Oh my, Karen; this breaks my heart. I’m 72 now and, after a lifetime of supporting women’s rights, I begin to despair. I can’t understand how young women can so take their freedoms for granted that they can support Islamism. We have historically had to fight so hard to achieve our freedoms; hoe can they throw it away?

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"He disliked nearly all women, and especially the young and pretty ones. It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers−out of unorthodoxy." ~Winston Smith (George Orwell - 1984)

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Sad but so often true.

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I would add the low-testosterone, simp men to the list. So many of today's weaker men have adopted the agreeableness that is usually attributed to women. Orwell's quote was from the 1950s, but the quote today easily encompasses both men and women. However, over the last four years, it was always a woman chastising me for not wearing a mask.

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Agree. I was focusing on women but that is also part of the problem.

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This was a painful read but I cannot turn away regardless of the discomfort. Thank you for making me more aware.

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🙏 it was painful to write. Thank you for having the courage to read.

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I'm appalled by the many comments here painting groups with the same brush, especially women. I know many women who are critical thinkers and don't buy into the rhetoric of wokism. And I know plenty of men who have bought into the nonsense: hook, line and sinker.

It's apparent to me that we can can blame the education system for much of the hysterical cross eyed thinking. Social media plays a big part too. Pathetic parenting and a shallow society focused on everything except character, virtue and purpose leads to a perfect storm that is destroying Western civilization.

Divide and conquer is working for the heirachy exploiting us. Instead of fighting among ourselves, we need to recognize that it's by design. Men and women should stop hating each other, and place that disdain where it belongs: to the rich and powerful and the governments who play the game.

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Unlike their menfolk, white Western women tend to be driven by pathological compassion. They simply cannot say "no" to anyone (besides their own men). This results in irreparable damage to Western civilization. Just look at what women have done to Western Europe since 2015 when Mother Merkel invited the entire Third World to come not only to Germany but all of the EU.

Women flocked to train stations holding up "Refugees Welcome" signs giving no thought as to whether or not the mostly military-age males (>90%) could adapt to a Western society or if they even had any desire to do so. For the record, these were economic opportunists posing as refugees.

To use a specific example, Sweden which had been a paradise quickly devolved into a dangerous place, particularly for women as the crime rate skyrocketed after 2015. Today Sweden has dozens of so-called "No Go Zones" where natives do not dare to enter. A few years ago there were reports that both police and firefighters refused to respond to calls from these areas. Grenade tossing was a popular sport introduced by the new arrivals in Sweden.

One incident achieved global coverage when a 20-ish Swedish woman noticed a Middle Eastern man brought aboard her flight. She immediately decided to save him and began livestreaming the event. Soon other passengers stood up and joined her. The next day she discovered that the man was being deported to Afghanistan for literally whipping his wife and daughters.

( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VnTgW0I8_ls )

Over the past 3 decades, Britain has experienced industrial-scale rape of young white women by Pakistani grooming gangs who view Western females as being unworthy of respect. It's gone on this long and continues to this day because a worse crime is to be labeled as Islamophobic.

Since Biden took over he has allowed 10 to 13 million unvetted illegals to walk across the border and receive a free phone and debit card preloaded with $10,000. Then we hear heartbreaking stories of women and children being raped or murdered such as Laken Riley and Kate Steinle, respectively.

When we men speak up we are told to shut up. Back around 2016, Merkel's kids began loitering around a busy train station in The Netherlands and harassing female commuters. Finally, the menfolk went to the station and dealt with the culprits. Did they receive a thank you from the feminists? Nope, instead the response was outrage and a #notyourwoman hashtag trending.

It's women, not men who believe that the gates should be open for anyone and everyone to just waltz in and be rewarded with free room and board in a nice hotel. Men in contrast are hardwired to see where this compassion is headed and that once the you-know-what hits the fan, they will have to deal with the problem. (Just another example of male privilege.)

I could go on about the insanity of allowing creepy men into women's changing rooms and sports is another result of this pathological compassion, but will stop here.


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When we men speak up we are told to shut up. Back around 2016, Merkel's kids began loitering around a busy train station in The Netherlands and harassing female commuters. Finally, the menfolk went to the station and dealt with the culprits. Did they receive a thank you from the feminists? Nope, instead the response was outrage and a #notyourwoman hashtag trending.

It's women, not men who believe that the gates should be open for anyone and everyone to just waltz in and be rewarded with free room and board in a nice hotel. Men in contrast are hardwired to see where this compassion is headed and that once the you-know-what hits the fan, they will have to deal with the problem. (Just another example of male privilege.)

I could go on about the insanity of allowing creepy men into women's changing rooms and sports is another result of this pathological compassion, but will stop here.


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Can't argue with that. Women need to wake up. As a woman who is hardwired to value reason over emotion, that's why I write about these things. Although, I have to say, I've met plenty of over-emotional men, believe me lol.

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I am weeping--------everything is so upside down- Thank you for this article- I will share with many strong women who honor truth and real freedom and the oneness of the female of the human race.

Hopefully we can shine more light in this darkness- you are the bearer of the torch Karen

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I cry every time I write Dr. Parsi's words. It makes me so sad.

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It never ceases to amaze me at how western women, particularly the younger generation grasp onto these trends without realizing what they are doing strips away at our own hard won rights in the western world. I recognize that Muslim woman have right to chose whether to wear a hijab or not when they live in North American, that being if their families allow it. Still it bothers me to see a woman wear one, or worse yet veiled. It is not a prejudice, it is just a reminder of the type of oppression of women that still exists in the modern world. You quote Ayaan Hirsi Ali in your piece. I don't know if you know where that quote came from, it was at the very end of an interview she did in a show called On The Map,with Canadian media commentator Avi Lewis, son of the former leader of the Canadian socialist party the NDP. He sparred with Ali over her love of the US, which Lewis has an deranged hate, she got fed up with his nonsense and ended the interview with that remark. Here's a link to the whole interview. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=08EYqwyns-k&t=28s

I would alsoventure to say that another example of western woman, again particularly the younger ones, is the extreme elements of the transgenderism. Many young women are fine with men who become women simply by saying they feel like a woman, buying into the notion that a woman is anyone who identifies as one, but yet they cannot define the word woman. They are unknowingly erasing what it means to be a woman. That's probably a whole other essay you can write.

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Thanks for the link. I hadn't seen that video. Wow! Such an inspiring woman. I haven't written specifically about women supporting their own disappearance with the trans movement although I often write about that topic, also in relation to the ultimate goal of transhumanism and then post humanism. I try to warn people that none of this is for our own food, we are rats in a lab, a global experiment for the elite. I did recently write on the topic in Empire of Illusion https://open.substack.com/pub/khmezek/p/empire-of-illusion

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Yes Ali is truly an inspiration. In my substack The Intrepid Viking I have written at length on the extreme and violent elements of the trans movement as it pertains to women. As in this piece Trans Violence Runs Amok. https://roxannehalverson.substack.com/p/violent-trans-activism-runs-amok

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Thank you for making me aware of your substack. Excellent information.

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I noted you like my article on the trial of the Coutts Three. I don't know how much you're aware of the corruption around Trudeau government, the RCMP and the justice system regarding the Coutts Four who were held in remand custody for two years without bail or going to trial. They were arrested during at the Coutts Border Blockade protest in Alberta in conjunction with the Freedom Convoy. I have written extensively about this in my newsletter on substack The Coutts Four Chronicles. https://roxannehalverson.substack.com/s/the-coutts-four-chronicles

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This was definitely a painful read, but the absolute courage of these women demonstrating what a true freedom fighter is all about is truly amazing and such a powerful message.

Western women that support tyranny like the woke suburban soccer moms we have to deal with here in the United States are useful idiots for the Biden regime.

I would gladly trade all of them for these brave women you mentioned here in this wonderful article.

Thank you again for such a powerful message and history lesson.

Godspeed my friend.

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Thank you 🙏

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Dear Karen, I still have tears in my eyes over the bravery and suffering and struggle you describe in this article. In my 20s I probably was one of those silly over-educated Western girls protesting for and against things I did not truly understand. For some reason, a lot of the hipocrisy behind Greenpeace, WWF, et al soon became pretty clear for me - I wonder why for many (including my contemporaries at university) it does not.

In 2019 I spent a year in Norway and was fortunate to get to know the local Kurdish refugee community. I was first of all appalled that I had never heard of this marginalised group of people (Moi? An educated, socially aware Western girl?) and dumbfounded by these women's strength and bravery building new lives so far away from home, without any chance of going back, amongst the ice and cold of Norway. And how they received me, a priviliged foreigner who barely had a common language with them (many did not speak English and my Norwegian was beginne rlevel), with open arms and hospitality.

Thank you for all your writing and inspiration. I hope I can truly leave behind my naive 20-year old self and become as brave as you and the women you write about.

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As I said to another person, every time I write or talk about De Paris, I cry. I can't help it.

One of the best things a young person can do is spend time abroad. Not just as a tourist staying in some nice hotel but like you did in Norway. How wonderful that you had an opportunity to get to know some Kurdish women.

Imagine all the wonderful things students could learn about if they were told inspiring stories like this. That would be a real education that would teach them to be courageous and caring adults. It's so sad! God bless you!

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Thanks, definitely an educating piece for me, the stories of proper heroic women suffering are so sad. Western society seems to be so sick.

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Thanks, KH. You have clarified so much about hijab in non-Islamic and Islamic states for me.

Sexist no matter where.

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It’s degrading as it specifically marks women out as seen as nothing but a sex object.

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hijab is all the rage in Sweed-dumb (I'm sad ta say):


Will they ever learn?

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So ridiculous!

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I enjoyed this article, Karen. Such wisdom in your words. Thank you for sharing.

Articles like this make it easier for me to NOT have an opinion on so many issues others are facing and protesting. I simply do not carry the frame of reference for every single issue out there.

Do I support freedom? 100%. Do I wish every female enjoyed the freedoms of the USA? 100%. While I wish these things I know that they will never be true for all women. Why? Sin. The human heart is wicked and there are many dishonorable humans in leadership positions who seek to divide and enslave. That is the devil's playbook - plays that have not changed since the Garden.

Christ alone. Where true freedom is found, the freedom that frees the SOUL regardless of the body.

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You hit the crux of the matter. Sin. Everyone thinks of they just change the regime, bring in a new system, it will be better. But unless we change the heart, we are just spinning our wheels.

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Hi Karen - this was an excellent essay and I will need to go back and read the historic links you included so I can learn more (only have time to read your words for the moment). It brought to mind the book Book of Queens by Pardis Mahdavi about the Iranian horsewomen who fought the Taliban. These current encampments have made feel very uncomfortable - i have friends who are reposting all of what is floating around the social media world, using all the same word salads and connecting all the same dots to try and come up with all the injustices. The support of Hamas (and now approved by the Ayatollah himself via his X account) just makes me very annoyed - how can they not see this?!? They are supporting Hamas who are funded by Iran who are continuing abuse women - the very same women they were cheering for not so long ago, as you so clearly stated. Maybe I am not so crazy ? 😜

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Incredibly powerful essay,

Semper Fortis! ⚓🌐🧭💫

☦️ Grace and Peace to you.

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Excellent 🧕🏻🗡️☪️❤️‍🩹

Keep it up!

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