Jun 30·edited Jun 30Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Wow that was some great writing a lot there and you're right King David was a flawed human being and yet he was known as a man after God's Own Heart read Psalm 51 and find out why... at the end of the day we are all flawed and all of this is coming to an end, a lot of what you wrote sounds like what's going to be happening during the Tribulation where people can't buy or sell without the mark everybody and everything is tracked ...thank you Jesus for coming into the world and dying for the sins of the world so that we have a way out and into eternity into the Perfect City...maranatha!!

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Jun 30Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Thank you for another great article! I went to elementary school in the '60s also. My mom took us to the first "health food" store in our town and we could have carob, no chocolate. We never had soda or "fast food". We got vitamin C if we had a cold, no antibiotics. We did ride our bikes down to the local toy store which had penny candy, if we had earned money doing chores, but still nothing with chocolate!

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I bought lots of candy on Saturdays after I got my allowance for my chores 😂

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Jul 1Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Another beautiful essay. Maybe we are doomed but you give me hope. I've learned so much and do my best to pass this on to others. I'm finding out more people believe as I, especially in rural areas. It's so nice to be able to share my thoughts with like minded people and not getting shouted down by people who can't see what's really going on. I've learned to put my faith in God, not some corrupt lying politician. And realized celebrities are fools being used by our corrupt govt. Don't even get me started on this Taylor Swift Travis Kelsey clown show. I feel they took a sweet innocent young girl and turned her into to something I lost all respect for.

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Yeah, Taylor Swift is a crazy topic that I haven't had the energy to deal with lol.

I think more and more people are throwing up their hands in despair and saying, what else can we do but put our trust in God. There's no other way. I'm glad my writing can give you some hope. That keeps me going!

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