trashing smartphones, smart wearables is good, NO to 5G /wireless tech infrastructure & EMP radiation toxic to health, kids’ growing bodies in schools & neighborhoods is better.

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Love that they're paving the way! You made my day. Restacked.

What most of us forget is that blue light itself is an EMF: https://romanshapoval.substack.com/p/the-1-emf-youve-forgotten-about

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It's true. People do not think about blue light and EMF. I've written about this too, but your piece really goes into it. Thanks. So many topics to write about! Restacked as well.

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Thank you so much Karen. I'm so happy to have connected and found you on here. Have a good night/day.

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Smartphones are crucial (as surveillance devices) for the eco-biosecuirty regime in the make... "Dumb" is good but it's landlines that rule ;)

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I'm very encouraged by this report. Smombie describes most people much of the time. The few kids who go Luddite early will have an enormous advantage in life.

PS I'd post it here but it's too gruesome: I came across a video of a man who had a seziure while riding his scooter-- as he lay twitching on the pavement a person walked by, glued to her smartphone, literally didn't even see him, and another person, parked by the side of the road and checking his smartphone, glanced at the twitching person on the asphalt, and just went back to scrolling. It would seem unbelievable except that I see people hyper-enchanted by their smartphones every day, all around me.

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Ugh, horrible. This is what our world has come to!

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It has come to this, yes, but I notice the ones who do NOT bring their smartphone to the table, who do NOT find an excuse to bring out the smartphone during conversation. Other things equal, those are my peeps. So far, in my immediate circles, my dogs qualify.

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Ex-doomscroller here, been off social media for over a year and am leaning hard towards a flip phone again. The amount of my time and attention I have gotten back is incredible, not to mention my outlook on life. Sure, you could scroll the news and see how it says the world is horrible but every time I go for a walk I experience a beautiful world worth exploring.

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I read this just as I was about to take off for a two hour hike! The best feeling.

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I went back to a flip phone 2 years ago (and it's usually turned off and in a drawer). Not going back!

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Really appreciate this piece Karen , hoping I can use it to broaden my teenagers perspective!

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It's nice once in a while to remember all is not lost!

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Amen, and hopefully this gets more traction among the youth.

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OOH, the spirit of true rebellion here! Great article, how heartening to read that kids (who every professional seems to think are unable to make any decisions that might benefit their mental health without them!) are taking things into their own hands. This gives me such optimism. Remember the 100th monkey theory, it doesn't take that large of a percentage for this to flip the collective! Thanks for brightening my morning! I trust kids far more than many; I know they came here with purpose, and they will find their way to it. We need to believe in their innate wisdom and encourage them to practice it.

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Yep. I have faith our youth will find creative ways to rebel in the future that we cannot even imagine now.

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Cellphones aren't just emotionally numbing; they're also physically harmful. We just don't notice this because the harm they cause doesn't cause PAIN, at least not until it morphs into cancers, etc. https://cellphonetaskforce.org/cell-phones-questions-and-answers-2/ As for schools, they're now outfitted with electronic "smartboards", each giving off its own EMF radiation that's above safe levels, and each student (most of whom already brought their own smartphone to school with them) is equipped with a (wireless) laptop, which is also giving off EMF radiation WAY in excess of safe levels. At least that's how it was (probably still is) in the nice little school in northern Maine at which I subbed--nice if only because the ppl in it weren't FORCED to wear masks. All the teachers I met were wonderful ppl, heroic, even; but their jobs had been almost entirely reduced to keeping the students "on task" filling out their canned studies on those laptops, making sure those laptops were functioning, and babysitting.

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Fortunately, you can find little pockets of resistance, like the school you mentioned. We have to keep them going as long as we possibly can.

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How's that a "pocket of resistance?" Because the parents demanded that masking be optional--when there's zero evidence that masking does the slightest bit of good, lots of evidence that it does harm, & was only allowed in the first place as part of Emergency Use Authorization for a "virus" which has yet to be proven to exist? A 95% fail, maybe, instead of 100%....

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Absolutely- plus the blue light depletes dopamine, which impairs melatonin regeneration as a result.

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I can’t “like” this post enough! I LOVE it!!♥️♥️♥️

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That makes me happy! It's nice to be able to write something hopeful everyone once in a while--which is why I always make sure to write inspirational essays at least once a month!

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Thanks for this excellent essay Karen! I restacked it as it goes perfectly with the digital detox and cognitive liberty articles that I have been writing over the last month. It is a perfect post to share with teens (we just listened to the audio version it over breakfast) as part of the ‘Hostage Negotiator’s Guide to Cognitive Liberty’: The first catalyst for change is to lay out the truth and let people make their own decisions. https://schooloftheunconformed.substack.com/p/a-hostage-negotiators-guide-to-cognitive

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Thank you for sharing your excellent article. I am glad to have found you!

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Thanks Karen:) So glad to have found you as well! I just read your entire bio and, wow, I'll certainly be digging into your archive. If you liked my most recent article, I am guessing you would find this of interest as well 'From Feeding Moloch to Digital Minimalism' https://schooloftheunconformed.substack.com/p/from-feeding-moloch-to-digital-minimalism. I was also very interested to read that you work with art and writing projects with children. During the pandemic I felt that they never had any chance to say their part, and started a 'Freedom Short Story Contest' for which the prize money was donated in silver coins. They wrote wonderful stories which you can find on my site here https://humanitasfamily.net/freedom-short-story-contest/ (the stories are in two age categories on a sub-tab). I am planning on running another contest for youth this summer focused on creative language use in the time of AI. I'll post details on this soon. Looking forward to read more of your work:)

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Smartphones are created to control people, just as the social platforms.

Much more of these technologies were deployed by militar surveillance than we think.

More and more technologie....and less and less education.

Things appear in the world and inmediatly are coopted to dominance and control.

We must stepping back from the technological nightmare before is too late.

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There are religious communities and institutions where smart phones are banned. If I didn't need it for business I'd throw it in the garbage. Kids are much better off without them.

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Yeah, they are great for certain limited uses unfortunately it doesn't end there.

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This is all so true... my granddaughter just turned 12 and has her own iPhone. She knew how to swipe through her mom's iPad when she was 2. I'm worried about her, of course. But all the kids in her class have smartphones and it's become a status symbol as well as a peer necessity. I can't intervene, however much I talk to her parents about it.

On a related note, I just got locked out of Facebook after being 'away' for a few weeks. The email and 2FA phone number are no longer working. So... I'm not going back. It's a tremendous relief to sever the ties with that CIA-controlled pathetic monstrosity.

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We can cheer the kids, but it's up to the adults to serve as an example. Most are failing miserably.


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May 17, 2023
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This is all so frightening. The worst of it is that it is on a global scale, thanks to technology. Even if we shut Pandora's Box now, it is too late. We have to deal with what we have in front of us now and find creative ways to combat it.

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Scary yet not surprising

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