pike... Heck, I don't know what ta do either! (apart from substack, I write letters, sign petitions, show up at rallies...and I don't kid myself that that's jack squat--somebuddy needs ta take down the 5g towers, scramble the computers when the baddies 'r doin' their war games... all skills beyond me...) Anyway, I'm sorry ta say it but ya called it right--the downfall of the "T's" (however imperfect, flawed etc) is the FALL for us all... (an' Russia is laughin' now...)
ps ha re. miss lovato--I 'member the printed newspaper hangin' on a wire in USSR an' ya had to pay the p-p lady fer the paper sheet too!
Once again….Thank You, Karen! Knocked it out of the park!
Thank you for sharing your insightful thoughts.
We are the better for it.
P.S. Hoping Trump stays off Twit….for reasons you so brilliantly presented.
Thank you 🙏🏻🤍
Absolutely true
Me, too.