Guess who per population were the most represented in the Nazi party?

The doctors. Because Menegele let them run wild with human experimentation.

Fast forward to the Covid plandemic. See the connection?

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And still I have Holocaist deniers commenting here. I keep thinking they have all.left by now but they haven't


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Hate and idiocy. A lethal combination.

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They are losers with no lives so they scour the internet for Jews to harass. So freaking lame.

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https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vrba%E2%80%93Wetzler_report These men revealed the horrors of the Auschwitz to the rest of the world

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To get back to the article, thank you Karen. What an incredibly brave and unselfish human being Witold was ? As one of my dear late father's countrymen I am very proud.

No idea what Musk is up to, I hope he did not mean what it looks like he meant !

Stand for Israel on this special day 🇮🇱. Shalom.

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Amen. Thank you.

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https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vrba%E2%80%93Wetzler_report These men revealed the horrors of the Auschwitz to the rest of the world

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Thank you for this post sister,

Grace and peace to you.

Memory Eternal! 🕯️

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You are correct. Everyone should watch Screams Before Silence. It's very informative and also heart breaking.

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I'm astonished that it isn't on every news station. It should be on Netflix, Amazon but it neber will be.

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Thank you for this important post, Karen. And for sharing “Screams before the Silence”. Remembering and praying for all of the victims and their families today on Holocaust Day of Remembrance 💔. I’m thinking of a verse I read in Revelations, ch 6:10, “How long, Sovereign Lord, holy and true, until you judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood?” Somewhere else in Revelation it reads, just a little longer. God’s timing is different than ours. Looking forward to that day when all of the wrongs will be made right.

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Exactly, we live by faith on this planet. Our sense of time and our ability to understand is finite, compared to an infinite Creator.

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https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vrba%E2%80%93Wetzler_report These men revealed the horrors of the Auschwitz to the rest of the world

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Thanks for a timely post well told. So many untold stories of people taking a stand against evil. Years ago, I read the Pilecki account; an astounding accomplishment the West just sat on it - no kudos for us. The British SAS liberated the first of the camps, Bergen-Belsen. The films are past horrific. There's a sort of pent-up feeling, running in the background, portending possible peril.

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Thank you for writing this, Karen.

I had not even heard of the "Screams Before Silence" film. Very painful to watch, I cannot even imagine how agonized the victims were, and still are. Thank you for sharing the truth of what has been happening to innocents since the attack began on Oct 7th.

As for Holocaust deniers, the Truth is simply not in them. There is too much evidence. To deny this is to say that Truth has no value.

Never forget.

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100 percent.

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In Jerusalem on that day. Thank you for this article. I know thus wont last forever but it makes me sick to see the young people in this country celebrating rapist and kidnapping, when they are done with the Jews they will come for you, don’t fool yourselves.

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How wonderful to be in Jerusalem. The most beautiful astounding city.

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I am not Jewish but I keep the Sabbath and the Holy days and Oct 7 2023 we were celebrating the last great day, and members of Gods Church were

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I am in tears again.

And I will never forget. I was born in 1984 but my great-great-grandmother's name is on wall in the synagogue in Munich as she was killed in Theresienstadt. This I know to be real. Her daughter's hiding in someone's basement for 4 years I know to be real. Her grand-daughter (my grand-mother's) exile to the UK I know to be real.

Thank you for sharing this story of an unsung hero. Thanks to you he is being remembered just a little bit more.

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My grandfather was a member of the Polish Resistance and an engineer. He told me that his primary mission was to parachute into Germany and steal the plans for the nuclear bomb. He was captured and spent the last 6 months of the war in Auschwitz. He later traveled to England where he met my grandmother and had my mother. They immigrated to California and founded a medical device company. He spent the remainder of his days working on Jaguars and making violins from scratch. Yet the horrors of the war lived inside him still and my mother still carries the scars. We will not forget.

This was her song for him, maybe a little silly but I wanted to share it anyways.


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Amazing story. Thank you!

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Pilecki is my biggest hero, after Jesus Christ. I have a picture of him on our dining room wall. I think that more people should know his story in the West. Fascists, communists, imperialists, he courageously stood up to them all. We need a movie about him. So many people are cynical and don’t believe in heroes or saints anymore. But they were real. And they still are. And maybe if we think about them and honor them more, we can live up to them just a little.

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Witold Pilecki‘s life was both amazing and utterly heartbreaking.

Thank you for emphasizing his wrongful persecution by the Soviets and how they worked overtime to tarnish and diminish his reputation for decades. Only now does there seem to be a new interest in his story.

Pilecki‘s Report (in Polish, but available on Netflix) details his horrific treatment by the Soviets after WW2.

Also would reccomend reading Jan Karski‘s work, “Story of a Secret State”. Karski had tried desperately to warn the world of the Final Solution.

Unlike Pilecki, Karski took heed of warnings to leave Poland after the war, and he became a successful professor at Georgetown for many years.

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It is scary what the world has come to... again. And what is scarier is what will be written in the new history books.

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Wowww, what a story.

I have read a lot of stories, I have so many books. I think they are packed up now. My daddy also gave me many books.

Wowww, amazing he escaped. I read this twice, well written Karen, Excellent.

My daddy was just a dutch citizen, taken up in a razzia in 1943 and taken to north Germany to do "clean up" as my father only shared. They were not abused but they were filthy and all had lice. Anyway, when the war was "over" he and other prisoners had to walk home. It took two weeks and it was scary.

My daddy lived to 99.5

His younger brother was picked up in a razzia at one point and put on a train. along the train trip, he jumped off of the train!!! and lived in a barn for two years.

So many stories

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Wow, amazing. These are the stories to be passed down hopefully from generation to generation.

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Thank you for today's writing. On this special day, it sent a couple of shivers up my spine. Can you imagine what the Holocaust survivors, like Tova Friedman have had to carry for 80+ years? And, 80 years later, Holocaust survivors in Israel are witnessing their grandchildren fighting to survive. (I'll watch the video another day). Imagine the bravery of people like Witold Pilecki. It is because of noble souls like Witold that there is freedom in parts of the world.

On this day it is so important to remember: Those that do not learn from history are condemned to repeat it. History, and its lessons, are available for us all. Read and learn. What happened in Europe could easily happen here. Who will invade, kill us and torture us? Will it be the Chinese or the Jihad Hamas or Hezbollah? Will it be our own government?

Who is ready to fight for our liberty and freedom? Are you ready to take up arms for your family, friends, community and nation? Will you die as a slave or prisoner or live as a free person?

The choice is yours. Now is a good time to make your choice. God Bless the USA.


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Shalom 🙏

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